Summer Vacation 2023 - Hong Kong & Macau

Summer Vacation 2023 - Hong Kong & Macau

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foreign [Music] is it good mine just tastes like normal udon but it's very good all right I'm gonna eat it I'm all over so we're gonna eat some sushi and then we're gonna go hang out around town some more so yeah foreign [Music] I don't know where we are but it looks really good [Music] they have a lot of organs and like seafood for sale pretty good probably okay I don't know what this is it looks like just chocolate maybe it looks really delicious we have an original one my hair probably looks crazy right now oh it looks so perfect it's very very crunchy oh [Music] it's like chewy it's chewy it's so weird but it's good so yeah we found a Pacheco from a random uh vendor at uh and it's basically like jelly like jello but like with sugar and bread bean and it can have like a bunch of different kind of nuts so I'm gonna try it [Music] I was really gelatin dude I'm assuming a little bit you can see there's like nothing in it it's just on top hey guys so it's another day and we are going to the we are going big big or the daifa we call it the big fat Buddha it's just called big Buddha yeah [Music] in the world and we're gonna go pray and uh wish her good luck we're going we're going on a cable car it's a really nice view and there's palm trees [Music] thank you oh my God it's happy and Buddha talking with Buddha oh oh that's a cool photo his horns I'm scared [Music] I'm gonna run up [Music] well I gotta stretching he's getting ready for this [Music] let's go the flowers are so pretty they're like purple and yellow water little they're really pretty water [Music] oh look at his back it's the Buddha himself very nice okay guys so now now we're leaving um it was really cold look at him he's so big so like 20 times but he looks so awesome so there was like this painting inside that was drawn with blood like 20 years ago it was really cool [Music] so nice [Music] very peaceful [Music] and the view was awesome there was like a bridge and then it just like went away in the distance with the fog in the clouds it was so pretty but yeah I recommend going here it's the Buddha it's it's really cool it's a temple and we can't take video in there so we're taking out here I think we have to pour water over Buddha's had three times [Applause] I can just go after him give him a shower everyone showers him 24 7. [Music] ah there's another one okay we're in line so it's gonna go real fast we gotta go it's on a ship it's very fast then we're gonna go explore Macau for the entire day [Music] thank you [Music] thank you we are going to the ruins of Saint Paul it's very different it's like so weird it's like Hong Kong and Europe it's all like it's like Europe kind of dirt Portuguese [Music] I just like Portuguese and like everywhere it's very distoriented the colors are very strange and these are the ruins [Music] all right so this was um a crypt and it has a lot of Bones on the side like it's all the way up there all the way up there that's a lot of guns and I think they're all real don't know what happened to it yet they'll probably tell us [Music] we are on the stairs um going down from the ruins of Saint Paul and it just turned from a Portuguese colony to Classic Hong Kong this breakfast and a lunch stop oh so weird [Music] which is like organs and stuff and they have a pork chop on and those are like the two major famous things so I'm gonna try some of those [Music] okay Bakery and we're gonna go pick out maybe some cookies all right these are almond cookies right classic towel we just tried some very yummy cookie we're gonna come back and get them later probably later today so um they are known for it like the place is called koi kid and it's known for their peanut candies and there's this a whole like bunch of peanut candies everywhere along with a bunch of pastries and like cookies and stuff and stuff and I think there was another Netflix show based on this Bakery and apparently it's like a true story it's a TVB show it's like a it's Hong Kong TVs so we have our Workshop buns here and they're super Staple in Macau so try Ashley I'm putting on mosquito stickers okay so it's basically just a Whole pork chop here wow do you want hamsters [Music] Clean Hands um [Music] [Music] oh we are getting some awful awful and three fish bowls and yeah delicious so basically it's the organs No Maybe it's the organs and it's a staple in the pound [Music] nice very nice all right Curry [Music] very hot classic here if you come to Macau you have to get it full of spices and now the organ there's a bunch of different ones there's like tribe um intestines spleen and like maybe some liver and then there's some what's it called I forgot what it's called but it's a veggies food yeah so let's try some bread yes daikon [Applause] that's very good oh very tender vegetables we chewy at the same time very good I don't know what these are because they're delicious hey it tastes like guava it's really sour CE yeah it's really sour but mine was also bigger so maybe mild was more ripe these are really sweet they're a little sour they taste really nice you squeeze the fruit like the flesh into your mouth this is the pit and like you uh eat around the pit it's kind of like the concord grape the ones you like eat and then but it's super like sour and a little bit better foreign [Music] [Music] you're supposed to put vinegar is red vinegar and um white pepper in it we are now in taipa in uh Motel we're going to a super famous street one of the most horse-filled streets here but here we are getting cookies yeah my cookie oh wow that bad checking them [Music] okay so it starts here and then throughout this entire place it's like all food basically and it's playing with a random bird Birds [Music] yeah it's very crowded very crowded it was also very famous and this is where we're going to be getting egg Tarts and cookies also after this we're gonna go home and go to bed because I am very tired we are gonna go get some durian ice cream delicious [Music] wow 60 others are 33. yeah it tastes like durian yeah wow that was like straight to real it's it's like it's super strong durian this is made with the best uh durian in Malaysia so it's the musan King durian um so the free samples may have gone to us we got like a bunch of stuff so these are peanut candies they're very good and that's what they're known for and underneath these are almond cookies it's very loud in here but yeah these are almond cookies and they're homemade like we will watch them uh we watch them make the thing before so yeah and he was checking them too hey guys so this is the end of our Macau day it's very sad but it was really cool to see all the different buildings and experience Macau culture it's really cool it was very beautiful very um Portuguese there are very Portuguese centers so yeah [Music] and it's like a super touristy place we're going here to pray [Music] first we have to pray for all these people with like incense and stuff then we can get this like bamboo Container full of like sticks then we do what they're doing over there and it should have a number on it and apparently there's going to be a fortune telling poem that connects to the number so what it looks like is like red things on top this one has a green one for some reason right outside just come out of the station there's gonna be some people that are trying to sell you these incense but don't be fooled because so so you can make a donation if you want to this apple but don't buy the ones outside [Music] this is a number it's like you put the number in here and you shake it off and you pray you take a number and you have to remember each number has a fortune teller that comes with it and if it's good it's good neutral and bad you want to get good so we have the meal on this thing right here [Music] where we're going well we're going someplace oh it's very humid right now I feel very sticky apparently there is a light show that's gonna happen and there's a lot of people coming out to watch it so yeah [Music] [Music] so this is Tam's Earth Goose it's a Michelin star roast Goose restaurant and it's really famous foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you we're taking it away [Music]

2023-09-23 20:03

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