Successfully leaving Hervey Bay on passage north Bundaberg Queensland & beyond #travelvlog Ep.9 S2

Successfully leaving Hervey Bay on passage north Bundaberg Queensland & beyond #travelvlog Ep.9 S2

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as we said last week it's time to hit the water we  are finally heading north so join us this week as   we leave Hervey Bay Head to Bunderberg and on to  1770 been here before welcome back if you haven't   you have much to catch up on nearly 5 years ago  we sold our goat farm in Victoria to hit the road   in a truck and Caravan after 4 years of exploring  Australia we have changed course a little selling   our Caravan and buying a 48t yacht exploring  Overland is still a priority in our truck but   now we are adding the sea to our adventures oh and  I forgot to mention we don't know how to [Music] sail it's 5 a.m. and we're getting  ready to leave yay and it's bloody   cold hence is the beanie terrible windy  good morning we're just getting ready to   go so we have to do our log book uh  which just is checking the weather   and the tides and yeah so we're leaving  here today and heading to Burnett Heads north good riddens Hervey Bay  you were good to us but goodbye [Music] morning so pretty the venger is is out yep the you ready yep let's go tiny bit more yeah first I up for  the morning now the mizen let's go we are already almost at the pontoon oh what's your here good out [Music] oh okay and we can uh unfurl the jib unfurl the jib [Music] woohoo you go girl you go girl so now you can adjust the sze a good way after stiring the  first is adjusting then stiring   which one you adjust the sa hold the SA [Music] hi we're sailing to Bundy back to  Bundy again because we love Bundy how fast   are we going 6 knots 6 knots we got up  to 7.3 yeah that's a record yeah that's good got to concentrate going wrong man can't do two things at once no  can't it's why when you think about   boobs I get confused cuz that's all  I can do one thing at once [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're just heading into Bundy into  the uh Bernett River to Anchor in   for the night and then tomorrow we're off to 1770 morning it's 5:00 again we're on to it day  two we're heading to 1770 day two apparently   the weather's going to be a bit uh guler today a  bit windier so we might be traveling faster and   yeah it was a good thing that we came into  Bundy got bloody windy it was windy but if   not sheltered it would have been  absolute shot wow been crazy yes good [Music] morning good morning fellow crew good morning we're heading to 17 [Music] 17 beautiful start to the morning how did you sleep  last night Alice very well   it was very calm very covered so good was good [Music] [Music] [Music] no no no no I didn't tell you listen  to me okay okay it's good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]   beautiful for the moment we  didn't adjust anything that's okay that one can you just the Sheet yeah yeah and you  know we can H the sheet with [ __ ] in the [ __ ]   you understand you can [ __ ] in this [ __ ]  we didn't have like a no don't [ __ ] just stop   come here I will explain to you come here come  here anything you're going to host the stay okay   of course not [ __ ] in the station  okay if you [ __ ] in it's not working and you you can you can be  prepared to [ __ ] in but not with   a freeer or ref Freer you you're  ready but you're not doing yet okay hard hard let's go okay up okay now you can much much okay like test  until it's flapping at the end in a bit currently doing six oh on the approach to 1770 I radioed VMR to  check what the situation was with the tides   Etc because it is recommend to call them  and we're advised that our draft was too   big so we found ourselves having to change  our plans and head to Pancake Creek it's   getting quite late in the day but these  things happen to the left is busted head Lighthouse some of you who know the area will  know that that means we've gone past 1770 we did we went past 1770 because it turns  out because of our draft we can't actually   get in so we've had to add an extra I think  it's like 20 20 or 25 nautic miles onto our   day so thankfully we've had very good winds and  we're still going to get in just at dark but we   would have been anchored by now and sitting  back and relaxing had we been able to get in   in at 1770 anyway such is life on to Pancake  Creek the team are growing weary the day is long Sun's going down Sun is  going down what are we going to   hit tonight spaghetti balll and EG oh yeah [Music] putting in the jib what you in the [Music] [Music] [Music]   Happ [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm king of the world oh [Music] [Music] wow searching searching for the right spot   how much chain are you putting  out 50 m today 50 m 50 m R me that yep [Music] yep Ready reverse yeah I think it's on the  bottom yeah yep it's on the bottom yes reverse reverse yeah is that stop y thanks for watching and  don't forget to subscribe if you   want a reminder hit the bell and  remember we always love a thumbs   up okay for tonight and uh today  no tomorrow no no it's fine it's

2024-10-17 21:36

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