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And. Welcome back to my channel, I'm going to sit down and talk to you at some point this week in this work but right now I am preparing, for my mama's birthday which, is tomorrow, I'm, gonna show you now what, she's got. About. To open it so let's, do like a little first impressions. Thing yes, it official, here my camera so much it just stopped recording as, I was unboxing. Everything, so. This, is what I've got mine for a birthday and, then I've got this, to. Go with it. Because. We, do have one downstairs, it's being broken for 20 years. More. Yeah won't be no laugh right now seriously. The. Reason that other one was broken. Was. Because they needed the noodle, replacing. And. I just looks on the Box. Extra. Needle. Included. And you how we know us so. I'm, hoping, that, my, dad doesn't see that and be like oh we, can use that on the old. Thought. It was about time sat. Down and spoke to you properly, about what's going on so, there's been a few series. Of videos, I didn't actually make, this, year for the reason, that I never sticked. My hopes, and goals for, the following, year didn't do one for 2080. Because. Every. Year was. Exactly the same one of these topics, was, this, one. Now. Promised, myself that, I would never make this video until. We were actually, moving, forward, into, moving, out yesterday. Evening, Aaron, sent, a email, to. An estate agents, part, of Ewing. I've. Got a text him now I'm not it's not back yet, but I just wanted to give you an update basically so. This is a start, of a video I've been, wanting, to make for, about three years for my channel thumbs up I'm, gonna get a new focus right. Now so. Don't like this hi. Guys. Aldair. At me nail fell over I think I'm gonna do an August, my. Monthly, blog instead of a weekly vlog now because I don't really have not that much content, well, it's coming up soon and first, of all got, picking man that's. Because I've just been to the shop and it's, Sarah's, annual, Hawaiian, party tomorrow so I bought a melon, for my ravenous. Infidel. Assembled we'll keep it kind, of PG, and I, bought pineapple. In hopes I can make a hat out of it and I'm. Getting hair dyed tomorrow, so I hope I can dry out the pineapple and you don't go everywhere so I'm just bought list of ammo life I'm gonna. Go. Give it to her. My. Way, well. Thank you. So. I can't. Tell. Jeantel. Doing. Genta. She. Tries to snap it. Good. Morning, guys, so this morning, I am going to get my hair done cuz. It needs that. Got. My. Nails done, to. Trim them down which, is crazy, well anyway, and. Right, then out this gonna work I. Want. To put this on my head. Like. And. I'll. Be normal. Sara's. Hawaiian, party tonight, I've got this I'm gonna film we'll see when, we get there but yes. And also there, on the house we, are going to view it on Monday. At 7 p.m. and obviously, I don't think when I film it, but keep, you updated. Okay. And also yeah, my head that, big man, guess. What I did guess what, I did I, decided. Because I'm, Emma Henry and. In. My film facts about me video that I made it's, pretty. Sure I said that I like to sleep next to a while alright otherwise I can't, sleep and this instance, I had. To put in a while and it came up in a big spot as I picked this but now I've got a big spot man so yeah I'm just gonna go up to. Court. Now get, some money out and I shall see you, probably. When I look different. Alright guys. I'm. Ready. Hugs, my hand going off, my nails done, these are my nails really, really, nice, I've, got an alibi fly.

That And. Yeah. Yeah. Even an outfit. And. I've got a little bracelet, as well hold on I'll show you for working women. Under. Mad mullah it, was I. Was. There. Do. You remember when me and Aaron, went to York and, I, went to the Harry Potter shop well. I'm just about to eat my chocolate frog, even though how long wear it I got, about, two months. So. Yeah one. Of the five founders, of hogwash, I ruined, a ravenclaw, she. Moves oh I can't say yeah looking, at you. Matthew. That's important, bit like, a mafia. Hi. Everybody. So. I, was, gonna film. Oh dear, I wouldn't, may i oh no I, was, gonna, film earlier. But, I forgot, got. Carried away listening to music, but that set, my alarm sick, o'clock in the morning, because. Well. Now we're to London and I've decided my aunt, decided I've, realized, that I'm not really throttling. Whilst appropriate, she was up my hair and I forgot my, contact lenses, but I've got me glasses so I like doing me what's in our way. And, I forgot my perfume. And I'll be jewelry. I'll. Because, I've set my alarm at 6 o'clock and Lincoln. Back. Alright. Guys so we're in London now we've been here for a couple of hours now but we couldn't check in till two o'clock so. We've, just arrived, at our hotel which. Is the. Hub at Premier Inn and it. Is amazing. Maybe well futuristic. I feel like a bit of spare, well. Not. The bed which is basically, the whole room a little. TV, there how big TV, and then it's got like a map of London. Well gadgets. Yeah behind your head. Then. The, bathroom. And. Yeah so. I don't know what we're doing now I might just thought explore, afterward, just like changed. A few things I stuff like that so I shall check in with you everyone will probably get to the National History Museum. I. Got. A little bad girls over there look. You, don't appreciate things, like either what. You, want. Oh the, flowers badger idioms, I've got bloomed up, see. I'm good me. Tell. Bat wings. Five. We're like a lot of the bass gonna come out at you I. Laugh. To say David after breath, all right good job offer, no keep, you know please guarded. It's. All right max. How. It it's all better. Oh. Jesus. That. Bashad. That. One there. That. Blue. Building. So. We're just done ago ago and, that was the shad not. That, building over there or whatever. Alright, guys so. Aaron's. Like oh let's, go down here I think what. Do you say like the skies down that's all Trafalgar. Square, so, our family's, popped out right, by. This road closed up and. It's. Not it's, not Trafalgar. Square. Good palate. So. Now we're walking down, the. Queen's. Sure. That is an outfit so good I assume. All. Right guys so we are back in the Broadway cast back now Erin's just on impaired, first tickets back now so I set. Up a final. A my face. Alright. Guys so last, night I'm. Gonna get passed and, it is Thursday. 30. August. I'm. On my daughter away again and yes, as, I was saying I met for the third time I will.

Gonna Get passed out, and I was so excited because I didn't have a clue what it was I could check my bank, check. My Amazon it wasn't anything on that I can't remember paying anything Michael, know, what it is and then I got, the starting off is all over the curl it which is where like the, path of girls when you know and, it were my contact, lenses, alright you having a laugh also. I've been wanting, to tell, you, let. Me know male not, in there. Molly. No. Good. Again. What. Else hear that going. In there give. Me 12 so me and Aaron have been looking. At. Apartments. And um oh, god, I don't know what it was that two-weeker. Went, to view one it real nice but, it was just across the road from where. Aaron, used to work when he had an armed robbery I, mentioned. This to ladder, and, she was like oh, but, that was six years ago well. Yeah. But so, I asked her about like, security, and, everything it she was like oh if you're lucky does nobody's, gonna come in and. That's. Not. Very. Securely. Well I don't, know. Oh Molly, whuppie told me about this time so. And. Also a virgin, media. So. I'm gonna go on up this is already. Shouldn't. I cut up being awfully. Alright. Guys so where we go every. Single time I've turned my car on lately there's been another error so we'll see what what, is today what have you got for us today. Um. Alright. Service. Which you don't need but it comes at all time Oh. Fixed. It so guys, this, morning I look like a mess, with my hair because, I've not brushed it but I think it looks pretty cool so leaving, it and I'm. Going to get my nails done so. We're thinking why. Look oh. No. I'm. Gonna go I look. I shall. Knock you in my angle sound like a good idea no all. Right. Guys so, before going I wanted, to talk to you about something, that I've set up if you follow me on social media probably. Know what this is already, but I've created a, group on Facebook called. The, auction block of society all, people, in Yorkshire, who are like those, bloggers. Bloggers, whatever within, that like yeah why that's it's. Open to everybody you've. Got to send me a request, first, just so I don't know it's currently got free people but, I am hoping to obviously, raise up a little bit and and I just set it up for bloggers, to get to know each other to, share the tips I'm gonna be when the group, grows a bit I've got loads like, not, well lots of external. Sources, where you can learn blogging. That are really good and I've, been like in contact, with these girls and the real and ask girls that provide classes, and stuff so you can like, learn, all about it anyway yeah so if, you are a blogger from Yorkshire. We're gonna say about that you have to be for Bradford. Yorkshire. I don't want to say The Devil's counter, you know you are from, I'm not, joking. With you you can join to my tea option, and the surrounding, area, not, like another. Country, I like London, are some things yourself up, nah should, have called it the northern, bloggers, yeah. So my, aim is, to. Just get people making. Friends with each other the dark I'll necessarily. Have to get along with me I just thought, nobody. Really. From Yorkshire, it was a blogger knows that many yatra so, I wanted to just create, a platform where I could get to know each other like I'm part of a beauty. Group on Facebook. Everyone talks on there I've gotten our one girl group everyone, talks on there and I mean, really much like, a blog was great god coffee. I'm a bird pic I need to sneeze as well I don't want to pack you don't repeat no you know I'm about I don't wanna party, cuz there's a big row of houses and, I felt like everyone would look at me but I parked, over daya face in the shrub and the added bright idea to cuz, I had like 10, minutes I thought well about 15 minutes, out I'm just gonna turn me Karen so I reveal a status, but then this woman wanted my spot and I'm laughs I got sick so they come. Over there cuz I'm not letting her watch me yeah. It's currently a catwalk, jimmer not right bothered about. Do. It back next now. She's. Gone over there oh look. At that cat, what. Are you saying so much. A. Pinky. On camera, but, yeah. Molly. Is a camera, stopped growling Aetna, or you get you dog warning. Where's your dog. Good. Morning, guys. Afternoon. And. This. Morning, we are venturing off, to Doncaster, to, go me it's all friend, because we are going to yorkshire, wildlife park, i. Think. This. Sort. Of clip. Is going to be in the end of this, week this, month's.

Video Because. Today is their second of September, and if, you no longer August. And I said oh I'm going to do like a monthly, vlog what. Yeah. So. When. I get lost I'll but I thought Eddie, I don't, think I'll get it out look this stuff. Yeah. Thank, you for watching. And I shall see you in my next video. You.

2018-09-09 09:55

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Molly just loves her little piggie & duckypoo

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