Surviving a Night in the Wildnerness with the WRONG pack & the WRONG tent!

Surviving a Night in the Wildnerness with the WRONG pack & the WRONG tent!

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how's it going everybody I'm Nikki delventhal and these are my dogs Rodney and camper delventhal for over 3 years we lived in a Toyota Prius but now we're in a 4x4 Sprinter and we're here to take you along on the wild ride so fasten up your seat belts and let's have some fun don't forget if you like what you see like subscribe comment share with your friends and turn on notifications we would be so thankful before we get going on today's adventure a quick reminder these are the last few days that you can get your all roads lead to the perfect dog blanket inspired by the day that I found camper in the desert and we became a family if you haven't gotten yours yet here are some quick design highlights I spent months making sure the design and the materials were super high quality and functional so it's not just an awesome blanket there's also a middle zipper that can turn into a poncho and it snaps for ultimate fit and comfort if the Poncho isn't for you it can also snap into a cape to add to the functionality there are also Corner loops and it has its own built-in stuff sack that can double as a pillow and if you're a gear junkie like me there's a loop to hang it in your storage oh and of course for dog and camping lifestyle it's water stain and dog hair resistant now part of the proceeds are going to go to animals in need so if you want to help support us and our camper cares project make sure you get yours before sales close just go to shop. ncky delventhal let's get camping a few weeks ago I went on my first solo backpacking trip and despite not having the best gear and making a few mistakes I got hooked now the weather forecast for today is not optimal with freezing temperatures at night and 35 mph wind gust but how many Smiles per hour this is probably a good time to tell you guys we have my buddy Josh joining us he is one of my favorite people but also he is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to what we're doing and of the area so we are so lucky because we've got Josh Crips in the house what's up Delvin dorks that is so accurate all right let's get packed up and let's get snacked up so I got some of stuff here going to empty this out and then repack it I keep my backpacking stuff in this protective case in my garage at all times with some other gear but let's hope we have everything so the first thing we're doing here is my sleeping bag is rated 37 and it has wings but it's good for summer camping so I am borrowing one of Josh's 15° bags uh to really just test it out and see if this is the one for me or what is going to work so let's get all this into that ready to go 1 2 3 use your legs I think I swiped off a pound or two from the last trip which is nice it's a really nice way to put on your backpack use your counter ready to go how heavy do you think your pack is if I can lift it with one arm it's a good weight maybe 28 lb are you kidding me I feel like I have nothing and I'm still 10 lb heavier than you mhm let's go look at that this hike is already starting off gorgeous today's hike starts at the beautiful saddle bag Lake and we're doing about maybe three 3 to four miles in to go camp for the night maybe about th000 ft in elevation gain should be pretty amazing oh I'm going to have to carry the dogs for this one great equal bad pause oh my God it's so windy I got you camp woo we got Rod Bud good boy oh good work Buddy you made it you guys ready for some of the most beautiful views you've ever seen I'm ready cue the music that was incredible and the way we go okay now que it [Music] woo this is when Nikki Takes a Tumble that's when camper Takes a Tumble how we feeling feeling great it's hard to feel bad out here actually that's not true it's really easy to feel bad out here but if you don't let it get to you you can take mother nature and just conquer her then you feel great and that's why I come out here it's to exert my will over over nature to prove that I'm the superior being not to be a part of anything not to feel connected to the universe at the show this who's boss [Music] we're going to look for a spot to set up camp right over here that right there that is the lake we're going to camp at hoping that this Lake being up close to the mountains it'll be a little bit less windy with a little more protection so we're going to go look for a secluded protected area so we're going to try to get tucked to the left side of the mountain here and just cross fingers it's not just about views it's also about if you can find a good spot where you're protected from the wind all the stuff what else easy access to water you also don't want a ton of people around you ideally none Bingo two t spots right next to each other this is it home for the night I felt really good oh I feel so light that's nice snack and setup tent let's do it oh yeah snacks baby uh we just realized that there's a bear canister right there so one of the rules of camping you really don't want to be on top of someone else so we are just kind of going to look for another spot and not be in this guy's privacy there's a spot over there there that's equally as well protected as this but it is a bit more secluded it's going to be away from that other tent so I think we should sack up walk up there all right let's hit it here we go again but for time sake what do you say we just hurry up and get over there look those are the people that our camp there we just met them all right let's switch 1 2 3 home for the night I just got almost 40 lbs later without a weight loss program where it those Nikki there it's going to be a little tough cuz I don't have a freestanding tent but so you can see there's plenty of rocks here that we can tie ropes around so we should be fine first things first set up the tent [Music] well we're going to need bigger rocks building camping 35 mph winds is very [Music] fun I do want to see your pack a little bit but one thing I definitely know I'm going to upgrade is although this tent is so cute and I love the colors it is not freestanding which means you need ropes to have it hold up versus it stands up on its own and uh yeah it's a pain in the butt you can do this you can do [Music] anything look at that thing oh man we learned a lot today backpacking is fun it is fun yeah but you have a good tent can't be fun wow I can't believe we're saying this again the wind is so intense so Josh went on another little walk a little further than last time what did we find we found a beautiful cops of trees to protect us with dirt floors and little chipmunks to bring us our evening tea so we're going to go ahead and move up there that took like an hour all right let's just you know for the sake of time here we go home sweet home all right let's get this baby going so the mechan of Josh's tent are super cool uh how light do you think it is it's just over a pound wow well the thing that's uh great about this tent in addition to how light it is is that it pitches entirely with your trekking poles so you don't need any extra equipment to set it up uh it's got a lot of room for two people it's got two big vestibules and it's fairly bomb proof those are the good things about this tent what are the bad things the bad things about this tent are one it's very expensive um for what feels like a little piece of fabric it's a lot of money uh two the material is so thin that it's basically see-through and so a you don't have very much privacy and B it's even thin enough that you can see stars and the moon at night time so as soon as any lights on it it it wakes you up it makes a lot of noise and it's very slippery so even if you're on a small angle like that by the end of the night you'll slide down and be at the bottom of the tent damn so well I guess that's what get what you get for ultr light gear right although the slippery part I'd be a little like it's very annoying it's kind of like when you have two dogs and they just keep pushing you into the corner camper do you have anything to tell us uh yeah I love camping mostly because it's my name and is this a treat are you guys ready for some camping ASMR honestly that's a cool looking tent it's about 3 lbs lighter than this thing maybe 2 lb yeah I feel like if I got a new tent that was ultra light that would save at least 2 lbs right there yeah I think with a new tent and a new pack you could easily save five or six pounds you know what the best part of finally getting the tents done we get to have dinner and getting into warm cloes clo here you go camp good boy well yes I have two puffy jackets on all right I'm so excited for dinner on tonight's menu chicken fajita for one this is bare country so you do not want to cook where you're sleeping to attract them so we're going to come a little bit this way to not only store our food but to do our cooking uh we're going to take this thing which is a bag fill it up with water squeeze it through this which filters it takes out all of the stuff that could potentially contaminate the water and make us sick then we'll fill this thing up with water boil it once we have fair amount of boiling water pour it in this bag Shake It Up Stir It Around round wait 5 minutes and then serve ourselves a steaming hot pile of chicken fajitas bear canisters also work as great seats all right and we can start a drum circle yeah ready for the final moment yeah dig in Cheers Cheers I need to get an extra long spoon te still a little hard too [Laughter] hot how's the fried rice it actually tastes hot oh God no it's got a good flavor that I will never be able to taste again cuz I burned my tongue yum I would say like on a scale of 1 to 10 the chicken fajita is an 8.5 and I'm not even just talking backpacking food I'm talking like real food just straight up eat it uhhuh you ready give the people what they want man me up oh okay okay hey all right that was good we have for our dessert course tonight we have Peanut M&M's which pair very well with the Trader Joe's peanut butter filed pretzels and Starburst flavored Jelly Bellies little of all little everything chocolate we're going to go with peanut M&M's before bed okay thank you coming in that looks great how many do you want kidding me right now no backpacking evening is complete without some snacks agreed you know people talk about the the big three being uh your tent your sleeping bag and your your pack but I think the big four includes chocolate yep no that's an incredible combo last thing fill up water just make sure you don't fall in the water while you're filling your water stay hydrated don't forget your water so bedtime I'm so excited for bed good night good night sleep well hello boys excuse [Music] me it's actually crazy how much of a temperature difference there is in here versus outside with all the wind wow I don't even know if we're going to need a jacket so first here I brought an insulated pad for the boys so there's a barrier between the cold floor and it keeps them warm now we need to blow up ours let's go [Music] before I set myself up let's get camper that's camper Rodney you're on your brother silly good night camper we love you oh man you don't have one of those cool hoods I could tuck my my thing into or did I put this on upside down oh I'm upside down shoot hang on maybe we can shift like this C pillar over all right and good night Rodney we are going to send a message via satellite to our loved ones so they know we're safe and it's time for bed night everybody [Music] good morning boys good morning [Music] camper you guys want to go outside all right go ahead wrong way rid me over here all right I'm coming I'm coming so pretty [Music] you guys know what time it is yeah you're looking at it time to get along living large at 10,400 FT ready for the hardest part of our day can't open opening the bear canister so hard to open this thing bear proof and Nikki proof oh thank you sir watch [Music] this yeah I think I got it here you go my king good morning Josh Meister how is your sleep morning Nicole actually I slept pretty well yeah considering how cold and windy it was uh I had a great night's sleep enjoyed just laying there until the sun came up and warmed up the landscape woke me up went out for a little stroll it's a stunning beautiful morning I had two little toaster ovens although Rodney was like sucker punching me in the chest all night camper you st so good God I would kill for somebody to make me a latte right now I don't know how to make a latte but I sure as hell know how to boil water hey my man shall we go make some coffee and tea let's go all [Music] right pour me up I'm a little nervous I might need some clean this out done I did it how much tell me when teabag coffee we're making a mocha oh my God this going to be so good wow looks so appetizing cheers wow that's all I was missing in life just a little bit of chocolate powder in my coffee this is my first decent backpacking coffee ever I'm going for the oatmeal little sneak you little ninja coffee's done oatmeal time good morning everybody and welcome to cooking with Nikki today Nikki's going to show you how to make the world's finest Backcountry oats let's get to it but now the challenge am I going to be able to start my own fire hang on let's see if it's even booa Booga Nikki start fire how do you spark it you have to turn it on first oh really hang on I got a little spark okay don't waste all the gas perfect just keep doing that it'll go a few moments later I did it I'm a mountain woman after you take everything you can find and put it in a bag you then put it inside your cup wow in the cup I never would have thought of that now folks here's the tricky part you got to get the water into the cup wow okay but just the right amount that feels like the right amount oh wow and you stir it on up man oh man this is absolutely delicious oh there's cacao in there too and coconut we are so healthy all the Seas welcome to Nikki D's cribs today we're going to take you on a tour of Josh's hyperlight tent yo Nicki D Welcome to My Crib come on in let me show you around so here we have the bedroom the living room the kitchen the dining room and the toilet the toilet if you have a the salon the sun room the garden The Observatory and the library this is where the magic happens all right sir what are your main components for your hyperlight pack I cannot believe it's like 25 lbs all right so here we got a thermarest NeoAir xtherm sleeping pad it's really really warm really lightweight I have a quilt from Enlightened Equipment that's also very warm and very lightweight and those are the things that let me sleep well at night here in the back country so Josh has been backpacking for 20 years and this is the equipment he has ended up with which I think says a lot and I'm really interested to try this stuff this is very cool we'll like I'll show you my beginner pack and then maybe we can compare and see what maybe other people would do I'm really serious about learning how to get my pack lighter so I just want to do a little comparison here wow this is a very large difference feel that not massively but that's like a pound right probably three three lb heavier 4 lbs heavier I'd say wow I guess maybe my next upgrade would be another backpack yeah it's worth getting out here and exploring these amazing places uh but the lighter your setup is the more energy you're going to have the better you're going to feel on the trail the better you're going to feel when you get to Camp the more you're going to be able to explore and the Richer your experience is going to be so the one thing that I did get is the Nemo quazar what do you think I could say this is very likely the most comfortable Camping Pad I've ever laid upon right all right as we do more backpacking we'll do more updates but for now we're going to get packed up that usually takes about like 30 minutes I feel like it's a slow process cuz you have to be super organized so we're going to fit all this into this and before we go we're taking a cold plunge got our bathing suit and a little dry bag because honestly I am feeling a little tired from carrying all that weight yesterday and the wind all right Camp find a good cold plunge spot for us the idea is finding a spot that's a little shallow so maybe it's not freezing and it's like you know right above freezing taste tester oh shut up that's like 49 all right here goes nothing you ready I'm ready woo Camp are you coming oh that's a good boy oh he's out of it he's not into it it's the slow roll into the cold water 2 minutes 2 minutes two minutes later going to take a little hippie shower while we're at it that feels good you're not going to shower what this is what we call a hippie shower man that was amazing you guys I love you all thanks for watching again don't forget check out Josh here he has some amazing photography and workshops I'll put everything in the description we love you all we'll see you on an episode next Friday

2024-09-30 15:37

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