all of these are pictures from kolata how much is this 200 200 hello how are you how much 100 huh 100 100 oh can I try one is famous famous Kata oh yeah this is cool how much is the water 20 rupees 20 rupees yes okay and it's cold too oh that's nice this here is one of the most important landmarks in kolata and undoubtedly in the country what is it a parachute man yeah parachutes you put it on a slingshot and then you shoot it what I like that how many Rupees what's up everybody welcome back to another video from here in kokata now today it's still my first day here I ended up just spending a few hours relaxing winding down a little bit because man the heat was brutal and well now I decided to go out and explore a little bit more so we're on our way to the Toria Memorial and I'm walking through this area uh called actually I'm not sure what it's called I got to look back on the map again it's right on the borderline of sonagachi and um let me tell you guys right now sonagachi and ultadanga ultadanga so I'm in this part of the city right now and I'm about to hop into a Yellow Cab well at least that is the plan I want to take one of those old vintage taxis over to the Victoria Memorial and show you guys one of the one of the oldest parts of the city so let's try and get our taxi now there's a bunch here in this area unlike where we started well in the previous video uh where there was only Tuk tucks here there's actually a lot of taxis as well all right now the day is going by extremely fast here here in uh India oh wow is this like a [Applause] temple Namaste this is a temple wow very beautiful so beautiful how am I saying wow I love seeing all the religious uh monuments and temples or shrines I guess you can call them right they're more more more or so shrines places where you can go and pray and leave an suffering but here in India I've noticed that throughout my travels that they're found on many different corners of um cities oh wow look there's a sweet shop here on the corner and it looks incredibly busy as well uman sweets now glattus is actually down by the victoriia memorial right now and she said it's amazing down there I have to get down down there so that's the reason why I've diverted my whole mission of going to mulik Bazaar because everybody told me that's like an auto parts area and now we're going to go do some touristic things all right guys let's try and wave down a taxi okay now the Street's empty over in this direction well we'll find one we'll find one Let's cross on over this way you can hear the horns too all day long female to male male to female full hygienic maintain in both kolata and North Kata cool they have spalls here all right here comes one nope just took ticks and motorcycles I feel like the horn is attached to the brake pedal or the gas pedal one of the two because they just go off all day long all right that was fast managed to make it out of that one alive so yeah we're heading down to the Victoria Memorial and then we'll see what else we Veer off into once we make it on down there I think what I'm going to do for the rest of this India series is just not plan anything I'm just going to wing it because it seems like that's going to be the best way to handle this whole situation because well Uber keep cancelling I don't seem to know exactly where to go so I think winging it is how you do an India trip let me know if I'm right let me know if I'm right or I should do a little bit more research taxi no he's busy man I'm surprised um here in India everybody uses taxis in my country taxis man no one ever uses them taxi no yeah in my country I feel like taxis aren't like that big of a thing especially the old yellow ones anymore you don't see them too often anymore especially none like this that style oh man this guy's empty but I really don't want to go in one of those I don't want to go on a White Taxi I want to go on a yellow one it's going to happen all right you know what let's keep walking a little bit let's hop back up in here and stay off the street and we'll see what we can come up with you know what I could probably go for another coconut I had one earlier this morning but that really hit the spot man I'm feeling a little bit dehydrated right now wow this is a big market area you got a man here selling guava fruits okay I see a taxi up here looks like he's waiting for business hopefully he's waiting for me let's see there's a lot of good smelling food too I'm seeing food absolutely everywhere however I haven't really dabbled into anything just yet I will though I'll make my way around Nam um Victoria Memorial Victoria how much 300 deal let's go can I go in the front awesome bro we're about to hop into this bad boy look at this Taxi man thank you thank you don't know what oh man this is my first time in one of these in the front I was in the back last night yeah look how cool these things are guys you go back in time in one of these taxis taxi very nice taxi coata taxi very [Music] nice chili lemons and chilies and then this here is the whole meter system I don't think that one works and it says pay only display fair I like this no air conditioning huh M no no work okay yeah they don't use air conditioning here in these cars dud you feel like a like you're going to a car meet in an old B air in one of these things India India very nice ah India very good very good you're from Kolkata you kolata Kata Bengali no Hindu no Hindu oh okay okay I wonder what's the lemon and the chilies the limes and the chilies can you guys let me know what that stands for all right guys well I'll make my way over to the Victoria Memorial and I'll catch up with you guys once we make it [Music] there a short drive and we have made it here to Victoria Memorial now let me just tell you guys the heat here is extremely brutal and inside of those yellow calvs oh man it was hot I was sweating so bad like literally my shorts are soaked right now but I noticed as we are pulling into this Memorial that there's a lot of venders out here selling well snacks and all kinds of items to take home and there's even some horses across the street uh that they use for uh horse rides but yeah let's come on in and let's check out the most important Memorial here in Kolkata now it says up here that the entrance tickets are 50 for the gardens and 500 for a um International ticket hello sir hello can I get a ticket for the gardens T okay okay only one Garden yeah just walk around Gardens one yeah please thank you give me change I don't have change brother thank you so much all right 30 rupes to enter the uh Garden area now I'm actually only entering the Garden area because I will be back later on this week to go inside of the museum uh with glattus she's already visited and she told me that it's incredible so I'm going to come back and with her and my brother but for now let's walk around the gardens and who knows maybe we'll do some shopping out here and see what we come across like there's some people selling sunglasses over in this direction over here they're selling maps of India wow those are cool hello how are you sir looking what is this postcard oh postcards of kolata wow all of these are pictures from kolata how much is this 200 200 for the whole B for the whole book do you have other other pictures what styles do you have oh let me see oh these are like old huh vintage vintage paintings and then these ones are more these ones show the Memorial Hall oh this is where we are huh oh is that the rain rain's coming guys so how Bridge oh yeah H bridge look 1943 look 1943 1943 wow 192 look 192 oh those are beautiful 1992 good Temple very good Jane Temple okay 1867 all wow beautiful okay this another that's a different one different style oh that one's very nice how much is this one 100 that one's 100 300 300 let me do this one for 100 let me do that one only 10 for card 20 all complete oh that one's 20 yeah 20 okay let me do the 20 then look good deal thank you bro now what is this right here indiia map look Indian map of the whole country all India all of India wow it's probably huge oh man Kata okayi how many kilom have you been to Delhi before look you never go to Delhi oh wow it tells you information about everything man that's a cool map okay well maybe later okay thank you brother you donov uh America California thank you brother all right cool well now we got some uh postcards for the members which is super cool I was actually hoping I came across some of those hello how are you how much 100 huh 100 100 oh can I try one is famous famous kolata oh yeah this is cool what's the name name in Bengali name okay all right I wonder what the name of this thing is called excuse me bro what's the name of this hat don't you don't know what it's called are you from Bengali no no IES oh UT Pradesh okay okay all right I'm from America California yeah yeah yeah okay um uh travel with Chris Trav travel with Chris here give you a card um you know what can you ask them what the name of this or you don't speak Bengali huh only Bengali only Bengali you speak Hindi Hindi okay well thank you so much brother all right 100 right all right let's do it oh that's a 20 this fan that's a fan okay how does it work let me see let me make sure this thing works oh yeah this is nice huh how much 200 200 for both oh that's a good deal okay 200 there you go thank you brother thank you oh man this is nice hey I needed this earlier guys I was about to pass out inside of that taxi so now I don't got to worry about that I got myself a good pet fan how are you what are you selling water how much is the water 20 rupees 20 rupees yes okay and it's cold too oh that's nice all right you know what let me get a let me get a water too 20 rupees yes yes what's the name of this water Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas this one's better than b b no no no b b or Bahamas which one's better yes which one you like more Beast ladyy or Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas better okay thank you brother thank you thank you all right we got a water bottle a fan and a hat so we made it into the victorium memorial wow guys this place is beautiful look at the gardens here definitely a nice place to come hang around spend a few hours it's beautiful here huh right are you from are you from Kata beautiful man beautiful beautiful place which from uh America America California California nice yeah yeah first time Kolkata first time yeah but it's beautiful here man a lot of a lot of people huh maybe second time it's your second time I to Victoria Memorial Mall oh okay second time at the memorial yeah oh man the rain's coming huh I have to hear the rain yeah too much to much too much rain that's not good so yeah hopefully we can make it on out of here nice to meet you bro okay thank you wow this is beautiful at night time do they turn on lights at night they turn on lights night yeah oh okay maybe we have to come back out here at night as well wow this is beautiful look at these Gardens guys I really like this hat too I mean it's keeping me cool oh man that's storm is right around the corner so let's get a little bit closer up to the memorial and then who knows maybe we're going to have to send it on out of here I'm glad I didn't purchase the ticket to enter the real reason I didn't purchase the ticket to enter is not because I'm waiting for gladus I am waiting for glattus but because they have no tours right now and this Museum right here is extremely important because it talks about the well it goes through the entire cycle of um the history of India from uh the liberation of the British of the rule of the British to current day period from what I read online so yeah I definitely want to get on in there uh but with the tour man it's beautiful yeah this is definitely one of those places you can come and spend a few hours um I'm not sure if you can bring food but it makes looks like a nice place for a picnic there a lot of people out here too man that is beautiful so yeah I was reading online that this building was constructed in 1921 is when it opened for the first time but this here is one of the most important landmarks in Kolkata and undoubtedly in the country look at this guys beautiful all right well the storm looks like it's about to start coming on in here pretty soon I'm going to go ahead and put the camera down I'll take a couple pictures with the memorial and then yeah let's make it on out of here because I want to walk around do a little bit more shopping before making my way over back to the room because well right now it looks like it's going to start storming the forecast says that it's going to pretty much pour the rest of the night and I really don't want to get caught up in that or the traffic ooh that sounds rough so I just put the camera down and he came up and said what's up to me he's from Bangladesh you're from Dhaka huh yeah yeah man how long have you been here for you come here to visit vacation visit okay so Bangladeshi people like coming to Kolkata Kata it's beautiful huh daily Bombay Bombay Bombay yeah how many hours uh Daka Kata 1 hour flight can 1 Hour 1 hour flight oh okay bus bus you took the bus how much hours bus 8 hours eight hours wow eight hours man I love Bangladesh I'm coming back coming back to Bangladesh very soon I got to go to uh chog and I have to go to co Bazar I have to thanks for saying Hi man appreciate you all right well the rain's well on its way so I think you know what let's do a little bit more shopping around here before uh taking off oh are these parachute men what I want to see how these work that's cool bro what is it a parachute man parachute yeah parach shoot you put it on a slingshot and then you shoot it what I like that how many rupes 100 R 100 rupees R let me see again let me watch oh man that's cool dude I like that okay I'll take one one parachute man thank you so much thank you one piece five piece no just one Piece One Piece thank you he's a good salesman huh thank you so much what do you selling baggage oh man that's huge bro thank you so much thank you5 $5 $5 no bro that's big bro $10 no $10 $5 no it's heavy thank you $10 I'm okay thank you thank you bro no it's okay thank you it's very big bro I have a backpack thank you brother I just bought postcards from you no no map map now you want to sell me the map yeah you now he had Victoria okay it's small price look okay okay just look package I just bought the postcards from you no maps map yeah but I have Google Maps you know Google Maps Google Maps you don't need these ones no more IND map India okay no I'm okay right now thank you sir thank you 15050 no it's okay thank you $5 no it's okay I have a backpack man I'm wearing my backpack jeans super quality jeans okay maybe next time maybe next time maybe next time 100 rupees thank you 500 500 no bro no bro no I don't want I I have a backpack man look what what else do you have you have a wallet or something no no no no no bro I don't need a backpack Man 1 2 3 4 5 five six Pockets six Pockets oh man bro how much is this one 350 350 250 okay 250 no backpack no backpack no backpack that's good quality right it's good quality good quality L company good quality right all right thank you bro no it's okay it's okay thank you 500 yeah but now I bought all these ones thank you thank you brother thank you sir 500 maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow thank you I just bought a parachute man I'm really excited about that thank you brother maybe next time thank you hello hello how are you what is that what is it what are these oh they're bracelets oh that's beautiful for Lady it's for women right what's the price big size small size um medium size medium size oh those are beautiful what's the price 300 oh that's expensive bro four piece 300 four piece 200 what's the cheapest one you have let me see you think my wife would like that yeah yeah it's very beautiful very beautiful like what's the best deal for me best deal best price best price 300 290 okay 300 300 you're a good guy here let me let me give you 300 how's business today business good thank you brother all right now I got man I got a parachute man I bought a satchel some postcards okay thank you 200 more I need my change thank you thank you thank you brother thank you I'm okay thank you I already got some thank you brother all right guys well we did some shopping that was fun look I bought a parachute man I bought a I guess a satchel some sort of fanny pack I think we're off to a great start you know what let's see what else we can find to be honest the storm is well on its way you can hear the thunder the lightning you can even see but people are still showing up which is quite crazy to me please if you guys know what the name of this hat is let me know down in the comment section as well you know what let's go ahead and put all of this stuff inside of the backpack these parachute men I'll tell you what guys when I was a kid these were like my favorite toys I never had one with like the the launcher thing that he gave me the big pole usually it was just a tiny little like parachute man that you get out like a gum ballb machine but this one here this is like everything I ever wanted when I was a kid so I'm going to take that home all right well you know what let's go for a little walk and let's see what else we can come across because well weather's not looking too hot and I have a feeling that yeah if we don't get out of here soon we are going to be paying the price and you know what to be honest with you guys I don't know how much more I can actually go because I don't have enough money I think to get home let me check how much Bots Bots How much rupees I have left okay I have 1,000 rupees 500 here oh I got enough to get home so you know what let's yeah taxi taxi yeah yeah how much to taxi yeah yeah how much how much to Holiday in Kata airport yeah 600 going to uh airport 600 yeah this is your long tape Airport okay okay go k holiday in yeah okay let's go yeah let's go 600 600 all right let's do it in the back down thank you brother okay all right well okay thank you that was like too good of a deal to pass up 600 even on Uber it's like 1,000 all the way to my hotel so we'll take this one and man this car is beautiful your car is very nice yeah very nice very nice car okay sir okay fine I love it this is a l we are cheating huh okay this is a long 1,000 met airport yeah but I go holiday in holiday in Kolkata airport airport holiday in yeah 50 km this is a okay then you know what take me to yeah take me to Indian museum Indian museum yeah how much Indian museum no airport no museum museum 500 this 500 bro that's expensive long that's expensive yeah okay fine no King okay okay 500 take me to museum thank you Airport from no no more airport two far huh Airport's too far too far yeah very far airport yeah Indian will you go to airport you you want to take me to Airport yeah 1,000 rupees 1,000 okay my hotel okay holiday in yeah you know holiday in yeah Kolkata airport airport okay okay okay let's go yeah 1,000 rupees yeah let's go let's go let's go I like that so he don't want to take me to museum he wants to take me to the airport to my hotel all right guys well that was a very enjoyable day I hope you guys enjoyed that to be honest I'm smoked I'm tired I'm not prepared for this right now the heat it's brutal and then it's also a combination of like rainy season right now as well as you guys heard the Thunder is pretty loud and I have a feeling that the showers are going to be quite brutal today um they should be coming down any minute now according to the weather application actually yeah there's a couple sprinkles H nut yeah it's about to rain huh rain very good I am Ghana you're Ghana okay okay okay all [Music] right God I love India so much all right guys see you soon yeah I you were always smart I was the one to take a love I remember how we started
2024-09-16 14:31