The MEGACITY IN CHINA You've NEVER Heard Of... (This BLEW our MINDS)

The MEGACITY IN CHINA You've NEVER Heard Of...  (This BLEW our MINDS)

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Good morning, good morning. It is a travel day. We are off to the train station because we are leaving Wuhan, but we are off on a brand new adventure. And it is one that honestly we are beyond excited for and you guys are going to be excited for it very, very soon But right now we're just waiting on the roadside for our taxi. That's us 9628.

Yay, there we go. Perfect. Thank you. Oh, lovely. Now we are off to the train station.

I think I've said train station so many times. We are super excited for this one because we have been waiting for this to happen for a very long time. In case if you're wondering what we're talking about, we're on our way We're leaving Wuhan and we're going to a new city called Zhengzhou! Yeah. Now, for those of you who are eagle eyed and you know what we're talking about, amazing. But those that don't know what we're talking about, and that is clue number one, you need to stick around for the next episode because a big reveal is in the next one right now, we're on our way to Zhengzhou Because it is going to be a good one Are we at a train station or are we at an airport? Take a very quick look at this Wuhan railway station.

Honestly though, the way we just pulled up in our DiDi it feels like we've arrived at a domestic terminal or something. I swear I've been in smaller airports This is crazy. Wow, in China I don't think I've seen a train station more grand than this. Like on the outside, at least I don't know what it's like on the inside.

But as we were approaching this, I thought we were coming into the airport, we literally had to double check. It's so great. Oh, look at this. Yeah, we've got a whole team of like people coming in and so they look like cabin crew for a minute, but it is absolutely huge out the front.

And do you want to know maybe the most impressive thing of today? We are approximately an hour and 10 minutes early, one hour and 15 minutes early, actually 16 minutes. That's our personal best yet in China. Because normally, yeah, we're always late! So, so bad. We're gonna go and head in, find the gate with the person, get our tickets checked and then head straight through and hopefully we'll go and find some snacks and show you this big railway station. So let's go guys! We made it through. That was smooth sailing.

And I swear, isn't it just the law or the rules that when you're on time, everything is so easy, so simple, so quick. Honestly, when we had our passports checked, yeah, our passports checked, there was no queue. We walked straight up. He literally did his thing, through then security, no queue bags through, through. I mean, what a joke.

But it's fine. Anyway, we're not going to complain. We're just now waiting for our train because we book all of our train tickets with and we absolutely

love, love, love them. They are the best. It's so smooth, so easy. But this train station is all open. I can see there's trains coming in right in front of us.

That's kind of cool to see. Usually you can't see the platforms, but, it is looking like a busy operation. We've got 2 coming in and going out right now.

Oh my goodness. My first impressions as we've walked in here is that it honestly feels and looks like an airport. You've got like your gates here, shops down the side more just behind Taz over here, this side too, and then you've got on the right hand side is where all the escalators are going down to the train platforms. It is so cool.

I mean, it is such a grand train station, this one, but it's the best organised one that we've seen so far This is by no means quiet, it is busy everywhere. People, they've taken up pretty much all the seats. The good thing, however, it is so nicely signposted. It's so well managed.

There are so many entrances to this place, as well. Look at that up there, you've got restaurants. Yeah, there's a whole shopping floor. There was a sign and it said go up to the shopping floor, which I'm assuming is the restaurants we can see maybe some shops, I don't know. But I mean, this feels like the biggest and the most spread out train station so far. OK, we need to get something to eat as well, maybe some snacks.

I think so. We have a business lounge Unfortunately today we're not doing business class, but now we know because you guys when we did Guangzhou to Shenzhen in business class, you told us, That it comes with access to the business class lounge, which unfortunately, again, we were running late. But This Is us Yes, that is us and is our train here? on the board? No, we're so early that there's two trains going out in front of us.

What a day to be alive. Hey, what a day! Mark this down on your calendar, guys. We were early and it's not a chaotic Sun Kissed Bucket List travel day, so calm, so relaxed right now normally we're always like, come on, we're running late. Yeah,

today, no problem! Oh Hello! Welcome to Wuhan. Thank you thank you That was so sweet He just appeared behind us. Do you reckon that was a subscriber? Maybe I don't know hello to you if you are, but also if you're not if you're watching subscribe! that was so cool.

This has been the consistent thing here in China people have been super, super friendly everywhere. So guys, if you see us In the city, if you see us out and about, come on over, say hello to us. We can feature you in the vlog as well, take some photos, you know. But now let's go look for some food.

I see some shops here. OK, what have we got here then? We've got some Peach drinks, We've got these bits here. Oh, that's a honey rice drink. This is another thing that we love to do, coming to new supermarkets in countries that we visit and see what new stuff they've got. Do you know this is so popular here, Noodles! everybody when they're at a train station or an airport buys a pack of noodles and then there's free water everywhere, on the train as well yes.

So they just go and fill it up and have them whenever they want, easy! I was going to show you guys all of these drinks here as well. I've never seen them anywhere. All right, we've got some crisps in a can original tomato, honey butter potato chips Let's do it. Or sea salt lemon flavour Should we? Sea salt Lemon. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. I'm down. I'm down. Get it! See, this is what I mean.

These are the kind of things that you won't find in the UK. No, Right!? You'll find your like, just what is it? McCoys, Lays. We've been away for so long, I've forgotten all the flavours. What are they called? Ready. Ready Salted And salt and vinegar. We don't do Lays in the UK because Lays in the UK are called Walkers. Yes.

Yeah. Hi. We've got some chicken feet in there in a bag as well, if you fancy something like chicken feet. Yummy. Why not? not Right now maybe! I think our train is coming OK, which way is our carriage? It's not this one. It's not here.

OK, there we go. It's here. It's here! So it's only going to stop here for three minutes It's imperative that we get the carriage right! If it's that side of the platform, We're in trouble! I hope we're making our way to the right one. Here we go there's somesigns here. So this is 4 So we are carriage 3 Let me just confirm it Yes, trusty guys, if you're watching, hit us up.

Love ya. This is it. This is carriage 3, my guy is having a cigarette before we get on. This is it. This is it.

Yes, here we are. Great work! Let's go. Let's do this! What seats are we? 12 Yeah. OK, thank you OK, empty so far. Happy days!

There we go This is us! This is us. Wow. It never fails to amaze me how stressful it is getting on the train. I mean, this one was fine, right, Because it's only 3 minutes, so I understand the stress here, but usually you have 10 minutes and everybody just goes absolutely crazy! Yeah. It's a free for all then. Yes.

But this has been very smooth This carriage is empty. Yeah. Wuhan, for a big city that it is, has such a systematic train station. We've loved it here. The experience has been 10 out of 10 guys, actually. Yeah. I have to say the experience has been pretty, pretty good. Like there's nothing to complain about and we even booked this train.

Usually we book our trains quite far in advance, but we booked it maybe like a week out, something like that or 4-5 days. So it's not that bad. I'm surprised! We've still got the crisps to try We're going to give them a go. Never tried these ones before.

Sea salt, lemon. We will get started once we are on the move Zhengzhou, We're coming! Just like that, less than two hours and we've arrived from Wuhan to Zhengzhou Excited to see what Zhengzhou is all about. Yeah, OK, first impression of Zhengzhou starts here Oh they have these as well, the ropes I love this system here.

Like when the trains about to leave they put these ropes down so you can't really try and rush onto the train. Very safe. I love it, but the sweet smell of smoke everywhere Yes, we're here. Zhengzhou, we're here. Let's see what's happening So we just arrived, we made it to our hotel. We're staying in City Comfort Inn in Zhengzhou So let me give you a very quick room tour.

This place is lovely, actually nicer than what I thought it was going to be to be quite honest with you. But there's this nice double bed, 4 pillows that is our idea of heaven, a TV as well Not that we'll probably watch it because we just don't really We have been using it! actually, Yeah, that's true guys A little hack for you Bring a HDMI and you can just connect your laptop to the TV. Hotels don't listen to this. But then we have a little table over here. So nice little desk area with a chair, lovely Air conditioning is perfect! A little view out the front here, Honestly, not much going on, but nice to have a window and you have some light bedside tables and they have loads of bedside tables with the switches, got the bedside charger, got a little wall art going on here of good old London Yeah baby, in case if you're missing the UK, you've got London town back here.

Home sweet home. Got a bedside charger there as well. Happy days, If i'm working here, I've got some chargers here too. So All in all, not about place also.

What is that? OK, yeah, we've got some slippers as well. Slippers and this is my favourite part... Look at this! We've got some extracurricular activities provisions, as well, in case if you guys feel playful. Just always make sure you're responsible! Where's the bathroom? Let's have a look.

Let's see what's happening around here Look at that. OK, This is a nice big counter. I am loving it, Got hand wash there, sweet What's the shower like then? Oh, is it in? Pull it!! Sorry, I should read more.

Yeah, this is a good enough size. You can easily add two people in here, 3-4 maybe another party. Why not? Hey, all right, it's nice.

That's nice. Very decent! And the best thing is they have a gym and they have a self-service laundry, which is ideal if you're like us, you've been on the road for a while, you might need to do a little bit of laundry. So we might even go and do that later on. But so far I love it.

Shall we now go and head out, see a little bit of Zhengzhou? Absolutely. Because we are in the city centre of Zhengzhou right now, So let's go see what's happening, right now, just checked in. Oh, see, it's got a little bounce there.

Yeah, It's not too soft but not too hard It's actually quite right. I quite like this! I like it. I like it So we thought we're here in Zhengzhou See what's happening? I don't know why the metro is so busy.

It's like the whole of Zhengzhou is out here. Party time everywhere you go in China guys. Wow. So many people coming down as well. What's happening? Not as many people going up as people coming down. Zhengzhou is a party place! Who knew? It's also, I was reading somewhere, It's one of the most emerging cities in China and a mega city,emerging mega city in China as well.

Like it has historical significance that I know because I think it was one of the main 8 cities in China historically and one of the ancient, Yeah, 1 of the 8 ancient capitals or cities. You could comment below, let us know. But I did not know these days, that it's going to be so young, so modern. And it is one of the emerging mega cities in China, which in itself speaks volumes.

And that's pretty cool. Where are we right now? Hello. Now this, if you look up Zhengzhou online, here's one of the landmarks that comes up, that tower. We have now come out to Erqi Square Wow! This place is buzzing Got a massive flag of China there! There was one over here somewhere as well on the screen. And I think I've seen a few people selling the flags as well. Now, in case if you're wondering what's happening, the reason for that is because National Day is upon us very, very soon! So that's the reason People are getting ready, They're getting their flags, they're getting their merchandise So it's time to celebrate the national holiday of China.

Behind us, you can see the skyscrapers. Yeah, this is a sprawling city, but this is what I was talking about. When you look up Zhengzhou, this comes up. This has been here for a while but this is pretty cool. OK, I had no idea.

That Zhengzhou would be this amazing, Neither did I, you know, to be quite honest with you guys, we have come to Zhengzhou for a very specific reason, which you need to stay tuned and watch the next episode if you want to find out. But right now this is busy wow. I'm happy that we came here because Zhengzhou Another thing about the city is it gets overlooked because in the West it does not get this kind of recognition because it is in Central China It's the capital of the Henan province as well, but It gets overlooked by other cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Shenzhen and all that but Zhengzhou from the looks of it, first impression, it looks like its got a lot to offer so Let's go see We've got some kind of announcement going on, maybe over this side. Yeah, I think there is something going on here as well. I think all around us there's like a lot going on.

Give you guys an idea that looks like probably the start of a pedestrian Street, Maybe, this is maybe a shopping mall. Stuff going on down here. Massive, massive screen here and all around us there's some action attraction. So another thing about Zhengzhou is it's located on the Southern Bank of the Yellow River And as such, it happens to be a very important place for trade and it is one of the biggest hubs when it comes to transport networks both domestically and internationally in China. So

it enjoys that significant that position in China is very important. It's got an International Airport as well. So Zhengzhou guys! I mean, we said it was busy, but it actually has a population of over 12 million people.

No way, no surprises that it's busy 12 million, which is crazy! not what I was expecting but let me tell you first and foremost, I see at 12:00 our very first stop There we go, we have been waiting for a nice smooth, refreshing beverage and we found it. So Mixue, what is this that bear looks lik Pikachu It's all yellow. I think this is, as usual, busy as with every Mixue in China Right.

Are we ordering of the app then? Shall we? Yeah, sure. Absolutely. We met some lovely girls Give me ait and I will be the cameraman no problem.

have a good one, like this. Look at that guys! Have a look you like it? Nice to meet you, bye! Success. He comes with gifts, in his own sweet time OK? We've discovered these new ones. They've got cheese at the top and they've got bits at the bottom. So that's a Peach, I think.

Oh, like the pulp? Yeah. And it's got like cheese bits at the top And it's not exactly cheese. So don't get grossed out in the West, because you'd be thinking what! cheese in your drink?! But this is actually more like yogurt tea if That makes any sense. Yeah.

Really good. OK. It's kind of sweet you know, that you have cheese in your pancakes sometimes like that Really good.

We've not tried this flavour before That's alright. I like the pulp it's really good so for people watching that still have no idea what's happening and why we are in Zhengzhou That's another hint for you guys. Your third and final clue! And then you have to stay tuned until the next one to find out what's really going on? Why are we here in Zhengzhou. But, we're super happy that we are here because this place looks buzzing! Cool city so far, but I think we're gonna head this way, right? Yeah. There's a lot of food here, actually, isn't there? I can see it down the side. There's...

This is the stinky tofu. We've got some craft beer as well. We are quite partial to a little bit of that.

These look like French fries. Are they? Yeah. They're chips, Right. OK. They're like long ones. I don't know why they're popular? But there you go We've got some skewers over here, some squid, and then on this side, I don't know, maybe some sausage or something more skewers.

Do you fancy something to eat right now? No, I'm going to enjoy my mixue. But I was going to say the one thing that I'm noticing right now in the demographics here, it's mostly the younger population. Like there's so many teenagers and early 20s people. This is really mellow but it's not too sweet but It doesn't beat my Jasmine milk tea though, does it? Different things all together, It's not a like for like comparison. I will give it an 8 out of 10 I tried another one with Mulberry Oh my gosh, that is the best. We are going to walk down this way. So

I think if I'm not wrong in this area or maybe down here is one of the pedestrian streets here. Dehua pedestrian street So we are going to go check that out. I'm expecting a lot of shops.

I already see jewellery shops over here too, which you can expect of course. If you guys did not know it is close to National Day. You would think the holidays already started and it hasn't let me just show you The holiday has not started. We still have a few days to go and look at this.

Right now, it looks like the entire Henan province is out and about There's colour, there's music just people enjoying their food, there's of course it won't be a Chinese high street if it weren't for a KFC. Hello. People love cameras down there in China. That is why I love China because it's such a camera friendly country. Another misconception in the West is if you go to China, you can't go and record in the open You will be asked to stop. Seeing is believing. When you come out and you see what's happening, it is one of the most camera friendly countries that we have visited.

As with walking streets, I think they all have their own different distinct features and identity. This one feels different. This is so busy.

Actually, so far, it's not too loud with speakers playing loud music We do not like that. This looks really spread out, the whole thing here, is really open, Zhengzhou overall, When we were making our way from the train station to our hotel, it felt like that. It feels like a really new city with its development. But maybe another Mixue, by the way.

Welcome to the land of Mixue right. As I was saying, because we arrived at Zhengzhou East railway station, the east side of Zhengzhou is a newly developed place as well like a a newly developed area. Which is why, buildings normally, are, massive and spread out as well, they're not like cluttered on top of each other, so that's really cool. What is happening? As the sun goes down on Zhengzhou city people are coming out together. Look at them dogs. I've seen rats bigger than those dogs in some countries I'm not going to name which ones, but those dogs were tiny! Look at the 3D screen, I love this.

This looks like Disney style Ohh I love Zhengzhou and another Mixue. Alright, how many have you seen? so far about 3 or 4, maybe? Alright, what's happening? People taking photos, with the flag of China As I was saying, we are nearing National Day in China, so there's flags up everywhere Babi Boy baby, baby, BABI is baby and the one next to it. What's that one? Yeah, I love it. Honestly, sometimes that's The funny thing is walking down these streets and seeing all of like the very close shops So we went in the shop, Just have a look around, see what's happening.

And the girls in there recognised us and they were like we've seen you guys on Douyin And they said hey, hello. I love it. I absolutely have such an amazing time when we see people that recognise us. Because Because, it's always really interesting to see that reaction and the love And yes, it's just cool. I don't know, but it feels crazy that out of a country of like what, 1.4

billion, billion, yeah, that people come up to us and they're like, ah, I've seen your videos. It's so crazy, but it's the best feeling. We're super grateful. So if you do see us come say Hello, we'll always have a chat. I always say, what are the odds? right! of running into people in a country as populated as China? 1.4 billion people and we're just two people. Like, what are the odds that you saw our videos, that is not bad, but it's a small world after all.

OK, another mission. We need to find a place to go and eat somewhere. And we have finally, after four trips to China, come to a consensus that if you're confused or you're lost for food, yeah, go to a mall. Yeah, for sure, for sure! Let's head on over to the other side. See what's happening? The sun looks gorgeous.

Look at the sky, look at that gorgeous sky It's like the Sky's on fire down here, Yeah the clouds look cute as well, don't they? The look fluffy and like a marshmallow. So cool. We're actually now just going to walk because literally around the Erqi Square area there is a mall called MixC So we have been to this mall in Shenzhen.

It was very, very nice. But yeah, we decided that bike was crazy fast and furious. Yeah, we decided we're going to go and get something to eat. We're very, very hungry.

Sun is setting. I'm sure that because of how many people are out right now, it's probably going to be quite busy. But people look like they are in good spirits, aren't they? Right. It seems it ilike holiday mode is on Yeah, I think that the holidays are going to be absolutely crazy! You guys told us to avoid the holidays in China, but, actually I think it's going to be quite fun. Before you said avoid it, stay put somewhere, don't go out.

It's going to be people mountain, people sea. But you know what? We're actually going to head out and experience it because you know what? Hey, when there is a holiday of that magnitude, go out, make the most of it, guys. Why not? Let's get to our next stop, guys, because all of this walking and the travel day, it's got me hungry. So let's see what's popular in Zhengzhou as far as culinary delights are concerned We made it to the mall, we found it. It's buzzing in here as well

And then look at the main centrepiece. What is that? A teddy bear? Is that a cat? Oh, it's cats! And there's cats, like real life cats! No! oh, it's the cat cafe Oh my Lord. Why? What is happening? So a massive cat and then we've got cats down here. That's so freaking cool. You can go and play with the cats in there, explore pets super powers.

Look at these gorgeous beauties out here. OK. Have you seen anything like this in a mall before? No. I mean, I've heard of, like, cat cafes, but I mean, we've seen cat cafes, but nothing of this size. Yeah, never in the mall.

In the centrepiece in the atrium. That's pretty cool. I havr to say, that's quite cool. This is epic, guys. Right? Superpower spaces.

That is so true. Look at that. They're all lined up and sat there with the kids because they're hoping there's some food on offer. This is so cool. There's a massive cat balloon up there.

What's going on, guys? Is this mall called the MixC mall? or it's called the Cat Mall? There's cats everywhere. The food court is going to be somewhere on the top floors maybe? I was going to say, are we going down? How many floors are there today? It's like we've got 2 going down this one, another one there. And then look at this. I see some EVs here as well. I see DJI too. Oh, is that the Neo Drone? Look, they're flying the Neo in there.

I'd like to get this. This looks epic. Look at that. All right, this is a palm sized drone. I might actually even look at the the new camera that they've released. It's

a DJI Action Pro 5.0 Is this the new one? That's the new one, huh? OK, What's the difference? 5.0 I have the 4.0

OK, cool. And DJI, if you're watching this one, we can collab. You know what's up?! There you go. Every time we see a DJI shop, I lose Taz to it. And we actually just saw down here as well.

They've got some electric cars. Where are you from? China From Zhengzhou? Zhengzhou. Yeah. Ah, what's your name? Nice to meet you Your English is good. thank you. You're very welcome. It's nice to meet you.

Your balloon? Good! Very good, I like it, so sweet friendly People everywhere, bye bye. I dragged him away. I can literally spend the entire day in a DJI store We know! Tech markets or shops or anything of that sort because I love it That is really nice actually. EVs in China are honestly next level. Oh look at this one, that's nice.

That's a purple kind of colour as well. That is beautiful. Very nice indeed.

Oh, yeah. Look at that. Should we have a look? Absolutely.

Look at that Oh, my gosh. The seats have, different controls. I'm never going to get him out now. These are really cool, have you seen the screen? Oh, yeah, Look at that. And a sunroof or moonroof So it's got the pillows you've got the headrest.

Wow, you've got a massive screen there, massive screen here. You've got some entertainment going on in the middle as well. So if you've got kids sat in the back, or adults even, they can have their own entertainment going as well. Why not? You've got your own temperature control out here. Look at that It's like we're on an aeroplane. We've got plenty of room in the back as well.

So it is 2-4-6, 6 seater and everyone's got their own vent and everything as well. Guys, what is this one even called? I don't even know, but look at this. Well, I am loving it and look at the size of the wheels as well. These are huge! happy happy days. These are 21 inches They look way bigger.

All right, time for me to get in and see what's happening All right. Is this going to go back? Yes, it is. This is what I was telling you guys. The screens are huge! What's the glove compartment capacity in this? sweet decent size! What is the name of this company again? LI, Li.

Yeah. So you've got some controls here in the steering as well. Li There we are, Li. Yes.

Oh, yeah. It's bringing the lumbar support. Yeah, here we go down the side Taz is loving it. Oh, that is really good. Yeah. You got the lumbar support here Very nice. Yeah.

In the back and the seats are heated! Are they? Bye. Bye, guys. I will see you later because I've got my new car here, the Li 9. I'm going to go around trying out on a little road trip guys.

40.98 which means 40.98 that means £400,000 OK about 50? 40,000, about £40,000.

I will give you some help There we go. Madam, is this the one for you? How is it? It's really nice You've got a big screen here, but this doesn't have the big screen, you know, like I've seen all the Chinese EV's They've all got like ginormous screens. Yeah. Yeah. You just got the one. Yeah.

Maybe it's a different variant, so maybe. But do you like it? It's OK. Because we're just checking out cars here in China right now is for when we actually move to China.

We have decided that we will definitely switch to electric, no more combustion fuel, conventional engines. We're going to go for something that is EV because the EV infrastructure in China is amazing! Hello. Hi, welcome to China Thank you very much. Bye. Bye. That was nice! It was so cool because I saw the guy, he stood here behind us and then he was like, he's a fan.

Hello. I hope if you're watching this comment below, let us know Hope you enjoy the vlogs. Do you know what that's showing you? Is that heat that's happening? Yeah. Yeah. Because my back feels like a little cold? It's got a cooling effect, right? Yeah. It's lovely.

Is this open? Yes, it is. There we go. That just opened as well. So. Oh wow That is deep! you can charge your phone right here as well. If you just literally pop your mobile down it will charge. Wow that is amazing! So, this is the one for you? Yes this one is, a Voyah I like it. That is a green Voyah

What's the price of this car? How much? We're trying to find out how much it is because the one over there is 400,000, Is that it?! OK, let's do that in £ £22,000 That's nothing! That is so affordable. And is this a 4 by 4? I don't think so. But guys, this is a £20,000 car, right? Something like this in the UK will cost you something north of £40,000 -£50,000 I can guarantee that. Because the EV game back in Europe is expensive Like super expensive. See if we go up? Yeah

Should we? All right, let's go so hungry. See if you can find some food. And yeah, get eating because I am super hungry.

Zhengzhou, show me your best food. Let's do this guys, let's go up! So just a few days ago, Apple iPhone 16 was launched. Oh my God! And hence why it is busy inside right now! The good thing is I am not that obsessed with Apple as a company anyway.

We do own the iPhone, but it's lagging behind the technology, I think. Exactly. Yeah, we're big Samsung Fans. But yeah, I mean, we we have no issues admitting it. Samsung is far superior to an Apple that is busy.

But in other news, that is the cat store down there. Cats just chilling out, making our way up to the food court Ok, I think we're pretty much ready because this one is busy looking at the menu. Is it looking good? I mean, I think so.

I'm just checking to see that there's other options and not just pork. So bear with us. Hold on. I think that's fish I think this is maybe beef. Yeah. Should we? Yeah, Why not? Let's do it.

Let's go then. Yeah, we are going here. This place.

Oh, look at the photos, guys. Oh, we're in business. So if the food's good, enjoy it. Yeah. And if it's not, then I'll blame you because you selected this place. Oh, happy days. So we've got everything down here.

We've got the napkin and the chopsticks, and we've got the QR code here as well. Yes. Is it looking good? I mean, it looks OK. Yeah, for sure. Look at the menu Sorry, I think that's fish. No, I think this is pork.

Is it? I think this is chicken. This is chicken. This is potatoes and eggplant Right. So time to order the food and time to get my translator out because I thought that was fish and it turns out it's pork. So I need the translator Coming to you, live and hungry now from another mall.

We're in another mall. We did actually sit down, but, unfortunately, when we actually looked, the translator didn't tell us correctly, A few times it said meat, But then when we clarified checked with the waitress, that meat was all pork, so then our options became less and less and less and less. So we decided in the end that actually that wasn't the one for us. We're hungry. We wanted to eat some good food. So we came out to see another mall I think we're in David Plaza and now is this place.

Yeah, something like that. So we came up to the 10th floor and now we have a lot of options to choose from. OK, we finally have made a decision. We've come to Hefu noodles and Taz is choosing us a table This place is looking a little busy.

We've got definitely a nice number of tables sold out here. People are in the middle there as well, which means that, you know, when it's a busy restaurant, it must be a good one, right? If the locals come to eat there, then it's got to be good. The thing is, this menu is already in English, yes, so it's fine. So we've got chicken that I can already see.

We've got beef. Happy days. OK result. Guys, I am so hungry! We are going to place our order right now. Hopefully it doesn't take too long.

This looks amazing! What did you get? Look at this. So I got just some noodles with braised beef. It looks and smells delicious. And then you got I've got rice, it's got egg, something green. It's got some sauce here and it's got beef. Oh wow it's sizzling Sizzling, right? Yeah, it's come out like this It's probably got some fire going on down here and I've got some soup here as well.

got some potato on the side and some skewers. I got this. This is new I've never ever tried this. This is burnt grass Jelly It's literally got Jelly inside and it's pretty cool.

Is that a yoghurt drink shop? Oh my gosh. I know we're in the city of Mixue, but hey, I have a weakness for yoghurt guys. Can't help it. Alright, tell us Yeah. Yum! Delicious! Wow, the size of that piece of beef.

Absolutely huge! Let's see what my meal is like because is it a sacrilegious if I eat it with a spoon? and a soup spoon and not even not the soup? I'll get the chop sticks You eat however you want to eat it. I'm going to go for the meat first because I love meat. Yours kind of reminds me of some Korean dishes so tender. This might even be a Korean place, I'm not sure. It could be, I don't know.

It seems, it seemed nice Yeah. I was going to say it seemed really nice. But actually in the mall as well, there was a lot of Bibimbap restaurants I don't know, in Zhengzhou do you like to eat Bibimbap? Because honestly, weirdly for China, we saw it so many times. We haven't seen it before. But how is your beef? Tender, Tender. Tender.

Yeah. Juicy. Melt in your mouth. I'm liking this. There's a feast to be had right now going. So we will get to eating this beautiful culinary delight skewers incoming as well. So, see You Beautiful people in a minute.

That was so so good. Thank you. Bye bye. That food was really nice. I'm not exactly sure, If that was Korean or Chinese, whatever that was, that was chefs kiss, I just wanted to say, would it be greedy of me? YES Eating all of that yummy food back there. So I want to have something here because yoghurt is my absolute weakness.

So we got, That's Hawthorne. I think this is mango and this is strawberry. I'm going to go for a strawberry rice yoghurt. Oh now, I really hope that Mixue take this advice on board and they start doing yoghurt drinks as well, because that will be an absolute game changer I think it's also cheaper than more yoghurt, do you think? Yeah, actually you're right. I think it's about CN¥19. Yeah, more yoghurt, depending on the size and which one you're going for. Some

are also like CN¥20 Yeah. Thank you! Say no to plastic, wherever you can, because there's no point getting plastic, guys. Keeping it eco friendly.

Absolutely. OK, the moment of truth. Let's see what this one's like. That was a big drink, Big sip! Nice? It's actually slightly sweeter than normal. That's just what I like.

I've got rice in here as well. Everything that I look for in a yoghurt drink and more, I want you to try it as well. See what I'm talking about? I'm not just hyping it up. This is actually really, really good.

Just when we think, We found our favourite yoghurt drink. Every time we try a new brand out, then we get another new one and that's even better than the one before. So China's yoghurt game, the milk drinks, the drinks in general is Amazing! Loving it. See this new mall, So what we did was we came straight to the 10th floor.

This is where the food court is, so we didn't even get a chance to see the mall whatsoever because we were that hungry. So we came from one mall to this mall. I don't know what's happening down here, but they had some big brands on the ground floor Gucci, Prada and all of that jazz. All right, we made it down to the second floor.

Now we're on the big brand floor. We've got Boss, right in front of us here. And then have you seen the size of this Louis Vuitton, right? Louis Vuitton. It starts from here and goes all the way down here. That's insane. But I was just saying as well.

It actually goes all the way up. Oh the trainers they are nice yes wow, I like the jacket and sunglasses Yeah, everything is lovely, right? Honestly guys, we've had such a fun day. It's been a lot of fun. It's been a travel day.

If you made it this far, then thank you very, very much for watching. You are an absolute legend. So guys, if you're not already subscribed, then what are you waiting for? You know the drill.

Get on it, share with your friends and your family and we will see you in the next one, that is a very special one. So stick around because you are gonna wanna see it! See you in the next one! Let's go!!!!!

2024-10-11 14:42

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