The Carriageworks Weekly Farmers and Producers Market

The Carriageworks Weekly Farmers and Producers Market

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Good morning, good morning. Where is there a market that we should visit? Of course, the Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne is known to be the biggest one. Here in Sydney, the biggest market that happens every Saturday is very famous, it is called Today, we will enter behind the scenes, we will meet the founders, owners, and managers to see how happen.

We will see people that you know, our friends, we toured them. The smells started to come out, the bread started to get ready. They open at 8 a.m. and they arrive a bit early. We start our tour. I feel like picking a piece of bread to start with, with a bit of butter.

I have dreams, I will make them come true in a bit. Hi, I am Mike McInerney, the creative director of Carriageworks Farmer's Market. And I am here on a sunny day. It is approaching December, the silly season. We are starting to find some really interesting people coming through now to sell their wares.

We are having Christmas trees here for next week. And it is a really special time of the year for us. We have the summer market coming up where we talk about the seasons, the ingredients of the summer Then we move straight into the Christmas market. But this market, Carriageworks Farmer's Market, has been here since 2007.

It is the biggest and probably the most noted farmer's market in New South Wales at the moment. It has been here since 2007 and it is in this really amazing building here called Blacksmiths. It is part of Carriageworks. And Blacksmiths is where they used to do a lot of the iron work for building carriages. So what makes this market so special is, obviously it is undercover.

That is a really amazing thing. But we put a charter in place when I took over in 2015. And the important thing about the charter is it focuses on two prime parts.

One is you need to be from New South Wales. So we don't have any produce from Queensland or Victoria or South Australia etc. We're only New South Wales. And secondly, and I think really importantly, is that you as the producer need to be here to sell wares. We don't have distributors here. You need to be here to sell your stuff.

And what that brings is a really authentic farmer's market vibe in an urban landscape. And that's what we try and present to people. You know, it's such a beautiful time of day. The market starts at eight o'clock every Saturday. So people rely on this market. It's here every Saturday.

It becomes part of their social fabric because people come here not just to buy vegetables and meat They come here to meet people, to have coffee. But they also buy their stuff. So it's really an important part of people's weekend to come to Carriageworks Farmer's Market. And on any Saturday, you're seeing 5,000 people walk through the market. Plus, Carriageworks being the biggest multi-art space in Australasia, has events on most weekends.

So this weekend, it's the Good Fruit Christmas Fair. So there'll be thousands of extra people floating through Carriageworks building, not the market. But they'll come and look at the market. So it really is an interesting space where you're getting focused shoppers and people that really the experience.

Mixing with people that are engaging with Carriageworks art. So it's a really great space. These guys here are interesting. This is Karawong Organics.

Leslie and Quentin have been here really since the early days of Carriageworks. They're up in the mountains and their focus is heavily on brassicas. So things like broccoli and cabbages and kales. And so they're one of our store wards.

They've been here a long time. Another store ward here at the market is Pepe Sayer Butter. Pepe sold his first pad of butter here at this market.

So that shows his commitment of where he's started and where he's going. And, you know, I'm not only the creative director of the market, but I'm a restaurateur. I own restaurants and we've never sold any other butter at our restaurants but Pepe Sayer. So, you know, we all make commitments to great produce. That's why people shop at a farmer's market, because they're committed to buying really very good And the storeholders here are all part of that core value.

It's a full market. We've got 70 stalls here every Saturday. And we've also got a waiting list the size of my arm to join. But the main criteria to join is you need to be from New South Wales. You need to be able to commit your time as the grower or producer to come and sell your wares at market.

You can't have anyone else come and sell your stuff. You need to be here as the grower or the maker. And you have a look at everyone. Stuart makes his wine.

Troy grows his vegetables. You know, everyone here is part of the program, and that is absolutely what makes the fabric of work so great. You don't need to be organic, but you need to have the commitment and the promise of your product. And that's what you need to have. You can't just go to the market and buy stuff and then on sell it here, because then there is no with the food that you're eating and the food you're selling.

So people that come here, they want to know the postcode of their asparagus. They don't want to buy just asparagus. They want to know where it's from. They want to know how good it is. They want to taste it.

But more importantly, they want to know that it's there next year, that it's sustainable and that farmers are committed to the land. Look how beautiful. What he just said, really put a smile on my face. Because it reminded me of the street food markets that I used to go to. It's an owner's market.

If you're not the owner of the brand, don't worry. You can't have 10 branches and you choose to be here. There is a very big list, so they don't push people, but they choose to be on the table. They want those who come to buy things to always find it. They want the quality to be very nice and good. And they want those who are buying something to go home and say that it was the best.

I am looking at people from all ages, from all nationalities. There are families, there are families who came to visit you. There are old people who are buying.

Everyone found a bag. There are business owners that I know and I made a visit to them. They are not open, but they came to buy their stuff for the house. We start with eggs, oranges, fresh produce, flowers, vegetables, you name it, it's available. Everyone today, maybe in our culture, we don't go to the markets.

Come to the markets. On a Saturday or Sunday, whatever you have, come with your kids. You can't know how nice it is. First, the smells, the connections, the vibes, you can't imagine. Pierre has a lot of bread.

He told me not to buy bread. So we will start at Pepe Saya because I want to eat 2 exceptional pieces of butter. And we continue the tour. Come on, taste it. Taste it.

In 2010, we sold the first piece of butter here in the market. In the Karajorx market in Sydney. Here, you can find all start-ups in food, they start here almost, if there are any.

They stay here. For example, we have been here for 13 years. Where did we start? You are the owner of the company, you are a personal owner. Yes, every Saturday. They have a rule that you have to come to at least one market in 4. But I come to every market.

I love it a lot. I make my breakfast here every Saturday. It's easy. Easy for me. This is the signature butter of Pepe Saya. 2 kilos, round, dressed in paper and string.

This is the first piece of butter we made. This is how we made the packaging. My father made the mold that you put in it and I make it round.

We decided to make it a bit special. We put a very nice string. This is how the chef opens it and he can display it in the restaurant, cafe, or hotel. Every Saturday, we have 2 kilos of butter with beautiful bread from Sonoma. We make them tasty.

People are happy, people are eating butter. I will tell you, I will not remind you who he is. I watched his first and second videos.

It became normal. I come to Sydney, it is necessary to visit him in the factory. I think he asks himself, what do you want to do? It is the same factory. I tell him that I want to come, I want to smell the smell, I want to feel the milk, I want to meet the guys. I met his wife this time. He likes it, we are different.

But his butter is amazing. It doesn't need bread. It doesn't need bread. Enjoy. You put a piece of butter on your tongue, it melts by itself at the temperature of the mouth, 37 It disappears. and it goes down like a river in Zlaim. It is very nice and salty.

I was saying that he has the best bread that I have tasted on camera, do you remember? Perfect blend. Best bread in town and probably best butter in town. It melts together and it is very tasty. Let's put this camera and help you.

Let's go to the butter. Hello. He makes the best coffee. Do you want to take butter for the road? Oh me? Thank you. Butter for you, butter for me.

What's your name? Liam. Liam will make me coffee. Let's go.

We roast our own coffee. We do wholesale. We roast for cafes. We also roast for our own brand, Zingler. That's kind of who we are.

Not any coffee. It's not like any other coffee. It's their coffee. Good job, thank you. Cheers to an amazing day.

Cheers. How are you? Good morning, welcome to Courage Works Farmer's Market. We're here today selling our beautiful crumpets. I've been here for probably about 10 years I think and I've been doing crumpets since 2017. Beforehand I was selling desserts down here so I've changed my business and now I just do crumpets, buttermilk crumpets.

Chocolate crumpet and blueberry crumpet. Yes, of course. Put it on, let it melt. Maple butter.

Look at that. These were made for each other. Crumpet and butter.

The chocolate and the maple butter, yes we came up with that during COVID and it was a perfect combination. Oh my God. The queen of crumpets. It's so good, heated. It's not a pancake, it's not bread, it's something in between that goes amazingly well with Oh my God.

It's a party in your mouth. My head is having a party. Oh my God. It's time to say thank you again and again.

Huda handles all the schedule. She works hard and stays up late. I give her 8 days, she comes 7 days, I don't know if she sleeps.

She's very excited. She can handle all the work. Thank you so very much. I don't know how to say thank you more than saying thank you.

When I'm here for a month and a half, his wife changes, so at home he says, may God help me and Thank you so much for all your support. Today I spent a day with them. Thank you so much. Guitar solo Guitar solo Guitar solo Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music We put our jars down on a hive and then the bees travel into each jar and produce the comb straight in the jar.

So you can see they go up against the glass. Music Music Music Music Music We're going to keep our food fresh for longer without using plastic So just mold it with the warm of your hands. Simply just wash them in cold soapy water and reuse them for about two years. You're going to preserve your food better than any of the alternatives and we don't have to use wrap, Ziploc bags, paper bags or airtight containers.

Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music It's unbelievable how beautiful it is! People are selling, stands are moving, no one is sitting and doing anything. No one is making crepes even here. Beautiful vibes! Music Music Music Music Music Thank you! I had fun with them, we spoke French, we had fun and laughed. They're from Nice, from the south of France. They make French crepes with cheese on the sides and a bit of hummus.

Cheese, ham, an egg in the middle, the smell of the crepe and the vanilla. I love it! Yummy! Let's have breakfast! Music Music More good things happening! I'm meeting Lebanese people, I'm meeting amazing things. I wanted to interview the founder of Tartine Bakery in San Francisco, who in 1995 started the of the sourdough industry. It became famous during COVID, but he was telling me that his books were sold 10 times more than because everyone was learning sourdough. I wanted to interview him, but he said that no one knows that he's here in Sydney, but I was able interview him. Sonoma here, he's the founder of Tartine Bakery.

I met the owners, and I hope to interview them one day. Great stuff! Did you notice what just happened? The bee wax wrapping. If I had a place in my bag, I would definitely take it with me and use it as a ziplock bag at home. The French crepe is great.

Pepsi is here again. The vegetables. You know what's nice? The owner's market, where he grows the avocados.

He's the farmer. He's the one selling the flowers. You can feel it in a very nice atmosphere. It's really nice. It's one of the best markets I've seen.

It's light, clean, there's no music. People are talking in my voice. Everyone is happy and smiling. Purchasing power is great. Everyone is buying the bag.

It's a market to learn from. My name is Greg, I'm from Block 11 Organics and my story is I'm a third generation in Australia vegetables. My grandfather came here in 1939 from Croatia and then dad started playing with veggies and then I got into it. But the bit that's a bit out there is I actually sold chemical and fertilizer and at the same time an organic farm and I sort of got into organics to begin with because I could grow 10 boxes of and sell 10 boxes. Because if we were conventional, no one wants to know someone growing 10 boxes.

So that's how I got into it, we started to get bigger and bigger and I thought I want to grow the my grandfather did, 39 pre-war, pre-nitrogen, pre-chemical and that's what we now do. We have two farms, one in Sydney and one in Orange, four hours from Sydney. We come to the market every Saturday and we love it. Organic is very good but I think the culture needs to also be fresh. You know the problem with if you're supplying a big supermarket it has to go to a distribution I'll give you the example, I live in Orange four hours away, fruit from Orange has to go to a centre and then it goes back to Orange, it's crazy. It's got to be five, six days old minimum, so got to be fresh and the beauty of organics is there's no chemical so the whole environment is There's lady beetles here somewhere, you know people come in and say you've got a lady beetle you spray.

I say no we don't spray, we can't spray but if you were growing conventionally there's a certain where you can do that but once you start spraying then you've got to keep spraying because you're all the goodies. Organically you rely on all the goodies, the weather and everything else but look organic is good, healthy and look fresh is best, organic is second best. Oh it's Pinatoni season. Oh my god. It smells amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing. These are from Sonoma, I was telling you about them a little while ago.

Thank you. Wow. Oh my god. I was in Italy, I ate Pinatoni, we cooked Pinatoni for three days, this one is amazing. Look. Look at how the air, it's not a ball, why? When they cook them, they stand upside down, the dough presses and creates this air bubbles in the Love it.

Hi my name is Alejandro Luna, I'm the executive pastry chef for Sonoma Baking Company in Sydney, Australia. Sonoma is not so little bakery anymore but it started about 15 years ago, specializes in sourdoughs different types of breads and as well as a beautiful range of pastries. We've always been in Sydney but featured a few different shops and stores around the city and then well as some of the markets on the weekends. Sonoma is definitely well known for its sourdough breads, whether it's the Michelin loaf or the Michelin loaf, some of the unique signatures breads that are very much ingrained in the signature what Sonoma really is. And then as well as our vinnoiserie and the laminated pastries like our croissants and some of the pastries they create within the bakery itself.

I hope we sold well and I'll help you. No, no, we sold well. Yes, thank God, thank God. Come on, catch up. 2 more, 2 more. Should we make an offer? Tomatoes, tomatoes.

If you buy 5 loaves of butter, we'll give you 1. Yes. You know.

I don't know why is it so addictive. I don't know why it's so delicious. Not the bread, the butter. I can't stop. It's like I've never seen butter in my life.

It's really amazing. It tastes really good. But it's at the right temperature now. The temperature of the butter is amazing. Oh my God. How did you find this market? It's melting.

I came back to my heart. The market is nice. The people are tasty. The people are understanding. The sellers are understanding.

The produce is top. Everything comes from the company, from the bushes, from wherever it is. The people who come to buy are similar to each other. The people who come here to try, to enjoy.

The people are above each other. I say to everyone, we are in the Arab countries, or in the Middle Eastern society. We don't have the culture of markets.

We ask from everyone, on Saturday and Sunday, bring your family and walk here. You'll change your life. Thank you.

Even this is for you. You don't leave work for anyone. Right. Chunky Dave's peanut butter.

I tasted it before. What's nice about it is that it's chunky. Pieces of peanut are cooked in a way, or not cooked, but grinded in a way to have pieces. It's creamy, and then crunch crunch. You know, I took with me to Lebanon the most expensive peanut butter in my life. Do you know why?

Why? Because it's 10$ per kilo, and I took 2 from you. But it's worth it. I'm bringing it back to my family. It's funny.

Butter and peanut butter are synonymous. Interesting. So I'm bringing some back home. They deserve it. It's definitely one of the best I've had. It's my first time eating chunky Dave's peanut butter.

Try the breakfast. Maple butter, hot crumpets. Let's go for the crunch.

Is that how you say it? Cheers. Come and support us. No one is supporting me.

There's another market that opens at 10 a.m. Unfortunately, we won't make it. It's called Good Food and Wine Market for Christmas only. It opens on Saturdays in parallel.

As you can see, people are lining up. There are people who say that more than 10,000 people will come today. On average, they get people. Today, more people will come. You can't imagine how beautiful the atmosphere is.

It's a great way to start the weekend. I'm very enjoying it. People are looking at me. I love it. See you next. Breakfast with friends.

I won't tell them that I ate. Good Food and Wine Good Food and Wine Good Food and Wine

2023-11-28 02:56

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