Sydney: Walking The Rocks & Downtown CBD

Sydney: Walking The Rocks & Downtown CBD

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Seven or Dalia's gonna just say that. Got. A lot of roots here. Okay, so I'm actually in the rocks right now so, that's. A pretty cool stuff here. It's, lots of people just kind of enjoying the Monday, afternoon. It's. Gonna walk around. A little bit and then real them might. Take it to Manly Beach I think. Can. Reflect a little bit on Australia. So. Far been do you. Know. Some of the main areas. Wrote. A car, from. I, mean I flew into twice. Oh this. Is my third time in Australia so the first time was um. Darwin. And, I. Tried to explain Darwin Darwin is kind of small but a lot of Aboriginal, culture, is there and. A lot of Southeast, Asians have teeth so. It's. Kind of cool spot. I have. Some photos so maybe I'll try to do something with those photos sometime. Then. Second, time to Australia I flew. In to. Brisbane. Or no good coast and. Then, went, up to Brisbane. And then went all the way up north so ii think. It's called from. The name but um. Goodin. De Burgh something, like that, and. So, we drove all the way up north it was pretty cool like really like, Queensland. Actually these, Queenslander, houses I try to create something. Unfaith on YouTube as well showing, those. And. Then that we drove back down and. I. Got. To see. Got. All the way from way, up there just. North to brisbane about 3-4. Hours north of brisbane and then. We drove back down, to. Melbourne. Not. Back down but Jove effect, MGM, Brisbane. Moving over to Melbourne. And, went to Canberra and also stopped at home. Should. We go. This is all the rocks right in here. And. I came at her from a funny angle so. Take. A look at this map. You, are here so there's a rocks right there. Which. I guess is we. See we were just there I think. I need to go up a little bit in that direction so huh. So. Take a look yeah. Actually the last time I was here I remember, seeing this and taking some pictures right here I. Guess. Those are the rock straight up there. Okay. To. See see. If I can go behind this. Looks, like see. There's a gate to the left. Right. So, we just double back. Nakula can. Inside. The kitchen and things so. I guess it was old style looks like something I might see my, grandmother's. Houses when they were alive especially my Irish. One. Okay. I think. Australia. Has a big Irish, and British. Influence. Mostly. British of course but, but. I met a lot of Irish people who, Irish. Descent, in people. Get, that six. Out - because my father. Identifies, very strongly was Irish as well as my entire father's, family. So. In. Catholicism. As well. Okay. The Rock Center. And. Some art galleries in here. All right it's basically. This cannot can't, be it. Not charge the camera and I see something interesting. Yeah. You have to come back here a second time it's, this year I just, walked in here and I just whatever, what this was and then I realized that the camera was off, so.

When I tried to turn off the cameras off, next. When I came in here but I was reflecting on with these uh season. I looked around is like wow this looks like, prison. Cells you know the bars. So. Actually I'll just show you this the place right here but it's like a little. Bar. Area tex-mex. Food there El. Camino, Kym's. Yeah, I was thinking man let's make bars and I was liking the way that they're built looks like prison cells in them. So like I don't know Australian history. But, I know there's mention you, know convicts, that were here. That, were here a long time ago some British. Straight, started like that so. It's kind of curious about that anyways, about you. Know the rocks is the finding of it so maybe maybe. That's kind of where, but. This was all about was that. My British my Australian, history very well. So, we're gonna walk up here and see what's up this direction, as well. But, anyways you know the user click prison, cells. Which, it's pretty small a little place right there so but. I can't imagine in prison would be necklace, like. That. If you this, YouTube channel ever picks up and you are from Australia and you know other stuff feel. Free to set me straight let me know. There looks pretty cool too. Kazeem, you got that way. Instead. I'm gonna do this. Harbour. Bridge tears. But sir. Harbour. Bridge stairs I think that means that that's. The one that I could walk across I think. It's. Gonna wind up this way quick. It's. Here we go. Okay. Ready. To go this. Way it looks more interesting. So, we're kind of on top of the rocks right now, it rocks is this Terrace area. Okay. The main road up here. Well. Yeah. Okay. Mystery. Okay straight for your own sake. Rocks. It's, not if you can actually. You go up on top of that and Wako board, hey. That's gonna. Be. Free to Manly but now I kind of have tempted to walk over that thing. You take take 30 to 40 minutes. But, then once I'm over there. Eat. Up a lot of my time, today. What I do instead is. I walked, over there you get a good view, but. Then you'd have to disobey, me talk for. For, too much. Sydney, Harbour Bridge. I'm gonna walk back down to the rocks. Australian. Let's head, it's pretty cool, hotel. Really. Like the architecture in Australia. And, I take a ferry I'm. So tempted to go over there. I think, surfing culture is huge here. This. Influences. Hawaii. California. Australia. Hey okay let me. I'm, gonna turn off the camera until I get to something interesting. It's a pretty cool thing in there too. Prick. Cumberland, Street okay, yeah. Actually this is the kind of stuff that I like. It's, actually there's, actual, day so. It's gonna go. So, I looked in. Actually. In some of those neighborhoods like, the Glebe and I. Think maybe Newton and Paddington I think was the other ones I drove. Around in all of them actually I really liked all of them there's. No way you can walk out in that. But. There's lots of these homes that look like that I don't. Know what they look like to you people. From Americanized, you know people usually think of cities like Baltimore Philadelphia kind, of a row home. Poverty. Ghetto. But. Actually man homes. Are beautiful to me I would. Love do they've been something like that and then you had your first. Floor in the second floor I. Tempted. Go up that way as well. Gosh, dang it. Can. I go it up there do it see, what's on the other side yeah. I got these old street street, lamps here I think. This is a part of the city that people don't really see that often I mean. The rocks I mean so. This would've and you. Know a lot more of the original stuff. That's. Kind of cool in there Museum. Kada, hires Lane sounds. Like something's. From. Tamiya. Something Ireland buttock implants, maybe the UK. Such. A girl a little sweet, yeah. That's kind of cobblestone Steph this is probably. With one color so now it's just.

Okay. Cara's. Lean so I guess it's um alone because otherwise we wouldn't have a thing to it. So, they could go a lot of different directions I think I'm gonna, try. To get. To the beach. You, want to go to Sydney and I spend some time the beaches you know. Many, ways this, is, in. Australia they wouldn't mind going to. Go. Had that conversation when they find me somewhere more interesting. Okay. Little. Bit more interesting got. Rocks near the, rocks rocks, so. Really. Like these trees Australia has some really cool the country's just. In general. It's. Nice to see what we can overlook here. Separate. Oh. Yeah, I'll sorry actually I wish I could get to the Outback I. Really. Wanted to get to their last time and you. Know the commitment of getting in there takes a few days six. Seven days you know is. That a whole lot too I've. Heard it is quite monotonous, when. You're actually in it, but. Still when I experienced that so, some. Other trip, yeah. So games need to get to dump it all back earth. I've. Been in Tasmania, that'd be interesting, for. A lot of mixed feelings about Adelaide I think. Um I think. It's actually probably a pretty cool city I, really. Liked like. All this is actually. Kinda. Like. Houses, like that I was showing you back there -. There's. A lot to see anyways. One. Thing about Australia, that's one things I remember about Darwin is so, many pubs everywhere, radio. Touch button. Okay, it's. Gonna keep walking but um the, Australia definitely love their pub culture. So. There's pubs and bars pretty much everywhere and yeah, people drink, much. All the time. Like. You know even at Kings Cross in the morning which. I might separate end videos so you might have to go to the other video. Might. Label that Kings Cross to the. Rocks, walking. But. Um but on that video. He. Tries to you know even those like 8:30 9:00 in the morning or whatever it was people. Are still just sitting in a bar drinking in some of those places and they could definitely sound like it and someone went to their breakfast, so. I. Could. Hear them and I could see him but I didn't want to put my camera in their faces because uh you. Know you don't want to do that to somebody at 9:00 in the morning if they've been drinking all night. Anyway. The culture safely there. Which. Kind of surprised me I heard it a lot last night when I was in. Find the beach but um, run.

Across This. I'll, tell you later I'm gonna get to somewhere interesting. There yeah. Speaking. Of. Okay so I'm I don't have that many we're more interesting but. That's. Patterson though right there it, looks like that's it's kind of a dead end right there so. It looks like I have to keep going I. Just. Feel interesting if you haven't seen Sydney then I guess you're getting a taste of it so I guess. That's basically, one of the purposes of this anyways. You get to see what. It's like. Okay. And. I cover it. Walk. Gonna feel like kind, of give you one downtown. Okay. So here we are all right here you. Two back down at the city center. Okay. Kind of watch back. In the city spinners in huh. Towards street. Know what. Little bit try to. We, are at myself again. Fritz. Fritz trait sounds like where I need to go. Parents. They change. Office, people. The birds. I'm not sure if I'm the right directs or not. As I walked in a circle because. I think, these are the two buildings I was at earlier like this close. To I think I was that I was kind of marveling at the architecture. So, I guess I walked in a circle here. Susa. Okayhow reorient, myself and i get the camera back on later. See if I can find. Come around exactly. Okay. So I guess we actually walked in a circle cuz now I saw. The I. See. The bridge down over there. Okay. The, best way to orient, yourself anyways those by. All right I meant your camera so I get down it somewhere interesting again. It's. A kind of at a city park here. And. The. Typical sculptures, you get any. Time there's like office places your's always, public, goods public work funny. How the money is available in those pots but. I guess it makes sense to create the money so that's so. They get that for creating, the money. There's the plant over there. There's the rocks over there so we're gonna basically walk over to the rocks again then. Should I take a ferry over. They're, doing a lot of construction everywhere. Chinese. Pretty cool building mn3. Might be zooming in on that so we're, just gonna see if if. The video is better without, the zoom or or. With it you, kind of like zooming in but maybe it makes it kind of shaky. If. I mistake take this bus, to her but I probably walked half. The sites and whenever I'm on those I get. Exhausted. Just from sitting there, if. You're just walking you don't have to, worry. You know about, that. Anyways, this is one of the hop-on hop-off destinations. Our public works. It's fun mix like. That. Kind of cool. Seven, or Dalia's gonna just say that. He said. Everything is walk in this park. Wow. Tenerife. A Spain Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town South Africa. This original ship right there. All right. There's a park. Of the trees, it's. Pretty interesting country. Kind of reminds me a lot of like the, West Coast United States because. They like from the East Coast it's actually kind. Of established, but on the west coast. There's. A different vibe. Which. Is sooner, doll Australia you, know lots of Asians. Are here same in West Coast United States you. Know the land is more vast. You. Get more like kind. Of wanderer. Types. And Arlo. Guthrie. Like that music. So. If it are like go through this Bob Dylan. But. I let go three about Dylan or kind of traveler type music so. I'll. Sure I kinda have said okay. It looks pretty cool. Those. Guys look like traveller type CD all. Those people are basically traveller types get. The same soul of one. Another musician. And. If he does YouTube. Okay. City however she. Basically walked all the way up there and we walked all day around there kind, of live downtown again. I'm gonna try to catch one of those fairies their family. She's actually this is like the best places for people-watching. So, okay there we go that's the London. Go. Let. Another coin. Actually, there's just a, little, bit. So. Yeah. Two. Dollars. Sound. Of a big coin again throw somebody but. The. Best place about this place as I can walk it on the camera. I'm gonna go check out this guy. Got a lot of roots here. Yeah. That's right the birds love that it's, a lot of activity. That, bird looks pretty cool that one right there. Thank you in. It's okay. It's actually. It's kind of skinny coated. Captain Kaku says. Find a puff. Captain, kick. Oh. So you get choosing, a lot of pictures. Actually, my experience with aboriginals, is, they're really cool, people really the spiritual, they're. Also when. I was up in Darwin I see, quite a bit in the parks and and. Kind, of like live American Indians they have, some. Alcohol issues. He was kind of free spirit syndrome.

You, Know the rest of us kind of get tied into everything so you. Know it's hard they're like dude. Ever you want to do when you're. Completely. Locked into. The. Reality that the. Corporate structure creates. For us and the government structure for us but. They're completely free from that. But part of that freedom also means that. You, know since they are out of the system and. They're hanging on the park when I was in Darwin you know they'd be pretty quick to come up to me and like get. Some money extract some money from me and since you know I'm actually working I can. Actually it's. Actually a fair game you know I'm actually I'm fair game so it'd, be different if I wasn't if I was out of the system then, then. Of course I'm not fair game and then I'm a I could. Be part, of it but you can't really pretend to be part of the. Thing. Out of the system and being. But, those guys are missing Ellen system, which. Is a pretty cool place to be. W. The system. You. Get all this, perks. Of. Having. Ideally. You have money and you have. You. Know house and you have all the, stuff that. Society. Wants you to have and. Then you're contributing to society so. So, it's kind of them. The, musician. Over here, where'd. This guy go. Okay, so. Because two. Girls I think that there may be Lebanon. Or, from the Arabic world, Syria. But there's a lot of people from the arabic-speaking world, so. Especially it take. All the ones with money come to Australia. Stephanie's. Mr.. Girls are speaking Japanese. This, we're gonna go later, the. Manly. Please. Subscribe to the channel and show some love and some support.

2018-12-21 15:01

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