The best Lebanese tradition | Cedars of God | Bsharri

The best Lebanese tradition | Cedars of God | Bsharri

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morning my friends, to show you, look at the  view from my room oh my god let's open it   must be it must be cold outside but let's still  open let's go outside a little bit look at that quite close to the snow now oh my god you see the old house there nice anyway so  today i'm gonna stay around here but i'm   gonna do some visits in the neighborhood look my  bags are ready actually my bike is here in the   garage of the neighbors of the view lodge the  view lodge guest house which is just here where i'm   staying that's the garage of the neighbors  i think their house is somewhere up there and uh so that's uh where i went uh where i was  invited that's where i was invited yesterday   basically the plan is gonna be for today  first i'm gonna go to the cedars of god   so it's higher up at one  thousand nine hundred meters   to go to see the famous cedars of lebanon then  i'll go a little bit down to see the grotto of   kadisha valley that's where the basically  that's where the khadisha river starts   and uh and then we're gonna try to  go down the down the kadisha valley   which is very narrow and very deep and it should  be a monastery around there so that's that's the   plan for today visit around uh bsharri, let's  let's enjoy basically life in the region of   in the region of bsharri, but first first i need to  get my bike so i need to go to see the neighbors   because my bike is inside here i need to go to  see the neighbors so they so i can get my bike i love this door so now i'm inside the the house as  you can see inside again and uh hello and of course they offered me coffee  and now there is a manouche coming   so it's the manouche with sesame and... zaatar thyme, oh thyme, oh the plant, ah okay  wow lovely so manouche and coffee manouche is so good and i said i had breakfast but and lebanese coffee very good, very strong let's go let's go let's go get the bike and up is also you yes also your house my father oh your father okay okay so here is the bike ready to go guys  let's go to the cedars of god first and   let's see maybe we're gonna meet with  paul there, but starting my way to the   cedars of god and it's funny i just went  to take my bike but then i don't know how   it works they just only get in, sit, they  gave me coffee they gave me two manouche lebanese style so to the cedars of god it's about  600... it's just eight kilometers   eight kilometers but it's 600 meters climb so  it's not far but it's gonna take me quite a while so just to remind to remind you i'm  going to the cedars on a day trip   because basically the pass is already  full of snow so so i won't be able to   do it with my bags yeah it's already full  of snow maybe it's possible to do it today   but tomorrow there is a snow storm coming  so i decided i'm going to visit the area and   then i'm going to head south to catch another road  with a a pass going to baalbek that is less high what a landscape i start to have the feeling  that i'm arriving at the at the end of the world not  the end of the world but uh   yeah something like that it has a  small feeling of of end of the world with the trees without the leaves  the snow-capped mountains the bold   snow-capped mountains such a beautiful  place i can't wait to see the cedars so my bike is parked here and uh i film a little bit François my name nice to meet you... my name is french many people have french names here okay let's go to the cedars yeah from here it's much more impressive here so big 32 meters high ah oh look at that that's quite unbelievable and  can you imagine all those trees   date back from before jesus christ  before alexander the great before it's probably maybe even some date back  before the iliad and the odyssey before homer   so there is a church as you can see in the... so  they are still uh the cedars are still part  

of the religion of the christian religion here in  lebanon that's why they are called the cedars of   god they were in the religion and the phoenician  times and they are still in the religion now for   the christians at least so here they do uh  some wood carving in the in the dead cedars actually it's the top of the forest   the forest of the cedars of god, how beautiful  is that look at that so you have the face of jesus   inside the tree there and all the all the  several thousand years old cedars around look at that what a beautiful place amazing trees huh so we are at the church now, and actually  it's funny because you can see there is the cross   so this is the outside part and paul told me that they do some mass here actually   and and people even come to get married here on  this uh on this platform under the cedars the   cedars of god what a beautiful name for the  second oldest trees in the world and people   the lebanese people come to get married  here well, under the cedars under the several thousand years old cedars of god that were that are revered that are  religiously revered here in lebanon   since the time of the phoenicians so basically all  the mountains here probably until a certain uh   altitude were covered with cedars and apparently  the, probably the phoenicians cut most of them   and um and they only left those ones probably  for uh it is assumed that it was they left   them for religious purposes so that's why  that's the only only cedars only like uh   truly lebanese cedars so basically this  forest is uh is the pride of lebanon let's go to the grotto let's go to the grotto to the  source of the kadisha river now the bike is parked let's go to the let's go to  discover the the source of the kadisha river what an amazing place wow i have to say  it's it's less than a week i am in lebanon   but so far i'm really blown away by the country  the people the history the food the landscapes   everything basically this country has  everything well except a government that that makes the economy work basically  it's very sad but apart from a government apart from the government  they have everything it's crazy   ah so it's what they said ah it's closed why did they close it okay guys so well the grotto the  cave was a was a big miss but well it   doesn't matter let's go to the valley let's  go down the valley and see if we can at least   because the valley is basically the holy is  full of holy monasteries for for maronite   uh catholic maronite which is a most of the  christians in lebanon are the catholic maronites   because the saint maroon maroon comes from  somewhere down this valley the khadisha   so it's full of monasteries so let's go down  the valley and at least at least visit one of   the monasteries of the holy maronite valley  here the kadisha valley here in lebanon   okay wait wait uh okay yeah so  this man is saying me coffee so you want sugar yes okay so then let's stop for a coffee lebanese coffee kifak means how are you... good no i don't smoke we are lebanese he is syrian syria syria joke, brother syrian brother you are from... france Macron in Lebanon before Macron loves Lebanon yes, he came here to try to find a solution for the problems but... no solution, he tried you work with cars you repair cars? your job... cut wood, okay after 10 or 20 days, it's gonna be full of snow here ah, you cut wood to heat the house for winter so you have to cut a lot of wood oh, the birds electric, with battery it's crazy here they were drinking coffee so it's  like okay you pass by just come have a coffee let's go down to the kadisha valley so actually i stopped at a viewpoint  i'm gonna leave my bike here and   i stopped at a viewpoint and and i saw  there's the path going to the monastery   the old road of saint elishaa hermitage  so that's saint elisha hermitage look at   the wonderful valley so now we are finally deep  inside the the valley of kadisha look at that what a beautiful place so we can't see, bsharri is over  there, over the cliffs so we can't see   bsharri anymore, and uh yeah let's take the path  to go to the saint elishaa hermitage let's go there   to finish our our visit of the  region of bsharri look at that and the kadisha river, it's quite surprising to see such a tiny river  able to to make such a deep valley, dig this deep valley it's funny and as you can see some  people live down the valley oh it's crazy to come to build a monastery here so that's the hermitage of saint elishaa okay so let's go back to the bike let's go out ah okay i'm exhausted guys so let's go out, well  we are out i don't know what i'm saying anymore   let's go back to the bike and go back to  bsharri and uh so that will be probably that's crazy so i met this uh i guess this uh  french man lives uh from normandy so for the   americans he's from uh omaha beach no he's uh  well he's from normandy but he lives here and   he explained me a lot of a lot of things about  the history of the kadisha valley the situation   in lebanon the kadisha valley so basically is  the the stronghold it's really the heart of   christianity here in lebanon it looks like let's  say somehow it's it's that and what he explains   uh let's say the most important thing he explained  about the the kadisha valley is that uh   basically you know the people from  the coast are more open to the   to the to the outside world while the people from  from the mountains are much more close and then   and they want to stick to their traditions  than that so it took uh so the the coast   was christianized quite uh quite fast but then  the mountains remained uh were not christianized   and but at some point i can still see my bike  that's good um at some point basically on the in   the fifth century or something like that, a village  somewhere here finally got christianized and and   slowly slowly the valley got christianized and  then and that's how basically the region become   become christian and after the the invasion of the  of the arabs the so first you had the arabs and   then you had the ottoman empire so during all this  period this region succeeded to to resist the the   pressure to become muslim while all the coast  which is more open to new ideas became muslim the mountains especially this valley  remained remain christian so that's the   main information he gave us, and also he was  saying also that basically this valley was very was like the jungle it was a green desert uh  was very isolated from the rest of the world   so that's why you had um it was also  a great place basically for christian   to hide from the uh from the persecutions uh by  uh the different uh different tribes who wanted   to collect taxes and and stuff like that, who wanted  to collect taxes or who wanted to convert people   so so that's that's why this valley is  basically the the real hurt of um of   of the maronites of the lebanese of the  maronite church the catholic maronite   church basically, that's a summary of what  he said probably quick and full of flaws   but roughly that's what i understood  okay so let's get back to the bike and uh and let's go back to bsharri, and  let's have food i'm starving it's   probably three o'clock now and i'm  starving and i didn't have lunch this country is really fascinating you  have the history of the world around here because originally the phoenician  also he told me a story about   some phoenician, a village that somewhere is  called according to some phoenician goddess and and the phoenicians are at the origin of the   where they were the first kind of mediterranean  mediterranean civilization before the greeks and they were in... their their main cities were  established on the... here on the coast of lebanon  

in tripoli in what is now tripoli, in saida, and  in tyre, that was the three cities the three big   phoenician cities, probably like something like i  don't know 4 000 years ago or something like that and let's go back oh my god  500 meters to climb again okay parked the bike here uh and there is a  restaurant that is open, even though it's half past   three something like that i'm starving i didn't  have lunch so let's say let's have some food   guys look at the view from this restaurant  so it's called francis restaurant in bsharri let's try the lebanese burger very good see you later guys that  might be the the end of this video ciao why do you give me so much food later you eat me ! it's just for tasting

2022-02-06 17:43

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