The National for January 23, 2018 - Trade Deal, Tsunami Warning, Bell Breach

The National for January 23, 2018 - Trade Deal, Tsunami Warning, Bell Breach

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It's, Tuesday January 23rd. And this is the National tonight. A tsunami. Alert puts British Columbia's readiness, to the test and reveals, flaws in the system a CBC. News exclusive. How a woman, named justice, tried to find some for two little girls who, were battered, and afraid, but. We begin with the largest, trade deal ever and why some say it could put NAFTA, at risk. So. The Canadian government, today just through the NAFTA negotiating, team right under the bus and so. I don't know how I feel for Steve or who'll I feel for Canadians, that are gonna be negatively impacted by this I can't, understand, for the life of me why they did this. Some. Fear Canada has thrown a wrench into NAFTA, talks at a crucial moment to climb on board with the new trans-pacific, partnership a massive, deal which, includes 11, countries and 14 percent of the world's economy but. Not the, United States Katie Simpson takes a closer look at who benefits and, what's at stake. There. Is a little more energy, and excitement, at the local cattle auction in Eastern Ontario today. Beef. Producers, are some of the biggest winners of the comprehensive. And progressive, trans-pacific, partnership, for. The future of our industry and our future producers, this deal is. A godsend, for a wide, range of Canadian, industries, including, cattle ranchers will be able to ship their products for less and more easily to the other ten countries in the agreement, including, Japan the world's third largest economy, we. Could add another two hundred million dollars worth of value of product, going into Japan once, this deal it gets, into play the, agreement, reached in Tokyo today is the, right deal, the, Prime Minister welcomed, the breakthrough, in negotiations. From the World Economic Forum, in Davos Switzerland, Justin. Trudeau had been the holdout walking, away from talks, last fall over, concerns, around the auto sector and protecting. Canadian culture, but. Discussions, continued, quietly and after, the trade ministers spent the weekend working the phones Canada.

Saw The concessions. I think. This. Is a great achievement for. And, Kenyan workers some. Canadian workers say the concessions, don't go far enough the. Automotive, industry is furious for GM Chrysler the auto parts suppliers everybody, is up in arms right now in Canada over what just transpired, unifor. President, jerry Dyess predicts, more than 20,000, job losses because, of the agreement he says the new rules of, origin are set so low the deal allows Japanese. Car makers to use cheap Chinese parts to build cars at home for less and then ship them to North America, but, Ottawa says it's found other protections. For the industry, we, also stood up for the auto sector making, sure that would have a side letter with Japan that, would provide the greatest market, access ever, for, the auto industry. The. Auto industry, is already on edge because of the ongoing nafta. Negotiations. Union, workers marched in montreal today where talks just resumed, but, Canada's chief negotiator, insists. The new deal won't, have an impact on talks with Mexico, and the u.s. TPP. Was a separate negotiation. With separate players separate, considerations. Nafta. Negotiation, has a dynamic all of its own, Katie. As we know is in Montreal for the NAFTA negotiations. Today. It was interesting Katie because the Canada's Minister of International Trade does. Say that those talks aren't compromised, and that the only message the TPP, sends to the US is that Canada needs, to diversify we'll play that and I'll get you to analyze it for us United. States is our largest trading partner and will always be there a geography. The size of the economy this, is a our. Relationship, is providing, millions of good middle-class jobs but. When you have more than 70%, of your export to one country I think people would realize that it's in Canada's, best interest to. The west, and to look east so. Do we think that this deal actually does affect the talks that you're watching today well. Rose yet first glance it looks like it could give Canada, some new leverage, NAFTA, talks are not going very well and finding new markets is important, in case this all goes south but, when you take a closer, look some of the things that Canada, agreed to in the CP TPP. Actually. Appeared, to oppose what they are fighting for in NAFTA the, US could look at concessions, Canada, made Andheri and then hey if you're making a concession in the New Deal why don't you make those concessions, in NAFTA and that could end up weakening, Canada's, position also, Donald.

Trump Does not like doing trade with the Chinese this. New deal could, see more Chinese, goods inadvertently. End up in Canada, and that may only work the US negotiators, rosy. Okay thanks, for that that's Katie Simpson in material tonight. Canada. Already has trade agreements, in place with more than 40 countries making. Up more than half of the global economy. One. Of our oldest, partnerships, is of course NAFTA, with the United States and Mexico which, has fundamentally, reshaped. The North American, economy two. Years ago we gained access to the entire European, Union of 28 states through cita and this, new trans-pacific, partnership deal, would add Japan's. Famously, closed domestic, market and some other emerging, Asian nations to that total so where are we headed next Canada's holding preliminary, talks with China the world's fastest, growing major economy and, were, already negotiating, a trade deal with India where the Prime Minister will be heading next month, part. Of the reason Canada seems to be so good at getting trade deals done is that free trade is something both conservative, and liberal governments, believe, helps the economy this. Country is going to have in the decades to come probably. The best global, free trade access, in, the world indeed, the past two deals were started, under conservatives, tweaked and signed by liberals, with what the Prime Minister calls more progressive, measures it's. Not easy it would have been easier for us to just say okay fine we trade is important we'll sign in and we'll try and figure it out later. But. If we're going to push back against. The anti, trade. Tendency. In, globalization. That will leave us all worse off, we. Have to put the concerns, and, the, well-being of. Our. Ordinary, citizens. At. The center of what we, are negotiating of. Course that is the polar opposite, of Canada's biggest trading partner, at least right now the, president just today preaching, more protectionism, as the answer to economic, woes our. Companies, will not be taken, advantage of, anymore, and our. Workers are going to have lots of really great jobs with products, that are gonna be made in the, good old USA. But. Perhaps the biggest key to Canada's, trade winds the experience, negotiating, team touted by this government and others as world-class. Stever. Who'll was the closer for the Canada Europe trade deal which gives this country access to a twenty trillion dollar market, he is now the lead negotiator for. NAFTA we've, come to Montreal with a lot of new ideas a lot, of creative strategies, to try to bridge some of the gaps in the negotiations. Okay. Let's head to BC and ian's where there were some awfully tense moments, for people out there this, morning and I guess last night as well well, rosy this after a huge earthquake, magnitude, 7.9, rattled, Alaska, early, in the morning and that triggered tsunami alerts up and down the west coast that. Is, what relief sounded, like in Tofino british columbia before dawn when, they heard a tsunami alert was cancelled that sleep-deprived. Group of residents was startled, awake and, told, to leave their homes and while evacuate, in some communities, jammed, roads leading to higher ground, not everyone. Got, the alerts.

Those. Few hours of fear turned into a test of the region's readiness, and as Catherine Cullen discovered, it's not clear whether the warning system passed. You. Might think people on Vancouver, Island could, use an extra cup of coffee after, a tsunami warning, in the middle of the night. Here. In sook many missed that warning entirely, I found out through Tyra and my staff she. Was, all like my parents called and woke me up this morning because of this who know me and I'm like what's, una okay it's, a little scary you, know I probably, would. Have if anything, had happened I wouldn't have known when, I heard the phone ring and I was just looking I'm like well who is this the mayor of sook knew a friend called and woke her up but. She wasn't alarmed he gave me a call and. And. Told me that this had happened and. I sort, of said okay thank you I went back to bed. Officials. Here in suit where the tsunami risk was not high say it was those who did Panic who caused headaches but pulling fire alarms, and buildings, to warn their neighbors dealing, with situations with premature kind of pan occurs in the community you, know put kind of our initial, set up in, a hampered position he says had there been a real risk of a tsunami there, would have been more done to warn residents we, would engage a tactical, evacuation, if we deemed that it was necessary, if there was a net threat. Sirens. Warn the people of Port Alberni but, the city's website Twitter, account and Facebook page, didn't give any information thinking, about how we might be able to respond. Even. More, effectively, in the future because, that's what it's always about province-wide. Officials, say things went well pointing, to examples like Tofino sirens, and the, door-to-door warnings. In ask why malt no good we see you. Tsunami. Warning the earthquake, up. Around Alaska, provincial. Officials hope this gets people thinking about their plans in an emergency, this was a real-life, test, of the, systems we have in place they've shown that they worked but it's also a wake-up call for people in. Communities in this province and that is we live in an earthquake zone one, measure that might help across, the country it will be mandatory, for phone companies, to send in emergency. Alerts as of, April. To. Keep more Canadians, safe, the next time a threat, looms Katherine. Cullen CBC, News Victoria. Today's. Tsunami, warning was a reminder, just how vulnerable we are here on the west coast two major seismic, events the, quake hit about 250. Kilometers off Alaska's south coast had. It happened, just 90, kilometres, to the west we, almost certainly, would have seen a massive, tidal, wave, well. Our Johanna Wagstaff is a seismologist, and, and Joe explained, for us how, we managed to avoid a significant. Tsunami here. Well. Ian in the end this type of earthquake is what we call a strike-slip, so. The motion, of the rocks under the ocean floor was horizontal, the. Kind of earthquake we worry about when it comes to widespread damaging. Tsunamis, is earthquakes. That have vertical, motion so literally, the rocks of the ocean floor punching. Up into, the water column of the ocean it's, almost like throwing a rock in Reverse to the surface, of the ocean and that generates, waves that spread outward, as fast as a jet. Plane this. Is a very seismically, active area, of the world and the, same boundary, runs all the way down the. West coast of British Columbia in, fact same kind of tectonic setting, that, produced the 2012. Haida Gwaii earthquake, if this.

Morning's Earthquake had happened about 90, kilometres to the west in the subduction zone, where we got that vertical motion a widespread, tsunami, would have almost, be certain yen, so let's, talk about the big one the megathrust, earthquake, it's going to happen it's gonna happen off the west coast and sometime. In the next 200 years which of course could mean you, know in the next month, as well and. Then, what happens, well. You're right in these megathrust. Big earthquakes, they, make, the headlines for a reason, right now off the west coast of Vancouver Island all the way down to California two, of these tectonic plates have become locked together for about three centuries building. That stress up and when it finally gives way we're, talking major, destruction, to our infrastructure. Seismic. Waves that'll be felt as far inland, as Manitoba. And this will most certainly generate, a monstrous. Tsunami, that will engulf our coast communities, and much of Vancouver, Island that, tsunami scenario, is something, that, we saw back in 1964. Either, one of you have any warning of this tidal wave a. Magnitude. Seven, point nine earthquake hit, off the coast of Alaska and generated. A massive tsunami. That slammed into Port Alberni waves. As high as 3, meters overturned, cars and pushed buildings, off their foundations, when, it was all said and done more than 300, homes were damaged or destroyed. So. What would happen if that megathrust, hit today well, here's a simulation of what the West Coast would look like some, of the inlets could see waves as high as 30 meters, in, the amount of time that people would have to move to higher ground 20. To 30 minutes maximum, so, we don't know when it's gonna happen but we know it's gonna be big and I guess it underscores, the importance of having a proper, warning system in place thanks Johanna. If. Your, Bell cannot a customer, you might have received an email this morning that, sounded a little alarming, telling you your data was illegally, accessed, Bell, Canada says up to a hundred, thousand, customers were affected and, this, is about eight months after another, breach at Bell when, email addresses, of 1.9. Million, of its customers, were accessed, so. Matt Braga our senior technology, correspondent is joining, me now Matt I'm not really sure where, the significant. Meter is here, what, do these hackers get their hands on so, I mean I guess the good news the silver lining if you can call it that is no, financial information you, know we're not talking about syn numbers, or sort of core biographical. Detail it's sort. Of similar to that previous breach where we're talking about names email.

Addresses They've. Also said in some cases phone numbers, and sort of account numbers so stuff that is you. Know still personal, information, but certainly, on its own perhaps, can do a little. Bit less than you know having access to passwords, let's say our credit card information the, sort of information that you'd need to kind of combine with, other sources of information that perhaps has already, been leaked as already available online to do. A little bit of damage with which of course is exactly what hackers like to do what are we to make of the fact that this is you, know the second, hack, basically. Within the span of a year I mean the short version is that we don't really know a lot because I mean right from the beginning we don't know for example whether these two breaches are related, they won't say whether these. Are part of the same investigation, there was an investigation last year there's one in this case don't, know if they're related we don't know when this breach took place either we know that people are getting emails today they were they were notified today but we actually don't know the timeframe, in which this, took place we don't even know what, part of the company this affected of course Bell very, very large lots, of different tendrils they work with businesses, they have internet, they have cable they have TV. You. Know streaming, services we don't know sort, of where these easier accounts are coming from either it's one of the bigger and that's because Bell won't reveal, that information that's correct so very. Quickly you know as a consumer it gets a little frustrating, these stories of all these breaches, at what point are the companies, going to be held accountable as, well as those who are maybe responsible. For for, the hack of the breach it's a good question because you look at the US and you have organizations. Like the FTC, fining companies, hundreds. Of thousands of dollars millions, of dollars for data, breaches, for cybersecurity concerns, and. Incidents, and in Canada our Privacy, Commissioner doesn't, have quite. The same sort, of ability, they can take companies, to court in extreme cases but that doesn't happen very often and so what you've seen is in previous years privacy, commissioners, have said you know we want the ability to take, companies, that, aren't in compliance with the privacy legislation and be able to levy these large fines, to really kind of show companies. That you know there is a cost, when, when. This information is, illegally. Accessed, in this case ok mat Braga always, cheerful, thanks very much thanks Ava. While. We're talking about cyber dangers, word today for Metrolinx, that's the Ontario government agency. Overseeing, transportation. In the Toronto area it says it was hit by a cyber attack they, say North, Korea was responsible now, Metrolinx, says, ethical, hackers, found malware placed. By the attackers, before, it could do any damage so why, would North Korea be, interested, in Metrolinx, well possibly. It's not at all it's cyber attackers often, just spray the globe with ransom, we're and malware hoping, that sometimes, it will get through this, isn't always about intelligence, gathering or political, advantage, sometimes it's just about money sanctions. On North Korea mean, it is always, on the hunt for cash. And. We, know that last year North Korea's cyber attackers earned a billion, dollars from the state and that's just from you know millions of small attacks, around the globe and some very big ones too last.

Year Of course there was wanna cry a massive. Ransomware, attack, that ended up locking tens of thousands of people and companies, out, of their own computers, and, sometimes it's actually just about movies because there was that Sony Pictures, back, in 2014 remember, when the hackers said you got to pull that movie about North Korea that Seth Rogen movie about the plot to assassinate Kim, jong-un so all, sorts of things very sensitive. Here's. What else we are tracking tonight on the national, seeing. Themselves, why the first ever woman nominated for, a Best Cinematography Oscar. Matters. To Canadian, women in the industry and, the, Russia investigation. Gets one step closer to the Oval Office Robert, Muller interviews. Donald Trump's attorney general, an, in Edmonton, baby sitter saves two little girls from conditions, hard to even imagine, their. Stories next. She. Asked me if I, could, take her with me when I left or if I could stay there forever to protect her. Residents. Of the Alberni area, are spending, the Easter weekend getting, started with a huge mop-up, operation. So, far there's no official, assessment of the damage done by four tidal, waves that surged into the alberni Valley some, four hours after, the Alaskan, earthquake the. Waves rammed, their way up the Alberni canal from the open Pacific and smashed, into the twin communities, of Alberni and Fort Alberni buildings. Cars boats and log booms were tossed about pulp, mills and sawmills, the backbone, of the area's economy were, knocked out of commission and are likely to be closed for a few days affecting, thousands, of workers a disaster. Committee was set up and went into action today with, a promise of both provincial, and federal health, one. Of the officials who spent many hours touring. The damaged areas was, mayor Fred Bishop of, Alberni. Mayor. Bishop do you have any official. List of damage, it and, no there's no official, estimate but I'm, quite sure that it's going to run up, into the millions of dollars among. Many other things you've been doing if it helps surveying the damage what have you seen yourself well. I think the most spectacular, things, are the, homes. Many, homes that have been carried as far, as four or five blocks away from where. They were located and, just. They're. Absolutely, beyond repair some of them and there's, cars scattered around a, swamp, there must be half a dozen cars a long, way from where they started. Out how. Long would you say a matter of hundreds. Of yards or what I would say about four or five city blocks the, equivalent of that would, you say this is a the. Largest disaster that's ever occurred in the Auburn no question about it we're in spite of all the the. Damage. That we've had that, it's we're, very very thankful that there has been no loss. Of life and I don't think even any serious, injury and we have much to be grateful for in that respect. Mayor. Bishop is there any health hazard well, we've had a very porous, over by the health authorities.

And They have assured me that there is no present, danger. That's. The very disturbing, thing about this case is that we have no motive whatsoever we. Have no links between victims. We have no indication. There was any motive whatsoever, oh this. Is a strange one a man, in custody in Toronto charged with multiple counts, of attempted murder, for what, appears to be a random shooting, spree 20. Year-old Adam Abdi, is accused of targeting seven random strangers. In five, separate, shootings, in the last month no, one died but two of the seven people were hit by bullets one of those he allegedly targeted was a four year old girl Abdi, faces, 48 charges, including. Seven counts of attempted murder, a. Grim. Update on yesterday's, explosion at a natural gas drilling, site in Oklahoma officials. Confirming, today that those five workers missing, since the fire broke out are dead their, bodies were recovered this afternoon, an investigation. Is now underway into. The cause of the explosion and. Now. To a shocking, story out of Edmonton two little girls horrific. Lee abused, and confined, in their own home only to be rescued, by the babysitter, CBC. News has obtained an exclusive. Interview with that brave young woman she. Told her story to our Andrea hunker. There's. Been terrible. Horrifying. Things under. That roof, at. A nearby playground. We met justice, Taylor the, babysitter, who saved two little girls from a dark barricaded. Basement, to that December, night two. Mothers left for a party, when she heard a knock from downstairs. Then. The voice of a six-year-old, she, said. Justice, is that you and, I was like ahhh are. You okay she's, like could you let me out she, pushed aside a heavy dresser, blocking, the door and opened it shocked. By what she saw and her, lips, were busted, she had a big red mark on her neck and I lifted up her shirt and her entire back was bruised, dry, blood looked like pop blood vessels it was horrid, at. That point that's when I cried. Sending the stares hit, by the stench of urine she. Spotted a bear mattress, on the cement floor the. Three year old sister was in front of her crying, she, was saying the back of my legs hurt the back of my legs hurt, the. Six-year-old sister said they weren't being fed and, pleaded, for help she. Asked me if I, could take her with me when, I left or if I could stay there forever to protect her just as, texted her own mum for help sending, a video of the older girls injuries, we're.

Definitely. Prior. Injuries. And then injuries. On top of injuries, and injuries, on top of injuries, and. It. Immediately. Enraged. I was enraged. Justice. And her mother made a plan to get everyone out safely, including. Three children who, were upstairs, showing, no signs of abuse when. The women returned, and justice was back home they, called police the. Police arrived within seven, minutes and the. Two girls that were in the basement they were already. Being punished, for telling, because. They were locked in boxes. Your. Mother and roommate, who can't be identified, have, been charged with attempted murder and unlawful confinement. That's. For the girls, justice. Hopes their pain can evolve into strength and. That she can be part of their journey just so that I can keep a close bond with them and help them out sort of like a big sister, Andrea. Hon cart CBC, News Edmonton. Now. Thanks, to justice, Taylor's courage, and quick thinking those girls are safe they, have been released from hospital they're, now in foster care but what happens to them in the long term. The. Goal of Alberta's, Child Protective Services is temporary. Care for 15, to 18 months and then, a return to the home unless. The province, deems that to be not in the interest of the children the, goal then is to find them safe and nurturing homes, through adoption, and private, guardianship. Still, ahead on the national debate continues, over hiking, the minimum wage in Ontario, but for many women at the bottom of the pay ladder there is no argument over how hard it it still is to get by. Most. Burger was hard for me till, now I don't have a warm. Jacket because, it's very expensive and, I can't afford to buy that. And. A musician now who's really more than that he's a composer, singer, performer. And guitarist, and he's Canada's, rising, young star of rock and roll stand. By for a noisy, day in the life of Bryan Adams as, he tells about the agony and the acclaim, in his struggle to the top. Life, on the road is tough for rock and rollers just, ask them crummy food lonely, motel rooms bumpy, hours on the bus trying to catch some sleep between towns and night, after night they have to get up there and dazzle, all those screaming, fans but. Obviously Bryan Adams thrives, on it. Well. I kind of feel really good up there it's, very exhilarating. To, be up there and. It's. 45 minutes of, anything. You want you know you're, good you're in control and you.

Have The ability to move you. Know 5,000, people or a thousand, people we're. Good if there's 10 people you have your the ability to take, them from from. From. Nothingness. To excitement. You. Seem to have a real, solid contact, with the audience II you seem to expand and go out and say come here look this is me I think that's really important, you know people. Want to be entertained especially. It's $12, a head or something to ping the more entertainment you can give them for their money the more they're gonna they're, gonna respect you for one I think the more they're. Gonna want to come see you again. And. Go down the road now close to three months, is it a grind oh yeah, you. Break, out the pimples India I, don't. Believe it rock stars don't break up oh yeah it. Gets really tiring to you you know are you going from one town to the next and you don't get a lot of time to sleep or relax, and, sometimes you sleeping on hours in the fan it's, a grind it definitely isn't, I hate, clubhouse sandwiches. But, the biggest problem with being on the road is that it interferes with Brian's other talent songwriting. When, I saw that road on the road was coming home which is the ballot on the album and, other. Than that I've had no luck I can't, do it I'm just I'm, too uptight all the time thinking about what's, gonna happen next it's just. When, he does write songs it's with his partner of four years Jim Vallance, who used to be with the Vancouver band prism balance, wrote the songs on prisms first hit album in the mid 70s. How. Do you split the duties when two people write a song well, he does the floors and I do the walls. Probably. The best songs you've written or probably songs we just sat down didn't. Have any idea what we were gonna do and just sat down and did it and. For some reason they just turned the giant tap on upstairs and just came out of us it, also helps to get the juices going and someone asked from the write a song the, band Kiss did that recently and the new song will be on their next album we, have a list upstairs of about 50 different acts that need songs well, how do you know when you've got a good one here's know it's intuitive we've, written about 40 Tunes in the last two, years and. 30. Or 35 of them are on vinyl. In, songwriting Brian Adams and Jim Vallance are truly partners, that's, where the magic comes from they, say they're much better writers, together than apart. Carson, County Hospital I'd give these different people. Down whatever thought of it. Police. Officers, in Kentucky, responding, to a chaotic scene, this morning. Gunshots. At a high school just after, the morning bell two students, were killed and 17, others injured. I, was. Pulling in and all these people, run from, the school and screaming and crying I saw there was a lot of blood everywhere and, then people were getting shoved down and so I just you know I took, off I started running you know I was scared, for my life two, 15, year olds a boy and a girl were, killed it, hits home I have a 15 year old daughter and, I, think, about that we, have two 15, year old high school students, have, been killed just showing, up to go to school police, say the shooter was a student as well he walked in armed, with a handgun and just started firing the 15 year old is being gonna be charged with murder, an, attempted murder investigators, say they don't know the motive, behind the shooting spree, that's shattered. This small close-knit community. This is a wound that is going, to take a long time to heal and. For some in this community, will never fully, heal. This. Is the first fatal shooting, in the United States this year but already there have been at, least nine shootings. At other schools and of course were just 23 days into, 2018, there, were 65, incidents, in US schools last year most of them students, targeting. Fellow, students. Still. In the United States there is a new development in the investigation into the Trump campaign, and Russian, election, interference.

The Office, of Special Counsel Robert, Muller has, interviewed, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions. According. To the New York Times which broke the story sessions. Was interviewed, for hours, last week it's, the first time that we know of at least that Mueller's office has interviewed a sitting member of Trump's cabinet sessions, would normally, oversee, the investigation but. He recused himself last, year from all things Russia related, because of this. I have, been called a surrogate, at a time or two in that campaign, and I didn't have not have communications. With the Russians that was sessions under oath during his Senate confirmation hearing and what he said was not exactly, true, turned. Out he'd been in contact with Russia's then ambassador, to the u.s. Sergei, kis lyac a, misunderstanding. He says and since, his recusal, sessions, has made light of it his, ambassador, kids will be back in the room. Before. I get started here. Any. Russians. But. Mueller would have been interested, in sessions, time as head of the Trump campaigns, foreign policy, team a member. Of that team George papadopolis, boasted, openly, about his Russian, government contacts, did, anyone else at that meeting including, then candidate, Trump react, in any way to mock what mr. Papadopoulos, had presented on that sessions. At least in public has had a hazy, memory I don't. Recall Muller, would also want to know about the firing of former FBI director, James Comey Comey. Himself, suggested he was dumped for suspicious, reasons I was fired in some. Way to change, or, the endeavor was to change the way the Russian investigation, was being conducted that, is a that is a very big deal that could mean a possible, obstruction, of justice case, against, Trump and what sessions told Mueller about the episode could. Be important. Yesterday. We brought you an exclusive story concerns. From Canadian IOC official dick pound that Russia is getting off easy for, widespread state, sanctioned, doping, some, Russian, athletes will still be allowed to compete in Pyeongchang but, today we learned some, names of athletes barred from Olympic competition, they include, some of Russia's best. Short. Track speed skater Viktor Ahn six-time. Gold medalist, he's out top, competitors, for biathlon, cross-country. Skiing and several hockey players have also been excluded and now, none, have, actually been officially, sanctioned, for doping so, the reason, for their rejection is actually, unclear, all of them told the IOC, all, sorry all told the IOC, rejected. 111. Athletes, from Russia's Pyeongchang. Wish list Russian. A fish just say this is an attempt to push, the country towards, an Olympic, boycott. No. Community in BC's interior, is trying to fix a foul problem, while, turkeys, are taking, over the town of Edgewater leaving behind a path, of destruction and.

Sounding, A little something like this. Imagine. Hearing that turkey, gobble every day coming up we'll check in with one couple for whom this, has become a daily reality. And. Joining me now on Robson Street in Vancouver is Kelly Lawson, mr. Lawson good afternoon hi what. Is it that you're hoping people will do or not do on national buy nothing day mr. Lawson I hope, that the, people all around the, first world countries of the world that, they will make a personal, commitment not. To buy anything, to buy absolutely nothing, on buy nothing day in, other words to have a consumer fast okay and what would be the result if you could realize this to the best of your dreams what, would be the result of people spending, no money people buying absolutely, nothing, well. I think there'll be a little blip, in our consumer, culture that this frenzy, of consumption, which which, happens every Christmas, will suddenly for the first time since, the Second World War have a little dip in it mmm. So I hope that, that. It will also start. A discussion, about. Sustainability. In the first world countries of the world as. You know the first world countries they they. Consume about 80%, of the world's resources right, while being only about 20%, of the world's population so. There's a there's, a sort of an excess. Consumption happening, there that has to be addressed, well how, dangerous is that excess, consumption, in your TV spot you talk about how the the voracious Nisour, our consumer, culture could, kill us because of the way we live is that accurate yeah I think that. Overconsumption. Is the mother of all our environmental. Problems and, if, we continue over, consuming, at the rate we are then. We will literally hit the wall you know the the. Planets, you know ecological, support systems literally won't be able to sustain, that level of consumption and.

Future. Generations, will, have to live with less because we are over consuming now so so what you're looking for then is a kind of of an awareness a kind of reflection it doesn't sound too dangerous, but but I would guess that some people who make their living off of consumer, culture which is I guess most, of the people in North America would, would see what you're doing is actually. Being a very very subversive, thing, well I guess so doctor you know, overconsumption. Is has. Been for the last many years a taboo, subject on. On commercial, television right people. Just don't talk about it and are by nothing they spot with unable to air it on on most of the big networks. So. I think that that our, consumer, culture and that includes retailers, just, have to wake up to the fact that that you. Know that the the big consuming, days are now over, and, that the downshifting, movement, is going to redefine, the, American, dream it's going to redefine everything we do in the next 15 or 20 years well well obviously the network's happen, to wake in to that fact yet what did they tell you when they said that that they don't want to run your ads or TV spot well, NBC. Said, that. That. It's works. Against, their legitimate, business, interests, to run this ad okay and ABC, said, that it's overconsumption. Is a controversial, issue and. Therefore they will not run the ad so. So. There's, this. Sort of a strange, thing happening on commercial, television as it has for the last 32 generations, where during, Christmas time our. Television, airwaves are sue right. Leslie just telling us to consume and buy and do this to do that and one, little. Anti, consumption, message is not allowed on the air mr., Lawson I've been reviewing the way that that I consume, every, day and where, my money goes and, and how much of it goes out of my pocket and I'm not sure whether I could spend, a day without spending, a cent how, many days of the year do you personally, go out there into the consumer world and buy nothing well, I live in the country so I go through many many days without consuming.

On. The, National tonight the BC coroner's Service is investigating, after a twenty-year-old snowboarder. Was found dead at a ski, resort on Vancouver, Island officials. Say the man was found unresponsive. Yesterday. About Washington, he was inbounds. At the time in a treed, part, of the resort over. The weekend so much snow fell the resort was forced to closed due, to safety issues. It. Was another emotional, day in a Michigan courtroom, as more. Victims of former USA Gymnastics, dr. Larry Nasser, gave, their accounts, I want. You to apologize, to me right, here, I want, to forgive you but I also want to hear you told me that you forgot all their did you cause. I. Was. Nasser apologizing. At today's sentencing, hearing, he pleaded guilty last, November, to ten counts of sexual assault but more than a hundred girls and women have come forward with allegations he's. Expected, to be sentenced tomorrow, he, faces a minimum of 25, years in prison but remember that's in addition to a 60 year sentence, he's already received for. A separate child porn, conviction. I have. To confess that I don't know my twitter account logins. And the password, so certainly. That's one of the changes that I'd make the. Governor of Hawaii explaining. Today, why it took so long for him to post, a correction, on social media after this month's false missile, alert it. Took about 15 minutes from when the governor learned the alert was a mistake, - when he was able to clarify on Twitter, there was no missile, threat the, false alert has been blamed on an employee who pushed, the wrong button. Also. Tonight some breaking news out of Ottawa CBC, News confirming, the Conservative, MP Kelly leach will not be running for re-election in, 2019, leach, you may remember sought, the leadership of the federal Conservative, Party last year that campaign drew controversy, when she said she wanted new immigrants, to be screened for Canadian. Values. I was. Doing double jobs I was. Doing almost 16. 17. Hours per day and, you can, see those dark circles around, my eyes. Overworked. Underpaid, and barely, rested she's far from alone a hundred, years after Canada, introduced, a minimum wage it's mostly women still stuck at the bottom of the income ladder and while, some call recent, minimum wage hikes a good thing others call them job, killers so is there a way forward, Jacqueline, Hanson spoke to women from different walks of life about, how hard it is getting by. New. To Canada these, women count on each other to, try to figure out how to make life here work on minimum. Wage one. Person income is, so. Tough to run. The family even, with the 21, percent minimum wage increase, in Ontario, sayyida Yasmin still has to work three, jobs to. Support her family I have to pay rent because I cannot compromise these things I am eating or not doesn't matter nobody can see me I eat a lot but, I have to pay rent first. Their. Basics, she never expected, to struggle, to pay for their. Lives are hard and they're. Not alone, more. Than 600, thousand, women in Canada make minimum, wage that's. 60, percent, of minimum-wage workers, what. That basic, wage is supposed, to provide them with is, unclear, what. Is the, purpose of it the. Really vexatious, part about minimum wages we don't know what it's supposed to be for, there, are as many theories, as people as you're going to talk to you but there's nothing written down that says the minimum wage should be for, example the, anchor concept, for, how does the least paid worker by law relate. To the average, or the median it turns out that $15. Is pretty. Much between 55. And 60, percent of the. Average wage in Ontario, and that's one way of handling it a. Century. Ago minimum, wage was introduced, for a reason. To protect women working, women were widely exploited, as chief labour expected. To put in long hours doing. Needlework working, with textiles. Or in other factories. Then. People. Began to realize, there's. A level of wage. Earners that are men that are also very badly paid and so then the, minimum wage became. For, men and women was, the point of it ever that. The worker was to have a living, wage, at. The beginning, no. I would sing on I think it was really protecting, from. Abuse. Not. A wage someone, could live on then and many say it's not a living wage now, it's, a lot more difficult than the people realize. 21. Year old Emily her locked works in a bakery in Toronto. Especially. Living in Toronto everything, is a lot more expensive than anywhere. Else realistically. And. There's, so many things that you could possibly be doing but you don't have the money or the, time because. You're constantly working for.

Her The wage hike won't, change much I only make fifty cents for now. Which. Doesn't really do all that much, she. Thinks trying to get a new job could actually be more difficult because of the increase, you're. Not gonna want to pay to train someone for a job if you get it now you're, gonna want to pay. Someone with the experience, over someone that needs the training for it and which is going to make it a lot harder for people my age to. Find jobs. Her. Life is giving up on Toronto, and moving, to Nova Scotia where. The minimum wage is lower but. So, is the cost of living and. That's my house back, home and that, was my own house we sold it, when. We yeah. To move there so my, daughter milk the burrata, and her family, moved from Pakistan, to Toronto. First. Winter was hard for me till, now I don't have a warm. Jacket because, it's very expensive and. I can't afford to buy that. At. First she made about $11. An hour, Parata. Says it was next to impossible to. Provide for her three children before. There, was like just frustration, so. Many complaints like I lost all my. Pleasant. Personality my smiley, face by. Doing that job for a minimum wage, my. Two sons her. Kids are grown up now and she was promoted, to cafeteria, supervisor, the, recent hike helps, her more, than others. She's, now paid $14. And ninety cents an hour, living, life I'm, living my life right now don't, you see a smile on my face. But. For Yasmin providing, for her four-person. Family, on her, own is, still a struggle, we are not machine we are human, I never. Survived. This life. Back. Home but here I have to it's. No way to go back do. Anything. What. Do you want to see what you. What. Do you need, living. The Kennedy and Standard Life how, their leave we. Want this way. But. As cause keep rising. For many minimum wage earners that standard. Will, likely, remain, out, of reach. Jacqueline. Hanson CBC, News Toronto. So. What does living on minimum wage look like across the country what are we really talking about in terms of an annual salary, if. You look at here. Let me show you Ontario 29. 120,000. Dollars per year that's what forty hours per week gets, you at the end of the year in Ontario, take, a look at Alberta Albertans, will earn thirty one thousand two hundred bucks after their final minimum, wage increase and that happens on October 1st but the figure is considerably. Lower in Quebec, that provinces. Annual, minimum wage salary will, be twenty, four thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars effective. May, 1st, wages. Were very much on the mind the Prime Minister, in Davos today as is the need to level. The playing field for women Trudeau. Used much of his mic time to champion, the growing, strength of recent, women's movements. Me. Two. Times. Up. The. Women's March, these. Movements, tell us that, we need to have a critical, discussion. On women's. Rights equality. And the, power dynamics. Of gender. But. He didn't stop there Trudeau, also pressed other leaders at the Forum on the crucial importance, of including, and empowering, women in the, International, economy. I'm. Talking, about hiring. Promoting. And, retaining. More. Women. And. Not. Just because it's the, right thing to do or the nice, thing, to do but.

Because It's the smart thing to, do. Trudeau. Didn't just urge hiring, more women on the shop room floor he also pushed for a much stronger, female, representation, in corporate boardrooms, even, if that remains an elusive goal at home and abroad only. About a quarter of those attending, Davos, this year are women. Still. Ahead on the national I hailed. His heartbeat in my hand I remember. Every beat and it was all I could do to not look bad Oscar. Nominations, are out we'll tell you about the female cinematographer. Making history and two, years after, the Oscars so white movement, there's more diversity for, the top prize could. See though brother money. Chris. Was just telling me how he felt much more comfortable with my baby. What. The nominations, mean to Canadian, filmmakers, next, it. Signals, that. That. We're out there you know that we are. We're. Doing the work we're doing really interesting projects. November, 8, 1965. Federal. Election, night this. Is studio 7 in Toronto and watching our observers, from the major television networks, because, for the first time anywhere, in the world the TV viewers sitting at home will, be the first person to know the results, of the voting. Until. Now when the voting results came in they, were compiled, by the computer, and the results passed on to an operator, who turned, dials, or wrote figures, and aboard the, TV cameras, had to roam from one results, board to another. But. Here there is only one results, board as, fast as the computer, compiles, the results, they are shown on this screen automatically. Always. Changing, to keep pace with the latest figures, this, machine Devcon. Developed. By RCA, Victor engineers, in Montreal, takes, the results, straight from the memory of the computer and, shows, the figures electronically. On a television screen there, isn't a fraction, of a second lost it is the first, instantaneous. Election, coverage on television. Another. First the CBC, and its affiliated, stations gather, their own results, from every writing in Canada, with the speed needed by radio and television, 18. Teletype, circuits, are added to the normal three circuits, used for transmitting, election, results guaranteeing. The CBC, English, and French networks, are first with the results, the. Anchorman at election central our Knowlton - and the, dean of broadcasters. On Parliament, Hill Normandy, Poe. To. Backup their reports, and comments, CBC. Television, can switch in a second, for live reports, from Vancouver. Ottawa Red, Deer Rouen, or st., John's. Every. Twenty minutes each, television. Station, along the network takes, 10 minutes to report in detail on the election results, for its own area. Results. From the polls are gathered at the local stations, and sent, by teletype, to election, central. Local. Experts report, the results, comment. On election, trends, and interview. The candidates. And. The winner is so we hear the sound of the envelope Terry the Oscar, goes to and, the Oscar goes to. And so. It begins the Oscar race is officially, underway with the announcement, of this year's nominees the. Awards, are turning 90, and as he like Glasner explains in their old age they, seemed to have finally got, with the times, a. Terrifying. Look at race, in America, a touching, mother-daughter, story. And. An interspecies. Romance, just. A few signs of the new face of the Oscars not, convinced, look no further than the best director, category where.

White Men are the minority with nominations, for a Greta Gerwig chiamo, del Toro and Jordan, Peele heels film the savage satire get out is nominated, for Best Picture director. And, screenplay, and the, actor category get outs Daniel K lujah will be competing against Denzel Washington, while Mary J blind and Octavia Spencer face off in the Supporting, Actress category it's, a result from how the Academy, has been aggressively. Recruiting, younger. And more diverse members, still, the Academy is overwhelmingly. White, and male, so it's, it's hard to kind, of judge. At. This point in time whether, or not it's. You. Know this change is actually something that's going to continue another. Change voters did respond to was the outcry, against, the treatment of women in Hollywood the conversation, began in October, with accusations. Against former Oscar winner Harvey Weinstein, today, voters had their say the me2 and times up movement, sort. Of collectively, has, had, an effect on the industry, and the way that Hollywood. And Academy. Voters as well as the public. Acknowledges. And appreciates, and discusses. Issues. Of, inclusion. Lady Bird director Greta Gerwig is now the first female nominee in nearly, a decade, and mud, bound cinematographer. Rachel Morrison, is the first woman cinematographer. Nominated, in the history, of the Oscars. But. When it comes to Latino, representation, the only bright spot was the animated film Coco, Latinos. Make up 18% of the population in the US but have only been nominated as, actors, three times in the last 20, years I see, zero. Or next, to zero, Latin. X represent, a ssin on the screen and when, it's there yeah, it's, either a woman holding a broom or a man holding a gun Asian. American actors who were largely left out of the award season are also raising, their voices in, the fight for greater representation, now. The focus shifts to the big show in March as, the world waits to see how host Jimmy Kimmel and the Oscar producers will respond, to a changing climate in Hollywood, Eli glasner CBC News Toronto. Azile. I mentioned, there was an historic, many would say long overdue, nomination. The first woman up for a cinematography. Oscar, I. Hailed. His heartbeat in my head. Rachel. Morrison, was behind the lens on Netflix's, mud bound today she tweeted I hope, it tells all the dreamers, out there especially the young girls with cameras, in their hands, that anything. Is possible, women. Like Morrison, are rare one estimate says female, cinematographers. Are only, 5%. Of the business so. What does her nomination, mean a couple, of Canadian, cinematographers. Let, us know. I'm. Just I'm thrilled for her I'm thrilled for the industry, as a whole certainly, I think Rachel Morrison's nominations, a huge. Step towards just normalizing. Our presence, in the industry, it's signals, that that, were out there you know that we're doing the work we're doing really interesting projects, we're seeing more women in positions of hiring.

Power I work with a lot of women actually a lot of my my greatest opportunities, have come from them in long format it's. Funny because like the equipment doesn't know like. What, gender you subscribe to but, as an artist you're just gonna bring like whatever, life experiences, you have to the table so if you're, someone. Who grew up identifying. As a woman you'll see the world from that particular lens and maybe you'll connect more with those stories. Yeah. Don't. Get me. Thunder. - young boo hoo let's go let me ah I. Think, I think that's seeing more and more women, getting, those nominations, I think it's really encouraging for women, that, works in the industry I mean it's a big it's. Possible. There. Has been a big increase, in the, number, of women in the in the class just to have a female, teacher I think that, makes, a lot, of women maybe more. At. Ease. I, tell them to go on to, do, whatever they want as if it's cinematography. Or directing. Or anything, like, just. Go for it. One. More note on an Oscar favorite the shape of water is set in 1960s. Baltimore, during the Cold War critics. Have described, the movie as a jewel you, can credit Toronto, for some of that luster that's where the film was shot, that. Thing looks human stands. On two legs right, but. We're. Created, in the Lord Jim you, don't think that's what the Lord looks like me, the. Toronto visual, effects studio mr. X, took, on the task of transforming the, city the exterior, of Massey Hall stands, in for a movie palace called the Orpheum, a street, in the West End got a makeover with facades, and the addition of telephone, poles and the, city's skyline, was. Digitally, a race to lose landmarks. Such as a CN tower but. Mr. X did not get an Oscar nomination, today. Toronto. Apparently, has a raccoon problem Churchill. Manitoba has, a welcome polar bear problem, eduarda, BC though overrun. By wild, turkeys you're about to meet Valerie, MacLeod, she lives there along. With about a hundred bossy, birds and the scene from her yard is our moment of the day he. Just was getting dark the turkey start, congregating. Across the road and start, flying up into our fir trees. We've. Had turkeys in Edgewater for at least three years probably. Came to town because people were feeding them and they leave the trees in the morning at. About 8:00 when it's just. As the people are going to work and trucks are crossing the road and the turkeys come out of the trees and kind of drop. Quite quickly and, cross. The road just at the right height for a pickup truck to take, one out but fortunately, most of the time they make it across alive, but, they do a lot of damage to anybody's. Trees that they roost in but unfortunately for us they've been roosting in RFU's for the last three years. As. Well as being mildly, terrifying for, me personally you, cannot, actually hunt, them and then eat them later so the. District is considering, a bylaw to prevent people from feeding, them and then they come back I just have so many questions that poor woman why her tree, and I had to look at this twice they can grow up to four feet tall which is sort, of dangerously, close to my height so I'm trying to imagine how. Threatening these things are you. Know it was only about two months ago that I saw the movie birds the Alfred Hitchcock movie, people of Edgewater BC, do not watch that movie it will terrify you, could.

Just Eat them we could have a festival, and chow down all right that's yeah I'm gonna get emails for that that's the national for January 23rd good night good night good night.

2018-01-28 12:45

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