J: on she goes {Stay Gold by Husbands plays} J: we maaadeee itttttt J: NO J: not in the middle. J: GOOD J: very good *gasp* C: thats a whole sand dollar J: i can afford lunch now *laughs* J: sorry oh thats your video AH *snort* J: theres a butterfly C: oh theres two J: what!? C: what!? what what C: that hurt J: zooming into this lighthouse and then i've gone too far C: weooohh J: WOOOAAHH J: what a great video its like stable as C: really?! C: OH *laughs* C: wow no worries C: why is the road literally giving...what are those exercise machines? J: why is this happening? C: this is giving your paper blender right now C: that's what this feeels like *laughs* C: she's right there just for us C: wonky as fuck J: bit ironic eh? J: that one looks like that J and this one looks like that C: i'm in love with life J: as you should be C: we thought we were so far!! {clown music plays - royalty free ;)} C: no actual fucking WAY *hysterics* C: ok land C: hi C: we emerge from the deep C: we are basically mermaids C: shes no fucking ordinary girl *snort* C: natures carpettt J: in the middle of nowhere J: long zoom back *bird sounds* J: there.
*more funny bird sounds* J: theres Escargot C: did you find her? J: yep C: no way C: get in my video C: we need to do a high five on this bitch C: OW J: we're so silly C: this was so silly J: gotta do a lap of the island C: yeah we do C: ARRGHHH *horrendus illegal squelching and popping im so sorry* C: ew *laugh* J: so if you were stuck on a deserted *gasp* C: oh my god J: so if you were stuck on a C: desert island J: what three things would you bring with you? J: your camera yep C: my camera J: aquired C: aquired. C: probably some sh- foot protection J: oh, no foot protection? C: no C: and my trail mix! J: yep whihc is...AQUIRED C: yeahhhh C: what would you bring Yordie? J: i would bring a like- C: its so slippery J: definitely footwear J: definitely like a chair J: and my camera J: yep. C: you have chair i have food i think we're a good team J: yeah C: ow ow C: Desert Island Core J: yep J: i wonder how far back it is C: i should check my google maps J: actually C: do we have data? J: we have DATA C: we have data on the desert island i'm actually quite pleased about that C: i won't lie {Stay Gold by Husbands plays again} J: ahhhh J: *sob* C: i think that must've been our island that tiny little one there J: yeah C: oh my god no its tweeting at us C: i'm your biggest fan C: awh and theres the little female C: doing their little dance C: nice...its a video now yep
C: i'm gonna look at some shells while we dry J: cheer C: cheers C: nice {Sad Songs (Say So Much) by Elton John plays} J: whoop whoop whoop C: this animal right here J: its a party animal C: AYYYYYYY J: no coffee C: no coffee! J: no coffee no bueno!!! *laughs* J: cheers C: cheers J: i've finished mine J: thats one of my pet peeves in tv shows when they have an empty coffee cup J: as a prop C: as if its full? J:yeah C: can you tell? J: yeah. coz they're waving it around J: they're jumping it up and down C: you're so right J: like it is- J: at least put some water in it J: which one J: is empty and which one is - J: is yours full? C: its half full C: couldn't tell could you? C: love you C: *sigh* honestly J: what? i'm feeling fine *ahh* J: wait there was a rock- *water sploshes* J: the footage you're gonna get J: i'm just like 'this camera can go' J: anywhere. J: ready? C: 3 2 1 C: that can't have been hot C: YEAAHHH J: a bit of seaweed scared me *gibberish* J: pretty good C: this is the cutest thing ever J: pretty good and how many days is it open a week? C: oh sorry i just oh- C: 8 days J: 8 days C: 8 days J: good we came today C: good we came today it might not have been open J: yeah the 9th day of the week C: yeah C: that wouldn't have been good C: actual like...kinda killa bro *giggles* J: so good C: OH C: sorry! thats my bad {These Are The Good Old Days by Courtney Marie Andrews plays} C: chugga chugga chugga C: toot toot! C: chugga chugga chugga chugga C: i'm going so far! J: whoo C: WOHOO {Frenimals by Husbands plays} C: come on! *screams* *gasps* J: noooo C: oh my god C: its gonna be fine C: HA HA J: shit J: whoop C: AAAHHHHH J: did you fall? C: NOOOooo C: nooooo *the most agressive wind you ever did hear* J: now this J: is... J: oh my goodness C: i can't see C: that's like actually injury level wind *laughter* C: wow kinda so beautiful just chilling C: fucking huge though J: yeah J: eyes are really C: yeah they're really there C: to the steps! {Round The Twist main Theme by Geek Music plays} *jordan turning around to sing the words* J&C: neigh {Frenimals by Husbands plays again} C: lets do it J: okay C: you ready? *gasp* {Little Red Wagon by Miranda Lambert plays} J: supervise children J: we both made it C: we did C: whooo yeahhhh C: we would just be slipping and sliding C: i'll left hand it J: its gonna turn to the back anyway C: oh C: ooohhhhh J: yeah C: im silly *laughs* C: oh they're so cute C: its looking at you C: aw C: they're just, they're quite cute- oh hey Tour Guide: and then about 10% of them stay here all year round they just want a stay-cation and they can't be assed to fly C: fair enough Tour Guide: yeah fair enough Tour Guide: we all need a little staycation from time to time {Sold My Soul by Cut Worms plays} C: cape baren geese Tour Guide: over here there is something of the western- Tour Guide: yeah they can move and they can also jump in the trees aswell which people don't expect if the branches are close enough toether they will jump from one over to the next J&C: thank you *laughs* C: can you see it?J: yeah J: don't open your mouthhhh *laughs* C: thats amazing Tour Guide: and you'll see them in positions like this even in thunder storms Tour Guide: you're lucky to get this close and they're not like running away straight away Tour Guide: they eat grass bushes and shrubs same diet as a ??? basically C: okay yep C: oh there you go C: ITS A KOALA J: its a koala? C: the nois- C: those flowers i'm obsessed C: what are they called again? fuck.
Tour Guide: and these rocks on our left, they're the probable cause of the fires so this is a rock called iron stone which is full of metal which makes it electrically conductive J: woah Tour Guide: which is why we get so many lighting strikes here C: oh! Tour Guide: lots of that rock all over the island C: wait thats what your nugget was J: should've kept the nugget C: yeah keep the nugget J: we will find more nugget C: conduct my car J: oh...we can leave it C: we both DO look like dads {These Are The Good Old Days by Courtney Marie Andrews plays again} *snort* J: a beaver? C: yeah! C: and they're for native bees C: little hoppity hop C: oh you're gonna HOP!? C: oh that way yeah cool makes sense J: oh that was from the tree! J: i looked up at the tree and though *gibberish* J: so golden!! *imitating the song my Harry Styles* C: come on *laughing* C: just my whole ass C: this is so- i've swum in a lake! J: i would say its more of a ...river C: alright! well i've never swum in either so J: you have to go under C: oh do i? C: bring back manly men! J: bring back feet! C: bring back feet! C: yeeeaahhhhh C: what the actual fuck... J: post card moment C: yeah {Marco Polo by Boyscott plays} C: bruh? w've peaked.
C: oh my god these waves are fucking huge J: SO HUGE! C: yeah literally J: go visit it people C: go visit Kangaroo island people J: oh my god... C: ohhhh my god C: that was the biggest- C: that is literally the wingspan of my carrrrrr {New Direction by Sloan Peterson plays} C: oh yeah OH YEAHHH C: okayyy!!! C: what an icon C: is it in the tree J: yep C: its cold C: i can't believe that is ocean all the way C: good job! {Afraid Of Heights by Boy Genius plays softly} {Lone Ranger by Matt Duncan plays} C: look at them J: little family C: lil family C: hi C: awwhhhh C: AWWHHH *puffing* J: wow *laughs* C: do you know where to g- wait C: aw a waterfall! *laughs* J: zoom out *laughing* *bird sounds* C: that was a really nice sounding bird C: i'm covered in charcoal *camera clicks* J: commit. J: you want me to commit too? C: yeah C: theres some weird maggots down here J: easy done C: what do you mean easy done bitch C: you're IN the fucking spiky bush J: this is a really spiky bush C: well, told you.
C: OW J: okay J: i can't move any more C: okay C: there's a fly in your eye its really just awful C: oOOooWWWww it's so spikyyyyy C: little high five? J: oh yeah *laughs* J: okay high five now C: alright J: yay C: YAY C: how charcoaled is my ass? C: is it charcoaled? J: oh my god. C: woooowwww C: slay *laughs* C: can we have bruschettas before we walk? J: yeah C: ??? C: my god C: oh my god C: look at that focking beach C: thats where the river meets the goddamn sea again C: woah woah woah C: we are driving into the sea C: we could drive off into oblivion right now C: ah...my ears are popping J: my ears are a popping! C: i'm obsessed with round beaches C: i love the orange of these rocks C: oop *laughs* J: pretty good discus throw C: woahhOOoooOOO C: ayyyy C: argh C: flies! oh my g- {Frenimals by Husbands plays again} C: this is actually a really cute toilet C: toilet reviews are gonna pop the fuck off C: it went back into its hole J: oh yeah i see it C: its not bright orange its like a red crab C: your go pro would've slapped C: they move very fast C: oh the little um tropical fish C: yeah there he is just chilling C: got a little tail flick C: theres so many different types of fish here C: its amazing J: its feeding or something J: yeah off the rock C: we're going! J: i don't know if you're gonna get it C: i absolutely am C: i framed it pretty nicely J: okay C: are you doubting me? J: i'm just making sure! J: can you take em back? C: yeah J: thanks C: i don't know if i can get back C: climb jordan climbbbbb C: wobble wooble C: SQUIRMY WORMY! C: hurkle durkle! C: so good. C: did you injure yourself again? are you okay? i didn't even ask J: i'm okay J: we're a bit silly C: a bit silly J: there are people down there C: awh C: that guy has no pants on *laughs* J: oh C: that is so funny *laugh* C: lets put it with the bread C: then we can't pack up the bread because that won't squash J: pardon me C: pardon you C: i really don't wanna have to shit in there C: coz it smells bad and the toilet water is brown C: which means the tap water is brown c: like theres soap, but at what cost? J: no but then you wash your hands, right? J: and because its running its like you're not getting those sediments C: get rid of the sediment, then sanitise J: yeah C: i see the vision J: so soap, wash, ??? C: mm C: ??? happy C: camp fire slay {Little Red Wagon by Miranda Lambert plays again} C: just for a second C: we shut the gate we're so nice C: theres a garden walk and displays *laughing* C: this is the coolest and weirdest place i've ever been in my LIFE J: why the long faaacceee? J: they accept donations C: i have no idea J: they really said castle *laughing* J: this sign? J: Egyptian display? here nowwww C: i can't imagine building this actually C: this is giving cultural appropriation C: this is so strange...SO strange C: someone literally just said 'i need to put my trinkets somewhere' and built a whole city J: uh its a castle C: it is C: oh sorry, its George's castle J: they are ??? C: yeahhhh C: its good C: i just don't wanna be too close to that car you know? C: i wanna give them room J: oh yeahhh yep C: so J: but the bush C: Escargots fine C: alright nice did it! J: bit close to the car behind you cadence J: getting a bit close C: are you bullying me? right now? J: yeah C: get your ass in C: i think chutney is also a good choice {Sold My Soul by Cut Worms plays again} C: yehaw C: yeeehawww J: living la vita loca C: C'est la vie J: C'EST LA VIE *cadence sings something* J: whoop ??? C: ooh, the song? or? *laughs* J: your singing C: stop it.
C: i'm an athlete C: i was running so it didn't get me on it- C: are we gonna walk on it? It smells exactly like bunnings C: maybe its all the salt chemicals C: how wrecked are your feet right now? *cackling* C: my god don't slip J: well well well fucking hell C: nice feet bro C: feet cheers *laughs* C: they're so large *laughs* C: and hes going for a little waddle *indecipherable conversation about future trips* C: it is pretty actually! C: i've never seen jordan move so fast C: i said 'theres a rainbow' and she was GONE C: was it good rainbow J: every rainbows a good rainbow though C: i think the flags the worst part of flagstaff hill C: more letterboxes C: don't you just put the cash in? J: oh you've gotta fill that out C:oooooh C: what are you even holding on to buddy? *cackles* J: that was just to help you C: i knowww J: gaaaahahhhh gahahhhhhhHH C: what was that? J: GAHHHHH C: we've lost all our braincells C: oh why is it still filming? *very agressive bird sounds* C: its a weird place to pit a bird hide C: they're SO loud C: i love bird hides J: roadtrip C: *makes car sounds* J: i'll get in lets go to the next stop C: hop on in C: have you got your seatbelt on *laughs* J: yeah *car sounds* C: oh sorry *reversing beep* C: beep C: wooowww that was a good trip J: welcome to sadnesss J: the temperature is unbearable until you face it C: what is this? J: Lorde C: aaah C: you just saw me pick my nose C: oh you wanna- HAHA okaay! C: put some shoes on J: you at the start {Soft Stars, Hard Thunder by Dream Sitch plays} C: this is actually magic C: it is frickin gorgeous C: we're literally gonna freeze *screams* Stranger: well done good commitment to the cause well done C: thank you so much C: i need the validation...we swam in that! J: Kangaroo Islands funkiest cafe C: ayyy *poorly singing struggle street* {Struggle Street by Ball Park Music plays} C: its so funny C: its so pretty wowww WOAHH C: this is really cool C: i feel like on top of the world this was a good stop C: that was so loser J: that was really bad J: we'll try that again C: you were too close J: i don't think we should jump C: i love nougat J: you a toblerone fan then? C: um? yeah toblerones good i'll eat it C: i wouldn't buy it. its just expensive for nothing, in my opinion. C: its giving ravine J: gorge *laughs* {Sad Songs (Say So Much) by Elton John plays again} C: good bush pee C: bro i need to go there you need to get out C: its not a pelican though C: get a video too while we're at it J: would this be a good rock to skim? C: i dunno its pretty good actually J: you should get on that rock and pretend its a wave and surf it C: you're so right jordan of course i should J: of course you should J: ride that wave J: gnarly surf bro C: and i was like WHAPAH and the wave was like WAHHAAHHH J: thank you C: oh my god you're welcome C: it ws a really good float, i floated for a bit and it was ??? J: wapow! J: kachow *snort* C: speed boat J: yeah *speed boat sounds* J: and then stand up *laughs* *Kacey Musgraves plays* C: no. Kacey Musgraves is just not good.
song: roll the windows down C: no way we both did it! J: we share the same brain wave C: mm Kacey Musgraves is not it hey google J: yeah why do people like Kacey Musgraves? C: play Miranda Lambert *end of song plays*
2025-01-14 17:32