The History of Tourism in Tennessee

The History of Tourism in Tennessee

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The history of tourism in Tennessee. In 2021,  Tennessee saw record-breaking numbers from the   tourism industry 24.2 billion dollars in visitor  revenue and 1.9 billion in state and local taxes   from tourism. It is the third largest industry  in Tennessee and it's not showing any signs  

of slowing down. People have always been  attracted to the landscape of Tennessee,   from indigenous peoples thousands of years  ago finding a land teeming with game,   to modern times when urban people seek the  serenity of Tennessee's natural calming beauty.   I love Tennessee and I feel my heart swell with  pride when I read about the impacts my home state   has had on events in history. Telling the tales  that built this great state into what it is today  

is a source of delight. This video aims to show  you a small sample of the amazing things that   tourists can see and do in Tennessee and explain  the history behind them. Tennessee's landscape   has drawn people from all walks of life as a  "Gathering Place," creating a hotbed of historical   events and natural settings that attract visitors  with a wide variety of tastes, and making tourism   an important part of its global connectivity.  This video is divided into two sections:   natural history and human history. We'll cover  natural history first. Beginning with state parks,   we have: Reelfoot Lake. Reelfoot lake is the  only natural lake in Tennessee, as all others are   man-made with dams and locks. It exists in Obion  County in the northwest corner of Tennessee. The  

15,000 acre Reelfoot Lake State Park offers  cabins, campsites for tents and recreational   vehicles, meeting spaces, a 400-person auditorium,  and lots of opportunities for water activities.   The first Europeans to see Reelfoot River were  French surveyors, trappers, and missionaries.   Establishing a park around the lake was first  proposed in 1923, when the Tennessee Academy of   Science wanted to build an observation outpost  to study the unique biology around the lake.   Reelfoot lake finally became a state park in 1956,  attracting scientists and the public to visit to   observe nature. Reelfoot Lake did not exist before  1811, when severe earthquakes shook the New Madrid   area Northwest of Tennessee for several years.  Once Reelfoot River had become Reelfoot Lake,   the local fields were flooded, creating  swamplands, cyprus groves with shallow water,   and completely submerged walnut forests. The lake  flooded many times throughout the late 1800's and  

early 1900's, moving the shoreline and filling  nearby fields with silt until concrete levees   and spillways finally kept it under control.  Cumberland Mountain State Park is built on seven   1720 Acres of plateau land near Crossville  it provides access for the public to enjoy   a lake 14 miles of hiking trails 37 cabins 140  campsites a restaurant gift shop replica Quaker   Mill and a museum the state park also owns and  operates a world-class 18-hole gorf Golf Course   as part of the New Deal programs offered by  President Franklin D Roosevelt to help recover   from the Great Depression middle Tennessee's  Cumberland Plateau was chosen as the site of   the ambitious Cumberland homesteads  project in 1934 to house 251 families   once those homesteads were established it was  decided that Recreation needed to be available   nearby so another New Deal program the Civilian  Conservation Corps was called in to build a state   park a site was chosen and purchased in 1938  and construction began with a dam on birds   Creek turning it into a 30-acre lake and  construction on the various recreational   facilities continued until they were completed  in 1941. the final Edition was Bear trays Golf   Course designed by famous golfer Jack Nicklaus  which is owned by the park and opened in 1998.   Cumberland Mountain State Park is not actually on  a mountain but on top of a plateau an iconic Dam   and Stone Arch Bridge combination was built at the  headwaters of birds Creek to create the man-made   lake at the center of the park the park is roughly  shaped like a backward sea and follows the Steep   Hills and Valleys around the creek making hiking  and mountain biking trails more challenging the   park is home to many varieties of wildlife  but of particular interest to bird watchers   because of the wide range of forest-dwelling  birds and waterfowl that can be observed there Frozen head state park is an incredible  24 000 Acres of wilderness just west of   Knoxville only rustic and primitive camping  sites are available at Frozen head meaning the   sites do not offer electricity or water although  restrooms are provided in the campground there   are over 50 miles of backpacking and hiking  trails through untouched Mountain forests   offering views of wildlife unparalleled by parks  with more traditional facilities constructed   the lands that would eventually become Frozen  head State Park started with a land purchase   by the state in 1902 for the purchase of building  a prison at that time the area was called Brushy   Mountain and the plan for brashy Mountain  State Prison was mainly to provide free labor   for nearby coal mines in 1933 Governor Hill  McAllister designated part of the area Morgan   State Forest because it was within Morgan County  and the Civilian Conservation Corps moved in and   started building conservation buildings such  as a fire Watchtower in 1970 the state forest   was transferred to the state parks department  and renamed Frozen head Frozen head State Park   was named after a mountain by the same name at the  Eastern end of the park that soars to an elevation   of 3 324 feet the highest point in Tennessee West  of the Appalachians that is usually covered in   snow over the winter the steep hills and mountains  in the area are covered in dense forests giving   wildlife of all kinds plenty of room to hide from  Human encroachment rare high elevation birds make   their homes in the area and Mountain Creeks are  stocked with rainbow trout for seasonal fishing   moving on to national parks and green spaces  there is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park   the Great Smoky Mountain National Park is over  500 000 Acres of unspoiled nature preserves   shared equally by Tennessee and North Carolina  and is the most visited of all 59 national parks   with almost 13 million visitors in 2022 more than  Yellowstone Yosemite and the Grand Canyon combined   it contains over 1 000 camping sites and picnic  sites over 850 miles of Back Country hiking trails   some of which are part of the Appalachian  Trail and 730 miles of fish bearing streams   as early as the 1920s people involved in politics  and business started pushing hard to get a Park   established in the wilderness between Tennessee  and North Carolina sentiments had turned towards   conservation and ecological preservation during  a high point in the demand and production of wood   products and the Appalachian Mountains were being  heavily harvested by numerous logging companies   President calvich Calvin Coolidge signed the  bill in 1926 to establish the park and each   state donated 150 000 acres for the project  the rest of the land had to be purchased   from private owners and the money for this  was raised by ordinary concerned citizens   the CCC built the infrastructure over the  next few years and the park was finally   opened in September 1940 by President Franklin  D Roosevelt who gave opening speeches in person   the Appalachian Mountains have a lengthy history  of lore with the Cherokee Indians who called   them chiconahe meaning land of the blue smoke  referring to the myths that often conceal the   mountaintops it is home to about 1500 federally  protected black bears a local symbol found on   signs and landmarks there are also 31 species of  salamanders more than any other single location   giving the park the title salamander capital  of the world the mountains were original the   original dividing line between the colony of North  Carolina and the Wilderness when settlers started   pushing West many of them went through Newfound  Gap a main feature in the middle of the park Natchez Trace Parkway is a Federal Highway that  has been improved for observing the scenery and   history dotted along the 444 mile path through  three states there are picnic areas hiking trails   campgrounds historical markers and buildings  Indian burial mounds and Scenic overlooks along   the entire path the Natchez Trace was originally  just many small paths through the woods used by   animals and the natives who hunted them from 1699  until the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 most of the   land between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains  were controlled by the French and the Spanish   the French maintained an important fort on  the Mississippi River called Natchez and   controlled Commerce from there Merchants from  Nashville easily floated their Wares down river   but before stewing steam engines would often  just abandon their boats in Natchez and walk   back to Nashville there's repeated usage  turned in Natchez Trace into a vital road   until the invention of the steamboat Franklin  D Roosevelt approved turning the road into a   feat Federal Scenic byway in 1937 and the  last construction was completed in 2005.   the rough terrain between Natchez Mississippi and  Nashville Tennessee made it necessary to build   several Bridges along the roadway some of which  are considered engineering Marvels the Natchez   Trace Parkway arches was labeled the single most  outstanding bridge building achievement of 1994   and soars 150 feet above the valley below many  Indian burial mounds built by the Natchez tribe of   the Mississippian period are accessible from the  Parkway and some are 30 to 35 feet tall Big South   Fork National River and Recreation Area is about  125 000 acres of land on the Cumberland Plateau   shared by Kentucky and Tennessee within Big South  Fork is charit Creek Lodge a resort with rustic   off-grid cabins dining room and outdoor activities  it is only accessible by hiking mountain biking   or horseback riding Big South Fork has over 150  miles of Mark hiking and biking trails and offers   camping canoeing and kayaking horseback riding and  ideal locations for stargazing Big South Fork is   a section of the Cumberland River that has the  distinction of having no dams on it but TVA did   consider the possibility in 1972 the Big South  Fork Coalition and former Senator Howard Baker   Jr worked on legislation together to provide dams  prevent dams from being built in the area which   was successful and helped establish the national  River and Recreation Area in 1974. as land was  

being purchased to form the area logging and  mining companies scrambled to harvest resources   until they became unavailable the Meandering  path of the Cumberland River washed through the   area over the ages gradually carving the Sandstone  of the upper lent Cumberland Plateau into Cliffs   chimneys and one of the greatest concentrations  of natural land bridges in the eastern United   States the river continues to be one of the main  features of the Natural Area cutting through the   landscape and offering opportunities for fishing  and kayaking the numerous Sandstone arches are   destinations for hikers and Intrepid photographers  now let's dig a little deeper into Tennessee caves the takalichi caverns and towns in Tennessee  stretch under the land of the Great Smoky   Mountains National Park and have Silver Falls  the tallest Subterranean waterfall in the eastern   United States at 210 feet tall the name takalichi  is Cherokee and means Peaceful Valley and the cave   system is believed to be 20 to 30 million years  old cave enthusiasts and Joy are observing the   stalagmites galactites waterfalls pools and  unique rock formations guided tours are given   and go on a round trip of approximately one and  a quarter mile Native Americans are believed to   have used the cave system for hundreds of years  before settlers arrived then in 1931 a man named   Earl mccampbell opened to the cave to visitors but  the Great Depression hit hard and it only stayed   open for a year two local boys Bill vanata and  Harry Myers grew up playing in the cave system   and the idea about opening it to the public stuck  with them they went to college started families   worked hard to raise money for many years and  finally realized their dream of opening the   takalichi caverns to the public in 1953. the  year following the grand unveiling of the Cave   the National speleological Society discovered a  huge room deeper within the cave and at 400 feet   by 300 with 150 foot high ceiling it was dubbed  the big room some stalagmites in the big room   are as tall as 24 feet the cave has running  spring water and many natural water features   Craighead Caverns the Craighead Caverns cave  system in East Tennessee is home to America's   largest underground Lake according to Guinness  World Records it is only second largest in the   World Behind Lake vostok in Antarctica a  private company offers tours in the caves   complete with rides on glass bottom boats across  the Subterranean Lake which they call the Lost   Sea Adventure discoveries of ancient fossils  Native American artifacts Confederate soldiers   assault Peter mining journal pages and Moonshine  distilling tools have conclusively proven that   the Kane's cave system has been used for various  purposes for Millennia the name of the caves comes   from a Cherokee Chief by the name of Craighead  in 1905 a 13 year old boy named Ben Sands who   liked to explore the caves with his father  squeezed through a tight 40-foot long tunnel   and discovered the giant underground lake that is  now featured on the tours the care system is close   to the gray Smoky Mountains and has features  similar to the takalichi caverns however the   Lost Sea is a major Discovery and is still being  explored divers have been unable to determine how   far the lake extends as it continues underwater  far beyond the sonar they have tested it with   the lake is stocked with rainbow trout which  coutures can see with the glass bottom bottom   boat tours but fishing is forbidden the visible  part of the lake is approximately 4.5 Acres the Ruby Falls cave in Chattanooga is part of  the larger Lookout Mountain Cave System but   Ruby Falls is accessible by tourists and Lookout  Mountain caves are not due to a concern over toxic   soot from a defunct railway tunnel both caves  together have 2.4 miles of mapped passageways   Ruby Falls itself is the tallest and deepest  underground waterfall in the United States   Leo Lambert played in The Lookout Mountain  caves until 1905 when the Southern Railroad   Company built a tunnel through the mountain  sealing off access to the Natural caves he   dreamed of returning to the caves and opening to  the pum to the public so in 1928 he and a crew of   workers dug down through the mountain to create  a new Elevator Shaft about halfway to the lookout   mountain caves they broke through into the Ruby  Falls caves and discovered amazing sites there Leo   opened tours in 1930 and kept digging deeper but  had to close tours going to the lookout mountain   caves because so much soot from the railroad  engines had been discovered in the deeper caves   look out Mountain Towers above Chattanooga and  the entrance to Ruby Falls caves starts on top   with an elevator trip down into the tour area  Ruby Falls is surrounded by many geological   Wonders that took thousands of years to form  including stalactites stalagmites and mineral   pools the water that provides the waterfall of  Ruby Falls Fame is seasonal and has been known   to be artificially supplemented to provide a  good view around the year that concludes the   Natural History Section so now let's start on  some topics in human history Tennessee was a   major Western Battleground in the Civil War so  let's cover some of the more interesting sites Fort Donaldson Andover Hill Hotel the Fort  Donelson National Battlefield marks the site of   an important battle during the Civil War it is 559  acres of land that includes the upper and lower   batteries the original Earthen Fort and a cemetery  for 670 Union Soldiers in February 1862 General   Ulysses S Grant had a plan to capture Tennessee  to provide Pathways into the south after a victory   at Fort Henry he commanded the battle at Fort  Donaldson and one there as well during the battle   Confederate generals Floyd and pillow escaped to  Nashville with about 2 000 men leaving General   Buckner to surrender to Grant Buckner and Grant  met at the nearby Dover hotel and Grant stated   that his terms were unconditional and immediate  surrender gaining him notoriety in the Union Fort   Henry and Fort Donelson are near the Tennessee and  Kentucky border positioned strategically between   the Tennessee River and the Cumberland River to  protect enemies from approaching Nashville the   rivers played an important role in the region  especially for the battles to follow the battle   at Fort Donaldson included four newly Ironclad  Union gunships and so water access was key to   the union success once Fort Donaldson fell  they continued down the rivers to Nashville   Shiloh National military Park was created  in 1894 to memorialize the events that took   place there the park has a visitor center  tours Museum monuments cannons and Hiking   paths with historical markers the park also  has a national cemetery that has 3584 Civil   War Graves 2 395 59 of which contain unknown  soldiers the graves are not entirely built   from the battles at Shiloh but rather from  locations along much of the Tennessee River   the battle at Shiloh is considered one of  the bloodiest battles of the Civil War on   April 6th and 7th of 1862 65 000 Union and 44 000  Confederate forces clashed resulting in nearly 24   000 Souls missing wounded or dead this was more  than all losses from previous Wars combined   the Union victory at this battlefield assisted  with the capture of a Confederate Railway in   Corinth Mississippi Shiloh Battlefield was  positioned in Southwest Tennessee or near the   border of Mississippi it was a key Battleground  in the western theater of the war as it provided   access to important Railways operating in the  Deep South it also had the significance of   being sacred native land before the Civil War  and burial mounds can still be observed there   foreign Chattanooga National Battlefield has  the distinction of being the first national   Military Park president Benjamin Harrison signed  the designation in in 1890 and inaugurated by 10   000 Civil War veterans from both Union and  Confederate armies five years later this was   before Gettysburg even became a national park  there are now monuments a visitor center hiking   paths and guided tours offered there in September  1863 the battle at Chickamauga was fought and it   saw the largest numbers of soldiers in the army  of Tennessee yet in a fateful turn a gap in the   union line was created and the Confederate troops  broke through forcing Union troops to retreat this   success made the confederates more confident  for a while and when another battle happened   in the nearby Chattanooga battlefields two months  later the Union victory was truly unexpected this   was the only time that the foremost notorious  Union Generals Grant Sheridan Sherman and Thomas   fought together the Chickamauga portion of the  park in Georgia and the chattanoogan portion is   in Tennessee but both sides have information  and sites for tourists to observe securing   this area in the Civil War provided access to  important Railways the position high above the   city of Chattanooga on Lookout Mountain  gave the battles interesting strategic   placements and now provides for beautiful  views of the Rolling Hills of Tennessee did you know that Tennessee was  home to three U.S presidents

one of the most famous famous tennesseans of  all time might arguably be Andrew Jackson or   Old Hickory as he was called he was a military  hero lawyer businessman Senator and president of   the United States in a time when the new nation  was still struggling to determine its identity   and policies The Hermitage is the home he lived at  with his wife when he wasn't busy trying to change   the world it has been preserved by the natural  park Service as a museum honoring his life and   accomplishments The Hermitage was the second  home that Andrew Jackson and his wife Rachel   had built and moved into the first was on a much  larger estate that had been sold to pay off debts   Mr and Mrs Jackson lived in log cabins on  the 425 acre property while the Mansion   was being built local stone masons were  hired to build the two-story Brick Mansion   complete with Plantation style columns  in the front the Mansion was rebuilt and   redecorated after a devastating fire in 1834  modernizing much of the center of the house   The Hermitage mansion and estate is about 12 miles  east of Nashville an ideal position for access to   political buildings but still operating as  a functional Plantation it had access to a   section of the Cumberland River which helped  with some of Andrew Jackson's business dealings   the estate still has several preserved log  cabins on display as well as the mansion Columbia Tennessee is the childhood hometown of  the 11th president of the United States James   Knox Polk his home now serves as a museum honoring  the accomplishments of his lifetime giving tours   of the house and Gardens James K Polk served as  president of the United States from 1845 to 1849.   he grew up in Columbia Tennessee went to off  to college in North Carolina and then returned   to Colombia to pursue a law a career in law and  politics once he was elected president he oversaw   the acquisition of Texas Oregon California and  New Mexico territories totaling over 1 million   square miles he finished his presidency and  went home only to die of Cholera 103 days later   Colombia is in Southern Middle Tennessee  about halfway between Nashville and the   Alabama border James's father Samuel Polk brought  his family West from North Carolina to find their   fortune in the hills of Tennessee the duck  river runs through the middle of Columbia the Andrew Johnson National Historic  Site is a collection of buildings in   Greenville Tennessee that memorialized the  life of Andrew Johnson 17th president of   the United States included in the historic  site is his first house that he purchased   in his early twenties his tailor shop his  larger home on Main Street a cemetery and a   monument in his honor there is a visitor  center and guided tours are available   over the course of his lifetime Andrew Johnson  was a clothes tailor mayor of Greenville   Tennessee congressman and Senator U.S congressman  governor of Tennessee U.S senator and eventually   the wealthiest man in Greenville he served as a  democratic vice president for Republican Abraham   Lincoln in support of keeping the union together  he became president after Lincoln was assassinated   he that became he then became the only former  president to serve as a senator afterwards once   this lengthy career in politics was finished he  returned to Greenville and died shortly thereafter   Greenville is in the eastern tip of Tennessee in a  very mountainous region even though Greenville was   well relatively small in President Johnson's time  it was positioned on important roadway between   North Carolina and most of Tennessee and so saw  many Travelers pass through Andrew Johnson's   family was passing through on their way to  another town in Tennessee to look for work Andrew   fell in love with Eliza McArdle and returned to  Greenville to marry her and settle down now that   we've seen some of the heroes and famous people  let's look into the wonderful world of weird rugby Township in Tennessee is a village that was  planned as the beginning of an idealistic utopian   society It ultimately failed but the buildings  that were built there in the early 1880s have   been restored so that visitors can take tours to  view the unique architecture and hear the stories   about the original residents English author  Thomas Hughes was famously appreciated for his   social reform ideas he and self several wealthy  businessmen from England and Boston formulated the   idea to create a society where there was little  difference between wealthy and poor people where   everyone could contribute equally they chose a  site to start building and by 1881 there were   about 300 residents they had a library named after  Thomas of course a church that was an offshoot of   the Church of England and in and a school things  went well for only a few years until typhoid fever   and financial troubles drove away most of the  residents it should be noted that Thomas Hughes   himself never lived in the village for unknown  reasons the site of this proposed utopian   society was in the hills of East Tennessee  the investors from Boston had purchased 75   000 acres of land with the intention of making  a landing place for unemployed new englanders   to escape to rugby is off the beaten path away  from most major Paths of Transportation it has   been proposed that this isolation was one  of the desired features for the location rock city is not a city in the truest definition  but a sort of a small-scale version of one Rock   Gardens have been assembled with painstaking  detailing and of the fairy tale theme giving this   bizarre attraction a desirable otherworldliness  for tourists to observe Rock City also has a   unique Overlook with breathtaking views of  Chattanooga from the top of Lookout Mountain   attractions continue to be added on and the site  has grown to welcome around a half a million   visitors every year an enterprising businessman  by the name of Garnett Carter and his fairy tale   loving wife Frida lived on Lookout Mountain in  the early 1900s Freda liked creating Enchanted   looking Gardens and Garnett like turning  a quick buck so between the two of them a   bizarre European folktale inspired community  and entertainment center was created Garnett   attempted to build a golf course but did not  have enough space so he created the world's   first mini golf called Tom Thumb Golf later he  opened Frida's gardening Creations up as prepaid   attractions and called The Rock Gardens Rock City  he then hired a painter to paint advertisements   for the attractions on barn roofs around the  countryside the location of Lookout Mountain   the scenery surrounding it combined with  the readily available rocks to construct the   gardens with were all key elements in making  an ethereal environment for this attraction the Parthenon in Nashville Tennessee is the only  exact size model of the original Greek Parthenon   in the world it is a concrete structure centered  in a green space called Centennial Park on the   west side of Nashville detailed carvings and a  statue of the Greek goddess Athena have been added   over the years to ensure accuracy the Parthenon  hosts events and art galleries and can even be   booked for weddings in 1897 Tennessee held an expo  to celebrate its 100th anniversary of statehood   the Parthenon was built out of plaster to be  a temporary Art Exhibit Hall during the sixth   month's Expo approximately 1.8 million people  visited and the building was a huge success it   was decided that the building should be kept but  the materials had to be replaced because they were   degrading quickly from the 19 from 1920 to 1925  local engineers and Architects worked tirelessly   to rebuild the exterior from sturdy concrete many  improvements continued to be made in the decades   since then and the final touches were added in  2002 when the Athena statue installed inside was   finally gilded and painted the position of the  Parthenon and Centennial Park is based on what   was needed for the Centennial Expo in 1897. once  the other Expo buildings were taken down it was  

decided to keep the site as a park for Nashville  citizens due to its ideal location in the city and that's all I have time for in this video  there were so many more places I investigated   that I would like to tell you about but we'll have  to save that for another video Tennessee has lots   of natural beauty to observe and there are state  parks national parks and Cave access points that   have been built to be make them accessible to all  there are also lots of stories to dig up about the   past from brave Soldiers to intelligent leaders  and all the quirky ideas that landed in Tennessee   if you're planning your next vacation or even  a day trip there are plenty of opportunities   in Tennessee to see what you can learn about  nature or incredible stories from the past   now go and tell people to Tennessee  what utena saw here thanks for watching

2023-05-06 22:34

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