The most beautiful sunset - DAY5 #broliaidviraciai

The most beautiful sunset - DAY5 #broliaidviraciai

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- Good morning - we are starting the day. 6am. Day 5. -it’s a cold morning - Great morning. - Our bicycles - We will get ready and continue cycling through hills - Our campsite - The tent has been cleared, now ready to be packed.

- Alright, let’s pack up and let’s go - Another day. We had a good sleep but little of it. Woke up with the sun. - We had a tent set up facing right into the sun. So it was much warmer in the morning because at night it was 10C. - Amazing views around us, but we need to keep going - Most likely we will be in the hills again - As you can see, here on the side we have hills - And there, far behind some more hills - At the moment we are on top, so we will start by cycling downhill. - Right here, following this road. - Then we will reach the forest and will see what’s next - Let's go - Here we are, the day starts to get some speed, we just had some breakfast - We already cycled for 10km which was a quick warm-up - It’s good to charge our devices while standing still because when cycling the panel is not charging that well.

- Probably because it's not stable on the bike and angel to the sun is always changing. So yeah, it’s not working well - Rokas is working on the final bits to prepare the bikes. - We have a good road today. It’s a bicycle path so it’s great. - We get some hills but not like yesterday – little up, little down.

- The slope is low, thus we are slowly approaching the top - And that’s nice, because afterwards you slowly go down. - You know – hills. - That’s all for now. - We are going further. The plan is 103km but even though we would like to do more, 103km will be fine anyway. - Our cycling trip through France became a walking trip through France. - We are cycling on rocky road for around 3km already.

- If we get a punctured tire then it’s all over. If we puncture only the inner tube then it’s not as bad. But the tire puncture is the end... - We have an idea. Right after this corner and 1 km away, we should get on the main road and then we can cycle around. - So, yeah.. you enjoy it? - Rokas - No.

-that’s what I mean.. let’s go to the right. - There ,on top of the hill we should find the main road. - As you can see, we found the main road, which we can use to get to today’s destination. - the only issue is that the road is not the best -because there is not much space behind the line. -if we are going on the line then drivers are afraid to overtake and thus we are simply disturbing the traffic. -another thing is that, there are many little stones on the road which sometimes fly from the car tiers.

- so when we cycle and hope that if it comes at us, then it hits the helmet. - That’s how cycling goes. - But the wether is really nice, sun is shining, - We are going to get some groceries and then we will see whats next - The place we are going to should be phenomenal.

-Because that’s where the cost line isn’t sand but cliffs. -I imagine that the view out there must be amazing. This we will find out after 22km - Rokas just got some ice-cream - Meanwhile, I was cleaning the bags. -this bag and.. yeah, only this one - Also charged the phone while Rokas was doing groceries - Show me what you got. - Rokas - buns and some donuts for 8ct each - Really? - Rokas-yeah - Rokas - water, cheese, ice-cream, bread, and doe sticks with cheese.

- How much did you pay? - Rokas -11 euros - In the Netherlands you get ice-cream... - Rokas- that’s already 5 euros - Or you take ben & jerry so it’s 8euros. - What else can you buy ? - Sometimes we buy ice-cream, chocolate some other snack and it’s 20 euros already. - For nothing - Rokas - Absolutely - When we are back in Lithuania – we are millionaires.

- We go to groceries store, and we can get any 5 products. - Anyway. - In France we always go to Lidl, the best or at least the cheapest. - So yeah, we cycled another 13km. out of which 3 was uphill, 3 down hill.

- Cycling uphill was like half an hour, - Downhill – 30sec. - How does your free time look like? -We usually cycle uphill - Legs are working really hard - We just explored the main square and now I’m thinking that.. - Such views are the reason we travel. - It's the nature, not the cities - Cities are beautiful, architecture, museums and stuff. - But this trip is different. - We are here for the nature, the view of it.

- For the chance to expand the horizon, look far in the horizon. - We are always with the books, always busy looking down. - But now we get a chance to cycle, look around. Also looking down but at least time to time we look around. - It’s amazing.

- We actually passed that church. and to get there we had to cycle for 3km which took us around 30mins maybe even more. - Alright, let’s go to the place we are thinking about all day. - Right, brother? - Rokas - Brother? - That’s what they said at least. - What did you say? - Rokas - Good sound! - nobody heard it? What did you say? - Rokas - good sound -ok, now it‘s clear after you said it for 3 times. - Rokas - yeah - You are so talkative - Rokas!!! - Rokas - what? - It's 500 !!!! - More than a quarter, less than a third. - And we are climbing the hill.

- Rokas - Let‘s just cut here and go straight to our destination. - Rokas- half of a kilometre to go up - Half of a kilometre to go up - So we do. What does it means to us? We are already past 500 and we have a plastic bag - And with panniers. Oh, it's open.

- Anyway, we keep going. Already above 500km. - Let‘s see what‘s the average speed and then compare it after another 500km. - We are so high. But we had to climb quite a bit for it. -cant wait for the morning view. And we havent even seen the sunset -you probably cant hear me, but that‘s not even needed, everything is clear by itself. -Rokas! This is 500km gift.

-Rokas- it‘s perfect if cops won‘t wake us up. - if cops won‘t wake us up he said.. police officers I meant. - oh, a pillow. Also an option.

- Yesterday we slept on the stones. Actually, tonight. -everyhting is cleaned up nicely, harvested even though it’s not august. - And we are going to camp on the cliff. -we are back on the sand and rocks, but that’s not that bad because we have this wonderful view.

-uh, that was a big stone.. -it took us a while to get here, but it looks like we achieved something. - How are you? - Rokas - good, cold. - I also feel great. As you can see we are very talkative people. -so yeah, as you saw already, we reached 500km, which is really nice - The view here is like a fairy-tale.

-for him the view is also not to bad. -of course, we are not complaining - What? - Rokas - He must be able to tell that the earth is rounded. - Right? - The sunset must look amazing from here -I have no words to explain it. - We cycled for 500km...

- ...Through endless hills - Mountains, hills.. -anyways, it was a challenge. - But for this view.. my hands are dirty from the wheel. - For this view it was all worth it.

-Rokas, what do you think about this view? - Rokas- it’s beautiful.. it would be nice to get to the sea. - Rokas - we are going to sleep so well. - Let’s take a look at this wonderful place. - It's a fairytale.

- So yeah, we will set up our tent somewhere by his side. - He mentioned that 6 years ago, there was 10m more land. -now we are standing one meter from the edge so maybe that’s not the smartest thing to do. -this is so beautiful. - I thing through camera lens it’s still beautiful - But in reality you can really feel some magic, good vibe, energy coming from this place.

2021-02-01 15:27

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