The Most Alien place on Earth - Socotra island, Yemen

The Most Alien place on Earth - Socotra island, Yemen

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Socotra the last true adventure on Earth with  less than 4,000 tourists a year very few get to   experience this untouched Paradise hidden away  between Somalia and Yemen this alien island is   only accessible from two weekly flights and  is one for the true Adventurer welcome to Socotra Good Morning from one of the most unique  forests on planet Earth we are surrounded right   now by thousands of these Dragon Blood trees only  found here in Socotra in about 30 minutes time   we're going to be leaving forest and heading down  the mountain to some of the other locations on the island everything you see here  is going to be packed up put in   our 4x4s and then we're going to be going down the mountain all right let's go guys we've got  a lot of exploring to do today Hani are you   ready for our long drive today yeah yeah  yeah it's our number one driver okay it's   quite the experience coming down this  mountain there's rocks everywhere this   is proper off-roading you could  definitely not get here in a usual car we've come a long way down the mountain  now right into the canyon and as you can see   here we've just come across a waddy it's  not very deep at the moment but there's   a lot of rocks here we go so if you don't  know what a waddy is basically it's like a   River Canyon which often dries up in the  very dry season so right now there's not   loads of water apparently down here there's  a little bit more we can go for a little swim this is the first time we've actually seen  palm trees on this island and that's because   of all the water around here yeah when  we woke up this morning it was so cold   up the top of the mountain but now I'm  literally sweating I don't know if you   can tell but the sun is so strong and  I think because we're in the canyon the   Heat's just like staying there's no wind  to cool us down he said this bit's not   so good for swimming because it's got a lot  of algae in so we're going to go over there a little bit [Music] chilly it is so refreshing  in here is an oasis of paradise we don't have   lots of time here so we're going to dry off and  head back to the car cuz we've got a lot to cover today we have just reached the good road again  and honestly I've never felt a smoother service   in my life it feels like we're flying at like  60 km in an hour now Abdul has just spotted   a chameleon whoa I've never seen a comedian  before he's currently the color of the road   and if he goes into the green he'll turn green  oh my God Amelia you're being really Brave he   doesn't want to go me no problem no problem  no problem Amelia you are a brave girl your   mom will be very very impressed he's  trying to climb your hair though okay   is it tickling can he change any color or just  any color any color any color what green white   so here in Socotra 90% of all the reptiles you  find are actually only endemic to this island   so you won't find them anywhere else chele it's  an endemic I actually can't believe that they   change color and can adapt to any color that's  surrounding them how crazy is that that that   exists in nature back on the road we go driving  along the empty roads the mountains flattened   to vast empty lands we reached the southern  coast one of the least populated parts of the island it's really echoing that's how you  get rid of the birds in the cave this is   dig up cave 40 years ago people actually  used to live in here this cave entrance   is absolutely massive you can fit a whole  town in here could you the reason people   were living here just 40 years ago is  because of the big Monsoon every day   in July and August it's raining up in the  mountains in the plateau they come here to   Shelter From the rain and it's a massive cave  so it almost feels like you've got a massive house wow we have just seen our first hello [Music] wow we have just arrived in the middle of  the desert look at this sand June behind me and   this is where we are going to be cing tonight the  amazing team have got here before us and have set   up our entire Camp including our seating area  where we have our freshly made lunch and just   keep in mind that they don't grow fruit and veg  on this island but they have provided us with so   much and they've obviously had to import this  so we are very grateful for this in this one   it looks like we have fresh fish the fish here  is honestly so good I think it's caught really   locally there's only a few things that actually  export from cotra and one of those things is the fish I'm stuffed after all that food literally  every meal we've had here with traveling Socotra   has been unreal it's got to about 4:00 and  the sun sets so early here so we're going   to head out onto the big dunes over here have  a little watch of the sunset if you've ever   climbed a sand June before you know it's not  flipping easy oh here we go a bit more sun in   our face now when I put the Drone up earlier  you could see just how far these Junes just   go on look how cool the camp looks behind me  it literally looks like we're in the middle   of nowhere and we basically are let's sit  down and enjoy this beautiful sunset [Music] colors in the sky right now just look incredible  like you can't really see on camera but it's like   orange to pink to blue to purple and then there's  stars coming out the next few days are going to be [Music] incredible what a beautiful warning  we've got a bit of color in the sky   there's a camel behind me and we  are just woken up in the middle of nowhere the sun is just coming up behind me and  it's so peaceful this morning there's no more wind   and it's just silent all you can hear is the waves  in the background as the sun rose over the Junes a   group of camels arrived and we met Hassan a local  camel herder who offered to let us ride a camel   all right it's time to ride this camel  doesn't that's quite the sound is he   is he okay okay he's okay he's making some funny noises oh my gosh how is it it's all right it was  a little bit scary getting up but this   is nice it's much easier than walking  on the sand now I've been on this for   like a minute I'm actually like like I'm  fairly comfortable look I can almost take   my yep I've got two hands off camel probably  shouldn't do that the camels here in sakota   are actually not native they brought them in  to help them carry stuff and help with the farming Amelia's been brave as well she's on the  camel good good good good good good good Angela   good even though we didn't know what Hassam  was saying we loved his energy hold on good good good good good good good yeah good yeah   what's that mean everybody is  good everybody's good yes this is once again the team has packed up all the   tents and now we're heading back in  the 4x4 and heading on to our next location so this thousand is only half a USD and  then this 500 is only a quarter of a USD and the   problem here in Yemen is the money fluctuates  so much that it's very difficult whoa I'm rich   because of the war in Yemen the money fluctuates a  lot so it can be very hard to know how much stuff   is because of the fluctuation which makes it  really hard for people to AFF to afford things   all of this money is only 3 USD which is quite  insane and the one thing to know is if you look   up online it'll probably tell you the north  yeny reel which is a different currency and a   different exchange rate to the one in South Yemen  and here in [Music] sakota it looks like we have a problem unfortunately guys we have a flat tire  but of course the team already already on it   I think they've got a spare tire just  underneath the car here so we'll be   absolutely fine just a little break whilst the  team sorts it out hey number one this is the   car on the other team who have all our tents  and stuff so they probably come to help as well good flat tires are common in scota with  the rough roads usually getting one a week but   it can be as many as four and we're all sorted  now I think that must have only taken 10 minutes   minutes which is so fast Joel and I were just  saying it would have taken us probably 3 hours   to change that tire y y y y y [Music]  y this one's a little bit of a tough road it's definitely an adventure out here  on one of the most isolated parts of the island we have just arrived at  the canyon so aan our local guide   here is going to take us down to the white  Canyon I think it's about 30 minutes until   we get down the water looks so blue it looks  incredible what no I nearly fell all good it   feels like we have just arrived on another planet  once again this looks like a moonscape suddenly   like the whole Canyon is just white why is it so  white the flooding water kind of washes it oh okay   time to get in the water I am sweating so much  from that walk it is really hot in this Canyon   and the water looks so refreshing right now  cryst like how is it that clear right now   probably I'm guessing cuz it's coming from  the mountains yeah I think it's just fresh water that is refreshing that's nice actually this spot  is quite famous cuz a lot of people like   jump off the White Cliffs so of course  I think we're going to give it a go just   climbing through this moonscape this must  be the most alien place on planet Earth [Music] who [Music] wo woo right time to go for the bigger jump  Now where's that over here I'm not sure   about about this big jump maybe I'll set  this one out W I don't know if you can tell   but that Cliff is actually massive and aan  the local guide he just did it I'm not sure   Joel's going to do it just because we're  so remote it's quite a risk something in   my head is just saying don't do that you're  super remote there's not the best hospital   probably here so decided just to be on the safe  side you know maybe I'm growing up I am 25 now the white Canyon is definitely one of my  favorite spots yet just because it's so   refreshing in this hot sun and now  we've got a sweaty hike up through   these beautiful bottle trees back to  find our lovely driver hany oh guys   10 minutes in and because it's almost  the middle of the day now it is hot out here oh we have just come a little  bit further up the mountain in the car   to a little picnic spot but we've got this little  shade area come in here and we're going to have   some lunch after that sweaty hike oh it's so  nice to be sat in the shade and we've got so   much fresh fruit and veg right here thanks Abdul  welcome you're a legend right let's get on the road we've driven like 20 minutes and the  landscape has completely changed we've got   this beautiful Green Forest Area with the crazy  ugly bottle trees oh don't give them an ugly look   they're actually quite nice they're just flipping  weird in this little patch there are so many like   it just goes on forever I've Just Seen probably  the biggest the tallest Bottle Tree yeah look at   that that's at least the twice the size of me  maybe three times the reason that they're so   fat like this and kind of squidgy is because it's  it contains lots of water because it is very dry   and arid here there's not loads of rain so cotra  actually spit away from the African Mainland 6 to   7 million years ago and that's why it's adapted  to all these emics endemic species and plants and animals we are now climbing up this  mountain heading to a point called   horn Hill I can't believe how green it  is getting because just 30 minutes ago   it was just desert [Music] land as we  are higher up on the mountains again   we've start to see the Dragon Blood  trees cuz they only grow at higher elevations we've just started this hike and we're  going to a spot Which is less visited in some of   the other spots like the white Canyon now we're  actually 400 m up and you can feel the difference   in the air temperature it's a bit chillier up here  but so much nicer to hike in I almost missed them   cuz I haven't seen them in over 24 hours but we've  got the Dragon blood trees again so the Dragon   Blood trees you don't see quite as much until  you go into the mountains cuz they're usually   growing around 400 and above in sea level whereas  the bottle trees they grow a little bit closer to   sea level why is it called horn hill hill hill  hill hill which everything comes carrying here   because before no cars no everybody comes from  the north carrying food and date up here to the   village in the mountain Abdul just said that  this area is like a natural Botanical Garden   you've got most of the endemic plants which are  found here in cotra we have just arrived at hom   Hill infinity pool some locals just turned up  from hadibo in in cotra like the capital city   and they said they've never been here before so  it's their first time as well I'm going to go   in this infinity pool it does feel a little  bit cold but just got to go for it you know [Music] Joel is using this infinity pool as his  shower for the day currently hopefully he   comes out smelling fresh this place is  unexpectedly beautiful what a place to   just come swim in the mountains  cotra just keeps on giving and giving and we have reached the car time to  head to our camp for the night the camp spot   we're going to tonight we actually haven't  seen yet and we won't see see it until the   morning because it's going to be dark when we  get there from what I've heard this campsite   is going to be the best we've been to yet so  it's very exciting arriving back at the car   we were invited to share tea with the locals  we had met at the infinity pool sharing is an   important part of the culture here in cotra  and everyone has made us feel so welcome here the sun is about to set in the distance  as we end another incredible day here in cotra [Music] we've arrived at camp and the amazing team  have set up the tent because it's so dark   outside we have no idea of our surroundings  and apparently they're pretty good all we can   hear is the crashing of the Waves behind  us today was such a good day we ended up   doing so much and now we are completely  exhausted and we have to get up for   Sunrise so it's about 8:30ish now I think  we're already getting ready for bed good night whilst we sleep if you did Miss part  one of our time here in Catra then I'll   leave a link to it in the description  and whilst you're there why don't you subscribe it's so early and here we are at the big white  sand dunes it's looking incredible   we've got about 15 minutes till  sunrise so we got to get up there now this just looks like a white blanket  has been plopped up against this Cliff   maybe from the winds or something that  must be how it's created it looks like   a Snowy Mountain we just have to hike up  this hill now right now it's quite hard   but I'm sure as we get a bit further  up it's going to get like soft sand   and it's not going to be easy that's our  car they'll pick us up a bit later but we   got to see this white sand June for Sunrise let me  balance the camera to show you the angle okay walk up it's really hard to balance because you  kind of have to stay balanced but then you   can't lean too much forward otherwise you plop  down i' got to take a break for a second because   it's not too bad but it is quite vertical  it's just the what is it called ver vertigo   this isn't ver no the incline is probably  like 50% or something too much for meoo   440 in the morning this is quite the hike  to suddenly do put the body in a bit of [Music] shock there is a few people dotted  around most of the time we've had   this place pretty empty maybe one or  two people some places but this is a   little bit more busy but because it's  such an expansive area you can easily   Escape people still wow I think we're going  to have a good Sunrise starting to look incredible these sand Junes are so tall and  they just seem to keep on going like once you   think you're at the top there's like a plateau  and then you keep on going up absolutely insane [Music] [Music]   wow that is good fun it takes like 20 minutes  to get up here but to get down it's like two   I genuinely think this is the most insane  Sunrise spot I have ever seen in my entire   life and we've done a lot of traveling a lot of  sunrises but I think this tops it I just can't   get over it these sand massive sand Junes right  on the coast with Crystal Blue Water down there   cotra has achieved Perfection it's about 7:30 now  and I think we're going to head down because our   lovely driver hany and Abdul are waiting for  us plus it's starting to get pretty hot in the   sun honestly guys take don't take these videos  to granted cuz this bag weighs a ton I've got   tripods all all sorts in here I've carried it  up this sand drun and I'm holding nothing on   this all right are we going to run this is  the fun bit okay ready count an arc For Me   3 2 1 are you ready letter wait I can only count  forwards the letter if NAD yellow [Music] I can't stop wow this bit's so squishy I think cotra  might be my favorite place top on planet earth   oh on top for sure on top incredible we have  just arrived back at camp and look at the huge   white sand June behind us we couldn't even  see it when we arrived here yesterday and the   best thing is we're literally about 10 m away  from the sea where we camped last night so we   are on to another location we've got to drive  about an hour down the road back where we came   the other day and we're going to be going to this  beautiful spot so we're doing something different today I don't think I've ever seen sand that white  before piercing in the eye because it is so white [Music] we've just arrived in deham and that is  in cotry the name the place of two mountains as   you can see behind me these two Big Red Rocks  now this is actually Coral Beach and we're   going to be snorkling around here because it's a  marine protected area this is Adan the snor man   you're welcome nice to meet you you're welcome  is me Joel you're welcome John are you the only   snorkel instructor on the island yeah yeah  my friend is the instructor for scoa diving   some people didn't don't know how to snorkel  don't know how to swim I I go with them oh   or some people they like like guide guiding for  oh nice you're the man for that number one guide   in all of Socotra perfect this good the great  thing about snuggling here in Socotra is there's   not loads of fishing obviously they do fish here  but it's not like big you know commercial fishing   so the reef out here is supposed to be super  super incredible okay see you in a bit see you   tomorrow we've now got our flippers we've got  our goggles and it's time to see if we can see   anything thing in the sea apparently there is  turtles around the area but it depends on your   luck so I know if we go past that little red  Hill which I showed you then we might even see   some reef sharks but apparently the current can  get quite strong out there so we might stick to a   being a bit closer to the shore but this looks  absolutely wonderful doesn't it looks so good   right now let's put on these flippers and go for  a swim our last full day here in cotra I'm so sad as soon as we entered the sea we could see the  abundance of fish in the waters holding our   breath and Diving down amongst the fish we can  see sakota was not only biodiverse on land but   also in the [Music] waters snorkeling Just Around  The Reef we saw so many Big Fish bigger than I've   ever seen before like genuinely so many like this  big and even bigger we saw parrot fish puffer fish   some other fish that I don't know the name  of it's definitely worth coming to this spot   if you're coming to cotra as there are so  many fish everywhere and apparently um you   can actually do diving here cuz there's  a Dive Master and there's chance seeing   sharks potentially manay in certain season  and also whale sharks in certain Seasons as   well north of Y north of Y North in the Adam  was so kind and just gave us 100 Yemenese real   look at the Socotra the Dragon Blood Tree on  the back of the note I'm going to keep this   as my souvenir here in Socotra that is amazing  thank you so much Adan bye my friend have a good   time bye as we drove back along the North Coast  of the island we spotted Something In The Water   next to a fishing Village from the Drone you could  see a huge pot of dolphins playing in the shallows   the island is home to so many dolphins that we  managed to see them three times within our trip   everyone behind me is very excited about Joel  flying the joone including a little boy who's   just s stood over there with Joel I this might  have been the first time they've seen a drone   before after the excitement we introduced  ourselves to the fishermen they had a large   catch of yellow fin tuna which they export to  Yemen and the UAE but we also spotted something unexpected okay you might have seen the  shark that they caught and apparently they   don't purposely fish for the sharks  they fish for the tuna but they just   happen to catch shark which I mean to us  is very sad but to them that's just how   they live that's you how they make money  they make a lot of money from Catching the Sharks it is nice to be back here I feel like  the last 7 days have just been non-stop but just   absolutely incredible everyone the community  everyone we've met on this island have just   been so nice and I think that's the one thing  which makes it stand out from anywhere else if   you watched the last video you would know what  the inside of the tent looks like but we want   to show you the campsite because we think this  is the best campsite we've had yet and this is   our luxury tent it is so much larger than what  most people stay in when they come to scota most   people are just in a small little tent but we're  in this and it has been amazing if you do want   to stay in these luxury tents then you have  to go with traveling Socotra and I'll leave   a link to their website in the description  that'll answer any questions you might have   hello how are you hello welcome to my tent well  it doesn't even feel like a tent it's just just   like a room really we really have so much space  in this tent and it genuinely is so tall but the   best part is the view which you can have right  from our comfy air mattress so crazy that we   could actually see dolphins right here from our  bed if you walk with me this way you can come to   our bathroom set up in here is our toilet so this  is a a compostable toilet and it's pumps and yeah   it's pretty good for the middle of nowhere right  it works pretty well it doesn't smell I enjoy it   as much as you can enjoy a toilet and then in  this one we have our very own camping shower so   the way this works is you have a little pump  you pump up the water and then it comes out   of here which is pretty good considering we're  in the middle of nowhere if you do book one of   the cheaper tours then you might not have access  to a proper toilet in some of the campsites and   some of the campsites also don't have a proper  shower as well well so having these two portable   ones is very nice and behind me is the living  area this space is where we eat dinner lunch   breakfast all that kind of stuff and we've  also got a good old charging station which   has solar panels and over here we have like the  lounging area this is close to where we'd have a   fire the crew are just relaxing Traveling  Socotra actually organizes Beach cleanups   for their team and we're actually joining one  today so let's go pick up some plastic [Music] one of the issues with Socotra  is there's not a lot of Education   with with regarding to waste there's  not a proper waste management system   here but with traveling Socotra the tour  company they always make sure they pick up   all the waste cuz unfortunately some of the  companies actually do not and they do leave remains we've just done 20 minutes  of a beach clean up and this is all   the stuff we've picked up thanks  to traveling toota they're going   to send it back to Yemen so it  gets off the island 20 b amazing thank you hold on sure sure we're going to have a little  swim to end this beautiful day and this   incredible week probably one of  the best experiences we'll ever   have and I can't believe we're leaving  tomorrow I'm so sad let's [Music] go W this is so cool the water's actually so warm  at the moment I just feels like a nice bath   the perfect way set end our [Music] trip a big  thank you to traveling Socotra for gifting us   this tour it's been an incredible experience and  we will definitely be returning to this island at   some point and a big thank you to all the team  especially Hani and Abdul for putting up with   us and all of our drone requests and various  things that they had to put up with this week   thank you so much for watching you know what  to do go down there hit the Subscribe button   we want to make more videos like this so  the more people who hit that subscribe   button it helps us to keep creating  adventurous incredible stories to   share with you guys thank you so much  see you in the next one bye [Music]

2024-12-23 21:45

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