Thailand Travel Vlog: Unveiling the Nightlife Secrets of Pattaya's Soi Buakhao

Thailand Travel Vlog: Unveiling the Nightlife Secrets of Pattaya's Soi Buakhao

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so do you think Zhenya is there or not, well, now let’s check. Who is this and who is this [applause] [music] he’s such a hooligan [music] but you see the moment that this guy was sitting there all hanging his balls And at this time there it just came out of this room Yes, this is the friend of this same Robin, yes sometimes they are there she That is, he goes out to smoke, she doesn’t really smoke Yes, now it has come out That she’s just meeting someone Yes, but she went Now, in my opinion, she can see that he’s [ __ ] all such Well, yes, you know he not only doesn’t give a fuck, but maybe even excites him Yeah, what a fucking pervert, don’t tell me, look how wonderful you’re sitting here, the saleswoman arrives Yes And so, well, like a smoker, you buy the block that we took, look at it for 400 Baht, fuck it I also decided to try this one Well, electronic Yes, damn, 600 pavs is supposedly enough And how much is 150 Baht, yes And there are also different ones Yes, but I chose Energy Dr, say it like Bull because sometimes you need to just keep that in mind for your Bao here you can buy everything for a smoker at least Yes, a woman comes to me and brings me change Well, these are the people for the restaurant and they close at 12 Oh [ __ ] it’s already the second hour Oh wow, that’s the kind of reception they have Yes And here’s the exit [ __ ] without light through the restaurant in the dark, as if not [music] fucked up automatically didn’t leave and well, it was just one then zero like that Yeah Well, how do you like the situation right away nah Yes Well, the comrades drove in short to this what’s it called [music] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] this is the gimbal I have, he’s still hooligans oh fuck Let’s go to this one, what’s his name Tau say [music] let’s go, let’s go to the round bar, let’s look at Zhenya, we’ll accidentally stumble upon Zhenya somewhere, somehow, wow, look at what kind of design was not Pataya’s tritan before just like this but like a Christmas garland look oh fuck I still have to look at the road So if I’m distracted from the screen something isn’t [music] I read at Bob we look like this is coming [ __ ] With this Well, you’ll find out, yes he’s the one that means Well, let’s take a look What do you think [applause] [music] oh well, so what do you think Zhenya is there or not, but now let’s check, someone there looked like him Well, I don’t think so Oh fuck [music] look, it just looks like a woman with glasses on Irina there's playing on the floor I think that's the same [applause] [music] and the girls are dancing as always [music] and fucking Well, let's go in and check what's going on [music] I think that's a woman that's the same wait [music] and that's you Wow Very I'm glad to hear you nano Yes, please meet me, I'm very glad to meet you Personally, I've been dreaming of going there for a long time and Olya It's awesome Yes, where is the Georgian And where is the Georgian I didn't know that here Zhenya didn't warn again so I didn't take it with me I came by guessing hope This is who is who Tay is a hooligan where was he hiding a Very nice Yes, it’s nice to see pa It’s nice to see a lot of people so yes, we’ll drink you too now, be sure to go dance dance Oh yes over there Oh you russki das no do alaz It’s just good to lift something up Yes yes, I remember I said that la good Yes yes good Now I’ll stop you understand yes guys but the main thing is that he O [ __ ] more [ __ ] Okay I’ll just record [music] [music] Sorry, in short, I’m not in live mode now e -my Yes, fuck something, the voice sat down, in short, he went, Yes, now he’ll come and tell you all the damn [ __ ] [ __ ] ts, in short, here it’s like this [ __ ] yes Yes okay Okay what what a [ __ ] Now I’m heading back to my hotel here it’s quieter but a quick report like that, yes, but you understood that well, I went there like this, going there by guess in my own Yes, no, not in my own Well, in this round yes, I had such a premonition What if I look and and you saw everything this company is assembled there today, it’s just that the dude there told me right away for some reason, it’s no longer Misha, but probably some other manager they have, like that you can’t stream there, well, I knew that anyway, so I kind of cut it off Oh fuck Well, here we go and now I just rushed As they say , back to my room to pick up the chinqueda then Well, now For their sake I’m back, now I’ll pick up a couple of T-shirts at the same time, but one for Zhenya, one for Vitas for sure, and you also think which ones take Here's the process Peter for you Rudi our Subscriber yot sal [music] [applause] the long-awaited broadcast has finally taken place And even then by accident [music] like [applause] [music] [applause] [music] Yes, Vites he is so very hot very hot What a kinder yes [music] I know the last time I was 3 months ago I liked this too yes Polya today somehow with the maiden Virgo [music] beauty adj today the undertaking is coming Polya this is her bosra A yes yes I’m her vilon [applause] Yes, she doesn’t have two children You [music] are sure No fucking way [music] yourself Ami was in a relationship with her like that, you see [music] how anyone was interested in Where did the third one go [applause] sack they gave you one sack one piece Yes they shared with Vitas Yes you like you too Zhenina Yes not just the person who brought This m piece in a bag And when in the video And in their hands only two ask where Trey went I tell where he went they gave me Well about the the meat is not very good here I have films and fish [music] the vegetable has now stolen the lard with the meat there very much Why no thanks Of course Yes yes this is very ext Yes well not only I should be thanked to Peter himself who did this you probably don’t know him personally Thanks PT Thank you, yes, yes, and thank you, and thank Alexander, who brought the SBO [music] What a sweat can you imagine now, we will meet with him together, I think, yes, the day after tomorrow, I’ll devote another day, I’m great, Alexander, you [music] got it, Well, I don’t know, I don’t know how, but this like a farewell party Yes, they all got out on stage Yes, well, it’s as if people are saying that the line-up here is not very good And I agree I didn’t check them out and that this one is in the krog y-my Yes and Well, you can see for yourself Yes Fuck, they’re something to me too they don’t come in like you, only Andrei checked them out there for some reason, he said that he liked it, well, fuck. For me, on a de-point scale, fucking only gets a four, for example, this went out at what time at 4 in the morning with five hundred baht, I wanted to eat something, this one so the woman bought it, she also advised me to take something, I went and got it for 50 baht. She asked. What about beer, she said, now he’ll show me where I can get more beer, for example, let’s go now, and then I went and started looking closely. Maybe I can pick it up. Although what he has left now is 450 minus a couple of beers probably how much How much Well yes Oh fuck what is there 200 Baht left Yes well then it’s useless of course bullshit at 5:00 in the morning in Thailand Suddenly I wanted to eat and drink naturally 7-eleven is closed but there are always places where you can take it and Think big this San Miguel yes and 85 Baht each While outside when they are sold How much will I wash there somewhere 70 or 77 But keep in mind that it’s like Yes, what time is it 5 am again Well, naturally there it’s from the makashnitsa there TKV 50 Baht lime I wanted something, you know, so they cut it 40 Baht and the watermelon was also cut 40 Baht Here But you can throw it in the refrigerator like that And in the morning Yes, with a hangover it’s a pleasure How many times do you say 300 Baht like that, you can’t say goodbye ate no goodbyes

2023-11-24 18:01

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