The Joy Of Touring 05of13 Corsica

The Joy Of Touring 05of13 Corsica

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in the middle of the mediterranean just north of  sardinia sits a smaller island home to a people   who are extremely proud of their culture and  traditions it's a modern place but has a rich   history that goes back for millennia the island  with its mix of steep mountains and sun-soaked   beaches has belonged to france for more than  200 years and is famous for being the birthplace   of napoleon bonaparte welcome to corsica the  island of beauty our itinerary will bring us   all over the island after a visit to the town of  bonifacio we'll go on a drive through the corsican   countryside in the north we'll visit the city of  bastia as well as capcos the peninsula jutting out   toward italy before visiting calvi and porto and  finally returning to the imperial city of ajaxio   come join us on our all-inclusive tour of  corsica arrival we have a great view of the   beautiful city of ajaxio and who can resist  recanto beach located right within the city   today we'll visit kotichiavari the historical  site filitosa and the town of bastelica before heading inland we meet  the group we'll be traveling with   once we're all introduced we're ready to  start our trip driving through an age-old   oak forest we arrive at the small village  of koti chiavadi frequently shrouded in fog   today is no exception but it only serves to  add a certain mystique to the stone church   but the fog isn't the only reason for our driver  to be careful on this road here a herd of cows and   their herder determine the speed limit we are  truly in the heart of the corsican countryside the fog dissipates as we approach  the archaeological site of filitosa discovered almost by accident 65 years  ago the site is a large complex of ruins   left behind by a people who lived  here from 6000 bc until roman times   the first homes of the prehistoric inhabitants  of filitosa were shelters beneath rocks   later they constructed more sophisticated  rock structures the remains of which are   still visible today on the  plateau overlooking the site around their homes the residents erected  meniere statues with menacing faces   with their weapons carved into their backs  these megaliths represent the village warriors   it's a great place for a walk through  these green hills so rich with history   the surroundings almost make us feel  like we're back in the stone age one last look at the megalithic  warriors and thousand-year-old   olive groves and we head back into  the 21st century on board our bus corsica's highest mountains are located  in the geographical center of the island   we can't drive through the pretty  town of vestalica without stopping   we stretch out our legs and admire the statue of  santo corso a 16th century corsican nationalist   as bastilica is known for its charcuterie it's  unsurprising to see a few pigs grazing on the side   of the road heading out of town on the way back to  ajaxia we passed the highest waterfall in corsica   le vual de la marie or bridal veil  falls is so named because it fans   out as it falls making the water look  like fine lace over the sloping rock after a peaceful night at the hotel  castell vecchio we're back on the   road toward the southern tip of corsica  we'll return to explore more of ajaxio   at the end of our tour for now we  set our course toward bonifacio after several kilometers surrounded by  mountains and forests it's a pleasure   to see the shoreline come into view with  the gulf of valenco stretching beneath us on the way to bonifacio we  pass along rakupina bay which   looks all the more tantalizing  because of its inaccessibility the turquoise of the mediterranean stretches to  the horizon laughing up against the sunny corsican   shores there are no human developments nearby only  nature and what kind of nature is more inviting   than a warm beach regretfully we leave these  beaches behind for a bit of quiet contemplation five kilometers outside of bonifacio the  hermitage of the trinity is an oasis of   calm up on the heights of capo di feno it's  been visited for centuries by pilgrims looking   for inner peace in this natural setting we  can already catch glimpses of the red roofs   of bonifacio a picturesque fortified town  perched on cliffs 60 meters above the sea with its 120 kilometers of shoreline the  canton of bonifacio has no shortage of beaches   you can opt to swim in the mediterranean  sea in the east or the tiranian sea in the   west bonifacio is also a great place for  history buffs with its thousand-year-old fortress in 830 by a noble from pisa bonifacio  was one of the first cities in corsica   in the 12th century it fell into the hands  of the republic of genoa and the genoese   conquerors built the old part of the city as  we know it today including the fortifications the bonifacio citadel is enormous a  true sentinel of the mediterranean   the massive stronghold occupies the  entire headland of the peninsula   it probably marked the borders of the  city before the arrival of the genoese we take a walk to have a closer look at the city we stroll through the city streets in the shade of  the fortifications with a lovely view of the sea exploring the narrow shopping streets one  street name in particular grabs our attention   the street of the two emperors the first was  charles quinn who stayed on this street in 1541   the second is of course napoleon  bonaparte who stayed here in 1793. the church of saint john the baptist was built  in 1775 it still houses the brotherhood of the   same name composed of monks sworn to help the  poor and the sick the shady shopping streets are   a perfect place to hide from the afternoon heat  and to browse through the shops cafes and bistros we indulge in a well-deserved  ice cream watching a game of   patunk before continuing on to explore  the nooks and crannies of bonifacio   under the corsican flag that  flies proudly from a balcony   we head toward one of the city's major attractions when we catch sight of the bell tower and then   the flying buttresses linking the  buildings we know that we've arrived saint mary major is bonifacio's main  church and probably its oldest as well   it's been standing in the city  center since the 13th century before the doors of the citadel stands  a bronze soldier reminding us that   the city is home to the first  garrison of the corsican legion it's time for supper and we head for  a port restaurant called albatross on the menu seafood and traditional  local dishes including the delectable   buyer base satiated we head for the  santa teresa hotel on the horizon   the three-star hotel is located in a large 19th  century house removed from the noise of the city   these tidy rooms are a perfect  place to rest after a busy day   as the sun rises on bonifacio our  group begins a second day in the city the bus brings us to the  port for a unique excursion   a boat is waiting in the shade of the city walls the comfortable vessel will take us to explore  the aquatic caves of the bonifacio coast from the water we can see the lower town at the  foot of the citadel but we are drawn to the caves approaching little dragon  cave the boat goes right in we're surprised and enchanted to see  that the opening that lets the light in   is in almost exactly the same shape as the  island of corsica back out in the open air   we are eager to see more and good thing  too because we're just getting started our captain steers the boat masterfully despite   the strong winds so typical of  the southern coast of corsica close to the cliffside lighthouse we find  ourselves in front of an interesting rock face   our guide tells us that this cave  is called napoleon's hat because   of its shape which resembles the emperor's famous bicorn further along the rock face is the  immense rock called the rudder of corsica the excursion also gives us an  unobstructed view of the buildings of bonifacio   firmly anchored on the sheer cliffs  that plunge into the mediterranean blue clearly we have our sea legs  on we're in the open sea   and we have to brave the waves in order to  see the spectacular geological formations   thrilled with our adventure we return to  the port to continue exploring on dry land we leave bonifacio and head for corte taking the  highway running through the center of the island under the blue skies we take in the  dense green countryside of the corsican forest our bus climbs up into the mountains at  the center of the island the undulating   topography dictates the shape of the roads the winding road will bring us  to los pidale a village at the   entrance to the forest of the  same name perfect for hiking the breathtaking panorama over the gulf of  porto vecchio definitely deserves a stop weaving adeptly through the tall trees  we reach zonza just in time for lunch the street next to the memorial honoring the  soldiers of the first world war is filled with   charming little shops you'd like to take  home a stuffed boar's head as a souvenir we head for the entrance of la terrace  a hotel restaurant that focuses on local   products including wild boar meat and chestnuts we sit down and let our taste buds take  over allowing the kitchen to treat us to a   true corsican culinary experience after lunch  the road calls us towards the call de bavela at the entrance the statue of the notre  dame dinaj stands atop a rock shrine it seems that the holy virgin appeared at this  spot in the middle of winter in the 18th century   pilgrims have been coming to leave  a token of devotion ever since   through the pines we can see the majestic  rocky peaks called the needles of bavella heading down larone pass we stop for a small   hike to another panorama of the  valley and surrounding mountains looking at the region's topography we can  easily understand why the symbol of corsica   is the mountain sheep the only animal able  to walk freely through these steep mountains back on the road we come to a city with houses  that seems to have grown right out of the side   of a mountain this is the charming city  of corte where we will spend the night this is the city that corsican  nationalist pasquale paoli named   the capital of independent corsica  we'll learn more about him later   for now after a long day in the mountain air we  just want to check into our hotel and leave the   historical discoveries for tomorrow with  its 31 cozy rooms and its friendly owner   san piedo corso de corte hotel  makes us feel right at home but it's not bedtime yet all that  hiking has worked up an appetite   and we choose a restaurant that has a  tasting menu of corsican specialties at this start of our second day in corte we're  off to explore the town after saying goodbye   to our friendly hotel owner this morning  we'll trade our bus for a little train the train lets us see all the monuments  up close here we have a good view of the   statue of pasquale paulie with  no windows to get in our way as we gain altitude we get a superb view of the  houses of corte with the mountains in the distance   the train lets us reach the upper  town without having to break a sweat   it winds easily through the narrow alleys of korte   a few short stops allow us to get a taste  of daily life in this picturesque town and there's nothing better than sightseeing  with the breeze blowing through our hair however for longer trips the bus is indispensable   we're driving northeast heading  for the region of castane we can make out a village in the far off mountains  it's mauro salia the birthplace of pasquale paoli in 1755 the father of the corsican homeland  gave his people a constitution inspired by   the enlightenment long before either the french  or the american constitution came into being   paulie is buried at the house where he was  born which has been transformed into a museum   we'll follow this wandering cow out of  morosalia and get back on the road to castane this mountainous region is named  for its forests full of chestnut   trees with an average altitude of  1 000 meters the only way to reach   castane is through these meandering  roads winding through green forests we pass through pied crochet a community  right at the heart of the region there is a 17th century church in the  middle of piedi croce that's worth a detour   the church of saint peter and st paul  stands tall over the valleys with its   baroque facade and its square bell  tower inside the light color of the   wall serves to accentuate the superb ceiling  frescoes as well as the baroque detailing we continue our way through castane the bus drives by the ruins of the old convent  of orezza built in the 15th century and destroyed   during the second world war we drink in our  last few minutes in the cool shade of the forest   because when we get out we'll be in the sunny  coastal city bastia here we are overlooking   the port of bastia the city is breathtakingly  beautiful located on the side of a 900 meter high   mountain right on the sea the second largest city  in corsica it's also one of the most intriguing the memorial to fallen soldiers stands in place  nicola one of the largest squares in france   close to the harbor is the tower of casa  bianca this submarine is famous for having   escaped from occupied france in 1942 to  continue the fight against the germans   the casa bianca went on to play an important role  in the liberation of corsica a year later bastia   city hall is surrounded by swaying palm trees that  give the city a tropical flavor a sculpture pays   tribute to members of the resistance that  pushed back against the occupying forces   like in corte we opt to take a little train to  visit terra vecchia the old town close to the port   in bastia the newest part of the city is located  within the fortifications up on the headland the train lets us off at the  entrance to the citadel so we   can take a stroll through terra nova district the santa maria sumta cathedral has been  standing here since the 17th century situated within the citadel ramparts the cathedral  is a majestic example of baroque architecture the church is just as beautiful on the inside with  a magnificent old organ and stained glass windows walking through the streets inside the citadel   with its tall brightly colored  houses we breathe in the sea air not far from the cathedral the holy  cross oratory hides behind a sober   facade but you can't judge a book by its cover   inside the chapel we find some of the best  examples of baroque detailing in all of corsica terra nova is truly a city within a city bastia's   residents have been living in these  historic houses since the 14th century before leaving the citadel we stop in front  of the governor's palace completed in 1530. it is now home to the city's ethnographic museum   leaving taranova we wait for our ride  to pick us up at the citadel door our faithful little train brings us back to terra   vecchia past the church of saint john  the baptist for a last look at bastia bastia is the gateway to capcos the outcropping of   land that juts into the sea from  the northeast side of the island we'll be exploring the region of  capcos next but first we spend a   restful night at the eu record you  hotel in masinagio this three-star   establishment has a sparkling pool  and an excellent view of the mountains under clear skies we head off to capcox in search  of adventure soothed by the voice of our driver jean-pierre me as well as giving us a taste of traditional  corsican music jean-pierre steers the bus   through the winding roads like a master  offering us unparalleled views of the ocean at the very northern edge of the peninsula we turn  around we'll make stops in pino and nonza before   turning west and heading for calvi on the western  shores of capcos we take a stop in the village of   pino on the mediterranean coast we take a drink  from a fountain dedicated to the former mayor back on the bus we follow the mediterranean  toward nunza where we will eat lunch these narrow roads require the full  concentration of the drivers not to   mention a healthy dose of patience and courtesy the village of nonza is situated on the side  of a mountain on the western coast of capcos   perched on a rocky outcropping  nunza overlooks the mediterranean at the top of the cliff pasquale paoli had a   tall guard tower built on the  ruins of a medieval fortress while it looks similar to the genoese  towers that dot the corsican coast   the locals insist on calling  it not genoise but paolian   unlike other communities in capcos nunza is  not divided into an old town in a new town   its buildings have been grouped together in  a single small cluster since the middle ages the town is perfumed by abundant flowers  mixed with the scent of the salty sea air   what a perfect place for a walk before lunch our tummy is rumbling we head for a restaurant  with a name that means the donkeys laugh seated on the shady terrace we share  a selection of tasty dishes gathering   our forces for the ground we have  to cover before arriving in calvi our belly's full we leave nonzen  capcos and head for the balaang region following the sea westward we admire the superb   gulf of saint florent before passing  through the village of the same name after another few kilometers on the mediterranean  coast we reach calvi in the northwest corner   of corsica the city sprang up around its port  which is precisely where we'll start our visit a war memorial occupies the place of  honor before the entrance to the citadel   nearby an amazing plaque at the base of the  ramparts informs us that christopher columbus   was born in calvi when the city was ruled by  genoa in 1451 officially the birthplace of   the famous explorer is uncertain but no one  dares to contradict the residents of calvi   built in the 13th century by  the genoese on a rocky hill   the citadel is home to a number of  government and religious buildings its one and only point of entry leads us   into a maze of picturesque streets  embellished with mediterranean flora from the top of the citadel we have a  perfect view of the port and surrounding area while it does indeed have a tranquil side to  it the citadel is not strictly an oasis of calm   calvi is also a tourist destination with lively   shopping streets offering up tasty  snacks and affordable souvenirs a bit further up we reached the cathedral  of saint john the baptist built first in   the 13th century and then rebuilt in the  16th century in the classic baroque style   the rich decorations that adorn the cathedral  walls bear witness to calvey's glorious past continuing our exploration of the citadel our next   destination is the kazaren sampiro the  former residence of the genoese governor   built in 1510 the oratory saint antoine is home to  the brotherhood of monks of the same name it comes   alive at easter time when a procession carries  christ on the cross through the streets of calvey after admiring local street  art we leave the citadel to   continue our visit outside the fortifications as the setting sun illuminates the city's rooftops   we'll eat at calvi's grand hotel which  is also where we'll spend the night the sun rises on the citadel of calvi  we eat breakfast in the hotel dining   room before getting on the bus to  drive down the west coast of corsica   the scandal and nature reserve  in the city of porto await we leave early as it's going to be  a busy day jean-pierre offers us   another song from his repertoire  of traditional corsican music we're heading toward porto in the mountainous  region on the border between otkos and kostus   we have an impressive view  of the scandala reserve below   the reserve is a conservation zone for  both terrestrial and marine flora and fauna   as the mountains here reach over 1 000 meters  in altitude the best way to visit the reserve   is by boat as we'll soon discover we drive  on the narrow mountain passes toward girolata it goes without saying that the efforts and skill   of jean-pierre our tuneful  driver are much appreciated we arrive in girolata just in time  for lunch a good meal will put us   in a good mood for the rest of the drive to porto from girolata it's only a few kilometers to porto however those few kilometers take us on some  extremely steep cliffs with rocky overhangs   above and precipitous drops below we have one  more hairpin turn and here we are in porto in the port we head up to the genoese tower  that has overlooked the gulf for over 500 years this is one of only four square  genoese towers on the island perhaps porto doesn't have the  same historical richness as   ajaxio but its natural environment  is exceptional making it a must-see   the beach is delightful on the shore of a  calm bay a few steps away from the marina   its shiny pebbles are so appealing  we stop here to take in the sun   the scent of eucalyptus in the air and  the warm waves rolling up on the beach   back in the port our boat awaits it's  time to visit the scandal reserve that   we glimpsed from the mountaintops earlier   comfortably seated and refreshed by the  sea breeze we leave the gulf of porto   and head for the shores of the scandalous reserve the jagged coastal cliffs were formed by volcanic  activity and are tinged red with rhyolite   with the blue sea below in the green  hills behind it's a breathtaking landscape eroded by water and time these cliffs are marvels  of nature falling almost vertically into the sea   our boat enters a cave of crystal clear  water the seabeds are full of coral   lobsters and rare fish that are  protected here in the scandalous reserve we take in the sea air and the incomparable  view of the shores before returning to porto back on dry land we take the time to wander  through the shops along the sea porto is   first and foremost a seaside resort where the main  industry is tourism followed by livestock farming   porto is part of the village of ota  which sits higher up on the mountain   this evening we leave our bags at  hotel la porto which prides itself   on being the best vantage point  for the beautiful corsican sunsets with its 30 air-conditioned rooms and its view of   the mountains and the sea this is  corsican hospitality at its best we end our day with a hearty  meal and a glass of rose   the sun rises on porto and we're already  heading out to discover the surrounding region first we'll stop to get a good look at the  kalanche di piana a group of high peaks of   red granite that have been carved down by  erosion falling vertigonously into the sea   legend has it that the kalonk were formed  when the devil himself flew into a rage our bus heads inland for a moment before returning  to the coast towards our next destination halfway between porto and ajaxio karkese welcomes  us founded by greek immigrants this lovely town   has the distinction of having an orthodox church  standing directly across from a latin church the latin church is called the church of the  assumption recognizable by its four-sided   bell tower the interior is decorated in  the baroque style with tompre paintings across the valley saint spiridon  is a greek orthodox church inside are some superb examples of greek  iconography that were brought here from   greece by the first inhabitants of cargueze  the church was built in a neoclassical style like every corsican town the fishing  village of carcase also has a war memorial   but time is flying and we have  a date with the city of ajaxio we take a welcome break to  taste some local products corsica has many culinary specialties figatello  is the island's best known charcuterie made of pork and garlic it's a fresh  sausage with a distinctive taste the town is also proud of its neolo and british  two cheeses made with raw sheep and goat milk with our taste buds awakened  we are eager to reach ajaxio and here we return to the place where  our adventure began the imperial city of ajaxio officially founded in 1492 the year that  christopher columbus first set foot in the new   world ajaxia owes its glory to the bonaparte  family which gave france her most famous emperor   another member of the family  was a famous patron of the arts   cardinal fesh a maternal uncle of napoleon left  his palace to the city filled with his vast art   collection the palace was then transformed  into the ajaxio museum of fine arts the   city is lively and we opt to explore it on foot  wandering through the pedestrian shopping streets after some window shopping we head for place  fush formerly known as la place de palmi   a statue of napoleon stands in  the center in his imperial robes at the end of a palm tree-lined  street we find the lantivi palace   home of the corsican prefecture as well  as the bright pink ajaxio city hall in place a statue of the madonuchia has  been protecting the city since 1656.   our group heads up a side street that  leads to the house where napoleon was born   the building now belongs to the french  government and is home to a museum dedicated   to the celebrated bonaparte family a nearby  square bears the name of napoleon's mother at the end of a lane the ochre-colored  cathedral of our lady of the assumption   dazzles us this is where the emperor was  baptized the interior is quite splendid   the cathedral is dedicated to the virgin  who spared the village from the plague epidemics the massive organ was recently  restored and is still used today we head to the port where we find the  monument honoring members of the resistance   ajaxio was the first french city to be  liberated during the second world war we hop onto an open-air bus  to take a tour of the city   what an effortless way to take in the sights  we get to see the best panoramas of the city   driving up the hud de san guinea that  heads down the southern coast of the city we pass by saint francois beach  with its fine sand and warm water on the side of the hill the ajaxio cemetery   holds the remains of singer tino  rossi who was born in the city we take the time to drink in the mediterranean sun  and the delicious sea air of the corsican capital as our itinerary on the island of beauty  draws to an end we take one last look at   the silhouette of the genoese towers and head  down a dock to look out to sea one last time after getting a closer look at the island of  corsica we better understand the mix of cultures   and heritage that have made it into what it is  in a magnificent landscape where the mountains   meet the sea this jewel of the mediterranean  has revealed many of her glistening facets   and so we head off into the world  our heads full of incomparable   images and flavors from the countryside of  corsica and from its city so full of history   i hope you'll come along on our  next adventure on the joy of touring you

2021-06-15 02:35

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