The Most Epic North Vietnam Road Trip

The Most Epic North Vietnam Road Trip

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welcome back guys to the mystical Mountain Vietnam  Adventure we are on day two of the road trip we   are heading north today we're going off the  beaten path where the tourists don't usually   go and we're going to be immersing ourselves in  the culture and the traditions of North Vietnam   as you can see it's beautiful we've got about  200 kilometers to go today uh it's gonna take   maybe five hours but it'll probably take longer  because I'm gonna be uh stopping off meeting the   locals and seeing how they live up here in  the mountains so let's get on with it today spotted something in the road  you've got to be careful I don't uh   oh this snake has been run over oh my  God that's quite a big snake as well oh   it's crazy forget that there  are snakes here wow all right yeah Vietnamese people drive pretty slow   so that's a good thing half of the lorries  ironically the Laurie used to drive quick [Music] uh do you have many it's on  here okay oh wow this is the beer   tap whoa oh my God oh my God so all  the beer is in here can I have a look oh my god wow very very cool I've never  seen that yeah what is this no their toys [Music] what's that okay okay okay cheers oh thank you oh they're bringing me a  seat thank you very much come on come on that's good very fizzy oh you're finishing  oh we're Downing it all right okay and I'm driving driving yeah the bike nice to meet you that boy [Music] nice to  meet you nice to meet you yeah no no no no   because I drive driving and you wow I like  your nice shirts Christian Dior Burberry okay thank you no no I drive I'm driving oh wow okay thank you uh sorry uh hold on yeah [Music] and I got a fish because fish is  Ka and chicken is gone and it's   not just it's the fish that we just  saw in the in the lake in the river   oh my God they've poured me another  drink well the legal age the legal   drinking allowance in the UK is about that so  I'll have I'll have one more then I'll stop what [Music] [Music] oh really good never had that  before it's like a quail egg or something oh very salty wow oh interesting I  have to wash it down with the beer oh   that was disgusting absolutely  disgusting oh my God wash it down with the beer thank you oh wow you guys getting drunk how do you see people here toy you Vietnam how long have you come here um hi hi week you're  welcome I can take you back to the hotel [Music]   no I have to drive far more cheers guys principle don't worry I'm not gonna  have too much this is my last one   got some tofu they've given me more beef and we're  gonna have some tofu it's a nice little beast yeah I swear every conversation I have ends up to  asking if I want to get married they've just   asked if I want to be married to in a Vietnam  they always want to know if I'm single or married I introduce you teacher in the  world area who knows English oh yes I find a wife amazing I'm absolutely loving this oh okay come  on okay thank you nice to meet you bye-bye now we   have our food oh my God this is a feast this is  what I wanted we got fried rice we got ball beef   and then um they've given me loads of different  drinks options I didn't ask for a drink but they   brought me every single drink that I wanted  what's this tamarini drink Red Bull orange   and Coca-Cola nice okay we'll have this and then  we'll get back on the road no more beer for me this is exactly what I wanted nice to  meet you guys bye-bye thank you brother okay come on nice to meet you thank you bye-bye this is what we're talking about oh my God oh my God this is crazy I'm just gonna uh have a little look around  we've got ah you speak English English   see you Manchester City you like you live here  where you live your house up here yeah okay let's   have a look I've switched to the um sun protector  because it's very very hot I think I'm not too   sure the exact temperature but it's between  35 degrees and 40. yesterday was 40 degrees you caught much fish there we go he looks like he's got a oh it's an interesting way so it  throws the net out and it kind of   decreases in size and then uh he sees he grabs  the net all right we're back on the roads 90   kilometers to go till we reach the destination  which is the moon Chang District which is famous   so famous for being incredibly beautiful and not  many tourists go there so that's why I really want   to go there so anyway let's get on with the  journey we've got some mouse to catch up with hello kill him hello how are you how are you I'm good they must be pretty young oh my  my t-shirt's about to fall off this is so beautiful it's just like  it doesn't stop it just keeps going   the views just incredible absolutely incredible thank you you have a coconut yes this one oh the big one yeah yeah yeah down you can you can you cut it up yes come on whoa we've got pineapple mango I'd  love some mango got some of these   potatoes no there's not potatoes oh here we go [Music] come on [Music] come on it's like a little uh house little  convenience store on the side of   the uh it's not a highway it's a  small Road oh she's in both sides [Applause] oh there we go come on I can drink here ah over here okay what's  this uh check Checkers oh it's Chinese nice   very nice oh thank you so  much I'll drink it over here um oh my God I haven't had a coconut in so long so  refreshing it's not like super cold but up here   oh there we go I've done this in every video  now oh thank you we've got a cameraman now it's good I go again all right finish okay no thank you you want to go oh here we go ah wow you're really gonna you're gonna eat  them okay try again turn m1098 your name um this is the this is the best way to get to know  people using the peace pipe the name peace pipe um okay uh [Music] tell me when oh no no thank you for success okay okay one more time I don't do this very often   and also guys for everyone wondering okay this  is a proper thing for everyone wondering this is   tobacco not uh maybe you can uh yeah oh it's  strong this is very strong very strong okay did they know so suck hello okay well we'll find out hello oh yeah oh my God that's a proper hit right  there okay no I was doing it wrong every   time I did it before that's the proper way  come on come on your name nice to meet you   um live your house yes yes okay ah just turned  oh nice very nice uh uh all day that is Vietnam uh uh this is where I'm flexing my Vietnamese I uh it's it's you get one pronunciation  wrong and it's just a completely different   sentence I probably said something  completely different but uh yeah thank you for having me toy then  uh to Nook on oh they have no idea England ah he knows the English word yeah very  nice I can try the sweet corn you you grow here ah [Applause] very good fresh two pieces Museum uh sticky oh they're different yeah it's sweet  oh sweet oh this one's sweet sweet ah this is   like they stick sticky sticky Savory maybe oh  nice I go to uh I go to Hai Zhang Loop Hai Zhang it's uh I'll show you yeah yeah you you I'm going today no no Hanoi here it's about 18 kilometer already  okay good that's not far it's very hot very hot [Music] Troy ah there we go come on I can put this here boom thank you so much nice to meet you nice to  meet you bye-bye okay thank you for the peace pipe I was driving along this road just down here  and I spotted this hotel and I've been driving   for about five hours and I thought I'd really  love a nice hotel right now it's very unlike   me usually I would love to stay with the home  the families but I've got another week to do   that and I'm planning to do three days with  the family so I've come to this hotel we're   still finding out the price just doing a bit of  negotiation but it's pretty nice pretty nice hello oh my God so hard right so hot yeah  thank you I just want to find out   um how much for the room yes the best price and  for you for today is one million and 900. oh wow   included for breakfast for tomorrow morning I can book online yes let's see well design   so cool it's really modern it when was this built  yeah this is new new hotel yeah very nice this is   I'm absolutely lost for words this is like a  whole Resort just I would sit in the middle   of a village in the middle of nowhere I've  been driving and there's been no civilization   for hours you know just pop out and there's  this huge Hotel like so clean so beautiful 827 this is me oh come on come on   oh thank you so much what's your name that  your name and means older yeah okay yeah come on come on come on donkey s it's like barley style and this is like clay  this is the view okay okay come on come on   oh my God Troy this is the view from my room I  don't think I've ever experienced a view like   this and it's just peace and quiet we've got like  a thatched roof a barley style decor is the seats   outside everything's so clean and this is the  room guys it's a modest room in terms of size   but for me that doesn't really matter it's more  about the view and the cleanliness and just like   yes it's a bed all the beds in Vietnam were  really hard so I'm happy to have a soft bed   like waking up to this view every single day  although I'm only staying for one night we got   teas coffees let's see what's in here oh  yes please oh I might have one right now yes please and water over here these are  not free we got Luxury Spa things here   and then over here bathroom let's check it  out oh yeah huge shower wow look at this   golden shower with the two nozzles  state of the Arts absolutely fantastic   and they've even got their own branded toiletry  items soap and whatnot wow okay okay I could   easily easily extend my stay here but I can't  we're on a very tight scheduled road trip   um but I'm glad I didn't fix any schedule  in like I didn't book any hotels because   otherwise I would have would have  not been able to kind of just come   here on a whim and just choose to come  here so cheers guys thank you for watching oh my God oh that is nice that is amazing oh oh wow so this is the hot spring that they have and we'll  lower down there's actually some women over there   they look like from the Hmong tribe and they are   farming for Rice I think I'd love to go over but  it's there's a river so we'd have to cross the   river I'll think about it but in the meantime  it's nice very warm so really nice and uh I've just blown away like I just can't get over  how I was just in the middle of nowhere literally   the middle of nowhere I've never been somewhere  more remote in my life and then I come across this   Resort perfect place for a resort to be fair  and uh I have to say honest opinions is that   there have been to many places like this like a  little Eco Resort and this one is the best by far   in terms of other countries I'm not saying in  Vietnam I'm saying compared to other countries   like just because Nepal India Pakistan Sri Lanka  when I've been to these countries they just don't   have the infrastructure and so something always  goes wrong this place everything works perfectly   can't really complain all right guys I'm checking  out had an amazing stay at this hotel one of the   best hotels I've stayed at in terms of value  for money just absolutely incredible like it   felt like a six-star hotel and it was a four-star  hotel 60 pounds a night like you can't beat it   incredible experience thank you for  watching and I'll see you in the next video

2023-08-14 03:39

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