I cannot believe where we are right now we are at you guys the Seven Wonders of the World the Taj Mahal we had just got off a little buggy right over there that took us through um and we're gonna get our tickets now so for a foreigner ticket you get a buggy you get shoe coverings but Shelby and I have flip-flops we're just gonna take off and go barefoot yeah also you get mineral water so it's 1300 per person which is about 16 bucks American and when we first got in there was a bunch of um we got a rickshaw ride right to the Taj Mahal and then there's a bunch of electric bikes saying that they'll take you in don't just go past all of them go past all of that you'll get one of these little buggies that'll take you in that is if you're a foreigner and if you're and if you're a local I think it's pretty cheap too to just use these if you're a local you'll probably understand how to get through easier than we will so we're gonna get our tickets now foreign and the guys helping us get our tickets have been super super helpful so that's really awesome hasn't been confusing at all yeah and that's that's uh and that says all the prices yeah perfect thank you very much so yeah that's another thing too if you just want to see the outside and not go inside which don't know why but you could save 200 rupee as well but uh for the outside and the mausoleum it's 1300 yeah is there a dress code for the Taj Mahal dress code yes yeah oh like dress code like do I close is this a good attire okay good it's really nice okay thank you you are looking perfect thank you yeah I don't think it's like a mosque where you have to wear like long coverings and I mean obviously don't wear like I wouldn't wear like shorts and a bikini top but like you know something with like maybe a skirt or something a little modest but [Music] [Music] for a picture how much is it normally 20 30 rupee per picture yeah professional photos are they a professional photographer they charge you 60 or 100 rupees two types of photos Okay small size one is a big size okay perfect well maybe because idea I charge you one already okay for the smaller we charge you 16. awesome good to know thank you I'm gonna go sorry sometime before we leave India no if you want to have all the pictures you're gonna get from there yeah I I you know I picked this dress for today because I think it's really nice yeah but maybe next time thank you yes definitely read this because you might bring a whole bunch of stuff and not be able to bring it inside yeah um are there lockers for you to keep your stuff okay so if you bring any of this stuff then that's I didn't know that that's still nice you have a locker yeah we're not using the locker us because we didn't bring any unnecessary stuff yeah and we're staying right near the Taj Mahal we're saying like wow the drive I think was like a few minutes maybe five minutes of course I'm never pushing you gonna buy if you want to buy some souvenir you just think about it yeah you've been really helpful with your name myself and Johnny Johnny this week yeah and one thing foreign shops where you can buy stuff yeah head shops right over here oh nice the Johnny's Place cool Johnny's place and you can buy like sunglasses shoes uh there's awesome food there too beautiful yes okay thank you so much okay you've been great thank you an entrance you have to walk 20 meters no 20 meters oh my God no we just just started walking yeah thank you very much okay bye wow it's been pretty good so far that's for sure very straightforward and easy yeah I don't know if I want to carry these bags yeah this waste over here I know it's kind of unfortunate but I know we definitely didn't need we can just carry our Waters yeah and then we don't need I don't even know if we want to carry a water look I know where to put this at least we got free water but nothing we didn't bring anything yeah you're not allowed big bags so it's kind of funny do that and I don't know yeah interesting okay I have I have a little shopping bag she said I hope they don't take away that I'm gonna pull out and swing over my sling hopefully for sandals and Waters I decided to lighten the load and pretty much just slam the one water to keep myself hydrated for the Taj you ready yeah who knows we'll see if the washrooms are free geez I've seen washes everywhere I'm pretty sure yeah maybe paper yeah 16. oh hello [Laughter] [Music] oh perfect oh my gosh I can't believe this I truly never thought we would be here me either really so this is very cool and Taj Mahal entry is right up here guys I just feel like are you just gonna walk and it's gonna be like [Music] all right now three three Thirty roughly if yeah and I think Shelby said it closes around six o'clock some people come for Sunset but I feel like that would be so crowded they also have a night tour but they only let 50 people in at a time and there's a whole different set of rules for that we are not doing that today but uh definitely something to check out if you're into that okay Taj Mahal entries all right we'll see you guys on the other side getting through security super easy as long as you follow the rules maybe read up online like we did um they were just like looking for lighters tripods this that Shelby did forget about the food rule there is no cigarettes there's no alcohol there's no food there's none of that here favorite built bars in my purse my favorite freaking flavor and they're like you eat it now and I was like I want it now at least they gave you the choice and didn't just confiscate it but I would hope they would let me eat it I'm full and I just was like I take it there's a lot of cool pictures too about the Taj right back there going through these humongous Gates I feel like I'm like where where is it we got a lot a lot of the red Sandstone stuff the pillars and here's some more stuff uh some monkey safety so don't do direct eye contact I think showing teeth so don't even smile at those Dawn monkeys some of them look aggressive here with their little red bottoms and I think raising your voice some of the animals in Canada you're supposed to raise your voice to monkeys do not do not be aggressive to the monkeys yep well this is what we're walking through very nice very nice they got a blue flag up over here and everything's starting to look symmetrical already that's one thing about the Taj Mahal is it's completely symmetrical from all sides oh yes wow yes yes yes look at that oh yeah you're gonna get great friendly neighborhood you can see the top of it yeah you can see the tip already right over here oh my goodness oh goodness oh so cute everybody [Music] oh it's so cute she didn't know what to poses to do but you helped her out that little one was she was made for the camera wow even like great over here just even before you get to the Taj Mahal it's just breathtaking every way you look this is crazy I can't honestly I'm so happy to just say that this is like the first one of the seven world wonders of the world that I'm seeing and I guess this is a perfect time to thank you guys because really this all started with just a six month trip to uh Thailand and then as you guys grew our community this is what drives us to keep going and see stuff like this and we never actually thought we'd be blessed enough to see any wonders of the world so here we go I do nothing like two years ago I'd be coming to 80. but here I am and loving it amazing yeah loving every minute of it oh my oh my there is no words there's no words to describe how beautiful this is right now and that's not even the Taj Mahal yeah I know just the slight entrance to it some more monkey warning signs so maybe these guys are a nuisance here so uh no I know but there's multiple signs so maybe on an off day those guys can uh be a little aggressive oh my goodness and the Taj Mahal it took 22 years to build and oh my goodness this is the main main gate you can tell I think people are taking photos and stuff here perfect spot and then there's a beautiful chandelier up above wow and there it comes into frame in all of its Glory oh my God maybe later thank you look at that the pond with all the fountains I wonder if we're actually gonna get to see the fountain sprinkling today oh wow Center Point yes perfect shove is getting bumped a little bit so yeah we'll we'll come back for photos later thank you we want to go check it out first thank you friend wow and even over here it just goes on for ages guy over there sweeping yeah that's okay thank you yeah we're vlogging thank you very much we appreciate it and they do have professional photographers and we were discussing the price outside we will see later about that do they have a little bit of color in the water is that from like tile it almost looks painted a little bit it looks nice and the guy's keeping it clean over there sweeping but wow guys I almost like it is it easy but I almost thought that it would be like even more we'll see what it's like up here [Laughter] Sunday so the Taj Mahal was actually built by the fifth Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and it holds the tomb of his wife that has passed away and his tomb is actually here as he passed away so they're both here and that's basically what the Taj Mahal is yeah supposedly she died on her 14th childhood 14 children guys that's a lot different than our Canadian standards usually I I don't know how many people still do 14 children nowadays my mom had four kids and mama was like that was enough I wasn't even planned so Props to the big families out there yeah it's a little Fountain sprinkle you can see it's the tile on the bottom it looks painted blue yes taking [Laughter] oh look we can get right into the center here and I'll fall into the top oh wow and yes we do have heard of people following us right now like well obviously people are asking to take photos it's kind of hard to say no because I want to experience this but people are literally just like I'm taking a photo of you oh look at this oh wow that is a photo taking spot right there and uh definitely very very excited to see the inside of the Taj Mahal but I guess lots of people don't know this um have you ever tried to look up the inside of the Taj Mahal online I dare you to because not very much I'll show up because it's strictly prohibited to take photography or video inside of the actual Mausoleum so sorry to disappoint it won't be happening but honestly I mean I feel like I'm here for them I think everyone's here for the outside oh man the inside's gonna be stunning shelves it's going to be mind-blowning it's not going to be that great yeah don't even miss it you'll have to come and see it for yourselves for sure as we get closer you guys it's just it is mind-blowing it is it is honestly with everything that I thought it would be it is so beautiful and Taj actually means crown and Mahal means Palace so this is the Palace of the crown and uh it's just I should show you guys probably the Mahal and stop with my face I tend to do that often oh my goodness oh I would love how not busy like I don't I thought I'd be like pushing through crowds but no maybe what day is it oh goodness it's a weekday I don't know so I would say maybe don't come on a weekend I mean I could imagine that being worse oh also with Shelby saying that don't come on a Friday because it's closed it's for prayers so the mosque is like for prayers on Friday so do not come or try to come here on a Friday oh and up close like all you can see all the marble you can really see the marble now and all the mosaic tile Birds just flying how do you adjust it because the birds just fly around the top okay so we go this way for high ticket holders my goodness I feel like a baller yeah this is a little interesting fact too the white marble Stone was brought from Rajasthan uh the blue gems from Tibet emeralds from Sri Lanka and Jasper from Punjab and the crystals were imported from China from all over and um more than 22 000 laborers worked in the construction of the Taj Mahal nothing for the nothing but the best for his sweetie yeah construction of the Taj Mahal cost 3.2 for chorus of Rupees at the time I don't know what crores is yeah let us know down below yes I've never even heard that word yeah we haven't heard that at all and we got a whole another view of the Taj a really cool thing about this being symmetrical on both sides if one side's busy guys if one side's busy come to the other side because you could almost have a perfect picture just like this perfect picture barely anyone in the shot right now maybe that one guy this one looks just as nice as from the front I think oh man oh man that is so beautiful all right guys we're taking one last look at this now it's time to go into inside and here it is entry blah blah we got that ticket entry to the main mausoleum and I think right up here is going to be no photography and they're gonna tell us that so we'll let you guys know what we think of the inside after this short Interruption I hope you guys appreciate my funniness that chase doesn't notice oh my shades are on I can't see you no you're funny actually don't answer nice close-up of it before we head inside I just couldn't I just couldn't not take the picture yeah and look at that way that's nice too wow holy guys mobile phones to be kept and Switched Off inside the monument and uh eating and smoking is strictly prohibited do you see this do you see this as if this wasn't nice enough the Taj Mahal like looking back the other way is just like a whole other view a whole nother breathtaking view 360 degree breathtaking view oh my God look at all the birds I'm loving it Oh India monuments architecture slash all things are just they've been so beautiful breathtaking marvelous marvelous magnificent all the words tips all right this time for real we're going inside we just made it through very very very cool you get to actually see where they're buried and the King was on which side shelves I'm on the opposite side down here it was this way he's on the right side King is on the right side no left side left side left side Queen on the right okay also there is people in there I read on the reviews so we didn't listen to the guys but they tell you a few little pieces of information and then they're gonna try and get some money out of you and kind of make you feel bad at the end that you didn't give them enough if you guys want to know the information totally listen to them but I just wanted to let you know that that does happen in there but as soon as it seems like come this way and we didn't follow him he was like on to the next yeah so he didn't he didn't bother us very much at all so super cool and so I actually thought like in the Mahal that they would be buried like underground or something like that but no they're like you can go in there and they're I mean don't see them obviously yeah but they're there so that was really wow it was very cool very cool inside and out this place is just wow factor times a million yeah I don't think it's like a tourist trap or anything like that like honestly we even read like The Hawkers were super crazy here where where are they I don't know it wasn't at least for us it wasn't bad like we've been other places where it's been worse but here I I would say it was fine there's just a bunch of photographers which we still want to go see if uh someone will do a good price for that because it would be cool to get some photos it wasn't bleed I would highly recommend the Taj Mahal yeah I loved it why wouldn't you want to come here right it's just beautiful these almost look like a big lighthouses I wonder if it's kind of supposed to represent or be like the pillars oh you get a good gust of wind the cloud covering kind of left us which is nice because it's nice to have a sunny day but holy shiza let's go check out this River oh yeah we'll get back into the shade in a moment wow dramatic foreign we're staying right near the Taj Mahal like I This Town Center I believe is a bit far so if you come here and you just want to see the Taj Mahal there's a bunch of hotels in this area we got the Radisson guys Radisson okay but we got a good deal I think it was only 35 to 40 American for the Radisson and last time I checked the price of the first time I took the prices they were like 100 years yeah so it was like a last minute discount and I've scooped it up and yeah it's pretty nice it's our first pool in India too so we've been uh really enjoying that wow ah wow all right let's get back in that shade regroup get some drink some water I don't know if we've really showed you the close-up intricate detailing of this marble but look at this just over and over again perfection I can understand how it took 22 years to build yeah it's just uh it's a remarkable piece of art yeah I really love in India all the red Sandstone when the Sun hits it it's just so bright and red yeah that's over there guys everywhere I like how they chiseled out right up there oh yeah that is so beautiful really take your time and pay attention to all the tiny little details that you wouldn't normally you just come here and be like but like even that I would have noticed that and that's super cool it is and it's not even just on the first level second level up there too expand your horizons [Laughter] third eye your third eyes what that's a thing and a majestic shot of Shelby walking down the path getting all sweaty from the midday Heat might not be able to tell I do have to talk about it though I do have talk about it I feel like half the price would have been way more realistic for the quality price because when it starts fading and ripping which is pants and ripped enough started to fade don't even buy it so I bought this in a different video If you guys haven't watched that go check it out but I paid 1500 rupee for this which is let's just say 17 bucks or so and that came with this and the pants and even before getting home I pretty much had five holes in the pants which I stitched up just to be able to wear today at the Taj Mahal and I only hand wash both of these and this one already has a chunk fading right here losing color quick after one gentle hand washing so so when they tell you oh it's the best quality but you know what though when he bought it though I felt it and I was like no so if you get one of these I would definitely if they get like a good quality one try to figure it out maybe talk to some locals that that are like maybe from your hotel or something not not on the streets try and do your due diligence I still love the thing but will it last very long not very long I don't think this is pretty too right here yeah so pretty much this herd of people going that way that's towards the exit it spits you out of the mausoleum going in the right direction of the exit but like before we told all those photographers that we would come back plus I I do want some professional photos so let's go check it out I'm willing to pay the money let's go see what it is maybe we can get uh a combo deal or something one or two or three pictures for a certain price I don't know we'll see uh we were at the India Gate and some guy Chase wasn't even really looking at some guy just took photos of Chase and showed him obviously wanting him it's like I think he said I think he said 50 rupees and that was called it was actually really good yeah so that's even before bartering or you know trying to get a better price how much 50 rupees each photo and are they big small yeah and what if we want how many do you want sweetie I don't know I I have OTG are you a phone iPhone Android yes I yes oh so he'll send it over well how many photos do you want how many how many photos as you like 10 20. maybe like 30 okay real fast okay
uh for a discount then yeah maybe if you do cheaper price for more photos but how much we're wondering uh if we do um five photos will you do discount for five photos Okay I take more you like over 10 20 as you like okay okay I think five five five okay just five photos five photos well you do too far 200 though if we do more photos because that discount for 500. 10 photos 10 photos 500 but only 450 okay happy no I don't want ten forces yeah it's okay for the price all right so 250 so 50 rupee per y let's get some photos done so it was really cool he took photos of both Shelby Knight and then just Shelby by herself and he took about 30 something of them so now they're going through it right now so what's really cool they'll they'll take more than you asked for and probably hope that uh you love ten or more and I think the price for 10 was 500 but if you don't go up to 10 it's 50 per photo with this guy anyways so can I tell you which ones I want to delete them no no okay uh okay uh I it will give me total total 11 50 rupees we just found a few photos yeah I just want I just I don't want all 23. maybe 10. okay so if we do ten that's a 500 rupees okay cool here I got 500 right there give 200 more I give okay we just want the ones that she asked for okay thank you very much it'll just transfer over but not with you no video yes all right so he took 500 rupee which is in about 10 picture for six dollars America as we uh you know he told us to turn the camera off and for an another haggling session just because he didn't he didn't want to be on video trying to get that extra 200 rupees he wouldn't give up I don't think that they want to just take that he doesn't want to sift through all the photos and then delete some like he really wants to get enough like he wants to get the whole 23 photos and I just was like no but in the end she has the 23 photos for 500 rupees they take more and they try to demand more money just they're they're gonna just transfer them all that's what's gonna happen and you just everyone might not get lucky but also Shelby has an iPhone if it was me he would have to send them over email or something I think so it wouldn't be as straightforward as just a Bing Bang Boom on the iPhone look at that that's a nice photo wow not on the GoPro a little angled but uh and then I thought this one was these are really cute look at that oh oh yeah it looks like [ __ ] on the GoPro but maybe we'll pop one in yeah we don't do that very often but we'll do it for you guys Taj Mahal guys very awesome yeah but um I'm sweaty and you and you're not allowed to bring a bunch of stuff so we're heading right back to the Radisson yeah yeah the Taj Mahal because I had a great time here I thought it was absolutely beautiful and I I loved it yeah look at it back there guys your final look till next time [Music] foreign [Music]
2023-11-25 11:46