Texas Eats Ep. 19: Natural Bridge Caverns

Texas Eats Ep. 19: Natural Bridge Caverns

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They, scream and all their hand today on Texas eats things. Are getting wild, Oh. This. Week on Texas eats we're hanging out at the Natural Bridge Caverns for an adventure build a. Look. At that oh it's, crispy. Bro. This. Is at, 141. Proof, you're, getting it right in the still. You. Would think something this big would. Still have some flaws to it it looks incredible. We'll. Be cruising around the Alamo City looking for some killer bites. Welcome. To a fantastic, show of Texas, eats and one thing when you're out here at the Natural Bridge Caverns that you cannot miss is the, incredible, zipline system that they have out here and joining us to give a full tour of everything that they have at the Natural Bridge Caverns as Travis we thank you so much for having us out here glad you guys are here thanks for coming now, this is incredible, I mean it, is huge its massive talk. To us about this like what is it this is one of the newest attractions, we have here at the caverns and it's called the twisted trails it's, actually about 60 feet high at the tallest it's four different levels of. Ropes course and zip, rails we, got a climbing, towers and there's even something for the little toddlers and kids down below as well kind of a tykes course and this is where the FBI comes to train right. Okay. Well it looks like it this is incredible, I whose, idea was it to build this massive structure well we wanted to continue to find other fun things we could add here that, kind of fit with our outdoor nature adventure and fun theme and so we, found this attraction from a manufacturer, here. In the United States and just thought it was a great fit and we. Had a traditional zipline system with this for. A while but just this year we added the zip rail system, so there's seven different zip rails around, this thing and you ride them yourself and they curve and and change directions and it's kind of like a zipline but you're on a fixed rail so it's a lot of fun this, is incredible. It is massive. Y'all I mean I hope you can see the scale here I'm, gonna tell a guy but this is massive. Now this, is just one facet of all the incredible things that you guys have going on out here we're gonna take a tour we're gonna go inside the caves we're gonna check out the other things here on the property this, is where you come out to have fun with the whole family this is where you do it I'm just, so glad to be here today thank you so much Travis for having us out here you bad glad to have you if, you love Donuts you're gonna love this place.

The. First stop on our journey takes us to a spot that's serving up some delicious donuts we're. Here near downtown San, Antonio to go inside one of the hottest donut shops in si this is the art of Dona. Joining. Us now is Andre Aguirre she's out here with us and showing. Us all these delicious treats that you have out here at the art of Dona and right in front of me the. Iconic, apple, fritter but of course you're making it here so it's a little different right yes. We actually put a little bit our own. Kind. Of like spike into, it ah it's, not like a real, real apple, fritter it's our own recipe, of an apple it's their own twist it's our own spin it's donuts have fun with it right what makes it unique and special for you guys I think. That the way that we cook the Apple it's a little bit different than a regular apple. Fritter and, of. Course spices, wow. That's. Special, y'all look, at the size of this thing. Mmm. That. Is so good the, texture, is amazing the Apple is so tender it. Tastes like an apple pie apple, pie that's. What we're trying to good. And I love it how does that look to it that you expect from an apple fritter great, texture on the outside that's, what you're gonna get when you come out here this, apple fritter is the size of my hand this is like a badger paw, okay when you come out here it's perfect is exactly, what you want you get the espresso on the side nothing. Better and right in front right there those, are tiger, doughnuts but explain to me why, you have Tiger doughnuts okay so next, week we will be donating 50%. Of the sales of these tiger doughnuts to, the San Antonio soup we're, really near and we're really friends with them so we're. Trying to help out a little bit as, much as you can right as much as me and they retire there which is the man that's the best part to, help raise funds for the San Antonio Zoo the art of donut has a tiger donut, that's right nothing to do with Jo exotic, all right it helps raise funds for the San Antonio Zoo by, offering 50% of the money that they make goes, right back to home and it's delicious so it's a win-win for you this. One right here in front of it this is like the monster, of all Donuts. Possibly the biggest donut in San Antonio, yeah this is her extra-large, donut, and pretty, much we can customize, it all the way this, is our a cereal one. With. Four. Types of RC the ones that we have normally at the shop for icings. For cereals, I'm. Just going to town on this fritter y'all this. Is really, good that's, my favorite, like that I'm over here just dripping I'm just gonna own all these are all my fritters now my, fritters, this. Donut, is massive. Four different kinds of cereal on there for different kinds of icing, absolutely. Delicious you gotta bring a friend because, you can't eat this alone it's. The regular Donuts it's the big Donuts it's the apple fritters and of course you, can't come out here and not get some coffee as well thank you so much for having us out here you guys you got to follow them on social media what's the handle on social media it's art, of donut and. You, can also follow, us on Instagram. There you go that's the way to do it when, you want a coffee you want lattes, you got to come out here at the art of donut they got the cappuccinos, the Americana's, any way that you take it they can make it thank. You so much give me some foot absolutely. Delicious. Come. Get the fritters this is where it's at. Wow. Now. We're heading off to a restaurant, that's grilling up some of the best chicken you'll find. Right. Now we're headed to a joint that's dishing out some tasty. Boil. Located. Down the street from the Natural Bridge Caverns is a restaurant, serving up some amazing chicken, this is poised to saw the cell Gayo.

Joining. Us now is Alex Lezama and you've brought all this delicious, food out here and, we got a no it's called post-assad, oh so you know that the chicken is the star but you have crazy, beef plates here on the side as well we. Sure do let's. Start off with a, Pollyanna, beef, fajitas with this. You get nopales. You. Got a seal, a Colorado. Onions. And, a. Chili wrap nothing, like we call that just a bacon-wrapped pepper, but, you're like a chili rabbit. Shorten. It up that's. A fancy version of it though okay this one this, is like when. You go out to a restaurant you, might expect this this is like what you could put this this. Is like next-level this is a breathtaking, amount. So. Short. Ribs and short, ribs or Costco, so you're gonna see four, to five smaller. Bones which usually when. You do cut a nice asados, you. Come in and you start doing all the way around and that's, what we have if. You're feeling really hungry you got to order the big short rib plate it's enough food to last you or, your family, for at least the whole week. Talk. To me about this one right here I mean it's it's just covered in gooey cheese so that is the loaded. Papas. Gallo. So, we have potatoes. We have bacon, we have asada, and we, have cheese, all integrated. Into that large. Amount, of potato, in there say that again for me what is on there so, we have. Potato. Bacon. Asada. And just, more potatoes, oh he. Just took me to a spiritual, place right now a doc. This. Is by far the coolest everything. Loaded baked potato I've ever seen it's got all the cheese on it it's got some meat on there it looks, absolutely delicious. And, then. The reason why a lot of people will come out here this. Is the Boyles of Solace this is why people, this isn't a name of the restaurant is correct so what is special about y'all is out here so. We. We. We were three individuals, who sat down about two and a half years ago and. We said alright you know let's, do something there's other people doing it so, everything was just a combination perfect, place and we. Came up with what. You call for, your salad there's a lot of other places around San Antonio that are doing it they're marinating, the chicken there's, a lot of different ways to marinate, it but overall, is that you're gonna get this barbecued. Finished chicken it's gonna be put on the grill and, you marinate it how long y'all marinate your chicken there's, various ways to marinate, it we usually marinated, for about 30 minutes for 40 minutes so that it penetrates, very. Fast very well and it gives you that orange, color. And crisp on top and, then you you cannot have for yourselves without your. Caramelized. Onions, so, it's. Like hand in hand right you. Add some lemon and some salt and your chicken and you're. In heaven check this out y'all see, you put the lime on top of the chicken this, is why you come out here y'all this is the bite. Really. Good oh my. Goodness, since a night. That. Is the most tender chicken I've ever had if. You want the most delicious, chicken, that you'll ever try in your whole life you got to come out here to boil so saw this alga Oh change. Your life this chicken is so moist and tender and the outside, skin is nice and crispy you add some of that green sauce on there you'll. Never leave. Thank. You so much for having us out here you guys the, short ribs the fajitas, the crazy Papa's plate right here that's like the loaded potatoes, the, Mexican, sausage and then of course this, is why you need to come out here as soon as you possibly can the oyster sauce this, is rocking dude that. Is some fire chicken, and the sides are outrageous.

Coming. Up next on Texas eats look. At that oh it's, crispy. For, all. Now. It's time for this week's secret, word giveaway. The. First letter is the letter B, write. Down all the letters and at the end of the show enter them on ke saath kaam slash Texas eats for your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to, the Natural, Bridge Caverns. Now. It's time for Texas, eats Natural, Bridge trivia, when. Were the Natural Bridge Caverns discovered, by explorers, a, 1947. B. 1971. C. 1960. Or D 1912. We'll, have the answer for you after, the break. You. When. Were the Natural Bridge Caverns discovered, by explorers, the, answer is C the Natural Bridge Caverns, were discovered, in 1960. Now. Back to Texas, eats. Now. We're adding off to a food truck that's serving up some of the most wild turkey legs in San Antonio, it. May not be rodeo season but these guys are still serving up some killer turkey legs, now. We're here on the northwest side of San Antonio to go inside of a food truck that's serving up some killer turkey legs this is Texas front yard barbecue. Joining. Us now is the Melly Delgado we're out here at Texas front yard this is the food truck that you got to come out to to get the turkey legs you've seen all across social media here in San Antonio why. Turkey legs simply because you can only get it during the carnivals, and PSN, so like that but I figure just have it all year round with us this isn't the typical way you see a turkey now I have to talk to me about the preparation, and what goes into making it we smoked them overnight, we put, our secret sauce on the top of it and then, we throw them back in the pit and we. Let them just simmer in that steam, you guys ready for this. Yeah, falls, right off the bone that's what people want, i'ma dip some of this in there. So. There's a bite right there. Hmm. Oh yeah, lamellae, it's delicious brother yeah that, is really good the, turkey, has a really tender which. Is kind. Of unique because usually when you go to a carnival it's, like you're tugging on them you know yeah it's, a different texture to them you're getting a little bit of sweet a little bit of vinegar and a little bit of that cheesy goodness on there and it's into, the meat so, that flavors all throughout this is not South. Texas this is not Central Texas what's, the influence on the dish I. Don't. Know it's. Just. Come to you it did, the. Turkey legs out here are so special. There's nothing like it here in San Antonio let, alone Texas, and they have amazing flavors. With it it's like an Italian dressing cheese, sauce that goes on top you, pull up the bone and all the meat just falls right off this. Is what you need to try, the. Crispy, dog and iconic. This is more of a Hispanic traditional. Item you've made this growing up it has, the cheese in there you've got the hotdog it's rolled up it's fried it's either put in the pan deep fryer you're, doing a little something different out here they, got like a slaw on top of it but it's like a Pico slaw mm-hmm, I'm give it a try. Look. At that oh it's, crispy. Oh. You. Have yeah, yeah like I. Love. That oh so. Good I'll the slaw on the outside nice, little vinegar touch to it but then the mustard really sets it over that level too and then the fresh produce that's on there really, helps balance out some of that fat that you're getting from the hot dog hot, dogs cooked perfectly, the crispy tortilla on the outsides cooked perfectly and then you got that cheesy goodness in there this is like a Hispanic.

Kolache. That's. Really good I love this. An. Iconic, classic dish, that you're not growing up is the crispy dog but here they're taking it to the next level and they're putting on some of this kind of cabbage. Slaw pico de gallo on top putting, that mustard on there so the mustard really helps bite through all that flavor of the fat and the oil it's delicious, and the crispness on the outside they're, putting the crispy and crispy dog but. If people want to know if you're gonna be moving anywhere else how they get more information contact. Us on social media Instagram. Facebook you, got big dreams and big play but if that's all you need give me some foot all right thank, you I'm gonna keep eating this delicious. If. You're looking for your next food, adventure, Texas, front yard barbecue is where it's at. Coming. Up next on Texas eats go check it out in the middle fluffy. Like a little pillow. Hmm. Good. Good. Now. It's time for this week's secret, word giveaway. The. Second, letter is the letter A write. Down all of the letters and at the end of the show enter them on ke saath kaam slash Texas eats for your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to, the Natural, Bridge Caverns. Now. It's time for Texas, eats Natural, Bridge trivia, how. Tall is the tallest column, in the Natural Bridge Caverns, a 75. Feet B 50, feet C 100, feet or D, 125. Feet we'll, have the answer for you after, the break. You. How. Tall is the tallest column, in the Natural Bridge Caverns the, answer is B the. Tallest column in the Natural Bridge Caverns, is 50 feet tall, now. Back to Texas, eats. Now. We're heading to my backyard to go grill up some kabobs. Right. Now we're in my backyard and we're gonna be making chicken and beef teriyaki skewers. I've, prepared a couple already I'm gonna walk you through the steps on how to assemble them I have bell peppers red, onions, mushrooms. Pineapple. And what you want to do is cut everything into about a one-inch cube, that includes the meat as well so if you have chicken you have beef I have two of them assembled, but we're gonna season them all together. Once this is done I got a regular potato this is one that you would bake in the oven cut. It into cubes put, it on a skewer and what we're gonna do is season it put it on the grill with, our steak and chicken all right the first thing you want to do is put a little stopper, at the bottom of your skewer, I'm, using my mushroom for that this is a sirloin cut from butcher it's.

The Good stuff right there look at that I'm. Gonna go with two pieces of red onion, pop. These on, just. Like that between everything you use make, sure you're putting a piece of meat because that, is the highlight that is the star of this dish so they'll go like that we're. Gonna put a bell pepper on there put. A little bit of pineapple on here as well because it is teriyaki, right another. Piece of meat and. Then we're gonna top it off with. Another mushroom at the end spray, each one. This. Kind of puts a little bit of layer of stickiness for the seasoning, you want to come over here to your potatoes. Load, these guys up. Same. Thing with your steak I. Love. Goiás seasoning, but heat this is kind of like a base coat right, then. You, want to finish off each one of these skewers here a little, bit of steak seasoning this is a Montreal steak seasoning you, can use whatever steak seasoning you prefer for. The potatoes, Lawry's. Seasoned, salt this one that's paprika in it I love, pepper gone potatoes, it's. Gonna give it that really nice color this, is like a simple parsley, grinder. I'm. Gonna hit each one of these again with a little more spray and now they're ready to go on the grill the first thing you want to put on the grill is the potatoes they're gonna take the longest so you want to come over here put. Them on the grill everything goes on the grill at a 45, degree angle. The. Next item that's going to take the longest is the steak now this depends on how you want it cooked do you want it medium-rare do you want it well done that, all depends on you but put the steak on next. 45-degree. Angle. And. The last one you want to put on is the chicken skewers these, you want to make sure they hit 165. Degrees so that they're cooked all the way through in the middle put them on the left side here. You. Want to get the skewers off the grill put them onto a nice tray like this and then, pour some teriyaki sauce on top just. Like that. And. To get this recipe head to our website case at comm slash Texas eats it's, more of a method and directions than it is a recipe but, it's getting everything all together so that everything comes off the grill at once is very important, we'll, come over here and give it a try check this out. Bell. Pepper nice. Little char on the outside. Mm-hmm, that. Teriyaki sauce is where it's a. Big. Old piece of steak. Absolutely. Delicious but I love about this is, that you're getting your side you're getting your entree all. At the same time the potato has a nice crust. On the outside and. Then check it out in the middle fluffy. Like a little pillow. But, good, coming. Up next on Texas eats you, would think something this big would. Still have some flaws to it it looks incredible, this is why you come out here. Now. It's time for this week's secret, word giveaway. The. Third letter is the, letter T write. Down all the letters and at the end of the show enter, them on ke saath kaam slash Texas eats for your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to, the Natural, Bridge Caverns. Now. It's time for Texas, eats Natural, Bridge trivia, how. Tall is the twisted trail zip course a, 50. Feet B 40, feet C, 30, feet or D 60, feet. We'll. Have the answer for you after, the break. You. How. Tall is the twisted trail zip course the. Answer is d the. Twisted. Trail zip course is 60, feet tall.

Now. Back to Texas, eats. Now. We're heading to a restaurant, that's serving up one of the largest pizzas, in Texas. For. This next pizza place you might want to loosen your belt a few notches now, we're here on the southeast side of San Antonio to go into a restaurant that's serving up one of the biggest pizzas you'll see in your entire life, this is big Lou's pizza. Joining, us now is Bryan luan he is the owner out here at big Lou's pizza and in front of us this, is why you come out here this is the big in the big loose pizza, it sure is this is our big loop 42 that, looks and smells absolutely. Incredible. Y'all but we're gonna get to that but. First I want to come over here because it's not just the big pizzas why people come out it's also it's the spaghetti, it's the other pieces you have the sandwiches, and the sides they talked to me about the spaghetti right here you said this is a homemade recipe it is a homemade, family, recipe. I mean. This is something that my family has made, for. Sadly. A, good. 60 70 years my. Mother brought it from her mother and I took it from my mom. Those. Are amazing, meatballs, thank. You great texture wonderful. Flavor and you've, had some time to perfect this actually just recently you celebrated, 20 years here in the Alamo City yes yes just, a few days ago 20, years when. You come out to big loose pizza of course you got to get the pizza but you got to try the other entrees, just like the spaghetti and meatballs, the spaghetti sauce and the meatballs are both made in-house the, sauce is a little sweet but it pairs well with that savory meatball, that's fried, in olive oil it's an old family recipe you can't find anywhere else -, talk to me about the 40 - I just, needed to do something that would not. Only set us aside apart. From everybody get our own niche, if you will but. Get us give us some exposure on any, given, Saturday we do over 200. Of these bad boys talk, to me about the toppings on the pizza, well what I did for you today is one, of my favorite pizzas I call, it like the hungry man special, because. It's got all the meats. It's. Got, a great. Flavor, profile, it. Doesn't get much better than this well. Brian I really appreciate, you having us out here I'm gonna grab a piece of this pizza right here look at that the. Crust is perfect you. Would think something this big would. Still have some flaws to it it looks incredible, this is why you come out here I'm, gonna figure out how to eat this thing and well. You know you're visiting spot you know you hadn't mentioned your burrito let me show you what a lot of a. Lot of customers do is, this how they eat it oh. That's. Incredible, they roll it up like a burrito I love it. It's. No secret y'all this place is known for big pizzas, especially, the big Lu 42. It's been on the menu for about 14 15 years, and it's why it's such an iconic pizza, destination, here in the Alamo City it's massive, the one that we're eating is the meat lovers all different kinds of meat options that they have for the toppings, but the pizza itself cooked, perfectly the crust is still nice and baked all the way through the cheese is melted nicely on there and then you can roll it up that's like a hack you roll it up and you eat it like a little burrito it's, a pizza burrito, big.

Lose This is the spot to come to if you're looking for the big pizza here in San Antonio, look no further right here on the southeast side this, is your spot come, give them. If you've never tried it before it's a mom-and-pop business, that has incredible, Italian food and great, people this. Pizza was massive. And delicious, can easily feed your entire family. Coming. Up next on Texas eats a nature, is crazy, holiday, tree is wild, this is happening right below our feets everybody was up there before it was even discovered not knowing that this was even here. Now. It's time for this week's secret, word giveaway. The. Fourth letter is the, letter C, write. Down all the letters and at the end of the show enter them on ke saath kaam slash Texas eats for your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to, the Natural Bridge Caverns. Now. It's time for Texas, eats Natural, Bridge trivia, what. Is the length of the natural, limestone bridge a. 60. Feet B, 20, feet C, 10, feet or D 80, feet we'll have the answer for you after, the break. You. What. Is the length of the natural, limestone bridge, the. Answer is a the natural. Limestone bridge, is 60, feet long now back, to Texas, eats. Now. We're gonna get a guided tour of the Natural Bridge Caverns, coming. Up right now we're doing our own Journey to the Center of the Earth. We're. Here with Travis waste in the cavern, and right now right behind us is one of the most gorgeous things you're gonna see not. Created by man right this is just nature and its most, perfect form talk to us what's going on right here yeah so we're standing in Sherwood Forest right, here we're 180, feet underground and this, is the deepest point that guests walk on our discovery tour and behind, us here we have the fairy castle formations, and like you said these, are all natural crystalline, deposits this, is all calcium, deposits, and that's, how the cave formations grow so there's actually interesting there's some scientists doing drip, studies right now on calcite, drip deposits, and based. On current knowings. We think it's about a hundred years per cubic inch at the current growth rate but it could be much more could be much less all depending on how much rainfall there was that means this thing's been here for quite a while, this. Is one of the most spectacular things, you will ever see in your life when you come out here you'll, be blown away whether it's the first time the hundredth time every. Time it's just it's spectacular and if you if you stop talking which is hard for me to do but.

It. Just it's like peaceful, its tranquil you could record that. This. Is absolutely. Incredible and, it's massive. Oh my. Gosh this. Is stunning. Natural, Bridge Caverns is the largest cave in the state of Texas and some. Of these formations you were talking about right here this would kind of jellyfish looking here at the top but it's actually called the king's throne you can see where a king might sit right here telling. List to sit arm rests, a footstool, this. Is called the mount of the landlord it's the largest most massive formation in the whole cave and over here is the tallest formation, in the whole cave it's called a watchtower a, nature. Is crazy, holiday, tree is wild this is happening right below our feet so everybody was up there before it was even discovered not knowing that this was even here what, kind of significance, does this have for the Native Americans, or any of the cultures previous to the people who found it the sinkhole where the caverns entrance is is listed in the National Register of Historic Places because, of all the archaeology, of prehistory there so we know the Native Americans occupied that site as far back as 10,000, years before present it's about as early as any of them were ever in in Central, Texas and. So we found a number of artifacts, down. In the entrance of the cave but there's really no evidence that they ever ventured deeper into the cave beyond in the very entrance right there now there are some critters and things like that had been found deeper, into the cave there's evidence of black bear being. Found deeper into the cave bobcats, and some other critters that made their way down probably, got lost in the cave and in an expired, found, their bones later and, no dinosaurs, no dinosaurs. This. Is just stunning this is where it's at. Coming. Up next on Texas eats this is the hearts this is at a hundred and forty-one proof, you're, getting it right from the still. Now. It's time for this week's secret, word giveaway. The. Fifth letter is the, letter A write. Down all the letters and at the end of the show enter them on ke saath kaam slash Texas eats for your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to, the Natural, Bridge Caverns. Now. It's time for Texas, eats Natural, Bridge trivia, what. Is the temperature inside the caverns, a 65. Degrees be, seventy. Five degrees C, 80, degrees, or D 70, degrees we'll, have the answer for you after, the break. You. What. Is the temperature inside the caverns, the. Answer is d the temperature. Inside the caverns, is 70 degrees now. Back to Texas, eats. With. All this good food you know you got to wash it down with some delicious drink so we're heading on over to the Rebekah Creek distillery after, all this food and fun you might need a quench your thirst and we've got the perfect spot now. We're here on the edge of the hill country at Rebecca, Creek distillery, and with me right here is the founder Steve eyes thank you so much for having us out here coming, off and of course out here you're known for the iconic, Rebecca Creek whiskey and you. Expanded. Even past that yes, oh yeah so we started the business, 2009. We're. Still here in Lockwood I started.

With Enchanted, Rock vodka, then. Keep Rebecca Creek whiskey about two years later when they started getting ready and, then Texas Ranger whiskey being 50,000, people to come out annually. Right I mean just last year alone well you said it's a venue so you have the live music, you can have all this fun but you also have a tasting, room if I'd part, of a guided tour we. Go check that out absolutely. Now. We're inside one of the most complete man caves I've ever seen in my life you have a gift shop you got the TV and behind us a plethora, of different kinds of whiskey's and drinks that you can go down to now what's the, iconic drink. That you like to serve people when they come in you, know it's all across the board you. Know we make four different spirits, so we. Have all different drink, combinations, with that cocktails, and so but. My favorite is the the tea up here then you hook up your peach tea that's my favorite can we make that right now can we try that water don't touch me peach tea that sounds the life yep, how bout your tea it's real simple, some. Ice about. An ounce of Enchanted, Rock peach vodka the. French burger tastes. Sweet. Tea. A. Little. Bit of blueberry, lemonade. So. This right here is the, hill country peach D Hill, Croce PT correct Cheers. This. Is absolutely, delicious now if people want to get their hands on these where can they find them yeah so we, basically make four flavors Rebecca, Creek Texas Ranger whisky Enchanted. Rock Baca and Chandler rock peach you, buy them at a liquor store in Texas it's almost everyone and then, if they don't have it at. Your local bar or restaurant please. Complain. Politely. Write. A really. Strongly worded letter okay, about that absolutely, the delicious, you rock thank you so much for having us out here cheers. Guys. So. Brad there's a whole process that goes into making whiskey a lot of people see a barrel and they're like oh yeah whiskey, but there's a whole thing that goes into that what is it like to distill and make whiskey, so, making whiskey is a big task actually, obviously, it's a lot of fun but what goes into it is a. Lot of grain a lot of water a lot of hard work right Brad so you've handed me this cup here this is what you were talking about earlier the white dog what, is it though so this is the hearts this is at a hundred and forty-one, proof, you're, getting it right through the still. If. You've never had the, white dog or whatever they've called it at the distillery the the whiskey before it becomes whiskey. Change. Your life that stuff is crazy it evaporates, on your lips it's, good, if you really enjoy whiskey you got to try it but. It is definitely an adventure.

Coming. Up next on Texas eats things, are getting wild. Oh. Man. Over, coming, in hot baby. Now. It's time for this week's secret, word giveaway. The. Sixth letter is the, letter V, write. Down all of the letters and at the end of the show enter them on ke saath kaam slash Texas eats for your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to, the Natural, Bridge Caverns. Now. It's time for Texas, eats Natural, Bridge trivia, what, is the level of humidity in the caverns is, it a 99%, B. 79%. C. 69%. Or. D 89%. We'll have the answer for you after, the break. You. What. Is the level of humidity in the caverns. The. Answer is a the. Relative. Humidity inside the caverns, is 99, percent. Now. Back to Texas, eats. Now. It's time to go ziplining. Ready. For some high-flying fun, this, is the place for you. Okay. Here we go. Oh. Oh. My. Gosh okay I. Could. Have bought the fall I love the fall okay here we go oh yeah. This is this is what I'm looking at okay, this is fun I'll. Finish it off here oh that's dirty. All. Right. This. Is the craziness all over it's, so funny because there's like I'm literally strapped to each other. That. Was terrifying, oh my. Gosh, okay. Well how. Do you get out of this one. The. Ziplining get your heart pounding go up there I let go of the harness and try to do one of the attractions the little step across things if you fall I swear, you'll never feel that kind of a rush any other place in your life and there's, so much, to do out here we went to the caves we own the zipline everything, out here but there's more to do out here that's right so we also have the natural birds mining company and I'm holding my hand here a bag of mining rough so this is this is the Lucky Strike bag we'll, see if it's lucky for you but the. So, the sluice is basically water running, through a trough and so you're gonna take the bag you're gonna put it inside this loose and you're. Gonna sift it back and forth kind of like miners pan for gold and you're gonna be left behind with all sorts, of gemstones, and treasures, did you get to take home and keep and so this, is a really fun attraction, very interactive and, you. Know what kid doesn't like to get dirty and wet and you get to take some rocks on why not and yeah, there's, shiny rocks my.

Son Would be having a field day that's right he collects regular, rocks why not collect the shiny ones that's awesome and that's a very much reminiscent, of back. In the day right this is kind of getting you back in that vibe because this is a very chill of takes, you back anyway kind of everything here is wrapped around nature and being outside and, so this is just another fun natural, kind of interactive attraction so yeah, we also have a maze which is a 5,000, square foot walk through maze back here call the amazing ranch roundup and so it's a labyrinth maze so, the storyline is your there's a lost calf on the ranch and you got to work your way through the, maze and find the letters, it spell calf and then, you've got to find the exit it's all under time so there's a time clock when you start and there's a time clock you punch on the way out you just kind of see how fast we went and it's kind of a race against time for the whole family and do you win some of these shiny stones at the end oh no, but. The. Maze so much to do out here when, you bring the whole family this is a place where you can relax, you can social distance you can do all kinds of things out here and it's just so fun and when the weather's like this there's, no beating it out here this is where you got to be Travis, thank you so much for having us out here at the Natural Bridge Caverns so, much, to do when you're out here. Now. It's time for this week's secret, word giveaway. The. Seventh letter have you figured it out is the letter e write. Down all the letters and at the end of the show enter them on ke saath kaam slash Texas eats for your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to, the Natural, Bridge Caverns. Thank. You so much for joining us here on Texas eats today and don't forget to go online to ke SATCOM, slash Texas eats for your chance to win a family four pack of tickets to the Natural Bridge Caverns follow us on social media at case at Texas eats on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and don't forget to join us every Saturday right here on case at twelve at ten o'clock in the morning at 11 o'clock at night for food and some fun because this is South Texas ease. You. You.

2020-06-04 21:47

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