The Hustle is Real in London's Camden Town

The Hustle is Real in London's Camden Town

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today I'm in Camden and I'm going to show you  guys the people that work here the people that   work inside of the souvenir shops where they're  from we're going to try and learn a little bit   more about them as we explore this area of London  where are you from bro I'm Pakistani Pakistani   I'm going to Pakistan this month oh really  yeah I'm going to Karachi LA and Islamabad   I'm from karach hello what is the prices of  the earbuds it's 60 Buck where are you from   Sir uh what do you think man it's hard to say the  whole world is here that's why I keep asking no no   anything Egypt no no no Afghanistan Afghanistan  man I met a lot of people from Afghanistan this   trip here I thought you from Afghanistan that's  why I'm telling you really I have the look 25 is   New Year not quality no not the same no I give you  25 thank you so much thank you sir have a great   time everybody everybody wants the bargain huh bro  yeah there is it you got to tell them if you want   cheap go to India bro if you if you go to IND you  can bargain good afternoon guys and welcome back   to another beautiful day here in London today I'm  talking to you guys from Camden Camden Town one   of the trendiest neighborhoods here in the entire  city it's known for its hit bars amazing markets   and of course all of the pubs that have live  music here in the evenings now today I'm not   going to show you guys that because well it's  middle of the day and there's a lot going on   outside so we're going to wander the streets of  Camden I'm I'm going to show you guys The Vibes   we're going to do some shopping and see what kind  of souvenirs we can take home with us I actually   just came out of the Camden Town station this  Metro right here it only took about 15 minutes   to get here from Westminster and let me just tell  you guys just like the rest of London right now   during the holiday time it is incredibly busy it  is full over here so uh we're going to work our   way all the way down to the heart of this area  and hopefully do a little bit of shopping from   here until there it looks like a lot of people  are getting set up you got this gentleman right   here setting up all of his art there's a lot  of souvenir shops obviously and this isn't a   place that's just popular uh with the locals  here you're going to find a lot of tourist as well so yeah we're definitely going to be  doing some shopping here in this video wow   look at these keychains these are beautiful  you got then foam booths the double decker   buses oh I love these magnets these magnets  are super cool I wonder what the price of   these ones are those are awesome and the  phone booths are quite unique let's see   what the price is of these magnets I want to  grab a few actually I like this one this one   here says I love London excuse me bro what's the  price of this 2B 2B I'll be all right all right   so these ones here are two or two for five  let's see one is how much five two two pound   or two for five two for five wait that makes  no sense huh that makes no sense 3 for five   three for five three for five okay I was like  what all right well let's grab one of the foam   booths we'll grab one of the double decker buses  and I think I'm going to do another one as well here you go bro I'll take these three card  or cash bro um card please actually I'll give   you cash I'll give you cash thank you man you  guys are busy today huh huh it's busy out here   no busy really really just a lot of people before  yesterday was busy oh okay holiday time huh where   you from bro I'm Pakistani Pakistani I'm going  to Pakistan this month oh really yeah I'm going   to Karachi laor and Islamabad I'm from karach oh  really I'm I'm excited to go bro it's my first   time trying birani there yeah try the Biryani  everybody says the Pakistani Biryani is the   best it's the best okay all right I'll try it take  care okay where you from America I'm from America   from V uh California California my live in Florida  really yeah man that's a nice place out there have   you been no inshah take care okay all right guys  so we picked up some magnets and now we're going   to continue on those magnets caught all of my  attention wow look at this Bubble Mania they sell   all kinds of different uh snacks chocolate covered  strawberries Nest Quake covered strawberries man   that sounds nice all right you know what let me  actually get this put in the backpack and then   we'll continue cuz this is going to bother me  here up front got that situation sorted out had   to stick that in the bag cuz the bag man I love  this jacket a lot of you guys have been cont uh   all right I had to get that sorted through  everything in the back of the bag and now I'm   ready to go I got the hands free and the pouch  free a lot of you guys have been asking me about   this jacket this jacket I don't know what the  name of the brand is but this is what it says   napap peiti and it has a pouch in the front of  it where you can actually store items and it's   become very handy this trip so right across  the way I'm noticing there's this in veres   Street Market and there's a lot of flags waving  it looks attractive so let's cross over this way   and see what we can get our hands on oh wow  they're selling like Apple products over here this way it's good you know like on the train you can  put the music stuff hello you want to try this   hello what is the prices of the earbuds it's 60  lb 60 lb okay thank you interesting huh 60 lb for   the fake airpods I'm good on that one all right  so let's get some souvenirs shall we this place   is awesome man it's so vibrant you know I'd love  to pick myself up a jersey but I have a feeling   that inside of this Market it's going to be quite  expensive I'm noticing that everything is quite   pricey here you got a perfume shop they're selling  perfumes all kinds of t-shirts wow look at these   socks with Big Ben on them hey these are actually  pretty cool I like these hello what is the price   of these socks5 do you have a deal if we purchase  like three get three for 12 three for 12b okay you   know what I think I'm going to actually get some  of these they're beautiful 39 to 46 I think these   ones are the right ones right I'll take this  one bro just one yeah just one you need bag uh   no bag okay pay cash card please or cash I'll  give you cash thank you man this place is busy   huh yeah every day is like this just weekend oh  okay it's cuz it's the holiday yeah all right   I wish you Happy New Year thank you all right  so I got myself some socks man no one in here   likes the camera I noticed that every time I  walk up to somebody people are like oh don't   film don't film I'm not sure why that is maybe  there's a lot of knockoffs maybe they're out   here selling that they're not supposed to be I'm  not sure what it is but look at this guys there's   a Jamaican restaurant a Mexican restaurant all  kinds of things a record shop that's pretty damn   cool they're actually selling all kinds of jewelry  out here t-shirts this here says Camden's oldest   record shop reggae Jazz metal man that's cool I  definitely got to go in there and check that out   later on today wow they got a Brazilian restaurant  man they got food from all over the world here   they even have Malaysian street food man that's  cool okay well I think this is the end of this   little market here maybe we should jump back  over and yeah get back out onto the main road   but pretty cool right I like the the socks I got  with the double decker bus I'm definitely going to   be wearing those here in uh here in the over the  course of the next the next I'm definitely going   to be wearing those here very soon so yeah let's  continue man it's cool that there's food from all   over the world on this streets I definitely got  to come back here and spend more time in this   area I've been out here before 8 years ago when I  came to London I actually came out here to party   quite a bit I was staying at a hostel and each  night that I was here in the city I came out   here with people from the hostel and had a good  time but yeah like I said they're not a big fan   of the cameras out here it's tougher to film in a  lot of the other places that I've been at in the   city this week I've had no issues at all but here  doesn't seem like they're going to be a big fan of   the video but it's okay we're going to continue  man it's a Vibe out here I love love it look at   these coffee shops made out of uh containers oh  it's actually a burger restaurant it's made out of   uh like those 40t containers the truck containers  they're awesome yeah I can see why you know they   might not like the camera to be fair I see a lot  of people selling like you know fake airpods a   lot of knockoff Goods it's kind of giving me  like a Moroccan Vibe out here but yeah either   way we'll try not to film those items then cuz we  don't want to get anybody in trouble out here and   we'll continue man everybody loves Central sea out  here I keep hearing Central sea everywhere I go   he's like London's biggest uh musician right now  artist hip-hop artist I like his music to be fair   I think it's Unique I like it I like his style  oh man there's so many things to look at like   this is like an Indian shop they got a shoe store  over here tattoos and piercings oh here they're   selling football jerseys for 15b I'd love to get  myself an England Jersey as well while we're out   here but we'll see if we can come across that  to be fair all of the all of the luxury luxury   designer handbags the replicas man they're very  expensive out here they're taxing it's cheaper   for you to just book a Ryan airflight fly down to  Marakesh and go book your or go buy all your stuff   down there if that's what you're looking for here  you got all kinds of uh clothing and shoe stores   again a Starbucks wow look at the facade of the  Starbucks here in Camden town it's beautiful no   I like The Vibes out here I think it's awesome  but yeah it's a little tough to walk around I   just think that this is the vibe in London right  now it's super busy look at the boot store here   it says graffiti for the people more art on the  streets art for all you can see like The Shard   the ferris wheel the London Eye it's super cool  to see and wow look at the Rayband store man that   is cool right there the facade has all kinds  of different sunglasses on it I like that a lot let me know what you guys think of  this part of the city I want a it's super   cool right very vibrant what is that a pub  yeah that's a pub right there the elephant   head man there's a lot going on I like it  all right well let's see what else we can   purchase on the streets I'd like to take  myself home a couple more souvenirs I got   a lot of people to give souvenirs to so I want  to make some more purchases while we're on this   streets I'm definitely happy I got some cash  though because it seems like cash is going to   be key around here and to be fair when I'm  purchasing off those little stands I don't   like swiping my car you know just to play it safe  you never know man this is beautiful such a cool area all right there's actually a football shop  right across the way oh man they got music I   was about to walk up there and try and get my  hands on a jersey but they got too much music playing you know I've actually seen this  restaurant I saw two of them yesterday right   by Chinatown Boon seek seems to be very popular  they got a pizza shop over here on this side   you know what I think we should cross the  streets because it's a little too busy for   me over over there on that side you know what  maybe I'll pick myself up a bag for Grandma let's see oh these ones are cool look these are  three for 10 I like that that one's super   cool oh man I think she'd like this one  a lot more though London with the Big Ben   London ey you know what I'm going to take one  of these let's see who we can talk to you about   this one excuse me sir I would like one of those  bags the one that says London up there the third   one in in here yeah yeah yeah I'll give you  that one yeah okay give me perfect thank you much sorry about that how's business  today it seems super busy over here yeah   because it's a new year uh people  trying is a holiday also New Year   oh okay this one yeah that one  please thank you I have it here somewhere where are you from Sir uh what do you  think man it's hard to say the whole world is   here that's why I keep asking no no just tell  anything Egypt no no no Afghanistan Afghanistan   man I met a lot of people from Afghanistan this  trip here I thought you from Afghanistan that's   why I'm telling you really I have the look  yeah yeah everybody says I look Moroccan you   look Morocco and Afghanistan Turkish Arabic  Arab as well yeah yeah I'm Latino my family   is from Guatemala ah okay so you look very very  Afghani that's good to know that's good to know   in Turkish maybe I need to go to Afghanistan  huh if this is the best time to go really at   the moment because this the most safest  time to go to Afghanistan it's very safe   right now very safe then uh ever okay I have to  go how long have you been living in London yeah   25 years oh you're English now huh unfortunately  because I miss my family my friends everybody too   much yeah you're not going back uh I want to  go back but the situation is so bad that now   we never know what will happen exactly it's  insecure huh yeah yeah but I've heard Afghan   the Afghan food is amazing oh so good is there  good Afghan food here in London yeah yeah any   recommendations um if you go to if you write  Afghan food in Google you'll find it but there   is one called Kabul Kebab Kabul Kebab yeah in you  write it down in the uh this one is $7.99 3 for20   oh this one's $7.99 3 for20 okay it's written  there yeah yeah yeah and um but how long you   in London I'm here for only five nights left oh  okay okay so yeah a week a week a week yeah yeah thank you so much yeah that's one thing that  everybody talks about is the Afghan Hospitality   they say the afghanis got amazing Hospitality  if you go there yes yes if you go there is   it's different so here in London there's a big  Afghanistan population population yeah because   in in London for example you go to everywhere in  in the in the Europe they they invaded Afghanistan   you know they destroyed the country for example  Russia was 8 years America was there for 20 years   so where the people should go they should yeah  Iraqi people they come to London Syrian people   they in London so where wherever they there was  a war in the their country they're here wow so   because of the war people are here and and England  England um gave people like Refugee status to come   here yes wow that's cool but a lot of people died  a lot of people died lot of people died when they   come here yeah so but nobody's happy to come out  of their country of leave their mom and dad and   brother sister everybody so and their son I know  people they left their wife and uh their their   whole family for 18 years wow they never see them  people are not happy with that one of course my   family left Guatemala and immigrated to the US for  the same reasons exactly so you know you know the   feeling exactly what what how yeah there's  no place like home huh yeah yeah exactly no   place and is your family here now or still a lot  of your family over there just uh my family yeah   my parents brother sister all in Afghanistan wow  I hope one day you get to go back home oh yes I   go I go you're Muslim no I'm not Muslim I just  love Muslim people man and I love the word inshah   it's beautiful yeah you know the meaning yeah  um God willing yeah yeah yeah yeah yes that's   true and also try because we believe we all  the suffering in this world we believe that   this this world is for suffering this world is  for a test yeah yeah we God test us who's good   is who's bad but the real world starts when  we die yeah true you will be surprised how   it's going to be but if you read the Quran  uh then you'll be you'll know what I mean   everything read the Quran in your own language  in Spanish okay and then you will know how much   Love is in the Quran of course and how much  we love the Christian people how much we love   Jesus peace be upon him and how much we love you  know Jesus mom her name is uh Mary in English but   in Arabic we call her maram maram maram and the  whole chapter dedicated to maram wow yes okay I   would check that out yeah yeah in Spanish read in  your own language Spanish or what language you're   good in English or English and Spanish both yeah  thanks for sharing that with me I appreciate you   I love meeting people like you you guys make  you guys make London special man thank you so   much try this one if you couldn't try this this is  Afghani this is Iranian okay because I love this   restaurant we speak same language Iranian people  and Afghani people same language this is also   very good one but this is Kabul Kebab very very  good one okay um if you write both of them in the   Google you'll find the address perfect man thank  you I hope to see you again thank you so much bro   thank you I will go and check this out what do  you recommend I eat from there Kebab kebab and   Kebab is just like your almost like a shwam like  a meat meat meat yeah okay thank you bro welcome   I wish you the best this year I hope you have an  amazing year thank you so much man what a lovely   guy huh definitely has me feeling like I want to  go to Afghanistan man the people from the Middle   East are some of the kindest in the world so you  guys heard his story and that's a common story   for a lot of people people a lot of people that  immigrates from their country to another it's not   because they want to a lot of people do it out of  necessity right because there's not another choice   there's not another option and that's what I  said is uh pretty unique about London it's a huge   Melting Pot the whole world is here but yeah man  the facades of these buildings are incredible look   at this one with a big dragon coming off of it  here you got some lips with a cigarette in their   mouth there's a big shoe hanging up over here it's  awesome but yeah let's continue on with our walk   and we'll see what else we can get on get on into  but yeah like I said a lot of uh shop selling   fake merchandise fake Goods replicas jewelry  shops so yeah you can come here and get some   Tattoos Piercings it seems like and of course  uh besides all of the shopping like I mentioned   it's a great place to come for the nlife scene  but of course you got to come in the evening for that wow they got a Shake Shack here man Shake  Shack is more popular here in the UK than it is   in America I see it everywhere here I don't  know who there's actually a clothing shop as   well like I said i' love i' love to give myself  a football jersey but I think the best bet is   to stick with the souvenirs for now that way  we don't um get in trouble for purchasing any   knockoffs on here on the channel I don't know  if you guys have heard me in previous videos   but man YouTube is really starting to crack down  on the on the fake Market videos and they seem to   get taken down each and every time and you know  they threaten you with strikes and all of that   stuff so it's best to just stop uh purchasing  those items wow this is beautiful I wonder if   you can actually take one of those boats down the  river we're doing we are interesting huh I love   that I want to actually look into that maybe  we'll take a river cruise down that could be fun oh there's the famous Camden Lock Bridge right  there I believe that's where the train runs over   you see that in pretty much every photo of Camden  but no seriously if you're in London you have to   come to Camden it's a legendary part of the city  and as you can tell there's a lot going on it's   super cool this must be a better view because  there's a lot of people gathered around here   oh wow look there's a boat actually moving  right now that looks like it might be a   house boat to be fair they got solar panels  up there it looks like these are like some locks man that's cool [Music] huh all  right we'll continue now man that's beautiful people play playing rock and roll that's cool no I definitely like it out here I just  wish I would have spent um more time in this area   throughout my trip because we got a lot of things  planned and to be honest I like the White Chapel   area but to be fair I think hanging around here  or getting an Airbnb or a hotel in this area would   probably be the better move next time like here  they got a fresh orange juice stand an art studio   across the way I won't lie to you guys though  it it does get a little bit frustrating walking   around in these uh crowds the entire time but  it is what it is what could you expect right you   know what let's try some of this orange juice how  about that I think that would go really well right now hey how's it going can I get a orange  juice please you have small 350 and the big 6   um I'll do the small one please yeah thank  you oh thank you so much how's it going   sir hello I'll take a small one please 350  please 350 I'll P card okay all right 3 l50   for a freshly squeezed orange juice man that's  not terrible there's at least several oranges   inside here and yeah you can seriously  smell the orange juice from across the bridge that might have been the  best purchase today wow this is good M I like that I like that a lot actually  all right let's continue let's continue on so   it looks like there's actually another little  market here man I guess it's all basically the   same Market but here there's a couple more stands  that we can definitely jump into and do some more   shopping from looks like this one here has some  jewelry I actually don't need no jewelry right now   but I do want to purchase more souvenirs  man it's windy today it's a very windy day yeah a lot of jewelry we might actually  have to purchase something to be fair let's see wow these are cool I love all of these signs  that say warning genius at work if the music is   too loud you are too old I want to purchase some  of these to take home with me beer because murder   is wrong man these are cool huh I got a friend  who has a garage full of these type of signs   they're awesome I didn't rescue my dog my dog  rescued me oh that's beautiful I like that a lot wow the whole shop is full of these signs  that's cool huh these are coasters one for 5   lb or 3 for 12 that's nice I like that we  actually purchased some tea at a tea shop   yesterday and I can't believe I'm actually  taking some home because I don't drink tea   at all but I figured that was just a thing  to do I mean I'm in London right when in Rome wow this place is awesome huh guys  yeah they got a lot of music in here so   we might actually have to evacuate but no  it's super beautiful yeah a lot of jewelry   a lot of overall souvenirs I guess you can  just say it says that you can actually go   down to the lower markets from here so let's  make our way down the steps but I hope you   guys are enjoying this video so far here they're  actually selling a lot of te's as well man these   ones here are definitely a lot more affordable  than the te's we bought yesterday we went to a   company called uh twg or tww C or something  like that over in the uh ler Weare area and   the tea smelled incredible but man they were tax  in but we got we grabbed a few because everybody   said they were the best wow look at the view  outside the window man that's crazy looks like   that's where all the food must be hiding out  at let's go down there and check it out why not oh man these magnets are super cool these are   a lot different than the ones I was I saw  over outside at the other super souvenir shop that's cool stuff huh all right well  you know what let's make our way on out of   this market and let's go check out some of the  food options that they have here in Camden now   like I said the videos they're a little bit  harder to film out here right it's not as um   open of course as it is in Asia and one of  the problems we've been having at a lot of   the shops uh in London is that they actually say  no filming is allowed which I don't understand   because it actually uh promotes places quite  well and a lot of you guys like to come and   purchase from the businesses that I show but  here they don't really understand that whole   concept so I've been kicked out quite a bit  from different shops when I go in to actually   try and uh make some videos for you guys  look right here they got a Mexican Grill   they got a churose spot another place called  meat points over here they have hot dogs and perogies man it's looks super cool Vibe let me know what you guys think of this so  far have you guys been out here before what do you   guys recommend what kind of food do you recommend  I'll be back out here in the summer time so I   definitely would love all of your recommendations  so that I can come back out here and make you know   maybe a maybe a food video it seems like Camden  might be the place to to eat at they got all   kinds of food look hot pots Indian food okay you  know what I think this spot's I think we might   just avoid this walkway why not that that's a  little too crazy for me I think if we walk in   there it's going to take us a long time to come  on out and you know a lot of people actually told   me this about the holiday season here in London  people were like man you can't do much during   H time is super busy and I'm starting to realize  why or what people were talking about because no   other European city we've been to this trip has  been like this but to be fair London has had way   better Vibes than any of the other places we've  been through this trip you know what why don't we   actually try some of those churos I see everybody  eating the churos yeah let's grab ourselves some   of those okay so this here is the chudo spot chos  donuts and they got chos coffee and donuts and it   says here that the cudos are 450 and you can get  them filled with chocolates or caramel the donuts   don't look bad also but they look like they've  been sitting there for a while to be fair yeah can   I get a churro please um let me do caramel yeah  thank you bit of sugar yeah a bit of sugar as well please oh that's the caramel pump right there  thank you anything else no that's it thank you you thank you sir thank you all right 450  for a big ass Truro to be fair it's quite cold   they've been sitting there for a while I can tell  but whatever I kind of regretted it once I ordered   it I was like wait those look like they've been  there for a while but what can you do right all   right to be fair it does look quite nice it looks  more chocolatey than caramel o no I definitely caramel mhm to be fair it actually hasn't been SE that  for a while that's a pretty damn good Juro wow   I like that I like the sugar and the cinnamon  on the outside too for 450 you can't really   go wrong I mean it's a nice little sweet treat  but I see why he sells coffee with it the coffee   would definitely compliment the chur well I'm not mad about the decision it  was good but yeah guys extremely busy here today to be fair I don't know exactly where  I'm going to be heading to in this video but I   think the best bet is to jump into a couple more  souvenir shops and purchase a couple more items   because I think all of the food stalls  and the food lines are a little bit too   long for my liking if I got to be honest with  you guys like I don't like waiting in lines I   hate waiting in lines for food especially when  you're in a city like London where there's so   many food options you know I don't have  to go to like the most popular place to   go eat a ret sandwich for example you know I  can go anywhere else and purchase something   to eat but yeah look here they got like a  I believe that's a Vietnamese restaurant more tattoo studios barbecue spots another  gift shop it's a Cool vibe well let me work   my way through this churo and then we'll  jump into another souvenir shop and see   what we come across here you go mate go get  yourself something to eat okay take care all right how's it going sir it's okay how much are  the cabinet shirts cem shirt 25 25 yes sir it's   good quality it's a good quality shirt yeah  okay oh I like these bags they're cool huh oh   man I also like these small bags too guys I  wonder what you could use these for they're   tiny but they're cool maybe I have to get myself  some of these it says $3.99 for one or 3 for10 lb sir these ones are 3 for 10 yeah yes okay no  T-shirt no no T-shirt I'll take I'll take some   of these yes where are you from Sir India India  where about oh we just came from there oh very   good we were just there you nice holiday yeah we  had a good time we went to uh Delhi cata Chennai   W man yeah we had a good time when's the last time  you were back home well we came uh in the October   in October end of October so it was nice and  warm like always huh very good weather very good   compared to here huh here you you're lucky if you  see the sky I when I came nearly 1 and half month   I didn't see sun no sun huh and how long have  you been how long have you been here arthritis   24 years 24 years oh so you're English yeah you're  you're basically English now I'm English now okay   your whole family is here everything whole family  and here in uh London you eat really good Indian   food yeah there's so many good Indian food  yeah very nice food in the market you see yeah   small small Buffet oh they have an Indian buffet  yeah okay one is one you know traffic light in   this traffic light big traffic light okay uh yeah  turn right go straight the head there is a very   big restaurant India I'll have to go check that  out they got they got uh Masala M Masala very good   name very good spicy but expensive very good good  but everything's expensive here yeah it's the UK   bro everything's expensive in Delhi we were eating  Pani py what 20 rupees of Pani py P py I know yeah   20 rupees I eat so much in so much huh what what's  your favorite food when you go back home what do   you miss the most everything trust me you eat  alali yeah I love that and of course all of the   all of the chai on the street I love it k oh mango  K come on get out of here that's so good okay I'll   take these on sir yes 35 yeah thank you sir cash  uh cash yeah you need small bag uh please I'll   take a small what size please I do how much you  spend sir 20 okay it's okay minut thank you bro   I wish you the best thank you sir I give you back  yeah please this 20 my friend look at the Quality   I give 25 his new year not this quality no not the  same no I give you 25 no thank you so much thank   you sir have a great time everybody everybody  wants to bargain huh bro yeah there is it you   got to tell them if you want cheap go to India bro  if you go to India you can bargain all right take   care bro happy New Year guys I wish you the best  Take Care thank you sir thank you all right seems   like all we're doing is buying um handbags because  yeah I'm not spending 20 20 lb on a jacket neither   I don't blame those other guys that's expensive  especially because well he said they're great qu   great quality I don't they don't feel like great  quality for 20 lb man you can buy a lot of other   things but nice guy man nice guy I like this shop  and everybody's just on the grind and I'm sure   it makes them a little bit upset that there's so  many people walking around but no one's doing any   shopping like everybody's just you know walking  around taking photos it's important to do some   shopping but again with prices like that [ __ ]  man you got to be really careful what you purchase   because you can easily go to the mall and purchase  something really nice for 2030 lb you know a lot   of people don't like to wear uh sweatshirts that's  say cammed in town on them or something touristic   especially for you know that price but to be fair  we're in the UK I mean there's nothing here that's   cheap so let's continue let's see where else we  jump on into if we jump on into somewhere else   because like I said everything's pretty expensive  ensive and I came here mainly just to walk around   and show you guys The Vibes where are you from  Bangladesh oh you're from Bangladesh you're from   Dhaka oh no C oh okay everybody says cette is  beautiful yeah it is I need to go what are you   selling are you selling these items hats I need  I need some gloves actually that something really   good yeah please I need something really good how  long you been living here for oh I born here born   here oh you're born here but your family is from  Bangladesh yeah okay have you been to Bangladesh   yeah course yeah four times oh man those are nice  quite good okay and how much are these ones 10B   is that the best price yeah there's no bargaining  here huh sorry I got to go to Bangladesh if I want   to bargain 100% yeah okay these are the best  ones you got any more colors colors what are   these black or brown oh black black yeah black  you want to come around yeah please I'll come   around got gray light gray oh man I like these the  thing is it's cold as hell out here bro it's super   cold where you from I'm from the United States  California are you a YouTuber yeah I am I think   I've seen you on YouTube really yeah I was out  in Bangladesh making videos yeah I feel I've seen   you thank you man I appreciate it is there good  Bangladeshi restaurants around here around here   no I'm not sure no around here if but if you eat  Bangladesh you eat it at home huh yeah yeah my dad   Cooks yeah your dad Cooks you don't know how to  get down in the kitchen fair enough fair enough I   don't either all right you know what um the black  one the best though the black's the best yeah   okay you know what I'll take these ones I'll take  these ones yeah you have cash yeah I got cash yeah   I'll give you a Queen Elizabeth yes they already  got King Charles on the money they do yeah really   yeah man I haven't got one of those bills yet go  to the bank you might find it they might give it   okay is the King Charles money when did they come  out with it I think in September last year oh   okay oh one and you're from Malaysia sir what what  part of Malaysia far and you don't go back no I've   been back yet every okay yeah I was out there  we were I was there a month ago I was in Kong baru thank very much hey thanks a lot bro I  appreciate you I wish you the best all right   much have a good day hey what what's your what  do you recommend I see here in London what's the   what's the best spot to hang out around here cuz  it's it's so busy bro yeah I know is it because of   the holidays really weekend's always busy is the  summer just the same or is it a little bit better   uh winter is more B he gave you okay [Music] yeah  yeah I think's good okay take care all right he   gave me the 10B how 20 me 20 I know I know I know  don't worry about him how much you took from me 10   yeah so he's he got he's having a bad day huh no  no no no it's it's a bit confusing money me fair   fair fair fair all right take care Guys Don Teddy  masi well I think that's going to be the end of   today's little video here in Camden guys I had a  great time but to be fair there's nothing else I   really need it's a little too busy for my liking  but I hope you guys enjoyed that we got to meet   people from all over the world working here in  London which is super cool but yeah now it's time   to head somewhere else we're a little bit more  calmer and relaxed because right now you can you   can't even walk through these streets guys but it  does blow my mind how many people are selling like   fake airpods and uh airpods Max I actually just  asked one guy how much for the headphones and he   said 250 lb and there's actually a lady about to  purchase some because they tell you that they're   real and I'm like oh man they're about to lose  out on so much money so uh keep that in mind bro   don't come out here and purchase those things  like it's better to just save your money and uh   take it somewhere else you know or just save so  you can afford the real ones all right guys talk   to you talk to you soon you are always smarter  I was the one to take a love I remember how

2025-01-15 03:34

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