The Best Food in London is NOT English

The Best Food in London is NOT English

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Indian food basically English food right  I mean I see it everywhere on every corner   and as I mentioned yesterday I almost feel like  I'm in like I'm in India and some places here in   the city you can try all three normally all  three comes together I know you're YouTuber   right yeah man you've been to Sri Lanka right  yeah I you I'm from Sri Lanka and look at how   much of a Melting Pot White Chapel is guys the  station says the name in bangl so I think this   here is where we're going to be getting  our food from Bangladeshi street foods and even back in in Asia where we spend most of  the time I always order a full English but you   never get enough beans man it's always a tiny  ass cup of beans here you get a good portion   good morning guys and welcome to London good  morning guys and welcome to another beautiful   day here in London it is very cloudy very foggy  pretty cold and well today I got a very exciting   video planned for you guys because we are going  to jump around the city of London in food from   all over the world now London is one of those  huge metropolitan cities where the whole world   can be found there are people of all different  backgrounds here I've been here for about 48   hours now and I've realized that there are a  lot of Indian people Pakistani people I've met   Jamaicans I've met a couple Latinos as well that  live here and today I want to share with you guys   new Cuisines from different parts of the world  now the goal for this video is to try at least   uh four different meals from four different  countries of course we're going to be kicking   it off with something English because we are in  England we're going to go try a English breakfast   and then we'll see where else in the city we  manag to make it now I actually got this idea   from one of my friends Harry jaggard you guys  have seen him on YouTube before amazing guy and   he made this series on Instagram where he uh tried  food from all over the world while he was here at   home and I wondered man how how was he able to try  food from so many different regions in London not   having a clue that in London the whole world was  here so today I want to try some new foods with   you guys we're in this area called Al Gates and we  actually came here because there is a restaurant   that came up on Google reviews just right here  that says they make an amazing English breakfast   so in this video so in this video I want you guys  to join me as we try Cuisine from all over the world I love seeing all of the different pubs  here in London they all have live music signs   we might have to hit one of those up later on  today but look at this an Italian restaurant   right here you got a place that sells kebabs  curries and wraps like I mentioned a little   bit of everything can be found on these  streets and yeah the double decker buses   man iconic I love seeing those now I've also  so noticed that there are a lot of sirens here   in the city yesterday as we were walking around  that's all we heard the entire day I feel right   at home to be honest with you guys so yeah a  lot of businesses are closed and I mean it's   Saturday you would think they'd be open to  be honest it was giving off Sunday Vibes I   had to recheck the calendar oh man this ATM  definitely has seen better days before but   yeah hopefully the place we found on Google  with the English breakfast to be fair English   breakfast uh was found everywhere I was looking  up all the different restaurants around my area   and they were found all over the place but this  one here looked really damn good and according   to the reviews only 10 lb so we'll see if that  offer still exists oh man that building's pretty cool but yeah it's super cold there's the  allgate tube station and then this here   is where we're heading Peters Cafe oh  and it looks pretty busy too so yeah we   definitely came to the right spots it says  breakfast sandwiches salads and jacket potatoes   what the hell is a jacket potato it's so cold out  here they put jackets on the potatoes come on now   all right let's jump on in and get ourselves our  English breakfast all right let's make our way inside oh sorry hello good morning um do we order here how  many of you uh two of us please two thank you so much Peter Cafe so the inside of this business is  super busy but this here is the menu like they got   set breakfast you can get eggs on toast baked  beans on toast that sounds nice but we're here   for the full English it comes with two eggs two  rashers of bacon or two rashers bacon back back   bacon what the hell am I doing sausage baked  beans mushrooms hash browns and toast for 1250   and for the 1250 you also get a coffee or a tea  I wonder if I should get a tea because I'm in   the UK I'm not a big tea guy but N I think we'll  stick with coffee we'll do the coffee first and   I'm kind of tempted to try the jacket potato that  sounds super interesting all right we'll order up   our full English and I'll catch up with you guys  here in a second look at this view it's beautiful   right oh thank you so much that's the toast for  your breakfast thank you so I got a question uh   do English people eat English breakfast even for  dinner for lunch cuz it says all day really and   Jack and potatoes as well it's common they could  come at 6:00 in the morning eat it they eat it   it's no problem thank you so according to the  waitress English people would eat this all day   if they could she said if we opened at 6:00  they'd be here at 6:00 if we were here till   late they'd be here late eating English breakfast  so the English breakfast consists of baked beans   a sausage hash brown two eggs mushrooms bacon  strips and of course toast man this is a nice   filling breakfast oh and there's butter on there a  nice filling breakfast for 12 lb and a huge coffee   so let's go ahead and I think the best way to do  this this is how I always eat it at least I always   put the baked beans on toast usually with the  egg too but we'll go baked beans by itself first you know I order an English breakfast  quite often even back in in Asia where   we spend most of the time I always order  a full English but you never get enough   beans man it's always a tiny ass  cup of beans here you get a good portion M wow that is good so yeah definitely a  lot of bang for your buck here at this spot there   was some places we looked up on Google reviews  and it was about 15 16 lb for an English breakfast   so yeah Peter Cafe definitely a good choice and  the inside is a lot warmer but I like the Vibes   out here I like hearing the sirens passing  by all of the cars seeing the double-decker buses we made a good choice all right so I'm  assuming all of you guys have had eggs bacon   before hash brown um not much more else going  on here so we're going to smash through this   English breakfast and then I'll see you guys  as we make our way over to somewhere else to   try who knows whatever other Cuisine is nearby  like I said I saw some Somali restaurants I saw   some Ethiopian food yesterday there's actually  a Venezuelan restaurant nearby and glattus is   craving some Venezuelan food to feel like  she's back at home so who knows where we're   going to end up but I have a feeling it's going  to be in a while because this this meal is huge Hop On Hop off thank you brother thank you  just made it to the London Tower Bridge and   let me just tell you guys man this bridge is  beautiful it's one of the most iconic probably   in the world and I love the blue accents man  it looks like a big castle standing over the   water and I was actually just reading online  that the London Tower Bridge actually only   took 8 years to build and construction  began in 1886 so it's been around a very   long time and people from all over the world come  here every day to admire its beauty so we're going   to walk under it now I'll show you guys The View  and then we'll get over to the opposite side of   the river and I'll show you guys the full Bridge  from a different angle but yeah I love seeing that   there are so many tourists here no matter how  cold it is you can actually see the top of The   Shard sticking out back behind this I don't know  it looks like like a fortress should probably look   on Google Maps and see exactly what that is but  yeah it's gorgeous out here today it's beautiful I   need to come here during the summer though yeah oh  that's the Tower of London this Castle right here   Tower of London pretty cool huh yeah it's chilly  it's cold but we're making the most out of today   however I definitely need to go buy some gloves  and a beanie I should have brought some from home   I left it all in there cuz yesterday was around  10° and it wasn't so so bad but today it's 4:   and it says it's going to get down to one so we're  about to cross the bridge now but look at how   beautiful this is guys and I love the blue accents  along the sides you can tell that they definitely   retouched this up quite often there you got like  the I guess the badge of England with the KN up top and yeah like I said a  lot of people down here up   there you can actually see these big dragons  coming out the sides of uh the corners so beautiful now I know that they do sell tickets  to access uh the towers online we actually   didn't book any of those because we're here for  a short trip um so we're not going to waste the   time going up to the top but it says here city of  London Tower Bridge constructed and maintained by   the corporation of London from the bridge house  estat trust without charge upon public funds the   installation of the electrical machinery for  raising the Bas basals replacing the original   hydraulic equipment was completed by the trust in  1977 so they have modernized the bridge quite a   bit but yeah it still has its touch so beautiful  huh and look here you got a better view of The Shard so yeah we crossed the bridge now and  look at the view guys this here is where you   can see the entire Bridge everybody comes here  for photos hopefully I mean I'd come back and   see the bridge actually open up in the middle  it's beautiful I love it and yeah you got the   symbol of England or the England flag everywhere  it's beautiful to see and yeah next time we come   we'll definitely be doing uh The Crossing just  the line was too long and we are horrible at   planning so we didn't book it in fence same  with the big bang Clock Tower you can go up   to the top and see all the uh mechanisms of  the clock working however it's fully booked   until like yeah the 5th of January a short walk  from the tower bridge has brought us here to the   burrow market and let me just tell you guys man  everything smells incredible there are a lot of   people but what I'm noticing is that there  are a lot of I think British food it's a lot   of British food I saw a lot of fish and chips  they got an oyster bar a bakery right here that   looks incredible let me show you guys the bakery  look at these croissant everything looks so good   but yes it is very much busy there are a lot of  people you're walking in a crowd the entire time   I was hoping we'd find some food from other parts  of the world in here but no everything looks like   it's uh very much British so we'll see what we  can get our hands on inside of this Market since   we're already here we probably won't come back  wow look at this cheese that looks incredible   they have a tea shop a Spice Shop here you got  like a salami I guess you would call it a meat   shop that looks amazing but yeah the cheese  you can very much smell the cheese it's strong   spice Mountain over here yeah it's busy for a  reason guys it's very beautiful it's a unique   Market I've also noticed that they eat a lot of  paa too there's a lot of uh stand selling paa a lot of truffle wow truffle everything that's  nice so there is a lot of British food here but   we also noticed Greek food Argentinian food  as I showed you Mexican and guess what they   have Venezuelan food so we're going to  try and find this stand we've actually   been walking around quite a bit looking for  it I can't seem to find it but we're going   to try some Venezuelan food hopefully right  now for you guys before leaving this Market   but I'm going to tell you what we just talked  about it I'm going to come back and film a   video just about this Market in a few days it is  amazing and there is so much food to try but you   got to come here with an empty stomach man you  literally can't eat anything prior to coming   down here or else you won't even be able to try a  handful of things wow look they got a barber shop   in here you definitely got to watch your pockets  while you're in a place like this but man is it   beautiful right now I think we're actually going  to fry an Indian dish here in this market that way   we take advantage that we're already here before  making it back into some local neighborhoods here   in the city but um Indian food basically English  food right I mean I see it everywhere on every   corner and as I mentioned yesterday I almost  feel like I'm in like I'm in India and some   places here in the city so let's try some Indian  food and look at this place right here it says   traditional garati street food and they sell yeah  all kinds of dishes including chai which is nice   all right let's see what they recommend look here  they got boua which I've never tried before onion   and fenu Greek they got samosas Pata with potato  filling and some [ __ ] chai and lassi don't play   and of course glattus is with me today guys hello  guys what do you want to try what do you think we   should try oh no what do you want to try what do  you think we you should try uh maybe a samosa you   can't go wrong with a samosa you can't go wrong  with a samosa you're right I also want to try one   of these though the bougie I never heard of these  before but look they look amazing hello anything   else oh you can't go wrong with Masala chai they  got the right idea okay so what we're coming back   later on this week and we're going hard huh  oh I already took notes from a few places I   want to go yeah we're going to make sure we  show you guys the best food here in the this Market hello sir can I get a um boua how many One  Piece One Piece can I get a vegetable Samosa one   piece yeah and what is this over here flour  cabbage lentil and potatoes okay um can I   try some of that yeah yeah you can try all three  normally all three comes together I know you're   YouTuber right yeah man you've been to Sri Lanka  right yeah yeah yeah I saw your video I'm from Sri   Lanka you're from Sri Lanka where candy candy oh  bro my favorite City videos thank you man thank   you I recognize from your voice hey sty thank  you so nice to meet you okay let me do one of   these plates please okay one box yeah one box  okay uh okay hold this okay all three CES yeah   all three curries but not so much please just  a little bit we're eating a lot today thank you thank you so much thank you thank you are you from Sri Lanka  too no no I am from India you're from India where   in India Gujarat oh okay so this is your local  food yeah it's all local food okay nice what   about Sri Lankan people there's a lot of Sri  Lankan in London so many yeah good Sri Lankan   food very good yeah but in this market we have no  Sri Lankan place here wow we have only two Indian   okay so many many Shri Lankan food uh you can  find so many B in London East hamen and Har   find l Restaurant cool man well nice meeting  you guys nice to meet you nice to meet you and   you also doing YouTube a little bit of chili you  both together in Sri Lanka yes yes I remember yeah   thank you brother so nice to meet you yes please  thank you we'll take a little bit of everything   thank you oh man such lovely people from Sri  Lanka Sri Lanka has my heart I'm coming back   soon I promise we got to make it back huh yeah I  love Sri Lanka like the country is beautiful the   people are nice good is good thank you thank  you so much thank you thank you all right bye   thank you all right let's step over this way and  we're going to try this food all right I think   we actually we should walk out huh yeah let's  walk out a little bit and then we'll go to town   but man everything smells so good well I think we  found a nice spot look we got the view of this I   don't know it looks like a castle SL church right  behind us huh and then this here is the mixture   of all the different curries we got in there guys  wow that's a hearty meal and then in here we got   our bushia and the Samosa if you don't mind can  you give me a hand please of course let's go with   the curry dishes first we'll try the curries  first and then we'll move over to the bushia   all right so here you got like a like a  doll it looks like you got some rice some   very some chilies that look dangerous here  you got I guess this is like a vegetarian   Curry and then here you got like a potato  I think it's like a masala all right let's   try the and this is like a raita in here  all right let's try the potato Masala m bro Indian food is nothing to play with and to  be honest I love Indian food outside of India   in India don't take that the wrong way I can't  eat it bro I end up on the on the toilet for   a long time I'm not saying that in a bad way  just keeping it real in India I always have a   hard time with the stomach but here anywhere  outside of the world Indian food is like my go-to m no Indian food has so much flavor to it  so many different textures I've never   been to this region of India India is huge  we got so many more places to visit in the future no you know what lattice loves Indian food  just as much as I do I love it guys if you have   Indian food where you leave please go and try  it you got to try it huh here let me hold these   cuz I know a lot of people are scared they're  like oh no I'm not going to eat Indian football   believe me you live in LA Long Beach New York  Miami anywhere in the world outside us anywhere   and you have Indian food try it because it's  delicious it's some of the best and yeah the   reason why glattus said that it's good huh so  good the reason why glattus said that is because   we we travel the world right and we meet so many  people that always tell us I would never in my   life try Indian food and I'm like what the hell's  wrong with you it's some of the best food on the   planet it's so rich in flavor so many different  spices guys the flavors are like a fist on your   mouth you're going to go for the chilies oh what  are you took a whole spoonful of chilies oh baby   you just ate like three of those bad boys really  you didn't taste them oh God you didn't taste them   for real I think I'm going to cry wow yeah you  just you just took all all the chilies he put   there let me grab rice because I'm on fire I  knew that was coming oh okay let's cut this   because I feel I'm going to pass out all right  uh I'll catch up with you here in a second you   got to bite into the vegetable Samosa actually  I told you I told you I couldn't believe she did   that right now this is one of my favorite snacks  all over India M we're just missing the Chutney   mhm you can't have a samosa with no Chutney come  on now that's missing huh mhm I need the Chutney   and this is for you to try chis this is the the B  B B I've never heard of this before oh dude it's   like fried onions almost like onion rings and  this here is from India this is an Indian dish I feel like this also needs some sauce on it this I recommend man it almost reminds me of  like a a Cambodian dish called Numa chai It's   an onion and chive cake but this here is an onion  and chive ball you know what I like that but this   doll Curry is my favorite now we're going to jump  into the underground we're going to take the tube   four stations and we're actually going to head  over towards Buckingham Palace uh we're going   to spend some time there make some room for our  next big meal and yeah I'm excited to sit down   in the tube man I'm so cold that's going to be a  nice little break from this extreme cold weather just made it out of the tube man it's so easy  to use that system and it cost 3 lb to make it   here to Green Park which is this big beautiful  Park right next to Hyde Park and of course the   Buckingham Palace but what I'm really in  the hump for guys is a bathroom your boy   has to use the toilet and man I can't find any  even at the restaurants they don't have paper   huh guys don't need the house I'm just  letting you know I'm about to knock on   the door of this Palace right now and be like  excuse me King Charles can I please use the toilet I know it's a little bit too much  information but I'm just being real with   you guys toilets every day I'm trying to find a  new toilet every day anyways right now we're going   to visit the palace and then in a few hours we'll  try another local dish but I just talked to gladus   after that huge Indian portion that I just had  I think that we're going to have to spread this   video out over the course of the next few days  so um we'll visit the palace I'll show you you   guys the palace we're not going inside the tickets  are fully sold out you need them plenty of time in   advance um so definitely plan for that we're going  to be back we're going to be back when it's warmer   I love it here it's beautiful um so we'll show you  guys the outside hopefully we can watch a changing   of the garden ceremony and then we'll make our  way back into Into the Heart of the City and I   found a Jamaican Patty restaurant we love Jamaican  patties I love them when I saw it on there I was   like I got to go I read online that the Jamaican  population is quite large here in in in London   so Jamaican patties are a must guys if you travel  to a place like um London or LA or um book try to   find food from another places like new dishes you  never tried before and that way you can experience   both culture the culture you're visiting and also  another food from different parts of the world   and check out the gates entering Buckingham  Palace guys they're so beautiful black and   gold I wonder why it says Canada on the pillars  please forgive me I don't know much about history   but this place is gorgeous and of course it is  visited by everybody that comes to London because   it is home to the royal family this here is the  actual home to King Charles and this is where   Queen Elizabeth lived and you can actually take  a tour inside of Buckingham Palace I'm not sure   what specific Wing but the tickets sell out quite  quick and turns out that there is no changing of   the guards today it's actually tomorrow at 10:45  a.m. so we'll try and come and see that but yeah   this place is gorgeous it's huge and there's  so many people walking around it's beautiful I   wonder where exactly the the Royal Guards stand  I always see it on Tik Tok and stuff I know you   guys have seen those videos where the horse bites  like a tourist because they get too close but I   wonder where exactly that is man this is beautiful  look at that big fountain in the middle our statue   it's gorgeous I want to get up a little bit  closer now to show you the front of the facade   a little bit closer but yeah there are people  from all over the world here it's beautiful to see but to be honest I mean you would think it'd  be prettier I mean I don't want to sound like a   bus go but I'm just saying you would think it'd  be a prettier building I mean yeah to be fair   it is pretty but you would think it'd be a lot  prettier so we're up closer against the fence   now and look at this you can see one of the guards  marching back and forth and yes no guard changing   ceremony today but it's cool to be able to see  that hopefully the camera does adjust this it is beautiful so we ended up jumping into  a pub to warm up a little bit it's cold   huh cheers glad this went with the coffee I  got myself a pint and yeah this Pub is super   cool looking it's like a old school little  Pub I would call it a dive bar back home and the Jamaican Patty restaurant is only a 8  minute walk from here so we'll head that way   once I smash through this PLS here man I love  London so far don't you it's so cool and the   pops are great like when people get up of work  this is the place where they go yeah we came   in here yesterday just to use the bathroom  we didn't have any drinks um and it was so   full but right now it's actually nice and calm  relaxing it's a good vibe good atmosphere that   beer was good and now we have made it to the  area of the Jamaican Patty I'm excited so it's   here in this area that's super trendy and look  there's another Cafe Mumbai must be Indian food   wow actually this area is really nice so this  is going to be the last dish we try in this   video and then tomorrow I'm going to make sure  to dabble into something I've never had before   like I said I saw a lot of Somali restaurants  Ethiopian restaurants near the house we got   to definitely try uh something like that but  first where is this Jamaican Patty ooh Santa   Nat man I'm noticing there's a lot of sweets  here look there's a hat shop that's pretty cool the Great British comfort food Japanese  Patisserie wow there's so many different options   to choose from so so according to Google  Maps it's up here on the right right here   Jamaican Patty company oh yes let's jump on  in there so it says that they got all kinds   of patties like they got the spicy beef  the beef the chicken The Jerk Chicken the   curry goats our favorite Patty of all time and  they got the aan saltfish oh you like the akan   saltfish huh aan Salish is the national Leach  from Jamaica right the national dish we tried   it in that Beach called oh I forgot the name uh  neg in neg yeah in the grill yeah yeah yeah all   right let's jump on in there and give this a  go hello how are you oh those look great can   I get a curry goat Patty thank you so much well  we got our Jamaican Patty man that didn't feel   like Jamaican Hospitality inside there felt  like her dog died this morning or something   but it's all good let's try this curry goat  Patty look at this bad boy man this is a nice Patty I prefer the juicy patties yeah all right the breing  is nice the curry goat is in there let's try that I've  only ate the the crust so far you know what this is probably the worst place I  could have got some Jamaican food from I   don't recommend that one at all you know usually  you're like uh okay we're not in Jamaica what   could you expect I think the combination of the  of the attitude and then the bad the bad taste   of the patty just don't go hand in hand man come  on Jamaican hospitality is better than that here   try this one glattus you you've had the curry go  Patty at Devon House in Kingston the best in the   entire world exactly this is this is kind of a  let down I'm not going to lie let's see let's see it's not terrible but it can definitely be  better yeah yeah I didn't say it was terrible   it's just not yeah it's not like other patties  I've had before right especially because of the the lady but you never know what it's  happening to her today so yeah true yeah   maybe her dog died like I said or her cat I don't  know either way I'm still going to eat this thing   cuz it costs 4 lb but I'll tell you what this  Patty gets a solid I'd give it a six out of 10   six out of 10 I'll give it a five see it's edible  though I'm going eat it I ain't letting this go   to waste but yeah guys I'll see you again tomorrow  it is the next morning now and we are in Chinatown   everybody told me I had to come on out here so  we are about to make our way over to a bakery   that a lot of people recommended to try out a  bun I'm not sure what to expect but this area   is very beautiful it's super vibrant there's a lot  going on a lot of movements we actually just met   some subscribers right now from the Philippines  and it was super cool you know saying hi to them   it's awesome that the whole world is here in  London as I mentioned so they're from they're   Filipinos that are uh nurses working here in the  city they've been here for 2 years and I think   that's what makes London such a Unique city it's a  a Melting Pot of the whole world huh yes yes we've   met people from Morocco from Pakistan Bangladesh  we met a lot of people from um Afghanistan you met   one today picture absolutely where you guys from  Nepal but Nepal man that's beautiful wow that's   what I'm talking about guys they're from Nepal so  yeah we met a guy from Afghanistan this morning   walking down White Chapel who watches the videos  Man a lot of people it's awesome and that's what   makes these cities such unique places to live  right you got the whole world um within 50 km   it's awesome so yeah right now we're going to walk  up to this corner and over on the corner is the   bakery that everybody recommended that we go and  try but let me just tell you guys something I wish   I didn't have a full English what's up bro I wish  we didn't have a full English this morning because   I would have jumped in and had a buffet all of the  buffets look amazing here they got like a dim some   brunch going on there's a lot of good food and to  be honest it's pretty reasonably reasonably priced   a lot of the shops that I'm seeing are like 15 lb  for all you can eat and it says maximum sit down   2 hours don't play with me man in 2 hours I'll  do some damage I'll do some damage they'll go   bankrupt with me sitting down in there but yeah  The Vibes are awesome so we'll line up right   now at this Bakery here on the corner and we'll  try some nice tasty snacks all right so here we   are the Chinatown Bakery this is where everybody  recommended did we come on by and pick out some   snacks so we'll jump on in here order some snacks  and let me just tell you guys it smells incredible   and yeah there's not a there's not such a long  line like other places huh some of the places   right now the lines literally wrap around the  building so right now I think we we came at   a good time we'll grab ourselves some snacks and  then we'll head over to the next spot oh it smells   so good though is there like a sit down area oh no  it says no entry no entry s so yeah we won't go on   in there but I'll tell you what ever since me and  glat is touched down in London we have been trying   to eat inside as much as we can cuz it is cold man  like you see that it looks like I'm smoking okay   so this is the exit the entrance is right there  but she's making something unique here on this   side of the street so we'll try this one first  and then we'll make our way in there oh he dropped   one man that sucks these ones here are called  taaki I'm excited for these they smell so good thank you hello hello can we get an order  of four please 50 thank you wow that's a   cool system so yeah that machine fills it  up with the with the dough and then here   you go you got the little fishes wow look  at that thank you so much man what a crazy   system right look at what happens once  these ones get filled up guys the lids close and then they push them out that's  wild what a crazy system they're turning   that's crazy huh it's crazy how many things are  automated in the world all right let's try the   taaki taaki I think I've had these before  in the US we have a place called somi somi   and they're like these little stuffed  fishes oh God that's why you dropped   one huh God oh I just burned the [ __ ]  out of my lip holy [ __ ] dude that hurts huh yeah I'm sorry I saw him do the same thing  and I don't know why I bit into it holy [ __ ]   yo that would that hurt so bad it's like  lava oh my lip hurts I'm not even over oh   do you want water or something that hurts  very bad I've never had something like   that before okay you know what pause we  we'll get back to we'll get back in a   second my lips starting to feel better man  don't bite into those as soon as you get them M it was worth it it was worth the burn all right  wow that's good so yeah inside is kind of like a   like a vanilla cream you know what glattus you  try this let me see glattus hasn't had enough   video time this one this yeah it's nice actually  you need like eight of those little fishes damn   that's bomb huh you know what more we need more  that's exactly what I was going to say you know   what let's walk into Bakery let's see what else  we can find that's so delicious it's so good   huh and then uh we'll grab a couple more things  and then a few more of those for sure wow these   bakeries are nothing to play with look at all  these buns these are roasted pork buns red bean buns it is huh oh no way I know what I  want what do you want Jango vanilla cake   vanilla cake I want the pondon cake  oh okay you know that's my favorite   flavor especially in Thailand I love  this hello we'll grab a pondang cake   get something else wow look at the Cheesecake  they got where these ones look golden cheese stick wow that looks good huh Dam my lip hurts  man I don't know what you really got to be careful   with that look at these ones babe coconut tart  oh they got the Chinese almond cookies bro wow   okay yeah everything looks amazing that sounds  good too you know what give us a second and then   we'll catch you guys outside uh these two please  oh damn people be coming in here and stealing   breads yeah I know that's crazy huh I don't know  you look at them and you're like bro you could   have asked huh all right thank you damn bro you  walk in there and then they got people's faces of   uh on the wall that have gone in there to steal  breads that's crazy H that people walk in there   and steal bread yeah all right well let me show  you guys what we got we got some pondon cake and   then we got a cheese stick the T stick ain't mine  this is glattus is I got the pondon cake all right   we're going to hold this one let's jump on into  this one man I love pondon pondan I don't know   exactly what it is I think it's like a a leaf a  plant it's something but in Thailand they use it   on everything and it it's always green it turns  everything green so whenever I walk around the   streets of Bangkok and I see something that's  green I automatically buy it because I love it oh wow you know it's weird tastes like a sponge  cake it's not really my kind of my cup of tea   to be honest with you I'll stick with the fishes  from outside but it's not bad I think this will   go a lot better with the a coffee that's  for sure you know what glce give this one   a g maybe we need a coffee for these I think  we do I think that needs a coffee it's good though the thing is I don't like pandm too  much that's my my kind of taste your flavor   I'd rather the vanilla cake but it's the texture  is good with a coffee it's probably delicious   now let's see this cheese is sck it's a piece of  bread with like cheese around it huh I think so yeah m this one I like very cheesy but I I love if  this would be warm if it would be warm it'd   be a lot better mhm I think we'll both stick  to the fishes huh yeah the fishes the fishes   are where it's at all right um we're going  to spend a few more hours here in this part   of the city and I'll catch up with you guys  for another meal so we've had an incredibly   long day and right now I'm back in the White  Chapel neighborhood where I'm actually staying   at right now and here there's a huge Melting  Pot a community of people from all over the   world the end right now I'm on my way to go find  another different Cuisine and I don't know which   one we're going to get our hands on but we're  about to find out right now shortly here they   got a Bazaar they actually have this big Market  that takes place here during the day that's not   functioning right now but along this road there's  food from all over the world let's see what we   find damn I love these trucks that's sick and  look at how much of a Melting Pot White Chapel   is guys the station set as the name in bangl  in Bangladesh how cool is that and yeah you   can see that the movement is incredible there's  a lot going on here so yeah let's go find this   food so I think this here is where we're going  to be getting our food from Bangladeshi Street   Foods so it says that they actually have all  kinds of food patas samosas chicken and lamb   beef beani omelets wraps rolls curries all  kinds of good stuff let's go check it out oh man this looks amazing hello how's it going  can I get a order of FKA yeah thank you um eat   here okay so this place is called Pono punch oana  and yeah they got all kinds of amazing things guys   look all kinds of patas they got some nice lunch  and dinner selections you can get chicken bua lamb   bua beef bua uh biris fish dishes but I love the  FKA fuchka is basically basically a Pani py but   a Bangladeshi version and I'm also going to get  gulab jmon which is um these little like syrup   pancake balls almost that's what I think they are  and they are delicious so we're going to get those   and yeah we'll finish off the day like this to be  honest I am super full we've been eating all day   long but I'm excited I actually haven't had FKA  since we were in Bangladesh about oh a year ago   now a year ago we were in Bangladesh so it's been  a long time can I get one order of FKA yeah um   five piece and can I get uh gulab jamun that one  yes one one order where you from from Bangladesh   but where Daka selette oh nice everybody says  selette is beautiful how I've been to Dhaka oh   yeah so one FKA One gulam One D so I actually  got my order to go because man like I said I'm   full and there's no way I'm going to be able to  crush through everything but I do get hungry later   at night so that's a secret you guys don't know  about me I'm going to get some later but look at   this FKA guys it looks incredible okay these look  a lot bougier than the ones I had in Bangladesh   and then of course we got some sweets the Gula  jamun I always keep saying it wrong but look at   how good these look yeah one spoon one thank you  oh man those are huge holy cow those are huge and   all of this was only 9 lb not terrible obviously  not Bangladesh prices but you ain't going to find   that in London I'll tell you what all right is  this spicy no not spicy at all all right let's   put some of these on top of the FKA and cheers  guys man I missed this I think the last time I   had this was in was in gaka on Bailey Road thank  you so much all all right let's let's have at [Music] it no oh that that right there got  a little spice to it a little kick okay no cap that's like the best  F gu I've ever had wow so good but   damn that's spicy I think it's  this I think this is the spicy you know what I got to do one more of these  that is unbelievable so yeah there's like   a lot of coriander in there looks like some  cheese I'm not sure what's inside I don't even care no seriously you've never tried Bangladeshi  P find a restaurant near you I would compare it   to like Indian food but it does have its own twist  to it I like it and if you're in the White Chapel   area this is a good spot all right now for my  favorite pastry look at the inside it's kind   of like a dut I I called it a pancake earlier  but it's like a doughnut with syrup inside of there yeah BM basically a doughnut hole with  syrup on there you know what guys   these two I'll Crush right now and I'll  catch up with you guys outside yo go to   your nearest Bangladeshi restaurant Indian  restaurant and order this trust me you'll go crazy well unfortunately this is going to bring  us to the end of this video but seriously guys   the area of White Chapel is incredible it's such  a Melting Pot I've met a lot of nice people from   here a couple of you guys I actually ran into  a subscriber from Afghanistan here one from   Algeria en nandos the other day and another from  Bangladesh a few days back and let me just tell   you guys I would definitely be back to White  Chapel to do a lot more but let me tell you   something interesting about this place this  is actually where Jack the Reaper from if you   don't know who Jack the Reaper is you need to go  and search him up to be fair no one really knows   who he is it's a mysterious uh man who murdered  I think five women here on the streets of White   Chapel in the 1800s definitely worth looking into  they got some cool documentaries about him and I   only just found out about this last night and I  have just been so interested about it watching so   many documentaries um shows about Jack the Reaper  and I will definitely be back in White Chapel to   go on the Jack the Reaper tour that I didn't know  they offered here but is very much a real thing   so yeah just a little cool fact thank you guys  so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this   video I'll be back to film a lot more here on the  Streets of London especially the White Chapel area soon I was the one to take  love I remember how we started

2025-01-26 05:32

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