Thailand’s PARADISE?! Would you stay here?

Thailand’s PARADISE?! Would you stay here?

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hi my name is josie and welcome to Koh Samui  yesterday we made the trip from chiang mai   to Koh samui we got to grab to the airport  where we checked in our bags and our luggage   we then got a free coffee from the bangkok lounge  that i almost dropped absolutely everywhere   we got on the plane from chiang mai to bangkok  and it was a little bit louder than usual we then waited about an hour at the  bangkok airport for our flight to Koh sumui   so we're at bangkok airport now and we're just  on uh lining up for our plane to samui but   we're just wondering whether we had to pick  up our bag from baggage claim and then like   put it on the next plane but apparently just go  straight through and meets us there so we had to   get a little bus to our tiny little plane i don't  know if i've been in a plane this morning and with   a little bit more turbulence than i'm used to we  landed in Koh samui airport very windy out here   i can't see where i'm going okay from there we got  a little bus which took us to where we picked up   our bags this airport is so cute well it's like  outside this is cool our bat i think our bags   made it all the way we didn't have to get them  or anything whoa it's looking outside where's our   bags is that here it comes on this carrot there's  like a carousel here for the bags but it's like   outside and then we have to pay 700 baht for  a taxi to our villa since there were no grabs   around here today is going to be so much fun  i'm so excited for my first real full day   on Koh Samui island i love the beach i love this  i'm so excited in a little bit i'm going to give   you a tour of our villa and what we have around  we are straight on the beach as well so we're   probably going to explore the beach also and then  we're going to go to a really cool cafe restaurant   for lunch called the mud it's just up the road it  looks like a really nice spot for a coffee and an   instagram photo so we're gonna get that that's  for sure and then we're gonna do a little bit   more exploring on this side of the island we're  on the quiet side i believe we're on the west side   so a little bit more of the quiet side whereas  most tourists would stay near the airport on   i think the east side so stick around with us  make sure you watch and we are going to show you   our travels and our adventures on our first day  on Koh samui island okay so we are gonna come   back and give you a tour of our villa down there  and everything around it and everything like that   but we're gonna go and get lunch now at the mud  it's just up the road and it looks so cute has   cute photos online so we're gonna go there so make  sure you stick around and watch the tour because   that's the beach right there and it's  worth it trust me let's go to mud so we   walked literally about a minute up the road and  we're here now it is really big so i think that   it is really big there's like this half and then  the other half over that way as well and the beach   is it's gonna go dark on me the beach is literally  just there so let's see if we can find a seat   and this is a really good place for  photos i've seen like there's little   huts and stuff and swings and things swings  and things so let's see what the food is like   and this is so pretty the beach is literally  right there it's accommodation as well   yeah you can stay in these little huts  there's huts down down there as well   um they've got like a really cool like like  bambooy type roofs and they look really cute   they're all like individual little huts as well  here so i like it ah sorry can i get the chicken and some chilia oh yeah no no spice my uh sweet  chili sweet chili's okay why uh yellow and red is   okay it's a spicy it's weird sweet it's okay this  is really cool we're sitting outside it's a little   bit hot right now so i am sweating a little  bit but it's nice to be outside and it hasn't   rained yet which is good but it probably  will oh thank you oh beautiful thank you   it's got like a flower on it that one's so cute  okay so i got the chicken cashew nut which looks   absolutely delicious you have the chicken  obviously it's fried chicken not um like   grilled chicken sometimes you get either or it's  got a couple of vegetables in there it looks like   capsicum some like green stuff some onions and  you've got obviously the cashews in there as well   with a beautiful little pot of rice which looks so  cute michael got some fried chicken so it's come   in like quite a small portion but it looks really  nice it's a little bit fried and then he also has   his pad kapow with some chili in there a fried  egg some steamed rice honestly all the food looks   absolutely delicious and i can't wait to eat this  we have shared plates so we can dig in i'm excited   all right so we moved inside because it was like  really hot in the sun i'm still sweating but i'm   going to try this chicken cashew nut there's a fan  on me so if you can hear that that's what that is it is it's like a sweet chili sauce  really nice i like a little bit of   vegetables and like carrots on top in there  as well so michael's going to give me a   bit of his pad krapow that he's taken  the chili's off for me added a little   bit of white part of the egg a lot of fried  egg and some rice as well so let's try it oh that's so good it's so great oh it's a little  bit spicy um yes it is this is spicy that's a good   pad kapow that's delicious this is nice there was  like on the menu a mix of like thai food and also   there was like pizza do you see a burger there's  like burgers there's a little bit of western food   on there as well it's a little bit more expensive  than like where we were in chiang mai but we're on   the island so that's going to happen and obviously  this is like a really nice restaurant with an   amazing view of the beach and everything like that  so pretty stupid pretty still still pretty good chickens there's chickens down there it's so pretty here there's like nets  and like seats like cool seats and like   let's go have a look oh i love that   oh this is so pretty i love the islands let's go  let's go have a look it's like a thing here that   says like playground to rope tunnel and farm  i think the farm is where the chickens were   downstairs okay so there's like a beautiful net  and seating back there and you know you've got oh   it's just so beautiful up here you've got seating  everywhere you've got nets you've got downstairs   there's like the farm or whatever and then down  these stairs here that i'm walking right now   we're gonna go down and see the animals there's  like animals down there it's like ostriches   and like chickens and stuff so this is a bit of a  steep staircase to be honest chickens over there there's ostriches let's have a look there's  one outside oh a little baby chicken i'm   going to put them inside yeah they're  all outside oh they're outside let's look hi little cheekies let me help  where the little one go look at them what i almost walked the size of your head oh my  god into that that's good how do i get out now this way it's so big that was a big spider i like walked  straight through i didn't even think about it   it was like this far away from my head where they  were okay that's weird they were just here they're   not here michael have you made it up i just  saw them there's like literally nothing here   oh my god they're running at me oh they're running i'm sorry i did i'm sorry sir i'm sorry sir   sorry sorry i didn't mean to intrude  this is a really steep staircase all right now that i'm scarred for  life about almost hitting that spider   i think we should go home and  give them a tour what do you   reckon sounds good let's go to our villa  now where there's hopefully no spiders   all right we're heading back to the villa now it's  literally probably a 30 second walk down the road   but before we get there before i get give you  the tour could you take two seconds of your time   to press that subscribe button for me it really  helps me out with my channel youtube likes me if   you do that and it really helps me out as well  so make sure you click that subscribe to the   subscribe button and also the like button to show  me that you like this video and you like these   kinds of stuff and you like my content and you  like my page so that'd be really helpful thank   you so much let's get into this tour of this villa  it is beautiful you're gonna love it let's go do hello okay so this is such a cool villa we found  this pretty much at the last second and i'm really   glad that we did we're on the sort of west side  of the island i think i said this a little bit   earlier so it's more of the quiet side we're not  sort of where most of the tourists would stay or   it's sort of more busy over there we're on the  other side of the island so yeah so i can't wait   to show you sort of what we can see from inside  the villa but i'll show you that in a second first   we're going to go through the inside you walk in  from these big blind foldy doors into your lounge   room now it is quite small but i think i love it i  think it's cozy i think it's minimal i think it's   aesthetically beautiful you have a coffee table  right in front of these doors so you can sit   on this lounge have a coffee or put your feet  up and have a look straight through the doors   to the ocean literally or your private pool  right in front of you so pretty cool if you   ask me there's pillows the couch is pretty comfy  you have a big mirror behind you so you can check   your feet or do your hair or whatever you like  there and there's one in front of this dresser   so there's a dresser over here so then right  behind the couch you have the bed and i will say   i think it's the comfiest bed i've  ever slept in in thailand i know   it's soft i love soft beds the pillows  are comfy i love this bed let's go see did you see that yeah guys it's so soft it's  literally like sleeping on a cloud it was   so nice last night i didn't want to get up i  slept in it was amazing the other really good   thing about this villa is the aircon the aircon  works so well or ac whatever you want to call it   it's so cold in here and we woke up this morning  and had the blind doors open all the way and it   kind of warmed up while they were open as soon  as we closed them we got cold again within like   a minute or so so it works so well you got power  points everywhere so i will say as well it's   pretty well set up for if you work online or if  you do some work on your laptop with the desk with   the powerpoint with a lounge with the powerpoint  it's pretty good i will say the internet isn't   that great um but i guess it's good enough depends  on what you're doing a bit slow here though   let's go to the bathroom i love it in here  walking in you have the like uh where you put   like snacks and coffee and tea and a kettle with  like a bar fridge they've got a basket a basket   a basket they've got a basket they've got a basket  here and it says free on it and we love free um   and you can have any of this you can  have any of the soft drinks the water   just not the alcohol the alcohol costs extra  that's to be expected but this is a cool little   place because i can like make my coffee or tea and  the ocean's still right there but coming this way   because you've got sort of like this like mud room  here it's got like a big thing where you can put   i'm not sure maybe your bags we put ours at  the top they've also given us so much stuff   like obviously not to keep but to have you've got  robes here that are just feel so nice you've got   some thongs down there so if you want to stuffed  up to the beach or flip-flops or flip-flops we   don't even call it flip-flops well americans  on the channel they like they give you thongs   thongs aren't they're for your feet okay i thought  that's what they are we're australian up here they   have like hats so you could like use like a  sun hat this is michael's one there's a boy   one there's also a girl one that i've left outside  because i took it out while i was on the pool this   morning but they've given you some hats to wear  as well it's got this big like concrete slab of   a vanity with a massive sink it looks so nice  to me i love this look you've got some little   like hand gel a couple of like toothpaste kits in  case you forget things got obviously your toilet   but this is your shower and i love showers like  this it's like a rainfall head it looks so nice   there's a skylight at the top so you've got like  lots of natural light in there as well and as   always you have like some shower gel some shampoo  and conditioner there for you as well i think this   is beautiful i love this room i love this villa i  need to take you outside let's go this is amazing   we're not on the one that has a beach front  we're on the one sort of i think a second one   up but you can still see the beach literally  straight in front of us and our pool as well   so this is our view when we wake up in the morning  and it is absolutely amazing the blindfold doors   open all the way the curtains pull all the way  back and this opens straight out onto your deck   onto your pool and literally pretty much onto  the beach so let's go outside i'll show you so   out here you have sort of like a step i guess you  can take your shoes off you have a ladder to hang   your towels we've already like gone swimming and  things a few times so we've got our towels hanging   up there to dry and you also have this really cool  seat for you to sit on it's in the sun it is a bit   hot but you can sit in front of your pool dry  off it's nice to be able to sit outside as well   and look they gave me this they give you like  a sarong to put on here and there's my hat okay so right here literally is the pool pretty  small it's all you need it's a it's pretty deep it   goes up to about my neck on me and i'm about five  five so it's pretty deep it's quite refreshing   it's not warm it's not cold it's kind of that  in between so you're refreshed but also it's not   freezing so you actually want to still get in i  will say that there's someone pretty much ex like   next door that's the only sort of i guess downside  i don't think anyone's in there for us right now   maybe they are they're just really quiet but you  basically like they're walking past our like front   to get to their villa so that's the only sort of i  guess downside you don't want to be walking around   all three if you know what i'm saying you  can walk down these steps to the beach   in 10 seconds and then again you can also walk  up the beach so while we don't have a beach front   it's literally a stone's throw like a i can almost  reach it that's how close it is this is what i'm   trying to say actually i might take you down to  have a quick peek what do you say let's go okay   so we're gonna go for a little walk together i  hope you like that little tour um let me know in   the comments if like what you like about it what  you don't like about it but that was our house   there and we're going to walk down these steps  and we're going to go to the beach i'm going to   show you where we have breakfast breakfast was  included um so that was a really good thing that   it was included because it was a little bit of an  expensive villa was about 140 australian dollars a   night which if you're from australia that's very  very cheap for something like this but it's a   little bit more on the expensive side for thailand  if you come down here this is the shared pool so   you have a pool anyway if you want to come and use  this one and the beach is literally right there so   i don't know how you can go wrong with that  that is literally amazing this is where we   had breakfast so again overlooking the beach it's  right there you have a view of this all morning   and you can sit over here if you want to as well  there's a little seating area next to the shared   pool too so if you want to come sit down here you  can do that as well so on the topic of money this   isn't a collaboration we definitely paid to be  here but i just thought you'd like to maybe see   where we're staying on this side of the island  and i really recommend it the service has been   amazing we asked for a bike um yesterday and  we woke up this morning and we decided not to   take it just because we wanted to sort of hang  around today and relax and make this for you and   we changed our mind and they were like completely  cool with that and they're going to bring it back   tomorrow so i have a really good experience  here there's a few street dogs or beach dogs   around here and one's coming over to me i  hope they're friendly he was hanging around   last when he had breakfast this morning so um he's  coming towards me and he's wagging his tail hi hi   hey beautiful i didn't have any food sorry oh hi  there's another one here oh you're so beautiful   hey beautiful boy oh girl hey beautiful boy or  girl i love dog skies and i've been waiting to   be able to pat a street dog or a soy dog or a  beach dog for so long oh i haven't found one   nearly as friendly as you no you're so beautiful  you're so happy say hi hi hi that's good stuff   nice to meet you look at this  i cannot believe this is real   this is absolutely incredible there's  islands in the distance back there i love it here so the sun was sort of setting outside and it  looked absolutely beautiful but we are off to   dinner we have a place down the road that looks  really pretty and looks like a good vibe i think   it's called beach 59 or something like that so  we're just getting ready to go down there now   and have some dinner i feel like some pad thai  some might have some pad thai and let's go have   some dinner let's walk down the road it's not that  far away a minute or two maybe max so we came down   here last night when we got in really late from  bangkok and from chiang mai it's called beach 59   samui it's right on the beach but the tide's a  little bit further out right now and it's got a   really cool vibe there's fairy lights i love fairy  lights they've got these bean bags on this on the   floor that we're sitting on with like a table in  front of us as well okay so i got the chicken pad   thai which looks absolutely delicious if you ask  me we also got some chips and then we got some   spring rolls that's a really good pad thai it's  actually probably the best pad i've had i think okay we are back from dinner today was really cool  it was our first day on the island of Koh samui   and we kind of just relaxed today but we have  some more adventures coming up for you for the   next few days a few videos few weeks whichever you  know what i'm talking about but make sure you like   and subscribe and i'll see you in our adventure  tomorrow good night bye oh pad thai was so good

2022-06-15 01:38

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