The Indonesian Island Where Noise is Illegal

The Indonesian Island Where Noise is Illegal

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it's never been harder to truly disconnect and  rejuvenate your mind body and spirit than right   now why well in a world of endless connectivity  and noise the constant barrage of information is   leading us to overwhelming stress disconnecting  us from inner peace and making us strangers to   the natural world around us but imagine if  there was a way to cut through the noise a   path less followed that leads to True Serenity and  self-renewal well there's one place left on Earth   that truly achieves this woven into the fabric  of ancient bonese Traditions deep in the roots of   Hinduism there's neppi or the Day of Silence the  final day of a week-long ritual of purification   sacrifice confrontation and finally renewal  there are three steps to achieve this in bonese   Hinduism masty a cleansing ceremony that begins as  a chance to purify religious items and oneself in   sacred Waters that quickly turns into the  possession of the human entity by spirits   and deities designed to cleanse the individual  and the community of evil influences AO AO a   vibrant explosion of community creativity and  togetherness that dispels evil forces Among   Us symbolized by giant demonic Effigies that  parade through the streets and then set Ablaze   in a spectacular Purge of negativity  and finally nepp day a day of complete silence when noise light and even leaving your  room is not only forbidden for the ceremony but   illegal by local law a chance to convince the  evil spirits that nobody is home a chance to   start a new day in complete spiritual Rejuvenation  in this video we're going to discover these three   ceremonies together with a raw and sometimes  confronting experience on our path to true   peace and silence so after making my way down to  the beach I struggled to find the ceremony itself   and I had to ask quite a few locals on the exact  location of the masty ceremony you can walk all   the way to all the way that way okay awesome thank  you so much thank you Su I've been walking for so   long like so long all the way down there and I  I found it yes yes let's let's get across look   how many people there are there so many [Music]  people there is so many people I've been here   for ages and they're still just walk there's so  many people coming down here it's it's been going   for minutes and minutes like a long time there  are so many people um they're obviously coming   back up from the beach um to go somewhere but you  could see the massive States they've made of the   um beings and I saw a couple but obviously we're  going to see more in Yepi day which I'm really   excited for now I even thought I'd missed most  of the ceremony as most people were leaving the   beach good man but Michael booked me a grab bike  to the correct location and I was on my way to   experience the big masty ceremony we run into the  actual parade on the street [Music] here which is   what I've come to see but now I'm stuck behind it  I was stuck in this parade on the back of the of   the car and now we're here and I'm just in the  middle I'm just in the middle of this there are   so many people and just like nowhere to walk  but this is so fun this is cool there is so   many people participating in right now this is  insane I'm heading down to the beach to see if I   can see the cleansing in the water um it might be  over right now I'm not sure but I've traveled to   this place because this is where it's meant to  be big for like a long time and as you can see   there's a parade all the way down to the water um  so I'm I'm just in it I guess I guess we're going   to the water I think what they're wearing as well  is maybe the batic or the special btic for today   and it looks really nice so they're wearing all  white shirts but they're wearing different colors   sometimes on the bottom so if that means something  different let me know or if it's just personal   preference of what color you want to wear on your  bottom then tell me tell me that as well tell me   in the comments if you know so they're all coming  from where we were on the road down this road and   then coming up here on these ramps and then coming  into onto the beach down this way and there's just   obviously as you can see so many people around  this is really cool this is this is awesome to see   look how many people so what am I searching for  well the molases ceremony is probably the least   known of the three main parts of nepi week this  is where locals will head to their local Beach   to purify themselves and religious items in the  ocean but it can get dark pretty [Music] quick   possession and dramatic manifestation see  individuals become mediums for evil deities or   ancestral Spirits in a process that's called Tre  car and this is something I had to see to truly   understand this is this is like intense like this  is so many emotions I feel like I just in this   area of me right now and I'm not even a kind of  person to feel like like this like this is very   spiritual and I can I can feel it I can feel like  I can feel a lot of heightened emotions [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm struggling I am very sweaty very hot  I feel like I have sunstroke I honestly   I know that this is so such an important  celebration for them but to do it in the   heat like this is so hard like I feel for  them I just bought a aari set even though   I don't like parar that was honestly intense  that was one of the most intense things I've ever seen so because it's about an hour until the  a oga parade and ceremony starts today which   is about to happen and I'm so excited things are  closing for neppi tomorrow tomorrow is all silent   ypp I'm getting ready oh okay we have to get all  of our food now cuz everything's closed tomorrow wrti oh hello so all of our orders are coming  at once Michael right yeah for STI thank you   so everything's closed tomorrow like everything  you can't order and we're rookies we don't know   what to do we're trying to order everything  like all of our food all of our water all of   our drinks everything for tomorrow because as  of like tonight we're locked out of our we're   locked in sorry we're locked in our complex  completely we can't leave this whole the very   front gate so there's probably about 10 houses  and a couple of Villas in this complex the front   gate will be lost this is our rations this is it  so the one thing I didn't think I'd be able to   live without tomorrow is coffee so we've ordered  one liters worth um a lot of the places like the   local coffee shops I wanted to get them from are  already closed a few businesses though are doing   like packs so you can buy like sé a which is  like chicken skewers in bulk so that's going to   be really helpful we weren't prepared for this so  we weren't sure what to get we figured we can eat   cold pizza tomorrow without making too many noise  or lighting anything up you can buy coffee by the   liter packs of chicken sé you can order on grab  Mart or go to the shop and stock up like we said   things might not be open tonight after ogre ogre  so we're trying to also eat tonight and then eat   all tomorrow when we can't leave I for on and  super excited to see like everything quiet no   lights no sounds everyone out apparently you can  see the nicest Stars tomorrow because there's   nothing impeding The View we'll see how that goes  trying to be silent for me so we're walking down   this thing and I hear oh there they are already  they're obviously getting ready to go oh wow so   they're the ones that we actually went past  this morning and they were in that Temple   obviously like kept away for tonight um and now  they're out and they're getting ready to go and   see this like bamboo I guess I don't know thing  is where they put them and then they carry them   around on that bamboo um so this is cool wow  they're so much bigger in person see they're   still working on it down here I guess they're  putting on like tape and stuff for like the   light as you can see like most of them are like  young I think it's like the youth to do like uh   a lot of the youth or the younger males of  the um like area kind of take it on I hello [Laughter] hello it's so big yeah yeah it's massive they  are a lot bigger in person like they're like   well this guy's taller than me it's a big thing  to make like I'm I'm really impressed all right   let's let's keep going the younger men make the  A and run that and the older men are security and   these guys tomorrow on YY day are also who make  sure you stay inside and do things it's not the   police it's the leaders of the community here  here H at like 7 7:00 no 8:00 8:00 okay and it   comes through yeah period here okay yeah that way  first in what's uh what's this B SW traditional   and what is it called what sword Balin sword  Balin traditional that's cool so it seems to   be around 7 but it depends on where where things  start and end they're kind of made all over the   cities and the towns so you'll always kind  of find one being made roughly where you are we've made it to where I think it's  starting or there's some bigger oh there   there's so many wow there's Hees okay so this  is a place I think that it starts or will start   this one's this one's moving like this one  has its head like swiveling how do they get   gr like that I want to know how much they  ha to make this is insane how long do they   make these for I'm going to ask these guys if  this is their one is this your one you make ITA [Music] Bara milon 5 million these guys now is this this yours  yeah uh what up by uh them uh 20 30 million   30 million almost 30 million really yeah and how  long did it take you to make it three that wa we   start in January in January wow and a lot um  a lot of time of the day like for do you do   it every day you make it every day wow and how  how old are you yeah how old are you 17 17 20   how old 1 wow that's so good fusus thank  you wow that is crazy they worked on that   for 3 months and they said they did it every day  they're 17 years old this is what I was saying   where I said like the youth lead the making of  these things 3 months to make it wow 30 million   how much is that 30 million repair 3 Grand holy  moly that's crazy so the purpose of these augers   is to like stir up these bad spirits and then  tomorrow we all go into hiding and then these   bad spirits that are out and released think no  one's around and then they leave the [Music] island is this yours that's your you you have a card for the  14 I'll vote for [Applause] two do do it do nice nice nice [Music] nice 20 20 million 20 million yeah  and how long 2 months 3 months 3   months 3 months three months wow  and how old are you I'm uh 27 27 me too me too thank you I'm going to ask these boys wow that's so cute you YouTu yeah oh I show you my  YouTu can you have I'm sorry my friend   my friend that's okay that's I'm sorry  yeah yeah oh I watch it okay where's   your phone yeah my YouTube we're going  to watch his channel while we're here wow you me a he's liking subscribe like thumbs up  for the video oh he's commenting make sure   you leave a comment what are you going to  say very nice radio a terassi yeah we'll   comment on yours oh yeah yeah let's comment on  yours yeah let's like like let's go go comment   there you go Mutual support Mutual support  thank you my my my my friend is B yes good okay back this okay after hearing about the  Monumental effort that goes into making these from   the locals themselves we settled in ready to watch  the battle happening until just minutes before the   ceremony was about to start a torrential  downpour of rain rolled in he's actually   really bad go over here delaying everything as  people scrambled for any bit of C that they could find okay I went now we walked around aimlessly  drenched not sure if the prade was going to go   ahead at all with the electrical components  in these massive AOS and just as we started   to wander back to our Village area  for the local show with the smaller   we were caught in a swell of people  and ended up part of the ogoo parade itself yes aoo is not just about showing off  and making the biggest and baddest creatures   you can this is participated in every village  on the island at all different levels and After   experiencing the big dance in Cuda we ended up  back in our village to see the local show in the   same manner it would be celebrated by millions  of others at the same time all over barley   uh kapap K yeah now yeah from here I thought you want to practice Indonesian  I'm I'm trying okay I'm I'm very new to learning   yeah I learn slow yeah they they're going that  way first they're going that way okay I'll wait   here and maybe in 1 hour 1 hour yeah okay  one more hour dinner go have dinner okay all right we've come to the local part now we  went back to our Villa and changed clothes   cuz we were soaking wet and now this is the  local local OG coming through here now and   look how like these are obviously still big but  like oh look at all the kids springing here oh uh they call like Randa Rand yeah I  think so ah thank you it's big yeah   thank you yeah really big uh yeah it's  oh nice yeah for tomorrow yeah okay so   do you like oh yes very good  it's fun I like itti thank you okay just to give you some reference we  came out at 400 p.m. it's now almost 10:00   p.m. so yeah it's late I'm not sure  whether the rain held up things or   or what but it's all starting again now  we just waited here for another like 2 [Applause] hours oh they're so cute [Applause] [Music] that's cool this is cool they just like keep  coming out now there's probably like 2 4 6 eight   so far and now they're just coming out like  a parade obviously trying really hard to get   through the crow of people over here as well after  waiting for hours we'd reached the peak of the   Ogo Ogo event led by the youth the males holding  and battling the aor aor and the girls carrying   traditional fire torches with a group playing  the kol and other traditional instruments [Music] so this is nippy it is the Day of Silence let me tell you something it was  super weird waking up to absolutely no   cars or motorbikes at all and if you've  been to Southeast Asia you know that that   is almost impossible to imagine so I can  quite literally hear nothing besides the birds it's surreal it's surreal now not only  are we not allowed out of our Villa our complex   is locked shut no stores are open you can't get  food you can't get grab you can't even fly into   the island the airport is closed it truly  is a day of absolute silence wow from what   I've heard from Indonesians or the banese  is that one the sky is beautiful tonight   because there's nothing on and there's no  lights and the sky is magical so I can't   wait to show you that later but too they use  this as a day of reflection and relaxation   and I guess just coming back down to Earth because  barley is an incredibly incredibly chaotic Island   not only the amount of tourists but there's just  always something happening I think for them it's   also just a day to reflect in the quiet and it  certainly is quiet so in the end I did experience   true silence nothing like I had heard before in  an island so famous for tourism traffic and a   constant stream of development and growth a stand  steel is found only once annually it's honestly   amazing and impressive that a place that is now  Generations deep into tourism identity has managed   to hold on so tight to its spiritual and religious  roots and this is something that you will notice   if you get away from the normal tourist track of  Bary and speak to locals and experience the island   in the way that they would want you to experience  it Bary gets a bad rap from some people where I'm   from it's considered a holiday for those who may  go there only for cheap beers and fancy hotels   but I promise you it's so much more than what you  think it is next time you're seeking spirituality   natural beauty smiling people and that rare  feeling of absolute silence visit bar during   neppy it just might give you a new outlook on life  thank you B for having me see you on the next one

2024-04-19 13:40

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