hi and welcome to Algeria we are great people with great people of America so enjoy with us thank you so much man welcome he bro I've been wanting to ask someone from Algeria what is it about being Algerian that makes it special it's great great great like don't know it's great honor to be in Algeria to be a Algerian I don't know we have something special is not is not like any any another people's first time here in Nigeria first time it won't it won't it won't be the last time I love Algeria different city here algeria's inan City we have S we have uh Roman Roman city I mean look at these streets guys look at how beautiful you can see why everybody um Compares this city to a Paris or calls it the Paris of Africa I mean look at this what's up everybody welcome back to another beautiful day here in alers Algeria now today is a special day because we're still in the city of alers we were supposed to leave to Constantine yesterday but we missed our flight we couldn't leave I couldn't leave we're just spending two days here and unfortunately um man our trip is extremely short I don't know what I was thinking only coming to Algeria for 12 days to be honest if I didn't have like the next three destinations plann I would just stay here man for a long time I got 90 days I would just stay here the full 90 days but um I didn't know I was going to like it this much and quite frankly I have a feeling that a lot of you guys watching in this videos don't know much about Algeria or what it looks like and to be quite honest with you man this Capital City reminds me a lot of Paris France it reminds me a lot of a of a European city because well alers and Algeria was colonized by the French so that's why you see a lot of this architecture that reminds you of those beautiful Parisian streets however there is a grand difference between here and Paris and that is that this place is a million times better than Paris everybody here is super nice super friendly the streets have a have a special vibe to them um that is unique because well you see a lot of locals walking around there's no tourist here I mean the few tourists that we have seen here in the last few days they're all French I haven't really stumbled across anybody else um from the US or from other European countries So today we're going to walk around the downtown area and I'm going to show you guys why this city is way better than Paris friends and why you should consider it as an alter alternative now of course I am with Gladis hello guys and we just got done arriving here from our hotel we're actually staying at the Sophie ta which is about 10-minute drive from here but I must say within that 10 minutes the city changes so much I mean in the area that we're in you don't really find these French uh styled buildings right it's a little bit different yeah well the the hotel is very modern so the hotel's very modern when you leave the hotel you're like oh wow it's like very romantic but Liv yeah cuz you're driving along the coast the entire time as well yeah but the the architecture changes but here in the city center man all of the buildings literally make you feel like you're somewhere else not here and the reason why I say that is because well I've never been to Algeria before I wasn't expecting this I was expecting um to be honest more of like a Moroccan architecture right more of like a a Riad kind of style not these big French uh colonial style buildings which I really love so that's why I love to travel because you you get um like sometimes you get like prejudices about a place and they're not necessarily bad right but yeah no but that's why I like to travel because you get PR how do you say that word prejudices prejudices out of your head maybe you you think oh argelia biggest country in Africa have been in Africa in Morocco look like Morocco but no it's way different totally different so the people are way different I mean and not saying that morocc and the hospitality is awesome but when you're in those popular areas like the main Square everybody's coming to get you trying to sell something we got scammed so many times not by normal Moroccans I'm talking about those people that associate themselves with tourists all the time but here in Algeria dude the taxi drivers don't even want to charge us for the taxi ride like no one wants a tip it's just it it you make it makes you feel at home and I think that has to do with the lack of Tourism they haven't discovered the tourism hasn't come here and destroyed this beautiful country yet yeah and I think the um Hospitality it's something in common in all these area called mreb mreb because people here it's very nice and that the like when you were saying this is like Paris but better I think that's the main difference like Hospitality of the people from this area especially from Algeria exactly so here in this part of the world North Africa Tunisia Egypt uh Morocco you find incredible Hospitality but what I think separates Algeria is that there still is no tourism here there're still no tourist it's incredibly hard to come here um we make it extremely hard for algerians to travel to our countries so they make it hard for for us to come here and to be honest I respect that I respect that because yeah I don't know uh my my country treats these people like that I think it's fair for them to treat me like that I mean I I I really wish all these Algerian people could come to the US because I feel like these people would make a huge difference in our in my country and same with yours right yes yes I mean we La this kind of hospitality where we come from to be honest with you but remind me Mexican people Mexico people are very welcome in it's uh Mikasa tuasa over there and same here yeah same here actually like a man told you that like if you wouldn't have a hotel you can't you can't stay in my house exactly one of our taxi drivers told us that the other day but yeah guys um this is kind of just a little Walkin talk and man I want to just share share with you guys like some experiences we've had over the last few days because Algeria is a country that is unfortunately a lot of people hear the the name Algeria and think wrong things I don't know why um it happened to us in Madrid Spain on our Uber on our way here he was telling us please don't tell anybody you're American oh yes you know and he was scaring the [ __ ] out of me and I was like dude what are you talking about and from the moment I've arrived here it's been man it's been nothing but love Yeah and here when I say they ask me where are you from I say from I am from Venezuela they say Venezuela oh like they happy we're friends Venezuela and they all do that they all do the hand thing like the like like like these like friends it's awesome but yeah guys this here is the main Square we were hanging out at super beautiful well not a main square there's like squares everywhere here in the town and they are all incredibly beautiful and yeah guys today we're going to just walk around I want to show you guys this main plaza show you guys the downtown area um there's a famous building up up here called the El Grande post right here there's a mosque but yeah this whole downtown area is just extremely beautiful and there's so much life you see these little kiosk everywhere that sell like all kinds of snacks drinks The Daily Newspaper magazines it's great and glattus and I have both discovered that the best way to get around this city is by walking yes by walking there's metro public buses taxi and here you chair taxis and the taxes are like the boss the bosses of the route so they can tell you no I I don't go there sorry but that's weird because in our countries like you tell the taxi where to go yeah here they tell you the roote they have but it's also great because um you trer taxi and you can talk to everybody but yes this city is so walkable I love it and I love walk and also Cherry taxis yeah yeah yeah the shared taxis are cool so basically um taxis right around the city right they ride around and they'll have one person in the front you wave them down and then they'll stick you in an empty seat that they have only if they're going in that same direction and we were actually trying to figure out why um a lot of taxis weren't picking us up the other day and it turns out that the reason they weren't picking us up is because every Taxi Driver kind of already has its direction its route that it wants to go and if he doesn't feel like taking you there he won't take you there but you know what I notice that they fit only three people one in the front two in the back like not three in the back so I like that it's not in some like in some countries I'll stick seven of you in the back in Dominican Republic you got to see the chair taxes it's like 10 people inside crazy yeah it's a big difference man it's awesome something unique but yeah this here is like a main plaza this here is the Grande post which is the oldest post office in the country it's not even a post office anymore from what we were reading online it's a museum now and the new post office is actually right next door but look at the architecture guys it is just so beautiful and as we start feering off into these side streets you're really about to get um a lot of Parisian Vibes based off of the restaurants The Terraces and you know everybody sitting around drinking coffees eating Crepes have you noticed glattus that every that's eating Crepes is extremely popular here yes um actually yesterday I ate a grap around here and it was the uh how do you the tastiest GP I've ever tried with an neck on the top it had an egg on top yeah now I'm using the sweet grip what do you guys prefer salid grabs or sweet CBS I've never had a salty crepe to be honest no I've only ever had like Nutella banana crepes oh they are delicious you should eat one like for lunch really yeah do you want to have a crepe should we have a crepe right now I mean we are we are making a video right now talking about how this city compares to Paris and I think a crepe sounds good of course let's do it I love that building look that building is super beautiful that's one of gl's favorites so that building right there says 1901 at the top so that's when the year it was constructed and look at to the right that's the modernday post office and then this year is the ancient post office or the older one I should say not ancient because well it's not ancient it's not thousands of years old but you know it's over a 100 years old so it's still pretty dang cool all right let's cross on over and we'll go for little lap before we actually uh sit down but we've had dinner here a few times this week and man that's the reason why I wanted to tune on in and share this with you guys because it is just so beautiful here so as you're walking around the streets there's just a bunch of small boutique shops like this Library a clothing shop that glattus actually really wanted to go into Yesterday want to check that clo here we have another restaurant and the restaurant that we've been sitting out at hello how are are you today the restaurant we've been hanging out at has been here the last few nights they got incredible food and look at The Terraces all right in front of the Grande post but yeah there's a lot more people here than in the evenings we've been here in the evenings and we're pretty much here alone but it's also like way colder at night so right now it's perfect weather it is perfect weather thank you so much yeah everybody says welcome to Algeria when you're walking by look at this Little Flower Shop too this flower shop is extremely beautiful fls de Al you know what I actually want to purchase one from here oh there's a bird oh yeah there's a little birdie up there huh like twet I think I want to buy you a rose let's buy one this place smells beautiful doesn't it smells so fresh yeah I mean look at these streets guys look at how beautiful you can see why everybody um Compares this to a Paris or calls it the Paris of Africa I mean look at this doesn't get much better than this yeah those are cute huh look here he has some roses actually he has all kinds of roses every time there's a bird around glattus goes crazy she loves Birds it's like Tweety from the Cartoon Network you know yeah sweetie bird pretty bird how long did you have your parrot for 19 years 19 years had a parrot yeah my pirate was beautiful the most beautiful pirate ever all right let's see oh I think maybe we were supposed to order I think maybe I was just supposed to just like tell them what I want we'll see which color which color do you want the pink or the red uh pink pink sounds good huh yes man these flower shops are beautiful I wish these were like lying around where I'm where where I live like yeah walking around to be honest I bought my grandma some flowers I bought my grandma some flowers for um for birthday a few weeks ago and man the cheapest like bouquet the cheapest set of roses that you can get at a flower shop still run about 30 35 bucks oh yeah they do got fish tank up there that's cool thank you so much everybody walks by and says welcome to Algeria it's awesome maybe we drink a coffee yeah let's just go let's just go either way I showed you the flower shop guys it's beautiful but he's busy but I was actually trying to be a um I was actually trying to get a rose not um just waste his time sometimes I feel like when they when when they see tourist with cameras in places around the world they don't think you actually want to buy something you just want to take pictures but I genuinely wanted to purchase something wow look at these you know what let's actually purchase something from here look these are like all kinds of old school pictures of Algeria what are these old Algerian money oh no this is Iranian money money from Iran that's cool oh look at the te oh money from Thailand oh my favorite but no now I have a dilemma bat or dinar which one's your favorites like these are like postage stamps coins are those Algerian stickers my favorite teamma all right let's see how much the usma bracelets are usma or MCA I don't know which one is your team guys what's the best team in Algeria guys usma or MCA MC MCA all right he said MCA we're getting MCA braceletsman no okay let me leave usma right there I'm switching team now I'm MCA okay MCA team how much sir 100 100 dinner okay you want one of course all right should we get one of each team that way we make friends with everybody when they're like where is your team if we if we buy both we we we'll be friends with everybody right what if we buy one of one we'll be friends with everyone so he he wants MCA MCA okay can I get um two of these bracelets and can I buy two stickers thank you see Buu uh one and uh yes thank you oh these are beautiful too Algerian pin the best is the PO those are postcards yes oh you know what um hold on Sir let me look at your postcards so these are like older postcards yeah you've been selling here for 20 years oh your dad okay okay so these are all these have been in the family for many years many years in your family wow okay I amct stamps uh bankot post nice man I like it okay uh I will look okay dude these are beautiful you heard that so he's a collector he collects postcards coins bills that's why his shop looks so beautiful look at this these are all super unique okay let me look at his postcards wow look at this postcard from alier this for you gift that's a gift for me a thank you so much brother on thank you man I love this let me put that in my pocket real quick all right you know what I think I'm going to take this one I like this one it shows the um the city the city years ago I'm going to rck my P okay glattus how about you choose a um a postcard and we buy one each I like this one and then it still has a message from somebody from the year when was this filled out what year I'm not sure what year this was filmed out but I'm going to try to read this oh 1961 wow I am from um United States she's from Venezuela thank you I found one from 19 1959 yeah it says J we and B where are you from I'm from uh California where Los Angeles my my cousin she she live in Venice really in Venice oh yeah that's my dream it's beautiful Michigan you live in Michigan so you're here for visiting yeah visiting and your country is beautiful Nigeria is so beautiful oh my gosh it's beautiful and the people are beautiful like the people are the food is beautiful everything's beautiful oh yeah you know your your time here thank you so much okay sir um here let's get okay I want this one you like that one okay thank you thank you I'll take these two thank you are you hugging me where did you come from oh man she hugged me okay maybe I here one one there you go here okay bye okay bye she gave you a hug okay thank you sir thank you Med Med all right glattus we got our postcards oh these kids are [Music] cute what is your name you gave them yeah I gave them something here here's another one okay bye a she loves you she don't wanted you to go okay I love you too but I need to go this first first time here in neria first time it won't it won't it won't be the last time I love neria different different city here Algeria in European uh City we have S we have ROM Roman city it's not it's just eight fish here not very good oh everybody said the fish is good but expensive right expensive yeah okay okay where can I eat good fish where where to eat good fish here we have we have meoni yeah yeah Street Toni Street Toni Street okay we have we have uh eight and food traditional we have Serv we have good traditional you guys know how to eat good in in Algeria meru thank you brother I love your shop thank you brother man I love people like that are still out there like you know selling and collecting things you know collectors are very important thank you brother collectors are very important because this is how you preserve history I mean look at this it reminds me the video you made in Greece where you buy be felds and the Vintage shops huh yeah that's what he reminded me of all right guys well you know this is a beautiful view um how about we sit down and have ourselves a nice little crepe now Def and let me know this this are the streets uh giving you a resemblance of of Paris and as he mentioned there's so many different uh kinds of cities here in um Algeria there's Roman ancient cities um the Sahara Desert architecture looks completely different so um as we move around the the country you're going to notice how the the cities change all right let's see hello hello hello do you have crepe Crips no Crips okay thank you cakes okay thank you maybe maybe tonights bro thank you all right oh this looks like a crepe stop let's see hello brother you have Crepes Crepes yes okay can we have a seats thank you thanks CP time we come over here so right here in front of the grand post this is where you can find all of these little cafes with The Terraces and I'm going to show you guys a little bit of of the prices so far so um for like appetizers yeah they're from 3 to 500 so around 2 to three bucks uh depending on what you want they also have the Crepes here so looks like for a salts crepe it can get from 750 to 1,500 so um yeah actually from like $3 all the way up to like $12 and then we actually been eating shamas here right next door and the shwam plate is about $7 but yeah look you get a sardine for $900 around $4 us around $7 US Pizza sandwiches basically we've been averaging guys I think um well outside of the hotel on the street we're on average spending around $10 to $15 every time glattus and I sit down but we're also not sitting down at like the the cheapest uh places we always sit down in beautiful spots like this but um the other day we had a sandwich at poot right next to Marty square and it was only 200 and it was it was delicious it was super good so I think right now we're going to order a what just a crepe and a coffee banana crepe banana crepe okay I'm down with a banana crepe look they got cheesecakes too don't play with glattus in the cheesecake they'll disappear they will disappear all right um we'll order our crepe and I and I'll show you guys what that looks like once it makes it on out so I was sitting down right now we're about to order a crepe and this nice guy just said welcome to Algeria hi and welcome to Algeria we are great people with great people of America so enjoy with us thank you so much man hey bro I've been wanting to ask someone from Algeria what is it about being Algerian that makes it special it's a great great great like uh don't know it's great honor to be in Algeria to be a Nigerian I don't know we have something special it's not it's not like any any other people's I don't know I know it's genetical yeah something inside huh something in the blood yeah it's something in the blood man I love it well all you guys make me feel at home here for all of you guys that have ever considered coming to home with brothers sisters your family so uh take your time enjoy if you need anything we are here with you don't worry just just be be just take it easy man thank you man thank you so much what is your uh what do you recommend I do here in alers what is your what is your recommendation and food I need to try you need to try food oh the you should to try it's like okay you need to try the head of the ship uh oh that's good huh the head of ship of the yeah ship sheep yeah yeah yeah ship ship you need to try also uh I don't know there is lot oh ke yeah good yeah yeah yeah Buck is nice thank you man well dude this is the perfect example of the hospitality I've been experiencing the whole time in Algeria the people are Lov like you guys are special like you said very special pleasure from you thank you voila and look at what we have here the crepe man that looks beautiful so we got a banana Nutella crepe and let me just tell you guys that looks like a lot of bang for your buck o oh yeah and gladus actually got a coffee I'm going with the water because the stomach's not doing too well we're going to um smash through this crepe and then I'll see you guys once we get up from this table because you know what I kind of want to enjoy my crepe without filming it for once I mean look at this I'm in I'm in a beautiful city with a beautiful girl living my dream so uh I'm going to enjoy my crepe and then I'll I'll see you guys here in a minute and we'll continue walking and showing you a bit more of this incredible [Music] City that grape was delicious and now well we're going to continue on with our little walk now I'm not going to I'm not going to bore you guys too much I think I think you guys pretty much got the hint man Algeria is a very special place it's beautiful the people are great and the city's beautiful it really blew every expectation that I had through the roof I mean I kind of knew already I was going to like um this country because well North Africa to me is just extremely special as a whole even though the Moroccans the algerians the tunisians everybody loves arguing between each other right now I posted a picture on Instagram and man the Moroccans and the algerians going like this back and forth but man they're all beautiful countries and I wish we could just all live in a world where everybody could get along but I guess that's just not the reality with the politics and with the way the life is but I hope that it all gets better and it all changes because Morocco's special Egypt is special Algeria is a special country as well they're very much different but they're all special and they're all North African right they all got um you know the hospitality the culture a lot of similarities so let's hope that one day all of that uh gets better but yeah these here are the streets that I'm absolutely in love with here in alers and I hope that's one day all of you guys get the opportunity to come on out here as well and see this um for yourselves it's great how do you feel glattus I feel happy and look they have mini red light yeah I think these are for like the Scooters or motorcycles huh kind of like in Vietnam yeah there's the big one and then there's a small one I feel very very happy to be here here I am a little bit cold but I think the weather is perfect and um this area is so so beautiful yeah it is it's super nice so um with that being said guys I've already showed you the Waterfront we're about to walk through the Waterfront head over to the cosbo it's this little short video I'm going to leave you guys because I actually have to go and film something else for you guys something special that I have in mind but I won't tell you what that is just yet you're gonna have to wait until the next one to figure that out but uh glattus thank you so much for joining me thank you thank you and all followers for the love and support of course and as always make sure to check glattus his channel I leave the links down below she's made some awesome videos here in the country and I think you're really going to enjoy them right now we're walking um down by the coast and we're going to walk the beach road all the way down until we make it to the cosba it's about a 30 minute walk from here but it is a gorgeous walk it is beautiful and everybody loves just waving and saying Hi man I'm I'm I'm never going to be over this place this place is awesome man but yeah with that being said I hope I've um changed your impressions on Algeria and Algerian people and um if you knew nothing about the place hopefully now you know a little bit more um with that being said I'll see you guys on the next one bye bye you always smart I was the one to tell like love I remember how we started
2024-05-06 01:54