The Best of SUMBAWA ISLAND, Indonesia

The Best of SUMBAWA ISLAND, Indonesia

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What's up beautiful people and welcome to a new video. For this video, I am all the way in West Sumbawa, and we are staying at Whales and Waves Resort, which is incredibly stunning. We are going to explore West Sumbawa over the next couple of days and I cannot wait to show you guys.

First thing that we did when we arrived was start to do slacklining. This place is incredible. As the sun slowly is setting, you can see right there, we started to do slacklining and right now it is time to enjoy the sunset.

Oh my God, look at these colors. Like, what?! This place is such a paradise. I can't believe how beautiful this is. As you can see right now, it is already dark, but this was the perfect way to end this day. Tomorrow we're going to have so many adventures, so I will see you guys in the morning. This morning we woke up quite early to see the high waves here and to watch the sunrise.

The surrounding area here is so, so beautiful. The resort had a beautiful sunrise with even a little bit of fog. We did some slacklining this morning. I did some journaling. We had coffee but now it is time to have breakfast and enjoy this little piece of paradise even a little bit more.

Always wear your helmet, kids. We just rented a helmet and... I think it looks great. Yay, off we go. Are you ready, Tiger? - This is for you.

- Yeah! I have to wear Tyler's complete house on my back and it's so heavy. Oh my God! - You got this. Oh God! Okay! Yeah, you look great! - And off we go, exploring the west coastline of Sumbawa. I'm so excited. Oh my God! I guess we didn't realize how far this drive would be.

We still have one more hour to go and it feels like we have been driving for quite some time already, but the surroundings here are so, so beautiful. The waves in Sumbawa, I totally understand why so many surfers are coming here and I didn't know they had like a kind of mangrove forest alongside the beach. It is truly stunning. What is lighter than your smartphone and can function as your own personal cameraman? Let me introduce you to the HOVERAir X1, your ultimate companion for capturing incredible moments. With just a single click, this compact self-flying camera takes off right from your palm, ready to document your adventures effortlessly.

Setting up tripods, adjusting angles and running back and forward to get the perfect shot; it is time consuming and exhausting, but with the HOVERAir X1 follow-me mode, those days are over. It keeps up with your every move and speeds up to 15 miles an hour. It's like having your own cameraman always focused on you. Switching between shooting modes is a breeze, from epic bird's-eyes panoramas to dynamic orbits around stunning landscapes. Equipped with a triple stabilization system, it ensures that your footage is silky smooth, even during fast-paced activities such as running or hiking. And here is the best part: it only weighs 125 grams, which is lighter than your smartphone, and there is no FAA registration required.

Plus, with the intuitive HOVERAir app, you can customize settings and download your videos wirelessly. So whether you are a vlogger just like me, or an adventurer, or you just want to capture life's beautiful moments, I highly recommend this camera. It is so easy to use, it is lightweight, and for us solo travelers, it is a must to have. You can now check it out at the link in my description and start creating your own memories with this one and for now, let's go back to the video. Wow, that ride was crazy, but guys, look where we are. Pulau Bungin.

We officially made it. I am so, so excited. We have to only drive this street and then there... the beautiful island is. So let's go. Yay! See you guys! - Yay! - Bye! Good work, cowboy.

Tyler. Woo-hoo! Hello! Wow, this is so interesting. We're now driving through the village.

It's actually bigger than I thought it would be, but the streets are very narrow and the people are all so friendly. Everyone is screaming, Hi, mister! Hi, mister! Which is amazing. And look at the color of the houses here as well. Beautiful! Such a colorful village and so many goats. They're everywhere, but I love that. And everyone is sitting outside.

Everyone is just enjoying the afternoon. So cute! Oh, here we even have a big chicken, look! Sorry! - Hello! - And look here, we have the laundry hanging on the balcony. So cute! Wow! We're gonna probably park our bike at the port and then we're gonna... start walking. Hello! - Hello! - Hello! - Can you stop cowboy! Hello! - Hello! Oh my God! This is so cute already! We made it to the harbor, as you guys can see, and look at all these angels! Hello! - Hello! - Hi! - Hi! And there's even a fish market going on, apparently.

So I'm going to check that out right now. It looks incredible. I don't think I've ever seen so many different types of fish on a big pile. Look at this. This is crazy! And look at all the colors. Hello! And I think they're all weighing it and then I think bringing it to the market or so, but it's so, so interesting.

And they take it all off from the boats here and then put it on here. Really, really incredible. And I guess here we have the ladies weighing everything and also cleaning the fish sometime. There you can see it. And all the little kids are getting fished. This is so cute.

Hello! Good, good, good, good... I made new friends. Look at all the angels that we have here. Hello! - Hello! - Hello! Hello! Hello! Come! One more...

Come, come, come... One more. Everyone... 1, 2, 3... So fast! Okay! Oh, no! Oh, her sandal broke! Everyone is also laughing at her; that's so cute. High five! Woo! Okay! High five! Woo! High five, cowboy! One more time? Oh! I don't think I can do it again.

- Oh, again? You wanna a race? You wanna a race? Ready? 1, 2, 3 go! - So I am so exhausted. We... - Hello! - Hello! What have we been doing? Running.

We have been running for, I think, five or six times and they run so fast. I can't keep up with them. I'm really sweating. Hello! - Hello! - My name is Anggi. - What's your name? - My name is... - But yeah, what I wanted to say is I'm exhausted.

These kids are taking over the place and I've been running up and down so many times, but now that I've said that, I want to show you guys how incredible this place is and why we actually came here. So let me show you the pure magic of this village. This is so cute. So they want to have this necklace. Aww! So I have one necklace and they all want to have it, but I only have one. So I will give my necklace to this sweet lady.

That's so cute. Okay! Hello! How are you? Good! They were swimming here in the water and I saw them, and I was like, Hi! And then they came to say hello as well. Look how cute.

I love it. What's this? Chocolate. I've lost everyone, and I'm trying to make my way around the village. Oh, they are playing football here. Look at how cool! Let me see where my friend is.

Hello! Look at all the kids. We are gathering so many kids here. This is crazy. I'm going to fly my drone, guys, but I have company. Yay! Everyone say Hi! What is your name? Look at all the kids that we're having here. This is crazy.

So as you see, the sun is setting. It is so, so stunning here, but there are so many kids, I don't know where they come from, but it's so much fun. I really, really love hanging out with them. This is such an incredible experience. It is time to go.

Bye, guys! See you! - Bye, bye! - Bye, bye, Mister! We have to be careful that we don't fall over the goats here. We're going to now drive back to our hotel, which is about one and a half hour. So I will see you guys tomorrow morning when we're going on another epic adventure. It is so early.

So early. It's not even early; it's in the middle of the night. We are off for a sunrise mission. - Oh, it's okay. Like 30 minutes, I think. - So how long? - 20 minutes.

- 20 minutes. We made it onto the boat and it's 20 more minutes. And that was actually way quicker than I thought it would be.

We arrived here super, super early while it was still completely dark. Hello! Good morning! And we actually had a little nap on the beach while we waited for the sun to rise. As you can see now behind me, the sun is rising and the colors are so, so beautiful. We are going to enjoy this right now and wait for the sun to come up a little bit more, but look already how magical this is with the boat in the back. I love it.

And just like that, the sun has risen. It is so beautiful. I absolutely adore this island.

It is actually smaller than I thought it would be. There's one small mountain at the back of the island, as you can see, but it is truly magical with the sun coming up. There's so many surrounding islands here as well. And there were a few people in the morning, but right now we are one of the only people at the island, so we are going to enjoy this to the fullest. What's actually interesting is that people do camping here, as you can see here, and I think I saw a camping spot there as well.

So that's actually such a nice thing because there are not many other people and you can just put your tents up and chill here for a while. I really like that. Look at how stunning this place is. I just can't get over it.

I wish we could stay here the whole day, but we have to eat. We're taking the boat back now and the views are incredible. You can actually see how clear blue the water is. I absolutely love it.

And we are also seeing some local fishermen on the boat. It is so majestic. Here we have the boat and that's where we just were. And then the color of the water... so nice! And after exploring the beautiful Kanawa Island; it was time to make our way down to the southern part of the island for some relaxing, which we all really need after these sunrise missions. What's happening here, cowboy? - I'm so tired.

- The place where we are staying is called Kirana Resort and here we are treating ourselves to some well-deserved beach time... Let's see if we can find some turtles, baby. And resting time. Taking in all the beauty this place has to offer.

Good morning, beautiful people and welcome to another gorgeous day. Right now I am walking towards the horses because an activity that we are going to do this morning is horse riding. I'm super excited for it. It is still really early, you can probably see it in my face.

Hello! Good morning! There're two horses. - Yes! - Wow! - So one of you is going as well. - Yeah! - Yeah?! - I think I'm going. - Oh my god, there are two people horse riding today. I love it.

I'm so excited. I changed outfits and here we have the two beautiful horses. I think I going on that one and it's time to have some fun, guys.

Cheers, guys! So we have the boys here learning FPV; it's so interesting. How is this called a simulator, right? - Yeah, the simulator. An FPV simulator, it's called. - This is how it looks like. - Oh, that's a good shot, yeah! Yep! - Oh, yeah! - There it is.

Yep! It looks great. I just ordered food actually because we are leaving soon and this is where we are actually spending time. We are sunbathing a little bit and enjoying ourselves these last few moment, and there are even people taking out their kayaks, there people playing volleyball; it's such a vibe.

This place is really really beautiful, but since we are leaving soon, I am going to end this video here. I really hope you guys enjoyed watching this video. It was such a magical place to spend time. Sumbawa has been an absolute dream. I loved my time here so much.

I guess one of my highlights was definitely swimming with whale sharks. If you haven't seen this video, make sure to check it out here because it was such a special experience. And all the islands we visited, all the people that we've met, all the new nature places that we saw, to even the horse riding this morning; it all has been really, really nice. It was such a pleasure and even the group that we traveled with was such an amazing group.

We really have such a good friendship and we learnt from each other and we inspire each other. So this is also from me to you guys; it is so important who you surround yourself with because the people you surround yourself with can really lift you up higher and inspire you to be a better person. So make sure to keep that in mind and thank you guys for watching. I hope you enjoyed it. And as always, I will see you in my next adventure.


2024-07-28 19:49

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