Swetala Mens Annual Fishing Trip 1992

Swetala Mens Annual Fishing Trip 1992

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Things that are universal. With. People with anxiety not everyone has every symptom but, a lot of people were having. I hope I'm not having. Of. Those people who believe this. Well. Here we are, ready. For. Fishing. Trip. Fishing. Trip ninety-two. Getting. All organized, and ready. We're. Gonna be leaving this morning at about 6:00 a.m.. And. As, you can see Don's right on time, just. Finishing getting ready right now we'll. Be all set for this morning though oh and. By the way. Of. Course it's. Raining. Take. A look out the front. Or. Out the back. There's. Your pickup, truck. And. As you can see it is raining just, shouldn't be standing out here with the camera, nice. And wet just. Like we like it. Okay. See. You at 6:00. Well. As you can see just. About time to get going out there. Got. A couple of our. Last-minute. Items to pack up. And. It's light outside. And. Guess. Why, it. Stopped, raining. Some. Of our last-minute things to. Take. Care of then go over and get the crew, it's. Cloudy outside. Probably. Rain all weekend. But. If we catch fish it'll. Be worth it later. For a special, 32-page, anniversary. Section Monday's paper. Save, 25. To 40% on, popular, accessories, when, you buy or lease a new actor alleged to be nervous, Berkeley. I grew up Oakland Park. You. Do hey. How you guys doing. I. Already, started this it doesn't matter. Are. We all ready to go. No. What. Was, she doing up. You. Gotta be sleeping. All. Right. No. Not that bad. It. May be true. Is. This thing gonna run all the way up. No. Where's all the stuff that's got to go in the back into my truck, okay. What. Do we got oh. Yeah. I guess we do. Quite. A load. Good. Idea. We. Got to tell you. I. Got. A whole cooler that. Is empty so we can use that to. Plus. I got cooler with my milk and some. Pop in it. We'll. Put beer in there too. Well. Let's put beer in there first so it kind. Of can get. You. Can't see anything okay, yeah. It's stupid all the way back. Okay. Now we're, having problems, with the Jeep already. Surprisingly. Not Don's truck. What. Are we doing wrong yep. I'm, a little taller this, year last year I was like this. That. Was two years ago. No, I did this a little, way. Here in, st. Paul Tuesday May 26th. After. Oh. Bumpy. Here. Okay, pop it off to the kid. Looking. For a towel. Here's. The deal now. I've. Got a dead Jeep. Walking. The dogs. So. Someone's trying to mess up our plans for this weekend. What. Are we gonna do about this. You. May have to tow me down at a diesel here. Well. If my truck makes it back we'll all be happy. That's. A challenge, but uncle Newt it's gonna drive his car in case my truck, breaks down, and. Then we'll be set. It. Is. Five. To seven. Do. Jason. Coming, up. Let's, check. With the table report brought to you by continental Crescent halls buyer hall buyers Hansen if, you want it done right do. It yourself or. To, take it to cosmetic last address, they care as much about we're, here. Okay. Then. Hook in the boat. That's. True. We're. Gonna do a set up camp first and, then we're gonna pop the boat in the water and. It looks like we got our same exact, spot that we had last year. Nobody's. Here we just went and stole the picnic table out of someone else's area but. It says Fisher's on it so it's it's. Legal, to do that and. We're gonna make our camp spot right here and we'll be back to show you exactly what its gonna look like. Jason. We're here. Here. We are putting, the boat into, the water. Oh. Uncle. Newt. Grandpa. And. Uncle gonzo, truck. Here, we go if, this is dizzy. I can't. Help it. Their, ears. Nice straight on the ramp. Smile. Yep. Uh-huh. But. Only the biggest today, okay. What. Does he know. Have, all the fish. There, we go. There, we go. All. Done. Alright. Here. It is. Our. First day in, it. Is. 11:15. No, we're not in the water yet sorry but. We're gonna be out before noon, we.

Wanted To make sure we got all this stuff set up. And. Ready to rock and roll on, the water, kind. Of a good deal. There. Blown up the. Air. Mattresses, since we do. This in style. After. I make the best looking at little box. Take a look at it after I got to that. Don't. Push. That into the hole. Guys the phoenicians wrong one of those. Is it working pretty good. After. One skit shows awesome end of all the baffles. What, uncle newt doing. Nope. I forgot, mine I knew there was something I forgot and that was it I'm. Gonna sleep on one of these tonight though. No. There's three of these. There. We go. First. Time out. There's. Waves. Here. Nice. Chop. Not, as many boats out today. Answers. Usually. But. There'll. Be a lot tomorrow just, because of Saturday, in the weekend. Well. I'm gonna turn this off before I beat you guys so sick that you won't, be able to watch it. Please. Jason let me show you this, is the first fish of the day, the, first fish of the weekend. Any. Snake grandpa. It's. A little perch a. Little. Perch. Jason. This. Is just just a promise of bigger things to come right. All. Right Uncle nude hey, first time in Minnesota water and I don't know how many years so. How does it feel how, does it feel to catch something that is impossible, is it don't it all fight back look, at this, hey unbelievable. I've never seen that happen before look at that the, first you don't want that snagged right off the bottom look yeah it looks like he clamped on to that didn't it yeah he's, trying to eat it. That. Was. Good I've. Never seen this bail out of here I, have. Never seen it had. See. There's a little scale down here right next to that camera thing. More. Than 19, or 20 it's up to 21, hey. There we go grandpa, smile here we've. Got the first ones keeper, it's, not. Yeah. There's. A catch and release system, here, kind. Of surprising, huh. Hey. Grandpa's. Got to. Nobody. Else has got any. Hey. You're. Gonna have to work us all out. Way. To go, Jason. Excellent. Good. Doing. Nothing just sit here. Trying, to catch a fish. Here. We go, say. It's raining. Rain. It's, coming in. As. You can see in the horizon over there. Jason. You. Got your rain gear on at least his, grandma's. Ranger Kambas rain gear. Grandpa's. Got his on, got. If rain gear on and. Grandpa's. The one providing, the fish today got. Two of them in there that's it we're. Hoping once this rain hits that will really hit the fish, that's. Just a hope in. The. Life knows what time is a grandpa. 30/30. Yeah. We're. About 15, minutes from the last time I had this Cam'ron. What's. Happened, grandpa. We. Had a huge storm come through, you, look at the lags here we're. Talking major waves. It, looks to only be getting worse. Contemplating. Going in for lunch coming, out later, tonight after this so kind, of all through. Whoa. Barb. Will get swap first and will drown. I'd. Save on fourth winces, bones that we're out here. It's. Left. We'll, be back. Guarantee. Here's. The next morning. We. Have a slightly different situation. It's. Cold out there. The. Grim kid is here. And, that's what we're like. So. Steve happy. To be here. It. Is cold out here. David. David. Showing how really cold it is out here he's all bundled up this, is your first trip David. Jason. You're. Gonna get through that post this weekend right. That's. Where that great fire was last night, well. We're gonna be out in the lake in probably an hour and. We're gonna catch fish. Hey. Dude you're gonna get your first fish today. First. Fish today. You're. Gonna get a walleye though right. Coffee. Going. No. Dad you got to get about 12 or 15 to, catch up for everybody else here. Be. The driver that, is sharp that axle I. Just. Put that in the gray zone before I got here. You. Have like. We. Are guys. There's, grandpa I go down there. Is uncle Newt, looking. Good and. The. Scarlet. You bet, okay. Here it is. 11:20. On. Saturday. And. We have a new new. Fisherman with us this year. Yeah, uncle knew it you bet. Yeah. Snail. Get you yeah. How. Big was that snail know it. They. Take the leech oh ha, ha ha watch, it as. You can see this is a beautiful day it's about. 45. Degrees I believe. But. If Phil farm was the same. It's. A little choppy out here today. What. Is the perfect child. Hey. Don what do you think our Luck's gonna be like today, well I still, predicting, Jason's gonna get the biggest fish okay. If. That tol it's true we're gonna get about eight or nine today finish. Up tomorrow excellent. We. Hope that's right. So, far we, got to get what, is it 33 more fish 34. More fish for. A lot 36. You. Only got two. Well. We'll get it. You just have to follow them bleaches that's my. My. Dentist Steve come. On. Pressures. On here. Grandpa. What do you think's going on here I think this guy he's got too late so mind what's biting on the other one that's where he's gonna shoot now I'm gonna show you today I could not gonna prove it all, right Brewer you're gonna beat left if you don't have any bait left they won't believe you Steve, if.

You Only got one left and I think. They're. Fresh, all right I mean okay hey I want a close-up on that No. Until. I change the back note. We got one here whether, you need automatic. Or manual transmission. Or clutch we bear yeah. You. Don't good at perch. Pick. It up out of the water. It. Proves there's fish in the water. Newt. Newt. Let's. Go down. Holding. My breath alright. This. Is the Steve boy. I. Think. He's got a clam, he's. Got a snail. Big. One. Well, we got a lot to purchase. Donate. Go. On me have one. Where's. This line. Another. Purge. Working. On yep, we're working hard on hey I learned patience, this last week living with your sister. All. Right we all just got blades. We. Dropped a buoy. Donovan. Purchased, a buoy. Better merge. What. Jason get a point Jason. Get one. Okay. False alarm but we all had bites. Of. A gram carry. Golf. Oh. That's. A nice one. Okay. Put the ball put. The buoy oh. Here. We are just, completed, a great. Hamburger dinner cooked by yours. Truly Steve, Grimm. And. What, did I do with the donuts throw. Them away with. The, popcorn. Yeah pick them out of the garbage well that didn't happen to be it I'm, not used to that stuff I usually don't take the garbage out. Give. Me another nickel Oh Oh we had to shut you up oh, I. Think. We'll stop this tape right now Graham. Get. Some fish. There. Yes. There. Yeah he's. Away right he's. Down Harold why himself. We. Just got done with dinner.

2019-01-27 01:56

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