The bureaucratic bull$hit that we deal with - EP 56

The bureaucratic bull$hit that we deal with - EP 56

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this week on life on jupiter we are done with  antigua we check out and head for saint martin however on arrival things don't go as planned.   Too many people trying to enter the country  illegally we're trying to do it legally i need a drink hello i have a application for a visa for my wife   uh and i have a reference number  here can i give that to you give me a second okay what's the name princess pasquel p-a-s-c-u-a-l uh this was about friday i think it was   but we have an email back requesting  more information and i i have a problem   with that i just wanted to ask you and i have a  reference number here can i give that to you okay so it is all in english um yeah no it  is in english um but it's an explanation   now i i phoned your office here on friday and i  explained we are on a cruising boat we've been   sailing for two years from from southeast  asia to here so we've never lived anywhere   we're living on the ocean and the lady i spoke  to on friday she said just write an explanation   of that so that's what i've uh  uploaded to the internet there   so again who did i speak to i don't know  the lady's name but she was very helpful because we've tried two times we've tried  my wife is filipino so she needs a visa   and we tried the philippine police and they said  but you don't live in the philippines and that's   right we don't uh at the moment we're in antigua  and we asked the antigua police and they said   but you're not resident here we  cannot give you a certificate   so um yeah the lady explained that all we  need to do is explain that in a letter and   that's what i've done and it's yeah it's  called police certificate on the uploads do you think that'll be okay uh in about we will leave antigua next  week end of next week next week tomorrow   in the morning okay okay we'll do okay okay  thank you very much thank you very much bye-bye so we're in deep bay still antigua and  this will be hopefully our last day   we are waiting for my certificate they're  gonna ring me for my boatmaster certificate   i've got to go pick it up and then we  will check out and head to saint martin with my boatmaster certificate in hand  we checked out of antigua the plan was   to anchor for the night and then  leave very early in the morning so i need to explain what's  driving us at the moment since we were in south africa uh my mobile number didn't work from australia anymore   and my bank in hong kong hsbc in hong kong  where all of ninety percent of my savings are um   the security device stopped working i had to  re-register one and it would send a one-time   pin code to my registered mobile in australia and  of course it doesn't work so i said no no i need   to change my phone number for my registered  phone number oh you need to fill out a form   in this day and age fill out a form okay uh and  send it back to hong kong and that's six weeks in   the mail unless i was to do the fedex you know  130 dollar thing so anyway i sent off the form and they said oh no we don't  recognize your signature   you need to come into the branch  i said i am in south africa so i did another form with in fact i think i did  two more forms and sent that off together with   just other attempts at my  signature i mean what more can i do   and nope refuse that's not  that's not your signature   i i need to proceed to a branch all right where's  the nearest branch the nearest branch was miami from cape town and i said can't you see that's  an issue for me i'm in south africa can i just   go to a lawyer or the police to prove my identity?  No, you need to proceed to the nearest branch that   was a year ago and um i still don't have access  to my money so we need i i need to get to miami   to sort out this bank thing i could fly to  miami i mean i don't have the money to but   i could fly there sort the bank out but then i  may get stuck because of this covid rubbish. i   may get quarantined somewhere out. princess  is alone on the boat here in antigua so um   the idea is to get princess with me  and on jupiter to miami that's the plan   that was not looking good for this last year it's  uh us has not been offering tourist visas i've   already got a visa already from from work so i  can go but princess cant. she doesn't have a visa   but we've had some good news that the US has  started to take interviews for the b1b2 visa   so we need to get to bahamas  to nassau that's the um   well the next nearest u.s  embassy we need to get to bahamas   so that fingers crossed we get a visa we can go  to the us i can go to the bank and sort out this so we need to get bahamas but now first we've got to get the visa for you  for bahamas which is a problem they want you   know because philippines unfortunately  need to get visas many many places but we can't give them all the documents  they want they want a police certificate   stating that you've been a good girl for the  last year or whatever and so we've approached   the philippine police department online and they  say no because you don't live in the philippines   we can't give you one um so bahamas visa  application center said well go to antigua please   we went there and they said but you're not a  resident we can't give you a police service we've already been denied so we paid  the fee we've been denied the bahamas   visa once but now we're trying again and i'm  trying to explain our situation on the phone   and we might be getting somewhere we might be  so that's our plan we've got to get to bahamas   so we're going to leave antigua shortly we're  going to stop in saint martin apparently   that's open and we can go straight  in as a crew on a yacht no problems   and then step step up to bahamas after  that that's what we're working on now jesus yeah so hard these are the hassles of uh being  itinerant hippie floaters. fingers crossed they'll  

let us in bahamas. fingers crossed they'll give  you a US visa. fingers crossed we go to america anyway and that's only just so i can  get a few dollars out of the bank   it's all tied up in hong kong and the bastards  won't give it to me god infuriating anyway so the passage from antigua to saint  maarten is an easy 90 mile day sail but we did want to get there for the 3  pm bridge opening to enter the lagoon good morning finally we leave antigua it's uh and right  up until our very last day on our visa too   i had to wait around for my boatmaster uh  paperwork to come back and even when we go   into the office she still hadn't done it and so  she said come back later and i said well you know   how long will it take she said well you  could wait if you like she finished it in   five minutes we've been waiting all week for  it one more hour yeah and it was five minutes so anyway yeah all checked out and on our way  to martin which is a 90 mile passage we left at   quarter past four this morning and at this stage it says we'll be  there at about 1.30 or 2 o'clock we'll be able to check in and go through  the bridge and have one dollar beers i'm not gonna drink beer. okay you can have a   five dollar coke and i'll have one  dollar beer probably what it'll be so yeah we've got perfect wind the  beam wind at the moment about 15 to 20.

keep catching the odd wave come across the boat  though and we get wet but anyway it's okay we're   getting along at around 10 knots got one reef in the main maybe you  have to put another one in later   the wind's supposed to get up to 25  but it's good to be on the sea again so we caught a fish so after how many months   i haven't got it yet i hope we can get  it in that fish i hope it's amazing much is it but it it's so small it's big enough big enough yeah oh sorry wow it doesn't look big in the in the water  it's not big it's big no it's not let's go now ah we had a a good sail from  antigua to st martin 90 miles in   10 hours so it was a good average 9  knots a little bit boisterous just a bit   short chop but and then we got here we  come into the lagoon we happened to time   it nicely waited for the bridge to open we  come inside go to the police to check in   they give us more forms to fill out we have  to go walk down the road to mcdonald's to   get to the wi-fi upload those forms and then  send them to email address go back to the police   station and we thought it was all good but  then they said princesses filipino went yeah well that's a problem because she needs a visa  and i said no because on your website it says that people that normally need  a visa if they arrive by boat they can apply the visa waiver  if they arrive by boat so i didn't read the fine print though  it says but you will need an agent   so um they did not check us in.  see they gave us a list of agents so um now we still don't  have internet because well   for one i can't get any money  out of an atm yet this is a   fairly usual drama every new country you go you've  got to find an atm that takes international cards so there's that and then because we were walking  around at about five o'clock and i think the   the phone shops were closing so um  tomorrow we'll go and get a sim card   we can get some data and contact some  agents so it will cost us uh hopefully   maybe two or three hundred dollars at  the most and an agent will check us in there's uh alternative options france side of St Martin is just across there and  someone said just go over to france and check in   like it was so easy but someone else said no no you need a pcr  before you check into france so anyway these   are the dramas every country you go to you do  as much research as you can before you go and this is the disarray that we arrive in you know  we thought it had was going to be a smooth entry   but difficult gotta hire an agent anyway right now we're back on the  boat cooking some dinner   we've been up since 3 45  this morning so a bit sleepy have a scotch or three go to bed cheers check out this playlist featuring one of our most   favorite places on earth  sailing the wild coast of africa

2021-10-01 09:12

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