Tapas-Hopping, My Favorite Hobby | Joanne Weir's Plates and Places | KQED

Tapas-Hopping, My Favorite Hobby | Joanne Weir's Plates and Places | KQED

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This. Is a town of logroƱo, in northern Spain and check out this scene it comes alive every, night and it's all because, of tapas, and I love, it I love his custom so much that my very first, book was called from, tapas, to, meze today. We're visiting a few tapas bars. Tasting. Some vermouth and we'll. See how it's made. Back. Here in my kitchen. We'll make two delicious. Tapas, spicy. Shrimp with a Monte Otto and oven, baked potato chips with Boca Roni dip I. Love. To travel the globe in search of new food and wine discoveries. For, me it's, about more than returning, home with a handful, of new recipes it's. About taking the spirit of Austria, of Italy. Of Greece. And of, the Danube, River and injecting. Some of their magic, into, our everyday lives, food. Has a unique, ability to, transport, us join. Me as we discover, new, plates and places on our culinary journey together. Johanne, where's plates and places, is brought to you by. With. On the waterways, guests. Can climb, pedaling. And journey. Beyond. The beaten path while. Cruising, on storied, rivers across Europe you, can find out more at alma, waterways, calm. Our. Wine making is the result of teamwork, and patience working, together we dedicate our best efforts, with every, buying grape, and bottle Washington. Vintners since. 1899. My, family, shared our passion for everything that goes into our multi, 100%. Italian, Tomatoes only, Tomatoes only. Start. Something delicious, California, figs from Bali pig growers. Welcome. To la questa one, of my favorite, vermouth houses, the. Winery was started at the turn of the last century by, don felix, martinez, la Cuesta and has been run by the family for generations. This. Place is steeped in history that, you can taste in the glass, I'm, here with Elise Martinez, delayed questa and. We're. Talking for move and his family has been making vermouth, for a few generations yes.

And Now. We are in the fifth generation, because. The next year we will be a hundred and twenty five years old -. Wow. That's fantastic. So tell me a little bit about vermouth. Just simply, I know we're gonna go into it more but just so everyone understands, well it's so simple we, produce the, recipe. And using. 24. Different. Health. Botanicals. And they. Witness a white wine we, mix the. Botanicals. We. Are sugar we had alcohol and finally. For the color we are we, are committed, so. Simple but some of the herbs that you add what are you adding to it that that's what really intrigues, me with for moose I mean when you taste it it's just so aromatic yeah, I think the main Harold. Used is there and they see one more it's. All it's worth zero. Right. Is that also what they used to make absinthe, yes the same thing is the same process and, they would use all, these, plans, that we cancel here I cannot. Remember. But. At. The pro world. Isis. In Amman of course, vanilla. Red. Sandal. Meg. Hyssop. Lavender. Lavender. Wow. Before I visited, the cuesta the first time I had no idea so, many aromatic. Ingredients, went into vermouth it's, an impressive, pantry, of flavor. What. I'm doing is I'm cutting some potatoes, because I'm making these oven, fried potato, chips that are going to be surged with a bucceroni dip, really delicious and I'm starting these now because these potatoes, have to soak in water for 20 minutes. You. Can see what I'm doing is I'm making them paper-thin you can almost see, through them and, that's. What you're looking for. Amanda. Lynn's a great tool, to use for this. Please. Be careful, when you're using a, mandolin, I'm not going all the way to the end of the potato I'm going. To stop, and you start with the next potato. When. I put them in the water I put them in separately, so the waters in between the potatoes. Hi. Angela. How are you AAHA. Is going to make us a captain. With. Using. To Vermont's of, la. Cuesta and it's, called. Quality. It's. Very traditional and, we're now, using the the right, there are great vermouth alright. I'm. Excited about this yeah I love the idea yeah. Okay. The second one is the extra, dry. Vermouth. Okay we are now using the extra drive yeah less, than three. Grams of sugar, per liter okay, okay I just, want you to know in the background you can hear they're all working. Okay. This, is okay okay, I love. Egg whites because they make the drink from, yeah it's, really a nice texture, on the top yeah, I love it, okay. The next one is say, agave. Syrup no that's very interesting it's, a really nice sweetener. Don't. Thought about that. It, gives sweetness. Okay. The, last one it's pure juice pear. Juice with, this, spices. And, Saturday. Never move with hair it, will be a perfect, combination to, get the balance yeah finally develop yeah okay, I. Think. She's done this a few times. To. Cubes of ice. That. Drink is really lovely. Wow. It looks amazing, okay. Wow. Oh. It. Smells so good it gets Mellish. It's, so wonderful you can smell their vermouth and also that, wonderful, pair. Wow. Delicious. That is excellent. Thing I am very proud to have my name on this cocktail. Seriously. It is delicious. I'm. Making. A favorite. Tapa. That comes from, Spain, and I say a favorite, because it's, delicious but it's also simple, just, put a little bit of extra-virgin, olive oil into your pan and then. Wait for it to ripple and this is definitely rippling already so I'm adding some garlic to it just, very thin, slices I don't, want the, garlic to take, on any color. I just, wanted to scent, the oil and to be nice and soft, I'm.

Also Adding a pinch of crushed, red pepper I like, that little bit of hot because, the, hots nice and then you've got the sweetness, of the Amontillado, sherry. Okay. I told you easy a text. I have some large prints. That have been peeled and deveined, and, I'm, adding, a sweet, pea mint on first probably. About a half teaspoon, and. I'm, also adding. One. That's hot and very, smoky, and that's. Just a quarter, not too much remember a little bit goes a long way. Don't, forget a little bit of salt too. And. They. Smell so good it's that garlic. Don't. Overcook, your shrimp you. Can see right now this is a good example see. How, they're kind of grayish, and, they haven't curl, well, look at the difference between that one and this one that's cooked a little bit more the more it curls, you, know it's going to be done don't overcook, them they, cook so quickly. I really. 1 2, minutes is probably all. Alright. See how they're curled we know they're done feel. Them firm to the touch they're, done. So. We've got a lot, of great flavor still in that pan I call that the love in the pickup but, what you want to do is, add a little bit of Amontillado. Sherry. And. I. Turn that on high and, I'm going to reduce it until it's. About half, of the original quantity. You. Can scrape up those bits that are on the bottom of the pan that will. Add a lot of flavor. All. Right now you can see that that's really reduced, I'm adding, the shrimp back in just to warm them up a little bit you can serve these warm you, can serve them hot and you can also serve them room-temperature, they're, delicious. Any way you serve them. This. Kind of coats the shrimp you can see how beautiful they look. And. Just a little sprinkle of parsley on the top. It. Looks like all of them are chilled are they yeah what, should we try first I, think. We, can see, the. Evolution of the remove depending, on the NJ okay. So this is the first the regular the. Same recipe since. 1937. Same. Recipe, on the same label oh yeah. I know I love that yeah.

Mmm. That's. It beautiful nose now. When. You put your nose what do you get first I kind of get some, cinnamon. Right yes, I'm cinnamon, vanilla, yes. I need yes. Wormwood. Lavender. I. Think is the most natural it's, beautiful, and. I love that kind of dry, soft. Finish it's really beautiful, yeah but the entrance is a little bit streets yes and, at the end it's, tea time yes but I like better the. Second one is the remover, Sara this. Remote is the same MO but aged for, seven. Times in new, French oh very, very, toasted. Inside okay, in, the color difference, not. So much, a little business so much more. And. Yes. This. Is beautiful, this is quite. Different, the smell is completed, yeah Abstergo, see, here. They. Don't. Say no very, much, Sarah. Toasted, yes. And. I also think just a really beautiful balance, of aroma. That. One is just what. I want to say. It's. Just it's, very sophisticated. It's, really, beautiful. Elegant, thank you yes. Do. You like to have the, chorizo. Or, the jamon with it yes, the, best companion, for the vermouth in the Spain traditional, is. Sullen. Self, and chokes, Oh salted. Anchovy. Toes. Yes. Salt vinegar and salt, yes oh it's perfect, yeah companion. Okay. I'm, going to try the third one okay is. The vermouth age in, acacia. An, occasional French oak but occasion, the. Occasion, balance, for. The vermouth are used previously to, make our white, wine, barrel. Fermented, okay so. This is a the. Occasion, completely. Different. Wow. It is such, a different, profile, yeah. It. Seems, sweeter. Than the others is. More things in. The palate I love, them all but this one's really it's. Very special, yeah I think it's just I saw when you were pouring it was a little bit biscuits, but when you have it it's really. Beautiful. It just kind. Of dissolves. Yeah it's beautiful, yeah and. I love the nose you. Cannot perceive the toasted, notes like, in the, Rosetta. French. Oak but it's more dense in the palate. The. Last one is called the limited. Edition, ah because. We thought, the. Remote can be aging, longer, than seven, months. So. This, is like. The. Served wine okay. So. You can perfect perceive. The. Oxidation. Notes. In the. Hmm. It's, more complex in. The nose. Well. That. Is seriously, like nectar, of the Gods its nectar that's, a beautiful. Beautiful, vermouth. Really. Thank. You for making such beautiful vermouth. I'm the vermouth lover and I am so happy right now thank, you. It's. Been 20 minutes so now I want to drain the potatoes. And. Now. We need to dry these so, just, take some kitchen towels and, put. Your potatoes out. On the towels. And. Spread. Those out a little bit because, you really want these nice and dry otherwise they're not gonna brown in the, oven and. Then I have a second, towel. Just. Place that right on top. And. You can dry all of them at once you don't have to dry them individually, you'll be there all day. If. You see any excess, water you. Can just use, your towel and, dab those so that looks good. And. Now you, can take those dry, potatoes. And, you can put them. In. A bowl. I'm. Pouring, a little bit of olive oil right into, the bowl with.

Some. Salt, I'm just, using a little bit, of salt now and then I'll add a little more always remember, potatoes, need a little bit of salt. These. Little urban potato chips, I. Really. Like them so you kind of have to keep them away from me. I'm. Placing, those on a baking sheet, that's. Lined with, parchment paper. I place. Them very close, together because as they, cook the, potatoes, will shrink. And. Just a little bit of salt, right. On the top. Now. These go into a 350. Degree oven for about 20 to 25 minutes and, I'm cooking them while, they cook what I do is I turn them over periodically. Maybe, two times during the cooking and they'll. Be beautiful, and golden and you might want to turn the pan in the oven too, depending. Upon how. Evenly, your oven bakes. These. Are Boca Ronay these, are a really, delicious, white, anchovy. That comes from Spain and what, I love about them is they, put, them in vinegar so they have a nice, tart, vinegar. Kind of flavor they're. Just delicious and with, potato, chips we need some kind of dipping sauce, so I thought it would be fun to do white, anchovies. With. Some garlic and, shallots. And, a little bit of parsley and vinegar, I think it's gonna be really really great and, now. I'm adding the shallots that have already been chopped. I'm. Also adding garlic, that's already been chopped you can see it's fairly coarse, so, I want to mince that. And. A. Good amount, of parsley. Lots. And. You can just chop all of that together. This. Was inspired, from a sauce that they make in the South of France called, Austria and it's, made with. Anchovies. But not Boca roni they're not the white anchovies, they're the darker ones, it's. So, good I. Just. Use a bench scraper to. Transfer, this into a bowl I. Think. Those chips are done now yes. For sure. How. Beautiful. Are those I could easily eat that whole pan and anyone. That knows me knows I'm kind of obsessed with potato chips. It's family. Knows it everybody makes jokes about it but, anyway I'm gonna add a little bit of vinegar not too much because those, boqueron and remember I told you that, they have a little bit of vinegar on them already so, just a, little and then. Also some black pepper. And. A. Little bit of extra-virgin olive oil. Just. A couple tablespoons, and. Stir. That together. I'm. Stirring, it together but I'm also mashing. It just a little bit. So. Just using the back of the spoon to mash it. Now. What I really need to do is to taste it so I'm gonna grab a tasting, spoon oh. Why. Don't I just taste it on a chip. Gives. Me an excuse, to eat a chip wait. Listen, that's. Oh. See. Can't, help myself. Mmm. Wow. Delicious. The. Thing that I love about poker, oneis is, they're much milder, than an anchovy, they're, really, really delicious and then with the shallots and the parsley and, that little bit of garlic this is so delicious, I think, I have to have another one don't. Tell anybody. I. Love. This, this, is liquor ownio and. Fantastic. Tapas, check, out this street I'm going, to. Whenever. I come to look around yo I make a beeline for this place because. They make the most, incredible. Tapa, that I want to show you they've been doing it for 46. Years. Come, with me. What's. Great is that every, bar has a specialty, and this one is the ultimate. Look how simple, this is mushrooms. Grilled, on a piping, hot slap top capped, with a little shrimp the, recipe, is a secret and every, time I watch I'm always wondering, what's in that plastic bottle I've, asked so many times but they won't tell me a. Perfect. Hot bite served, with wine. Perfection. As. The. Tapas bar start to close it's, hard to believe that just a few hours ago the streets were so crazy busy and bustling with energy, I think. I'll have just one more bite and a nightcap, before I head home. Okay. This is gonna be my last stop for the night because seriously, I've been tasting all. Along the way but I couldn't, resist this I got, some red peppers. I, love. These peppers so much and. Also. With, some anchovies. Peppers. Are so sweet. With. The anchovy. Really. Delicious and. Then, the tomato salad I could never come here without getting this. Tomatoes. Peppers. And onions. Susie's, such a simple, dish but, it's. Delicious. I love. A little extra pinch of salt. That. Is so good and, what's great about these onions. Is. How sweet, they are it's. Kind of amazing. Really. Really good. When. Onions taste like that we, just can't stop. That. Was one of the peppers. Spain. Rioja. Peppers. They're. Just. It's. Like it's, a kind of a perfect marriage. But. My, favorite. And. They're all my favorites is, I love, these these are poaches, they're, all different, kinds of beans and.

With. Tomatoes, chorizo. They're, really fantastic but, the thing I love the most about this the, food is amazing the wines incredible, but it's a conviviality, it's, just the energy that's in this room I think it's a really special thing and I, don't know it's perfect night for me. Hmmm, I. Love. This so. Wonderful in. Spain. As you, can see tapas, is much more than an appetizer, it's. Really a way of life, you. Can do the same at home choose a great bottle of wine make, a few tapas and share them with your friends and your family, sell. Them. You. You can visit our website to find a print selected recipes get. Information about, each episode, learn more about joanna in the show see behind the scenes photos provide. Email feedback and more it's all at Joanne we're calm, forward-slash, plates - places. Joanne. Where's plates, and places, is brought to you by. With. On the waterways, guests. Can climb, pedaling. And journey. Beyond. The beaten path while. Cruising, on storied, rivers across Europe you, can find out more at alma, waterways, calm. Our. Wine making is the result of teamwork and patience working together we dedicate our best efforts, with every, buying grape, and bottle washington. Vintners, since. 1899. My, family shared our passion for everything, that goes into our multi, 100%. Italian, tomatoes only, tomatoes only, multi. Start. Something, delicious, california, figs, from Bali fig growers.

2020-04-03 18:35

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