Taking The Scenic Route to Hua Hin Thailand

Taking The Scenic Route to Hua Hin Thailand

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today we are attempting to drive to wahin it is  300 kilometers in this direction up the coastal   scenic road in chiang paon and prachua kirikan  province plateau up kirikan province that is a   belter of a province name and we have the joy the  privilege of driving our little honda all the way   up now we could cheat and go 15 kilometers inland  hop on the highway and be there in a few hours but   we're not going to do that we're going to take the  slow scenic gorgeous route it is a beautiful day   it is a great day to be alive so come and join  us strap in as we drive to wahin via the scenic   coastal road let's go my name is paddy doyle and  this is my little honda dream and welcome to next   level adventures right now we are attempting  to visit every single province in thailand we've had some incredible adventures already but  the best part is we're only just getting started so subscribe and join us as we discover  this incredible country together okay welcome back we got a long day  today so the bag's going in front of me and i'm going to try my best to show you all of  the coast up towards wahine but it's going to be   like this the whole way the coast is going to be  on our right it's a beautiful day there's going   to be palm trees we're going to go past dozens and  dozens of beaches and so it's going to be hard not   to just stop every five minutes i mean look at  this this is a tongue lane beach this is where   i've been based for the past four nights i used  to live here it is postcard paradise in champagne   but you know we've got a little bit of distance to  cover today and i want to get to wahin and check   into my airbnb before dark and this road you know  if it takes four hours on the highway what's it   gonna take on this so i'm gonna balance getting  distance with showing you this scenic route okay uh so this is just a beautiful little fishing  pier and there's fishing boats out here and   they're getting ready to go out fishing you can  probably hear the drone whizzing around there he   is some of you asked me like oh who's flying  your drone for you it does it by itself look   can you see it's locked onto me and  it's just doing stuff and then i use   those clips later if i need them i love the  dji spark it's like a five-year-old drone   and it is a workhorse anyway  been taking some instagrams   um saying goodbye to this beautiful place this  incredibly beautiful place of sapling and tungle   lane in in northern champaign just wait for the  drone to come back you want to see something cool   once it's got the shot i need i can fly  it but it will fly back to me by itself   but i can switch it to sport mode and get it  back and watch this ready ready ready oh yeah such a cool little toy   this is the beginning this is the  beginning look it says scenic route   road 2021. now is that a coincidence um  because it's the year 2021 i don't know basically every time you're presented with  an opportunity of a left or a right if you're   going north like we are always turn right and then  the coast will always be on your right hand side   if you turn left you risk getting spat  out on the highway and then temptation   comes in oh i'll just go up the highway a  little bit and then bang you're in wahine so let's have a look at some of the sights  bang sapan is an 88 we'll stop there for lunch   and there's a bunch of beautiful beaches  on the sign okay whatever let's just it go again turns into ashes but here you are still in my arms it's just another beautiful long bay   but i do have to stop because i can  tell you a little story a funny story about this island just off the coast here let  me just park up and i'll take you to the beach   don't ask me the name of this beach i don't  know it's just one of the you know dozens and   dozens of beaches along the road but let me get  down here in the distance over there can you see   that is chicken island or ko kai a long long time  ago me and some friends and my father who was   visiting at the time we went over there on sort  of like a mission to clean up the beach because   it's uninhabited and welcome to the beautiful  island of uh chicken island in champon thailand   and today me and a bunch of friends have come  here to help clean up the island because many   people from thailand and tourists come here and  they leave their rubbish their bottles their   equipment their food wrappers plastic bottles  many many bad things for the environment it   was covered in trash and so a bunch of people who  lived here in trampon we took a fishing boat over   there and spent the whole day um installing  a you know rubbish area bins recycling bins   and cleaning up the whole island and it was  really good fun and it felt great to do it   but the funny part is um i think a couple of days  later me and my old man were like let's go camping   there so we bought a secondhand tent or something  from tesco lotus we got sausages we got a barbecue   we got a bottle of whiskey some beers we even took  a spear gun we we envisioned we would catch fish   with a spear gun which i broke in five seconds and  uh so we were just like absolutely useless campers   and i was taking care of a dog that i uh found for  a while and i said we brought the puppy with us   so it was me my dad and the little dog on  that chicken island and we set up the camp   and we cooked the sausages and we got  steam and drunk and it was really fun   and then in the middle of the  night there was a huge storm and we got absolutely soaked and like there was  about six inches of water inside the tent and me   and my dad and the dog were screaming and howling  and we were singing it's we're singing in the rain   and the dog blessed her she was petrified  because there was lightning everywhere   and it kind of just localized all around  the island and it was a proper like dark   funny but scary night and then in the morning me  and my dad called the fight the fisherman and he   came and picked us up and we sort of licked  our wounds went back to the beach and had   a full english breakfast and vowed never ever  to go camping on a deserted island ever again this is a good a day yes they need to start  the rebuilding of life the roads that they   open are many when the old one's gone under  the knife and i can't feel the sun on my skin   from within today and not tomorrow there's no time   i just saw this cute little pier and i  thought how could i not drive down this thing to the right fishing village  an incredible beach to the left another incredible long bay i mean it just  doesn't stop it doesn't stop it's never ending okay i hope i can turn around at  the end of this peel oh deary me this thing's falling apart as well can  you see look at the state of it here   all rusted away and exposed wow oh there's a cave over there as well wow i just drove past that fishing village actually   looked really nice and they kind of just have this  private bay i mean in some parts of thailand they   would brag about this as the number one spot  in the province they'd be like oh this is a   the so-and-so bay and you know there'd be  five-star hotels like in crabby and stuff   but champagne being kind of like unknown  it's just like no we just this is just   where we hang out and catch fish no big deal  we just live in paradise don't worry about it today there's no time today a lot of people ask me what do you  do with your equipment when you're out   filming and you leave your bike here's my  basket it's got my drone it's got my phone   it's got my gopro now i'm holding my gopro  t-shirt out of sight out of mind genius i know   believe it or not thai people are  pretty much 100 percent good people   honestly there's not a bad egg amongst them can  you feel it and look how flat and protected this   bay is i flew the drone just before it ran  out of sd card battery and you can see the the port where the oil tankers are coming here  it's beautiful oh we're at nipple height now okay oh it's nice and cold it's nice and cold as always i'll leave the link to the places  that i go to every video i leave a link in the   description to every point of interest i know it's  a lot of work to follow along and save them as   we go some of you might be doing it but this bay  save it in your maps because there are restaurants   hotels in this area practically  somewhere three hours south of wahine there is paradise oh this bits extra cold why is that this  bit was colder than that bit it's weird i just had a look at the map  now i'm on the highway here the scenic roads kind of finished for about   50 or 60 kilometers then i can turn  right again and go back on the coast road wow it's hot as hell cheeky little mixed fruit yogurt bottle of coconut water and then i'm gonna pour a shitload of this   nice cold water in this bottle here  into the helmet and over my head otherwise i'm gonna boil like a bloody chicken starting to think that i  was uh over optimistic today 280 kilometers oh yeah yeah six hours no problem it just starts to become really mundane  i don't like doing these 200 plus days   i've only done i think three or four uh since the  three months we've been doing this trip normally   we're going small province to small province and  a little distance a little distance but prachu   is a bloody long and long province and uh we  had to start from halfway up trump on as well so   this part of thailand this skinny  part in the middle as you can see it's skinny but it's long it's  a few thousand kilometers from up to the you know the middle area maybe one  maybe one and a half thousand kilometers but   it feels like forever on this little  baby oh a little kind of um little test   that i'm gonna do have a look at this right  obviously i normally have my gopro here   but what happens if we switch up a little  bit today because i've had this gopro   mount stuck super glued to the front of my  little honda since we started this trip but   we never used it we never used it so what  i'm gonna do is i'm gonna have this cable   put it up my shirt to here or something i mean  it's more interesting what's in front of me   obviously because i can show you as i'm talking  about it but let's let's switch up a little bit   and if this is good if this looks cool if you  can still hear me and it makes it more dynamic come on finger caught my tripod uh then  maybe we can invest in another gopro   have this one have that one switch between the two  can you hear me okay you should be able to hear me   take this chest mount off because it's an  older gopro um there's no front facing screen   this is a gopro seven let me just wipe the lens  a bit there's quite a bit of sun cream on there that'll do for now i think i just made it way  worse start the old engine because you know   it's nice for you to see me talking isn't it let  me turn my mask up a bit so you can see me see   what all of my handsome face when the sun's  behind me like this the gopro will struggle   but now it should be a little bit better and uh i think how's the audio can you still hear me okay  i'm not going super quick so let's just do a little tester rooney um hello my name name's paddy doyle okay here's another thing i want to test it's me  if you don't believe me look four three two two   two one um i've put the microphone inside  the helmet dana told me you could do this   when he gave me the helmet but i was  kind of like yeah sure whatever it did but i mean this is just another test i mean if it sounds good if you can hear me  perfectly if you can hear my perfect singing voice um then that will be a good thing but then  i'm also kind of like well now you can't hear   any of the ambient outside noise  or maybe you can whoa big truck   maybe you can hear all that stuff man i'm loving  loving this shade my ass is officially dead oh lord won't you buy me a harder dream my  friends all have phenos but they are shitty   i worked hard all my lifetime no help from my  friends so lord won't you buy me a haunted dream this place looks sick this place looks really nice jesus paddy p.a okay feel free turns into ashes but here you are still in my it's true this beach is massive this is not a town this is  a massive city stretched out in both directions   north and south as far as i can see in that  direction there are skyscrapers and tall buildings   and as far as i can see in that direction  there are skyscrapers and tall buildings   and some sort of temple on that structure i'm  really excited to explore who i am and uh relax   in my airbnb i've checked in already  actually and have a look at the pool   it's pretty nice isn't it and then i have a look  at the room really nice i'll do a video or i'll   talk about it more in the next video the next  video i will explore more of prachuap kirikan   and more of hua hin and then on beyond that way  to pecha bury banana boats jet skis kite surfing   horseback riding the beach is packed the beach is  packed it is saturday actually so that probably   explains why all the tires are here from bangkok  bangkok's three hours away three hours we could   be on khao san road having a beer well maybe  not but we're close we're getting close anyway   thanks for watching i'm gonna enjoy here for  the next week see you in the next video bye today is a good day

2021-06-28 22:36

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