Sunday in Sydney: Kelby's Breakfast, LaShish Lunch, Niha Village Picnic, Greek Festival, Nara Lounge

Sunday in Sydney: Kelby's Breakfast, LaShish Lunch, Niha Village Picnic, Greek Festival, Nara Lounge

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Joy along with peace Is every person A master friend In times of difficulty And in times of fear But he not only Created a net. For these coming And these coming cross the line to the end He is no More than a ruler So he leads And he brings Peace, love And the greatest God And that is Louis Follett His goal Is to put His country And his child To the center For his children That will be People For the people I've been here since 1972. I know the area from a long time ago. It was all Greek here.

The area was called Athens, just like Athens in Greece. They called it Athens here. All of them had Valiant cars. Valiant was famous in those days. They called it Mercedes.

How could there be a Mercedes, a European car, in those days? So each Greek or Lebanese had a Valiant car in those days. 63, 64 cars. That's how it became in those days. So we tell them good morning, we are in Malekville, walking a bit, and we met.

There is a Lebanese guy everywhere. Lebanese people are based in this country. God bless you.

I am Isa, from Lebanon, from the south, from Ghaziyeh. I came here as a student. I studied a master's degree in food science and nutrition. Then we graduated from university.

At that time, when we were studying at the university, we wanted to work, just like all the other So we went to hospitality. We worked in hospitality, and I liked it. But when we graduated from university, I didn't want to work in the field I studied.

Even though we studied a lot, and paid a lot of money, and everything. But I liked working with people. I came from a hospitality background. My father had a restaurant. So I said, alright, that's it. I'm not going to work in a

lab. Because in this field, food science and nutrition, you either have to work in a lab, or in an or quality control. Factories, food companies. And I didn't want to do any of it.

So I studied hospitality. Then I studied hospitality, commercial cookery, and hospitality management. To develop myself in this field.

So I became a qualified chef. I love cooking, I love working with flavors, hence our menu. But what made a difference for me was connecting with people. I didn't want to stay behind, and no one would see me, and I didn't know anyone, and I would see I stayed in the front. I didn't go into the kitchen.

In the front, I was like, okay. I worked on the floor, and managing, and everything. But coffee caught my attention. So I fell in love with the story of coffee. I learned.

I asked my boss at the time. I said, I want to learn how to make coffee. He said, okay, no problem.

I talked to his barista, and I told him, teach more. And that's how we started. For a few years, from a barista to a head barista.

Then, we came to this place. There was a customer who came to my place when I wasn't working. And he was hesitating.

He said, there's a coffee shop in Marguerite that needs someone who's good. I said, okay, we'll go see him. We came, we talked to the owner at the time.

He said, please, if you can come and help us. So we started with him for two days. And then, we switched to full-time. From full-time, I became the manager of the coffee shop. This is Kelby's.

And I stayed with him for five years, managing. I was doing pretty much. Not just managing the floor, but managing the business completely. After five years, I told him. One day, he asked me, why do you work? He said, why do you work so much? I said, one day, I'll have a shop like this. He said, good on you.

Days went by, and the right time came. I was ready to start. I said, I'm going to start looking for a shop.

He said, why do you want to look for a shop? Take this shop. He was ready to sell. He had his time. After five years of managing Kelby's, I became the owner.

That was the turning point for Kelby's, not just for me. Kelby's is a Middle Eastern-influenced menu. A very unique menu that you don't see in any other cafe.

Even in Middle Eastern cafes that serve Lebanese food, our food is still different. The reason is me. I think about how I want to make the dish. It goes through a long process. I always think about the customer.

How is he going to receive this idea of a dish? I'll give you a small example. We have Lebanese brekkie. That's what we call it. Lebanese brekkie... If you want to go down to the authentic Lebanese brekkie, we want to eat Foul. But we don't serve Foul.

Customers here won't eat Foul. They won't accept it. You have to think like I did.

Who are you talking to? Who is your audience? Our audience here won't eat Foul. We created the Lebanese brekkie inspired by the bigger Lebanese brekkie. The Lebanese brekkie is the small plate we serve. You'll eat it later.

It has Labneh, Zaatar, fried eggs, Lebanese bread with Zaatar, and Lebanese sausages. It also has Halloumi cheese. Not the Greek Halloumi cheese, but the Lebanese Halloumi cheese. It's stringy Halloumi. All of these small plates, when we sit at the table in the morning and have breakfast, they're all small plates. So I put them all on small plates.

And we put tomatoes with them. And we put the Lebanese sausage. At breakfast, we don't eat Lebanese sausage. But coming back to the audience we're talking to. The Australian or English big brekkie here has meat.

They put chorizo sausages with it. They put Italian sausages with it. And they put bacon with it. So I took something from our menu as Lebanese and put it on the menu.

Now you can ask me why I didn't use sausage. We could have used sausage. It's very good. But we have it on another plate. That's the first thing. The second thing is that sausage is used a lot. So this Lebanese sausage, not many people know about it.

It looks cute and small. It tastes good and it's light. So it complemented the dish. This dish became one of the best sellers on our menu. So this is Kelbis. It's just one dish on our menu.

To show you how I come to create dishes. Kelbis is a coffee roaster. And the roasting company for Kelbis is called Karabov Roasters. It's another company. It's a sister company to Kelbis.

and I am the roaster. To stay in the same direction, we are trying and looking for diversity, not just in words, but in as well. So, instead of saying we are serving this coffee in a famous company, let's say Toy Biz Estate, or or Pablo and Rusty's, or Ola, or all of these big companies, or Seven Miles. In the end, you are serving a good coffee, but it's not yours. So, to stay in the same direction with offering a point of difference. In 2020, I learned how to roast.

And from there, we took off. I've been roasting since then. This is not judged by me.

Judging by the customers. Customers, after they drink their coffee, they come to the counter and they say, thank you very Your coffee is beautiful. I haven't had a coffee like this for a very long time.

So, coffee comes to you, but if you want to talk about coffee and roasting, it has foundations as Like cooking, like anything you do. So, we started first by selecting good quality beans. Our beans have a score of 82+. Our score is 82+.

So, this is coffee coming with a very good quality coffee. We use three origins. We use Papua New Guinea, Ethiopian beans, and Colombian beans. So, by combining all these flavors, three components of three different regions, it gives us flavors.

It gives us the body. It gives us the chocolatey, cacao taste. It gives us a little bit of nutty taste.

It gives us some fruity taste, which is... When you talk about coffee, the fruity taste is divided into two parts. You have stewed fruit or cooked fruit, and you have raw fruit.

Raw fruit tastes like acidity. So, the coffee tastes sour. Why? Because this is the type of taste notes.

We went in the other direction, which is cooked fruit. But you... Let's say berries, for example. When you eat fresh berries or cooked berries... Fresh berries have high acidity and sugar. But when you eat cooked berries, their acidity decreases and their sugar increases because there is caramelization process.

These two combine together and create a whole different dimension of flavor. So, this is how the coffee became. And I called the blend Tusca. Again, always thinking in depth.

The name of the blend Tusca... It's inspired by the elephant. The elephant has two names. They call it elephant and Tusca based on the tusks. Now, why is it called Tusca? Why did you think of it? I thought of the elephant.

I thought of the elephant because the elephant is a very big giant. Extremely strong animal. And it's the most gentle animal that you could ever come across. And this is our coffee.

It's strong in flavor. It hits the spot. It's not milky. It's not weak. So, you get this strong burst of flavor coming through your mouth when you drink it and you taste And it just comes so smooth that you would love to have another cup here. Another cup after you finish the first cup. And this is the Tusca.

This is the Halloumi stack. It's made of rye bread, smashed avocado, halloumi, poached eggs, and wilted kale. And this is topped with za'atar. Za'atar that we use is a signature za'atar. It's not the za'atar that you get straight from the market.

It's the za'atar we mix it. This is the Lebanese breakfast. Labneh. Za'atar. The same za'atar that we use here. Lebanese sausage.

We get it from Green Ica, the Lebanese butcher. Halal. It's all good. This is the Halloumi string. Halloumi and Labneh are great products. The eggs, free range.

And the Lebanese bread. Everyone knows it. Then we come to the French toast. This French toast here, it's a story of its own, this plate.

How beautiful it is, how many flavors and work and thinking about it. First, there's pistachio cream. The French toast base is Turkish bread instead of brioche.

Brioche becomes soggy. This keeps the shape. And it's dipped in cinnamon sugar to give you that churros taste. Then there's the berry mix, the berry compote. This is homemade.

Pistachio cream is homemade. And then maple syrup. And then this is the butter snap cookie biscuit. It's the butter snap cookies. We smash them and we put them on the dish.

So it adds crunch to the dish. And that gives it that biscuity flavor. So as a dessert plate. I liked it.

I liked it when I entered. First of all, he speaks well. Everything has a story and a history. He created the brand. 2007 and ongoing.

He set the goal at the end of the road. He said that one day he will have a restaurant and he bought the restaurant. Today, you reach a place where everything has a story. Maybe the thyme, their color, maybe every piece of what they're working on.

It's obvious that he's going to eat something delicious. We start with the crunch at the bottom of the sourdough, of the rye bread actually. On top, kale, halloumi, avocado. You're hearing a very nice sound. It feels excellent.

Wow. The flavors, the spices. The sourness, the kale is great. The egg is amazing. The avocado is ripe, super tender. The bread is not crispy.

It's properly toasted on the sides, bottom, and top. He's busy with art and a very nice technique. It's really heartwarming.

As simple as it looks. The cheese is melted. I saw that they're working on the eggs in the kitchen. It's still soggy, moist in the middle. When you're taking eggs with Lebanese bread and it's a bit soggy in the thyme, we're adding a bit of labneh.

We can add a bit of the nice green thyme. Redefining simplicity in a classy way. How do foreigners eat it? Soft bread with oil and thyme. They add the egg from here. We spread it with a bit of cream or labneh. We can add half a tomato to give it an enjoyable sweetness.

And this is it. Best breakfast in the world. Good food, good food, good vibes. I liked the music. I liked the explanation of things. It makes you want to eat.

Pistachio cream, compote, nice soft bread. It doesn't have the heaviness of butter. A bit of cinnamon, a bit of sweetness. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Nice fruits. Oh, this is good.

The bread here looks like a cronut. It's right. Bravo, bravo, bravo. 99% of the people who come here are not Lebanese. Foreigners come and have fun. They eat labneh and thyme.

They eat good food and smile. The vibes are very nice. Sunday morning.

Good morning in Marekville, recommended. Good job, I want to tell you good job. Thank you. I am very happy to meet you. You know yourself, you know your job. We understand each other. The son of business.

The son of business, as they say. And really, everything has a story. It is not food. No. There is a story of food. Right.

There is a story of a plate. Right. God bless you.

Even your coffee is tasty, I didn't tell you. Thank you. Because this is, it comes from. The son of business doesn't work for anyone. The son of business knows what he is doing. He wants to do something to the best he can.

To the best possible ability. To the best possible result that we can achieve. This is the son of business. He doesn't work for anyone. It is not because he wants to open a coffee shop. This is the son of business.

Chef. Coffee roaster. Barista. Whatever you want. Why? Because we want to be.

We want whoever comes to us to be happy. To eat our food. And sit with us. Have a good time.

Have a good feed. And tell us thank you from his heart. And go and come back to us. Another amazing success story. The thing is, Anthony. This is something that we have that is very important.

As Arabs and as Middle Easterns. But someone comes to me and says. I give this message to my team every day. These who come to us as customers. But you come to us as a guest at home. What do you do? You go and clean the house.

And you go and cook the best food. And you fix it. And you rest it. So that when the guest comes to you.

He is happy. We are the guests. Hospitality. We go back to the roots. It's not called hospitality for no reason.

It's called guests. That's what we do here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Sunday in Sydney. Where are we going? To the Greek Festival in Burwood.

Today, we started our day very early. We had a delicious breakfast. We learned and saw Diana. Probably the biggest stamps and Diana collection in the world. Probably.

Then we will continue to Burwood and the Greek Festival. Then we will continue to Lebanese BBQ. In Neha. With the Neha group in Australia. Our day is long. It ends in a Lebanese restaurant.

And so on and so forth. I feel that I am the happiest person today. Very lucky to spend the day with my friend David. What I am trying to say on camera is not working.

Answer them yes, no, no, yes. No, yes, no, yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Anthony.

Anthony, welcome to here, Burwood. Our Greek Street Fair. I am with Minister Steve Camper.

Minister for Multiculturalism. It is a great event as you can see. Today is not just a fair. It is actually a feast day. It is the feast day of St. Nektarios. So you got to go in.

The tradition is you go in. You say a prayer in church. And then you come out and enjoy the Greek culture and the Greek food.

But more importantly, and thank you John. Thanks to Burwood Council for putting this day on. I mean it is true authentic Greek. And you can feel it. You can feel the vibe within all of the people that are here. And it is not just Greeks that are here.

There are Greek Australians that are here. Everyone is here enjoying the Greek atmosphere. So thanks to John.

And thanks to the people of Burwood for putting this on. It is a great event. Great event.

I am very proud as a Minister for Multiculturalism to be a part of this. And Anthony, just one last thing. Thanks to the support of Multicultural New South Wales under the Minister. For giving us a grant also to put this on. But you can just see here in Burwood.

The fifth most diverse community in the country. The fifth most. Look at the people how they are living in harmony. Different religious groups. Different ethnic backgrounds.

Coming to enjoy the food. Enjoy the culture. Learn about our Greek community.

Learn about their church. So it is great. It is a real great melting pot. Great example Burwood. Great example of Australian culture. And it is also the success.

The success of the Greek migrants. The Greek community. Here in New South Wales. In Australia for that matter.

And the way they have intergenerationally blended in with the Australian way. But giving the Australian community something extra. And this is what we can see here today. Thank you. To my friends.

all of you that are here, and all our family that are joining us. To my brother, the Minister Steve Camper, my Greek brother, who's here, and it's great to have him as the Minister here in Burwood. To his eminence, to Father George, the great shepherd of this beautiful church, the beating heart our city, St.

To the Consul-General, to the Federal Member Sally Sutu, to Penny and all the committee here at St. Nektarios, what a wonderful day. It's a wonderful day because it's a celebration of our history and of our Greek culture here in I think last year I spoke to you at the fair and I said how this event is so close to my heart with connection with the church. My nephew's being baptised here, my sister was married in this church, and I feel like family when come here, and I'm treated like family. And I wanted to ensure that this year we close the road so we can make the event, not better it was always great, but make it bigger so we can share our Greek culture and we can share the And I want to say a special thank you to that generation that migrated from Greece, that came to with not much. They came with their pride and their suitcase to make a better life for their families.

And what we want to say to them is thank you for your hard work, for helping and supporting the generation. And today is about continuing those traditions so we don't lose that. And it's not just about the food, it's about the faith. You know our church is important in staying with our communities, the faith.

It's the language, it's the traditions that we want to continue to that next generation. And that's why the Greek Strength Fair is very important. But it's not just the fair, it's also the Feast of Saint Nektarios. So happy Feast Day this this week. I know it was on the 9th of November. Kronio Pola for the Feast Day.

And Efcharisto, thank you very much for having me. Thank you. A multicultural country. The country has all the nationalities. And small, small, small. There are a lot of nationalities

and they all live together. Here there are people from Greece of course, but there are also Japanese, Lebanese, and from all countries. Multiculturalism. Is that how you say it? Anyway, they all live together and we love it.

We will leave from the Greeks and we will go to the Lebanese to see the dabke, the argile, the the hummus, and the picnic. The smell is amazing. I am Najaj Subrohin from Niha. Niha, Batroun district. We have been founding an association for a year now.

We have gathered the children of the village, all of us together. There is our brother Jeris, and Chebel Khoury, and the rest of the good guys. God gave us and we went with them to the association. We have gathered a large number. Most of the people of the village are with us. They love us here in the village.

Everything happened as we wanted. Today we are here at our second picnic for Niha, Sydney, Australia. We are sharing this amazing day with immigrants from our father's era. I feel like I am breathing fresh air. We met last night. When I saw you, Anthony, I saw myself all over the world.

We are good people. Lebanon is ours. In America, they try to take the moon, but we have the moon on our mountains.

It is an honor for us to be here at lunch time to say a few words about this. May you live long, young people. May the name of Lebanon live long. Yay! Come on! Come on! ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule in Sydney to come support Nichol. Thank you so much. We know how much you appreciate our village and our families from over there and it means a lot to here that you are here to support us too.

Thank you. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ So the real sentence is I've been asked to say a word, not I want to say a word. Okay? So I'm okay, I'm okay. Okay, come closer so I can raise my voice without being heard.

So as you may all know, I've been to Neha several times. Maybe. Probably six or seven already. Who's never been to Neha? I haven't. Wow.

So let me tell you about your village or the village you're probably from and never visited. It's one of my favorites in Lebanon. I would put it in the top three not to say the first and I've been searching for definitely a piece land and maybe to have a small little piece in heaven. I love Neha. I love how you need to take the road and reach Neha. I love it how it's surrounded by the cedar trees.

I love it how it's calm, it's authentic, it's old. I love it how people over there are very generous. Food is amazing.

Vibes, happiness. It has something very special to it that is not like any other village in Lebanon. So be proud of being from Neha. And if you've never visited Neha, you have to. You really have to.

It's life-changing. There is something that happens when you reach there and just walk around, around the church, the cedar trees, around the old houses. There is something that vibrates inside of you and says, okay, you will feel it definitely. You're from there.

So thank you for having me. I hope to see you all in Lebanon. There is something about what I try to call the Lebanese DNA.

Despite being grown in Australia, probably born in Australia, first or second generation, inside your blood that says, but I identify as a Lebanese and I am Lebanese. So Hamdallah, this is something very important and look at it, look, feel it, focus on it. And the day you're going to come back to Lebanon, it's not a visit. It's not a visit, it's just a reconnection with the roots. The day you're going to come to Lebanon, you're going to feel something amazing, you're going to back to Australia and say thank you Australia for giving me the chance and opportunity to grow and I am, you are Australian definitely, but Lebanon has something different to it that runs into your and makes who you are. The success, the resilience, the power, the strength, the smile, the the habits, the food, the coffee, the welcome, the delicious food and everything in between.

So reconnect with Lebanon because Lebanon needs you and all of us, 16 million around the world, are who we are today and all together we're going to make Lebanon proud and keep that name very high. Thank you for having me today, enjoy your time and hoping to meet with you all with the same and same vibe and same... Thank you.

You can find us everywhere. We're now in Basel, in La Piroze and everywhere. We love you.

My love. We're going to start eating Lebanese. Their meat is delicious. It has a good fat, juicy.

Do you want some? David is still trying. I'm doing a 5-6. Okay. Hummus, grilled meat, and a nice taste. Look at all of this. We're doing it solo.

Hummus and meat. Hummus. The sandwich is like Sunday in Lebanon.

Hummus and meat. Who's in? I went around the village in a nice way. You saw how Lebanese people are. They're sitting, shouting, and having fun.

All the kids are in the mood. They're all back to the village. I'm a bit excited. Anthony, I'd like to thank you for inspiring me to go to Lebanon. I went to Lebanon this year.

It's my first trip. When I arrived in Lebanon, I felt like I was home. I was born in Australia, but I feel like a visitor here. When I arrived in Lebanon, I can't explain the feeling.

Especially being with my brother, George, in Lebanon. It's just... I don't know what to say.

The feeling is... I have no words to explain the feeling. It was beautiful. Thank you. Loved it, loved it, loved it.

Emotions. Food. Passion. Love, generosity, unity. Lebanon. Life.

Feelings. And everything in between. We drank Arak.

I want to drink Arak. Next time. It was good. I hope they always meet. I hope all the villages in Lebanon keep meeting so we don't forget our traditions. I remember them from last time. I remember I ate one of the tastiest donuts you can find maybe in Australia, and not just in anywhere.

He said, it's about half a kilo. It's well stuffed. It's crispy. It's light. It's white on the inside, no oil inside.

It's well rested, well fermented. Oh my God. Mm-mm-mm. Halal donuts.

They're called Boston Donuts. Super, super, super spongy. Very generous.

Extremely tasty. I ordered 3. Nutella to start. And then here, look at the cream. Look at the cream.

Look at the cream. Oh my God. Oh, my box. Man. Killer donuts.

World champions. Wow. Really, wow.

Bravo, bravo, bravo, bravo. Of course, they're Lebanese friends. You know them, you met them in the previous episode. I give them a thumbs up. They're still tastier and tastier each time. Take a picture of me.

He's taking care of me. He saw me struggling with my hands. Sugar, I don't have sugar in my mouth. Thank you so much. Thank God. Thank God.

Thank you. My name is Mustafa Awik. I'm from Fouar neighborhood, Zgharta, north Lebanon. I've been in Australia for 13 years. In the food industry, I had nothing to do with it. Until I met my partner, Hussein.

It was always my dream to have a restaurant and work in food, but I didn't have that experience. Our restaurant is a Lebanese restaurant with Mediterranean cuisine. The restaurant has been open for 18 years. We were just across the road. Our restaurant is in Guilford, New South Wales, Sydney. 265 Guilford Road, Guilford.

We are open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday. Weekend, Monday to Friday. Saturday from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Our Lebanese food is authentic.

We do everything from the heart. Hello, guys. My name is Hussein Zain Al-Din. I'm from the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon.

I'm 25 years old and born in Australia. I've been in the hospitality industry for the past 13 years, specializing in Middle Eastern Lechish has been around for the past 18 years. We serve our very well-known hummus, baba ghanoush, our fatteh, our barbecued meat platters. We're very famous for our chicken mushroom as well.

And we serve some fresh seafood such as your garlic prawns, your salmon. So, today, Anthony, we have some of our famous dips, the hummus, baba ghanoush. We've got our crispy-skinned salmon. We've got chicken mushroom, some fried beans. We've got our crispy-skinned salmon.

We've got our crispy-skinned salmon. We've got our crispy-skinned salmon. We've got our crispy-skinned salmon.

We've got our chicken mushroom, some fried vegetables. We've got our home-style food, which we cook a week. Sorry, once every, no, how many days? Three or four times a week, we make home-style food for the people that miss home. So, today, we a mulukhiya with rice. We got a chicken mushroom over here, kebbeh nayeh, labneh, baba ghanoush, hummus, batata, kisbra, kebbeh lahmeh, tabbouleh, mansaf lahmeh, shanglish, shay sambusak, falafel, fattoush, lamb cutlets, arnabit, kousa, beitenjan, kebbeh meqliyeh, warak arnab, and of course the mashawi, and the semen. How much did we pass from here, how much did I pass from here, and I've never been to this Today I went to this restaurant, and I was surprised by how beautiful the plates are.

How neat the plates are, how beautiful the plate is, and then the ingredients are beautiful. The sambusak, the meat, the arnab leaves, the falafel, everything that we know in Lebanon. I'm excited to taste 3-4 plates, including this one. Which we will see together, which is cooked properly, with a great quality, with its sauce inside. Super juicy, not overcooked on the potato and the sauce. This is so good, so so good.

One of my favorite simple plates, it reminds me of my childhood, they remind me of Lebanon, they me of the beautiful smell of the days after school, which is the Lebanese maqaleh with a bit of Beitenjan, unbelievable. Unbelievable how we were able to fry everything and make tasty things out of it. I'm excited to eat the rice, how much I love rice, with the almonds, with the meat, the rice that properly peppered, I'm mixing it and I'm smelling the great smell of the spices. And then, okay. The rice is soft, properly cooked, not crunchy, the almonds are crunchy and not chewy.

The meat is amazing, amazing, amazing. And then, where should I go? Usually we always start with the hummus, because the label is read from its title, and with a piece toasted bread, we will see the creaminess of this hummus. Top. I closed my eyes on the kitchen.

I saw inside, 2 ladies working, Lebanese. I saw a Lebanese, an Arab, a chef from all nationalities, our country, working properly with And then, and then, I don't know, but I haven't eaten Sambusak and Hummus yet. My favorite mix. Oops. I loved the food, I loved the table, I loved the mix, I loved the plates, I loved the presentation.

At 5.30 a.m., I arrived and all the tables started to arrive. The place is almost full at night. You can eat from the rice, to the grilled meat, to the things that are foreign, but all are from Mediterranean.

The plates are nice and organized, and even traditional and old things. The meat is great. What should I eat to eat? I really enjoyed it. I really really enjoyed it. Sambusak, Malfoufeh, Roll, like something blessed.

Their dough is great. Their filling is perfect. Good job. 1, 2.

Surprise surprise. You know I always pass by here. I see people rolling outside.

Of course, it's a shisha lounge only. Let's continue. Today, I met the owners, I went inside, their story, how many years have they been here, how they the place, and then comes the food.

Good food. I am not a shisha person. I don't like rolling. I don't like the idea of writing shisha lounge on the restaurants.

In the end, it is a restaurant that makes food. The food inside today was amazing. The food was delicious. Nice. Guys. I came back to Guilford.

I came back to Guilford. I want to try a restaurant. I want to try.

Will the food be good? The food will be good. Let's try it. Let's test. This is me, Rula.

How are you? Good. Nice to have you here. I am from the south. I am from a village called Debel. I don't know if you heard about it.

It is next to Ramesh and Aynebel. It is a very small village. It is very nice.

This is my kebbeh. This is my kebbeh. This is my kebbeh. This is my kebbeh.

This is my kebbeh. This is my kebbeh. This is our kebbeh from Debel.

Anthony will taste it. We made it without onions. He will eat it and enjoy it. I am 30 years old. I am 30 years old. I came to Australia when I was only 19 years old.

I came to Australia when I was only 19 years old. I loved the kitchen. I spent days and nights in the kitchen. Then I got married and had kids. Then I got married and had kids. I raised the kids and married them.

I have nothing else to enjoy. I decided to work in the kitchen. I decided to work in the kitchen.

I went and did the course. I studied for 3 years. I started with Nara Lounge.

It was my first serious job in Nara Lounge. It was my first serious job in Nara Lounge. I am still here and I will never leave. I don't have a favorite cuisine. But the Lebanese cuisine is important to us. We were all raised in Lebanon.

We are all Lebanese. We are all Lebanese. Because I like Lebanese food, because I like Lebanese food, I am working in a Lebanese kitchen. I love all the Lebanese food.

I love all the Lebanese food. I don't like seafood, French food or Italian food. I don't like seafood, French food or Italian food.

I love everything. I don't have any hiccups when it comes to food. to food. When I first started as a chef, I was very scared because this is a very stressful job, very I was a little nervous and I didn't know I would be able to continue like this, but now I am very I have a lot of beautiful people who help me and appreciate my work. A lot of them tell me that they are more excited to have their own business and work in the It's all good.

Ladies, don't be afraid. Working is great. Go out and do it.

It's all good. Ladies, don't be afraid. Working is great. Go out and do it. I'm Diana.

I'm the operations manager of Nara Lounge. I've been working here for over nine years. I am from Lebanon. I was born in Lebanon and I came here when I was a baby.

We love Nara, and we love working for Nara Lounge, and for the team here. Everyone here is great. We all love it. We have the two restaurants. We have another location, so we have the Hurstville and the Pendle Hill restaurant.

And yeah, so... I'm hungry again. I'm very thirsty.

My name is Shamel Jaboun. I'm a football player. I was in Mexico in 1968. I came to Australia in 1971. We first worked in factories.

Then we started in buildings. We built and worked with metal. Finally, we opened two restaurants.

Nara Lounge and Family Restaurant. When we first started, we had kids and a wife. We all worked together. Thank God, everything went well. Thank you.

We have a lot of employees now. The guys are working in the office, and I still help out a bit. I always bring them things.

My brother in Mexico, I went to visit him. I stayed there for about two years. I don't know why they let us stay there, because the situation was very difficult. So they let us stay there.

Then we came to Australia. My brother used to live there, and thank God, the situation is better now. Before the coronavirus, we used to go to Lebanon every year. Not every year. From 1998 to 1986, we used to go. In 1990, we used to go.

In 1995, we used to go. In 2000, we used to go. In 2009, we used to go.

In 2018, we used to go. In 2019, we used to go. Now, because of the coronavirus, we can't go. So we stayed. Wow, I loved them. I will tell you again, I don't have a lot of friends, so I open the door, go to his place, and see Argileh, and say okay.

Then we went to the Argileh Lounge over there. We went to another room, which is the bar and the seating area. The kids are screaming. Then I entered the kitchen, and I saw a chef, a lady, a house.

Amazing amazing amazing. Breathing, life, feelings, work, decoration, dishes. Then I met the owner of the place. History. History from the 60s.

He came here and started many things, and he is still here. I felt that I will enjoy. I felt that the Hummus is delicious. I felt that the Tabbouleh is amazing. I don't know where to start and how to start. We will have dinner all together now.

I have an old hunger. I don't know if the plates will fit or not. I am very excited.

Very very excited. So we will sit behind here. They look very very nice. The crispiness is from the outside, soft from the inside, crispy and filled. And they are so good.

The cheese is salty, amazing amazing amazing. Hot potato, with a bit of Hummus. Hot. The potatoes are delicious. The potatoes are delicious. It is not soggy.

It is not mushy. It is not mushy like a lot of potatoes here. Kebbeh. Boom. A nice small bite.

The skin is on the sides. It is thin. It is well toasted.

The Hummus is very delicious. The Hummus is sour. Very creamy. There is enough tahini.

Lightly crunchy, very soft. Minced meat, very small onions. Wow. Tabbouleh.

It is Tabbouleh. A small, shiny, and beautiful form. Bravo. It has a nice breath.

It has a nice breath. It is well done. I felt, I felt since I opened the door, since I entered the restaurant. The color of the Kebbeh is very nice. The shine of the oil is amazing.

Wow, so soft, so smooth, lightly spicy, beautiful quality. Sambousek. Nice. Bravo. This is what we do with Labneh.

Bravo, bravo, bravo. If you like Sheesha, you are welcome. If you don't like Sheesha, the restaurant is where I am sitting. If you want a private room where you can hear the sound and remember the door on its own, a private for meetings and families, know that here there is home food for a housewife. Bravo.

We ordered tequila on the rocks. They don't stay awake. Cheers. The food is delicious.

For this beautiful gathering. Cheers. Everything.

Getting serious. We are preparing a new menu for Nara Lounge, which is a mix of seafood, like Lebanese infusion, Asian, French. So we are trying to mix it all together and change a bit of the flavors. So it's not ready yet, but we are preparing it.

We are preparing it. We are preparing it. We are preparing it. We are preparing it.

We are preparing it. We are preparing it. We are preparing it. So it's not ready yet, but we are working on it. Sashimi tuna with ginger and soy sauce. That's of course just to have a bit of shots with it.

This fish is kind of a French, but it's got a bit of Lebanese herbs in it. Hadali crab, it's a mud crab, my favorite. It's an Asian sauce, but mixed with some Lebanese spices. These are Tasmanian scallops, Asian style also. What are these? Do you know? Pipis, pipis. Have you ever had pipis before? Okay.

That's pipis also, with Lebanese spices and Asian spices. Same, baby prawns. In Aitoul, they call them school prawns. School prawns. Family gathering. These are not on the menu, but you can order them as a special edition.

Tell us the story. So family gathering, first of all, thank you so much. You welcomed me in your family, in your house. Thank you. Your breath is amazing, your food is amazing, your hummus is amazing, the meat is amazing.

Everything I ate, I hope I didn't find anything wrong. We will do that. And then came the seafood shrimp chips. That's it. This is one of my favorites.

I love this. And... Oh, yummy.

Yummy. And all the things that we will start tasting together. So if you feel like a seafood dinner, order it in advance. A special order.

These, as I told you, I studied for 3 years, so I know more than hummus tabbouleh. It can take care of special flavors. And one of a kind quality.

Fresh fish. Lemon juice, to make sure that it is fruity. Good quality. We wanted to taste these, from Tasmania.

And very good. And these that they gave me, good stuff. Nice flavors, Asian soy sauce. Childhood memories. Wow.

Very nice. Thank you.

2023-11-27 15:43

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