The Best Things To Do In Brasov, ROMANIA (I Didn’t Expect This)

The Best Things To Do In Brasov, ROMANIA (I Didn’t Expect This)

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come and take hello oh great yo good morning everyone i'm right here  with my roommate he's from england introduce   yourself uh my name is robert for the past  three years i've been cycling around europe   and i travel with my girlfriend two cats  and uh yeah basically just explore and   juggle and yeah train five four four  four nine okay oh that is great so   right now today's video i'm just waking up from  all from bed it is quite awesome throughout   the night we can be able to sleep quietly and  peacefully and this morning i'm going to take   you to walk around brussels i'm going to share  with you the most attractive places to visit   so here we go i just want to go and take my  shower look i just woke up so that's how it   is so stay tuned and get the best view and the  best things to do in brazil brasov in the middle   age is already developed and it is settled by  saxons invited by the hungarian kings which makes   the german martians to be able to trade with  the ottoman empire and also the western europe   which make it so prosperous that makes you to  understand how great this city was and it is one   of the most popular tourist sites in romania let's  explore the best things to do right here in brazil number one on my list is the council  square this is a place for trade and fair   since 14th century since  the middle of 14th century   the plaza is traced by historic painted facades  of houses once belonged to the city's guide   as well as a monument like the black church and  the orthodox cathedral this is my number one place this wonderful church was constructed by the  german community during the 15th centuries and this is the man that bring lutheranism  to the region is called joan johannes ante   i hope i said this world this is its name   so this is another historic place to visit  to learn about history of translavinia this is the entrance this is the entrance hours of entrance i'm not forgetting the town hall that is in the  council square due to harbor invasion in 1600s   now it is blended with gothic and baroque  academy so it's also a very historical place   you can also visit so it is right  in the center in the council square   oh the weather today is something else a long  time i feel like it seems like in winter today um the republic street they're called strada  republican is the main street of brasov   hello hello this is the main street for under food chopping  everything you can get it here the republic streets you can miss it strada fury it is one of the most  notorious street in all of europe   and it dates back to 1600 it is about 111 meter  long so it's another historic place in the city it is one of the most narrowest road in europe  logarithms the synagogue of brasso there has   been a jewish community settled right here in  brasov since 1807 by the start of the second world   war the community has grown to more than four  thousand and today it is only about 230 residents in memory of the holocaust memorial holocaust so this is  the jewish community right here they synagogue oh and the southwestern part of brazov is a real  value of romania because in this short year this   is where the first institution courses like  school started really right here in romania the first school of romania as a whole and it  started in the 1600s it is even noted claire first romanian school   so this is where it all started education started  in the country i don't know if i can go inside okay i still have some time so i can go inside   i hope it is free it is free i  think if not they will have hacks   meaning of money i think the entrance is free the  entrance is free so you can also come and explore   this monument this is very very very  important if not one of the most   important thing ever in romania you  have reached your destination thank you this place was used at school up to 1941  before becoming a museum just after the war so so this is how it is there are more than four thousand books  and thirty 000 historical documents   in this museum and that it also has  the fixed romanian printing press hello hello bye-bye i met them again and i can follow like and follow  exactly thank you the young man is saying like and   subscribe and follow this journey oh great great  thank you man this place is guided by an elderly   caretaker and you will also have the opportunity  to see the fixed bible of romania and the oldest   editions are all in manuscript dating about the  11th century so this is a very historic place i was acting out to go to the mount tampa and she  just proposed to me that she would take me by car   with a friend or a husband i don't know to to the  place and the young man also proposed me they want   to take me by day by car romania i can this way  oh no thank you how are you good what's your name this is my first time even in romania as  a whole what do you think what i think i   asked for someone for a address and he said he  take me by car so what do you expect me to say   it's everywhere anywhere i go in romania i  always have great hospitality great people no   right here on the right yes it's the best like  ice cream in the in the town this one this one   over there oh so guys the best ice cream is over  here right maybe i'll come back and try it before   i leave are you going to take the cabin i want  to take the cabin is possible yeah it is possible   you have to check the hours i don't  know exactly okay the easiest way yes uh you have to walk from here like  five minutes okay there is the tim okay   but i will i will let you in the middle okay  just to go straight to the to the cabin okay okay   how much is the cabin to go there nice to be  i don't know okay like in iran yes should be   30 or something 30 40 something like that okay it  depends how many person if you are just going to   the top or road back i don't know exactly honestly  i have been there like a few years ago okay   there's a lot of history here it's a history  yes full of history and it's very beautiful and from here to the left you are exactly  in the center yes because i we call it   so yeah i was there because i i lodged around  this place to the black church yeah the black   church also and also uh the the town hall okay  i see the town hall then the republic street   and now i'm back to the old day school in  romania it was open it was open so i go   inside a little bit i didn't really go inside  the church it was amazing have you seen the   uh we call it romanian deepar how they they  made the first book they explained i didn't i   didn't see that i didn't really go inside like  a big table with something on it yes they have   to press and imprint the words on the on the paper  and they did it one by one wow this is the pointer   i give my people a tips of heisberg of  height looks like so when you come if   you have time to really uh exploit brasov  you can go inside and i can explain to   you more i'm a little bit hurry because i  have to catch my train to bucharest also   so that is why i i don't really want to  go in in that much to just gain some time oh thank you thank you guys you're welcome because i think i've done everything on the ground  the only places that is remain is just uh in the   mountains you just go to the mountains and you see  the city it will give you a very great view of the   city you can take some memorable remarkable  picture of your time right here in brasov you want to go by stairs or on the road  bystairs is closer let me go by steps okay yeah so we are very close okay we have  to go straight right straight to the   uh to the mountain after that you will find  a main road it's close for the cars okay   you can walk there and after that you will see  some i mean a lot of stairs okay go straight to   the stairs and after that we see the cabin it is  something red big impossible to miss okay okay   thank you also ask the people to help you to go  there okay yeah i can ask for the information yeah   that is nice oh you have helped me a lot he's here right thank you very much i really appreciate thank you oh thank you oh there so romanians  are so friendly and so helpful   look at it i didn't know them they took me all the  way from me i'm coming and bringing me back here   what can i say thank you romania thank you  romania this is nice so this from here you   can go to the tampa the mountain temper and  it will give you a great view of this city   i don't know how much it cost i let's  go i'm running out of time so maybe   i will go there but i just want to show you  to look to see exactly how it is up over there   here's written in brazil that is the hub of the  mountains we are going up the mountain brazil a lot of great historical site you can also visit  towards the south east of the of this mountain   and also to this to the south of the  mountain west side a lot of under this tamper   there is also great monument i call it a remnant  you can also see so it's a lot of things to do   see like i'm breathing like after i did a  very uh great section of exercise of spot   so if you are courageous that you want to  walk by foot up to the help hiking by yourself   good luck you can hike up to the top of the mount  tampa so it is very great i i think the ticket   costs you about 30 lay totally you know it's  less than 10 euro it's less than 10 euros so   you can go and see and take good pictures  of memories in the top of the mountain you can even have your launcher or dinner at one of the restaurants under the mountain okay where you can cash your cab  that will take you to the up of   the thumb that is in this place let  me see how much it costs look at how   it is top of the tampa this is how you  will see the city how it will look like this is the time and monday starts from  12 noon to 18 pm on tuesday 9 30 to 18 p.m   wednesday 9 30 to 8 p.m uh 18 p.m 6  p.m on thursday 9 30 to 6 p.m the same   uh friday the same saturday uh it's the same time  and sunday the same solid difference on monday hello hello how are you hi  oh good are you from romania   yeah i just want to see how much to go home  there you think it is 15 15 lay it means about five euros no no yeah five euros up and down okay okay over 12 years to adult okay yes are you from romania no brazil where is  it from the danube the south of the country   in the south of the country what is there  with bulgaria what is the name of the place okay so you're on holidays here yeah okay  oh nice so that means the fifth delay   is go and come or only once uh no only once  but if you go up and then you're down you pay   less it means uh 25 lay okay up and down right  but if you go only up and then down 30 late   okay so i will make five euros up and down five  euros it's good it's good so this is the place   and three three euros up three years down if  you if you take them separately so she has   given us everything now she seems like even the  officers now so she has helped us hello thank you take this step move the sides okay mountain tampa is the deal um it was a great activity oh um i wish to see anyone you know no is you found a very beautiful place to take  pictures i think it's on the right okay   like how many minutes you come to college  every ten minutes after six yeah because i go okay thank you so you cannot be able to take pictures over there   look at the city wow 10 minutes on the  right we can have a place to take pictures hello about 10 minutes from the station you can walk  down here i think a couple of meters from here   we can be able to see all of the city where you  can take pictures that is what the controller said   so i think we are already close today here this place bro that is the council square  the center the council square over there from the council square you will see  this is written brusso big written brasso oh it's also professional photographer that can  be able to take you professional photos here   if you want for five four  just fively it's interesting wow let me zoom it this is brasso over there is the cancel square professional photographer for five  lee taking great pictures here this is how brass of look like it  has a lot of activity to do and   explore and to also learn about history of  translavinia and it is also one of the major   city for tourists in romania so  you can afford to miss this place it's coming it's coming oh nice mariah horrible foreign a great view of the city of brazil  and you can also take great pictures memories it's one of the best things  to do right here in brazil   city's full of life and i'm enjoying  every of my moments right here in brazo   the people are friendly helpful as you  have already seen and the video as well during the video you will see the kindness  of the romanian people it's awesome warm great experience you can also  come with your family loved one as i've seen in the video there's  a lot of families coming around foreign i don't really understand what they're  saying but a lot of love to understand   yeah use your tickets to go out okay yes on  the left side on the left side okay thank you i wanna fight wow this is how it looks like right here in brazil i hope you like this video i  hope you enjoyed the ride with me   exploring the best places right here in brazil  if you like the video give me thumbs up subscribe   and share with your friends and loved ones people  you know need to see this video it's a cool place   it's a very cool place with great  people great hearts big hearts and   i highly recommend you to visit if you have  time so until then see you on the next one   ciao i am joel tamara if you like my  videos please hit the subscribe button   and turn on the notification so you will  get notified of my upcoming videos as   i take you to every country on head until  then have a wonderful and inspiring day bye

2022-09-24 07:26

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