Sustainability as success factor for tourism

Sustainability as success factor for tourism

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welcome everyone to another episode of green  talks I'm Andrea from Canary Green non-profit   on the canary islands and with me today I  have Andreas Koch and he is really the person   you go to if you want to build a sustainable  business future especially for the hotel year   business so Andreas or Andreas however you want  to say it welcome thank you for your time and   tell us a little bit more about you and of course  your projects well thanks a lot andrea for uh and   inviting me to this to having the pleasure to  talk about my full passion which is that since   20 years I'm working in sustainable tourism I'm  coming from a world of cooperative tourism so I was responsible for environment sustainability  as one of the largest co-operators tui   i then founded an ngo with futurist that actually  works with sustainable solution and as you see   here blue contact was founded around 10 years  ago to support hotels and destinations and to   operators worldwide to move into sustainable  tourism so this is my full pushing passion this   is my belief this is what i'm doing since 20 years  and just three days ago i'm happy that we are here   together because just three days ago our new baby  tourism the combination of tourism and rhythm   for a new world after this crisis was launched  and this is basically a work of the last 20   years combined in one new initiative exactly  you have to tell us more about it because   how can it what is true rhythm maybe maybe let's  start there explain for us what you mean by tour   rhythm well tourism is a is a well it's a word  between rhythm and tourism so what my belief is   and i felt it since 20 years that sustainability  and tourism definitely belongs together   but this crisis changed a lot of of the  surrounding around us and when we restart now   sustainability is not any more a concept for  me it's really a business case scenario for   all the tourism actors worldwide and of course for  sure also on the canary islands where we are now   because let's let's really dive into some of  the aspects um if you look at the political   agenda for example if you look at the eu  green deal for going for circular economy   going for biological food um uh going for  emission trading going for really um embedding   this the logic of sustainability in the whole  political framework this is not only happening   in eu but also worldwide so this is one of the big  issues that is happening so there is a political   framework changing then the the  expectation of a lot of tourists that are now traveling after covid  because they are more focused on health   more focused on having a better surrounding in  the hotels but also about the future generations   like generations said for example one third of  the whole generation is generation zed and with   their expectations about an authentic tourism  this is a lot of things that are changing in   the in the environment so this is one part of the  game that is changing and then i realized in my 20   years back and working in sustainable tourism  i i realized four more really important   aspects that are part of a business case scenario  for tourism the one is everyone talks about energy   efficiency water efficiency technical solutions we  have done meanwhile around 300 energy audits with   hotels around the world also in canary islands  germany mauritius everywhere around the world   and on average we have seen that these hotels  save 30 of energy energy cost energy consumption   without minimizing the quality for the guests so  that's the second big point where i say you can   do a lot of things without really bargaining  on your quality for your guests so that's the   second point the third point for me is really that  a lot of people that work in tourism the employees   are having a very hard time often  because it's a really tough work in end and if you go for sustainability it's a lot of  employer branding you can do a lot of things to   inspire your guests to be become part of your  sustainability journey and we can dive deeper   into that i love that because this is always  at the heart of any project that we are doing   the fourth point for me is the local suppliers  we all understood that what happens in china is   is influencing us and the other way around so a  more localized value chain is very logic because   it's resilient everyone talks about resilience but  in tourism it's even more you can create authentic   experiences with local suppliers like for example  on crete we we created tastings for cretan vines   olive oils and that is a very big let's say  consumer demand to have authentic experience and   you can co-create that with your local suppliers  and last but not least the guests you can   you can really involve them in all your activities  and you get free marketing social media marketing   through all that activities that i talked  about before so these are the five reasons   why i definitely see for any region any two  operator any hotel in the world that this is   not a concept sustainability it's really a pure  business case love that i love all all the aspects   of it uh that so many it's it's really holistic  it's really a holistic approach and um i wanted   to ask you if so where can a company start to  have sustainability as a business model because   i think a lot of a lot of business people  within the tourism industry they are afraid   that it only will cost them is that true well  as i try to mention um on the energy parts   there you definitely see it's not about paying  it's about receiving and the future about hotel   business by the way is to produce more energy than  you consume just to get you an idea we sometimes   have in mind that actually we we have to save  energy but the future is that we can produce even   more energy than we consume it's not yet happening  but in the next 10 20 30 years it will happen but   to your point where where do you start basically  what i do um i i talked about this initiative   tourism so the first offer that tourism does is to  offer a course it's a digital course about three   months where we dive into that aspect and i have  done that for the first round now with 20 people   to really dive into that with  top raters hotels destination   and these are five modules that we designed out  of this 20 years experience the first module is   we just let everyone feel the trends so we  present the 10 most important trends in the world   that will definitely influence tourism but not  every trend of that will influence every single   two operator or hotel so you really have to  understand which trend influences me so if you   are for mice tourism like really event tourism not  for a young young generation you might not think   a lot about the generation z but if you are for  younger people this will definitely influence you   if you are uh on a coral reef you definitely will  feel more about biodiversity and the coral reef   bleaching and so on so you will feel more about  that but what are the trends so this is the first   module which present the ten trends and then we  asked what does the two operators destinations   which of them influence you because it's not on us  to teach them what's happening it's about everyone   to feel my dear this is changing i have to  change if if i'm not changing i'm out of business   so this is what's what's very important first  module to get an understanding to inspire   because what i realized the last 20 years andrea  is we lot we we talk a lot about certifications   in turin these are very important third-party  certifications but not as a start as an end it's   important as a start we have to talk about the  hearts we have to understand we have to feel that   this change is affecting me certifications are  talking about the brains about doing a third party   certification which is very important in the  end if you have done all the measures but in   the beginning it's about feeling that you  have to change so this is the first module   the second is really because i feel that everyone  talks about um that sustainability cost so the   second module is definitely about saving energy  it's about energy of water efficiency what we   simply do in the second module is we give every  hotel the 30 best measures out of our last 300   energy audits how you immediately the next day  can save energy costs because i want people to   feel that this is possible so they get a checklist  like if you do that it did huh it's happening just   maybe two examples um all three examples  so that what what we mean with that one is   you talked about the showers the newest technology  of towers mix in air so you're not using   12 15 20 liters per minute but only six liters  per minute and no one realizes because the air   is mixed into the water so there is no difference  in the quality but this is a payback time if you   change all your showers in three months so  one example the other is strange example now   how often does your housekeeping team clean the  toilet or flush the toilet when you're cleaning   the the room we realize it's going up to 15 to 20  times because they don't realize it and it's okay   if you only do it three times that's that's single  single measure that often happens just some small   little examples about behavior change or led  technology all the people talk about the bulbs   but not about the fluorescent bulbs for example  in the kitchen or in the offices that they run   much longer than normal bulbs and that's payback  time very fast i can continue like that but there   are we gather 30 messages measures to identify  first savings so that's the second module   where we teach this 30 measures and immediately  you can start to grow you can feel it the third   module then goes into the employees how can  you involve inspire all your employees so we   we made a concept of the trained trainer training  where we when we train hotel we we give everything   that we know how we design the training to the  people in the course so they can the next day do   the course so with all the presentation we have a  card game inside where we gather the best examples   so we give them the card game that they can play  cards with the employees it's very easy to access   um training modules how they can start the next  day uh training involving their employees it's   not easy right now because often employees  are way in the crisis but now they come back   so that's why we launched tourism just now on the  world environment the day on last friday this is   a third module the fourth module if you have  involved your employees you've saved money you   know why you're doing things is how you involve  your suppliers so there's a tool inside how you   rate your suppliers how you can prioritize the  suppliers that are most important because it's not   really important to focus on all your suppliers  that want to focus on the most important 20   so how do you rate them how do you inspire them to  create authentic experiences with you so there's a   booklet inside about the best i think it's really  three measures we collected from the world how   hotels and destination designed authentic  experiences with suppliers so you can   get expired again inspired again what you  can do and the last last module then is about   if you have understood why you're doing things you  save money for energy efficiency you involve your   employees you involve your suppliers the last one  is and that's because you don't want to do green   washing you have to do the first steps before then  you involve your clients then you don't go into   social media then you go into communication  the last module is about how you best enrich   your customer touch points in a hotel for example  before the booking at the reception in the room or   in a destination when people book it or as a tour  operator how you enrich your customer touch points   with that sustainability measures so you involve  your guests you do a social marketing you do   you go you go out with your measures and do  a um a branding of what you're doing so these   are the full five modules that we designed  to easily jump into that in three months   always two weeks in between so you have time to  digest you get a checklist always before that so   you understand where your studies is and after  three months you have a feeling okay this is   the road i want to travel so that's the the course  that we designed it it's running now for the first   time and i i was deeply touched by the feedback  we got we just collected all the feedback on the   tourism page you can look at it it's fantastic  how the people reacted to that course how they   understood that they can start just tomorrow by  simple measures oh my god this is so powerful i   think what you are doing is like the missing link  to what we know has to be done but how to do it   and you're basically giving the solution in three  months course that is you know made made for you   and can can yeah just make changes instantly  like we were saying like 30 things that you can   start today to actually save money in your  business right away and then just deepening i i   love that i love all aspects of it you know that's  exactly what we stand for as well that you really   i mean that you educate but also that you connect  you connect with the people you connect with the   destination with the the people working and  producing on the destination it's it's incredible   i it's incredible and is it um applicable  to all destinations around the world   it's applicable to all destinations not all of  the 30 measures for example for energy efficiency   actually count for everyone for example if you  talk about heating in a very hot destination   malicious where you need air conditioning you  better look at the air conditioning instead   of the heating okay so there are some things  where you actually dive into certain aspects   of that but the basic logic is applicable everyone  everywhere else because the basic logic andrea is   it's it's not coming from the from the from  the aspects of sustainability because a lot of   a lot of the initiatives coming from we  have to do waste management we have to do   energy efficiency we have to do hazardous  substances but in tourism if you talk about that   i would say brain languages like you have to  focus on that and talk about have to that's   not the tourism language the tourism languages we  invite you to come to our destination and we want   to show you the best possible aspects of authentic  experience in our destinations so tourism talks a   lot about how about the human capital about how  you involve your your employees your staff your   your suppliers your guests it comes from a  human point of view and then dives into the   into the sustainability aspects okay so that's  why it's applicable all over the world because   what i realized in my project for example right  now i have a huge project on my ratios to restart   mauritius based on the sustainability principles i  have a project by the way also on lansa road where   we connect the wine tourism with a hotel industry  and i realize in all this project that the human   capital is always the same logic we all want  to be part of something good we just sometimes   may i say may i say give our souls away  when we enter into our workplace but if we   get our souls back at the workplace i realized  for example in our crete project if you give   a hotel employees the chance to design with a  local farmer and a local producer of authentic   healthier food the chance to present  such a course such a tasting in the hotel   it's hell a lot of fun it's had a lot of passion  it's had a lot of inspiration for their job   and at the same time it enriches their authentic  experience their guests expectations and that's   the the beauty of that that course the beauty of  that times we are living in we we can take our   feelings our souls into the business that we are  actually operating in and if you allow people that   um i could give you another example of more  issues if you want i i i love that example so   much like on mauritius i was working with a with  a huge company of 400 in an incoming agency of 400   employees and we design new excursions based  on the challenges that we have on mauritius   like we have the challenges which poor gap  so how do you involve the local employees   the local people in the communities biodiversity  challenges is one aspect water is a challenge   plastic as a child so we designed excursions  that address the challenges of mauritius   at the same time involve the employees to to to  design something that solved the the challenges   and inspire them to offer that course and it's  it's it's being launched uh soon so this is what i   realized in all our project that the common sense  is really the human capital we want to be part   of the good we don't want to do something  against this world we want to be part of the   solutions and tourism has a best possibility  to design that solutions and at the same time   be be part of successful development  of a of a of a region of a hotel so   that's that's the beauty of of of tourism  yeah yeah again it's just so powerful   i absolutely agree with you on every point  and and love that how you're describing it so   beautifully because i also think you know i mean  you know one third of our lives we go to a job   and you know if we just feel replaceable we  won't give our everything we won't be there 110   for our employer or for our colleagues or for  our guests so exactly what you're saying it   makes such a strong company and you want to go to  work because you're not just getting a paycheck at   the end of the month you are you're contributing  and you're sharing your home your destination it's   beautiful it's absolutely beautiful and  and the ripple effects right like you   were saying in the beginning this is it's a  new way of of doing of creating the future and look in the back here i know here i choose  this picture of the the world in a nutshell   like this is tourism like uh when  you look at the cannery island uh   when canaria is as a as a world in a nutshell  everything every beauty of that world you have   on canary islands or gran canaria and every  challenge of the world you have there not   every but a lot of charges so if you solve in  tourism the challenge that we have you are the   world in a nutshell so you are a blueprint of the  world how you can address that and invite people   employees suppliers guests to look at  it in the same way but not as a burden   but as a as a as a yeah as a as an inspiring part  uh you can easily relax and take a nice excursion   and really get that but the world in a nutshell  is for me tourism so what you are saying is really   this the same logic what you do i i really love  your mission um what you're doing there because   it's really making people aware that this  is that this is actually possible exactly   exactly yes and and that's exactly why i wanted  you here because again it's like this bridge   between we have to connect the tourists with the  hotels and and all the destination right uh with   with the tourists and just create this future  that we that we want right um so yes andreas   where can we find you where can we connect with  you and get our hands on your course i mean i   will link everything below of course but yes tell  us before we have to part our ways for today yes   well i mean everything is like really uh i  i we have done our best to compile all the   information on so uh we will link up  that into it there you see the video   why this is the best time to start there you  see the offers that we make we divide it into   three offers that you see that for the hotels the  courses there are description of the courses there   we will start the course soon i think it will be  might be august september when we start the course   because we realize that some are really just  starting up again with us getting new employees   and really starting this again so we don't want to  disturb that but after that we would like really   to invite people to understand well if you want to  change be part of that the beauty is it's a it's a   course where we not only teach things but we also  exchange with hotels and destination from around   the world so we we change good examples we don't  want to be the ones who know the best example   we just give the platform and teach our know how  so you will find everything on there   there is really the description of the course  how we work with destinations how we work with   with hotels and um i've i've done numerous of  talks in the last six months i i uploaded all my   talks about what i'm talking now about  sustainability as a business casa uh case   scenario how do you involve your employees  i have a lot of speeches that that i really   did the last six months it's all uploaded there so  everyone is very free um to to contact us on that   i'm very happy it's just three days out and we  didn't do a lot of advertisement right now on that   but it's coming uh one by one and we have designed  three interactive elements every month one is a   club for those who participate in the course so  every month there will be a club for all those   that participate in the last courses to really  come together because sometimes you have questions   again coming up so you have a club there where  you meet all the people that have done the course   and secondly every month i introduced tourism  because i want to share what i shared with you   now my my know how my understanding and all the  good examples i can see so i will have one event   every month talking about that and the last event  is uh also monthly i always invite one leader   uh to talk with them about their story they're  they're they're walking the paths of tourism   or sustainability to learn that this is not  just a concept that's really something that   gives back a lot to you or to you to yourself to  your employees and to your business okay so these   are the three offers you find them all on the  course on the on the tourism website and there   is a small little calendar of all our events you  can easily sign up for free for all those events   and you are very much invited and i fall in love  with the cannery island blue contact because the   company for example was founded on the canary  islands i have projects on the canary islands so   i think you will be one of the leaders  in creating sustainable tourism solutions   especially with the help of people like you and  yeah wow this is amazing thank you so much andreas   and um yeah i love what what you've done what  you're doing what you're working on that you give   continuous support you really make it approachable  you know this starting the change you make it   really easy and approachable and and um  yeah just doable i think it's absolutely   fantastic so thank you for today and um  yeah let's just stay in touch of course thanks so much for andrea for letting me know  but it's it's last but i i have to say i'm i'm   i'm making it approachable yes but i'm just  awakening something hopefully that is already   there because we all want to do something good  so i try to awake that part in everyone and i   i'm happy that a lot of uh get inspired by that so  thanks so much for inviting me really a great job   that you are doing i love your platform and good  luck on that thanks for for inviting thank you

2021-06-18 12:55

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