The 16th Century Masjid from the Banten Sultanate

The 16th Century Masjid from the Banten Sultanate

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Manly - It's my new jacket - Yeah, new jacket - Bule Police (Laughing) - Yes Ok we're in the way to Masjid Agung You can see A massive line of buses We've already passed a few buses You can see that in the rear-vision mirror A few more buses Oh man! So looks like, must be a lot of tourists coming here So there's um.. (Counting) 8 buses that I can see just from this small section of the road And we've still got another couple of Probably couple hundred meters to get to the masjid So could be a lot more, we're just stuck here A little bit further along Ah there's more Must be at least 100 buses here And heaps of cars There will be a lot of people - (Waving to the camera) - Hello (Laughing) This is the entrance A walkway to it Lots of things for sale Mister, buy - Hi guys - Hello Section 2, continues - How long? - I don't know how long A few hundred meters of these shops Hopefully we're at the end soon - For what? - Your shoes - Huh? - To wrap your shoes - Cleanliness - Cleanliness For the cleanliness of the mosque One for both, one is enough - One per shoes? - Yeah - Huh? - They need the money, you must buy You must buy it Inside, take them off The entrance This place is packed This is too loud Let's go outside - (Trying to sell something) - No So this is the outdoor section Looks like a couple of ziarahs there which I didn't realize were here Not going in to see them - (Trying to sell things, again) - No, it's ok It's ok A lot of people selling stuff here Yeah a few photos and not much else Not much of a trip So we've returned from Masjid Agung And this might be another Masjid Agung According to Google Maps, Masjid Agung Nurul Ikhlas I have to confirm the name of this, maybe there's a sign here This is right near the hotel where we're staying, the Swiss-Bel So just thought I'd come and check it out Looks like they got another floor up there Come in this one first - Assalamualaikum - Waalaikumsalam So there we go A bit of light Yeah pretty dark in here as well So I guess I'll walk backwards (Laughing) Because there's a little bit of light coming from the outside There we go, massive Wow Yeah this place is huge And here's the front Very nice, very cool in here as well Maybe I should just put the drone up inside the masjid That would be pretty cool Just spin around and look at everything But yeah I don't know who to ask for permission I'll just do it outside only But I might just pop up to the second floor and take a look up there Got a staircase over here as well There we are Up the top of the steps I guess just extra room to pray And a bit of a view Down to the bottom Lucky I didn't come up those steps because looks like they're.. This could all be locked Yeah they've all got padlocks So yeah maybe just a bit of a.. Bit of a view of the city of Cilegon from up here One thing I noticed is there's not really any tall buildings here So I might put the drone up And you can see that Maybe just a lot of old buildings before it got modernized That's it for this masjid Little bit more footage We'll check out of the hotel And we're off to the aunty's house Just arrived YouTube - So this is Uwa Tua (Old Aunty) - Uwa Tua (Laughing) - Syam's Uwa Tua - Syam (Syamsiyah), yeah Going to take a tour of the house - Uwa's husband - Yeah, my husband Meet the in-laws - Assalamualaikum, how are you? - Thank you Video - So you have a shop too? - Yeah - Restaurant - Restaurant? What do you cook here? Juices look good there And there it is Swallowed the chili I think they're cooking chili at the moment Always makes me cough So this is the outside Trying to get some fruits down - Mango? - (He nods) Mango, ok - Hmm? - Big Big, yeah This is the front So they are building a ... maybe an apartment building or something They're building an apartment - Is this an apartment? - It's a hospital - Hospital - Hospital, ok Wouldn't have guessed that's a hospital, that building Pretty big structure See if this guy can get this - Ah, cut it - Already cut it? - What is this? Mango? - Mango from up there - What is this? - Mango - Mango - Too big Oh man Mango, that is big - It's big, the mango - Let's take a photo - Together - We've taken some before (Laughing) No success That's by far the biggest mango I've ever seen There we go, we got one (Laughing) Yeah It's still hard It's going to get me in the head (Laughing) - Here, do you want it? - Let's go, later we're going to make rujak So that's it - Coffee - What? - Huh? - Coffee - I don't like coffee - You don't like? Who wants to be in YouTube? - Say hello! - Hello! - Introduce yourself - (Waving) - No one wants to introduce themselves? - My name is Roni Roni? Roni, ok - My name is Dzikri - Is? - Dzikri Ardi Pradana - Dzikri? - Dzikri? - (He nods) - And? - Aa iip - A iip - Yeah - And? - My name is Indra Wijaya - Indra Wijaya - Indra Wijaya? - Yeah - Ok - Difficult names - (Laughing) (Laughing) Hard to pronounce - But I pronounced it right, yeah? - Yeah - His name is.. - Muhammad Auffan Al-fatih

- Al-fatih - (He nods) Muhammad Auffan Al-fatih Ok Ok that's it (Laughing) There we go Want to hold the camera? It's ok, I can wear it? - (Laughing) - Is it ok or not? - What is this for, Mister? - I don't know, wear it and? (Laughing) Handsome, yeah? - Hey Mister, cool! - Am I handsome? - Handsome - (Laughing) Ok Maybe you can stand over here Because of the sun (Thumbs up) Masculine - New jacket - Yeah, new jacket Bule Police (Thumbs up) - So this is his jacket - Yes - Yeah I borrow it for the video - Yes Going to Anyer Beach Getting down near it and just like the masjid... It's packed Very busy You got this little entrance thing Yeah looks like there's probably going to be a lot of tourists down here as well Welcome to Anyer - Hello Mister! Hi! - Hello - How are you? - I'm fine Alhamdulillah The name is Berok Beach, Anyer - What beach? - Berok Beach - Berok? - Berok, Anyer - Berok, Anyar, ok - City - Alhamdulillah, shitty? - Alternative number 1 - Ok - The first from Anyer - Ok - Yeah I'll check that (Laughing) Ok so we got 3 cars come down here I changed my shoes and that and everyone is gone I'll try to find them - Hello - Hello - Where are they? - At the hut over there - You know the place? - Uhm hm Ah ok Here we are - Where's Syam? - There Still far, ok Thank you That's all the family there Syamsiyah is already at the beach with Akbar Her cousin It's not really looking too good for a swim I don't know if anybody will go in I don't know Oh (Laughing) - Instagram photo - (He nods) - (Laughing) - I don't know - Is it good or not? - Not good Not good? Back light Yeah (Laughing) There's so many people there - I think - Huh? - Because the sun is coming from there - Yeah from there - (Laughing) - There's so many people there Akbar should go here and you go there, and you don't be able to see the beach Akbar takes a lot of her Instagram photos (Laughing) I don't think anybody will be swimming We'll see For a walk, yeah? Oh no - You forgot something - What? His shoes Hey, you don't like the beach? - He feels weird standing on sand - Don't like it? First time on the sand You don't like it? They're not having much luck here Because it's very overcast and dark So, not getting a good photo Let's go for a walk through the swimming area - There's so many rocks, yeah? - Huh? - Many rocks, yeah? - Coral - What do you think? - What? - About this beach - Yeah.. not bad Not bad From Cilegon the beaches are quite far It's not the best one but it is the closest one That's why we've come here - Not the best one - Yeah Sawarna Beach looks nice but I don't know - Never been there - Ok Alright There it is - Swimming? - (No) Ok Riyaz - He's a little scared of the sand - Yes I don't think he likes the feeling This guy here, hello! Hello! Camera! Oh no (Laughing) He's eating the sand You hungry? Hungry? What is this? Gelombang? (Wave) - Ombak - Lombang - Ombak - Ombak What's "gelombang"? It's the same Yeah so I've heard that word gelombang before Learnt something new today Gelombang is for (wave) in the ocean and the one here (wave on the shore) is whatever they just told me Forgotten already Ombak and gelombang I'll try to remember that Yeah just put the drone up Yeah you see those towers over there? So I went there and signal was not very good So there must've been a lot of interruption over there Back over this side it's not too bad - Yeah - Hey He's getting a bit more used to the beach He's eating an ice cream in the beach (Laughing) Salty ice cream, I think the waves have got it - (Laughing) - Oh no - Hello -(Thumbs up) - You like this? - Yeah - Yeah? Ok - (He nods) Ok good We have another one somewhere Syahid, there he is He's gone away on his own Maybe I'll scare him Ah he's seen me What are you doing? What Syahid? What are you doing? Filling up the bottle? - Uncle Bule don't want to swim? - Eh? - Uncle Bule don't want to swim? - No swimming This is enough - Hi - Hello - Hello - (Laughing) - Do you like to swim? - Yes Yeah, ok You might have noticed my name is now Uncle Bule (Laughing) A few of them call me that It's quite funny Just had a heap of goats rush the beach They get to be in my video Hello So I just saw the sign You can rent out these little huts We got one IDR 30.000 So I think that's You know, as long as you stay here it's not per hour or anything like that - Where are the wipes? - What? Eh? - Where's the baby wipes? Riyaz pooped - It's in the car - Yeah can you take it? - Ok Ok, on the way back And spotted this masjid, it looks quite nice Just going to stop in and see how it looks like inside Looks very newly built Nothing has gone wrong with it yet There we go All the lights are off A little bit dark on the camera But yeah, quite nice here Big sky dome and chandelier here It looks really new Everything is top quality condition This is the front Very relaxed here as well It looks like people aren't in a rush or anything People carrying their children around Children playing out front So yeah, that's it Another little mosque tour for the video

2023-09-14 12:34

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