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good morning guys it has rained for two days  kurt's ear is not doing much better we do have   antibiotics and tylenol we're going to try to head  somewhere to get him a little more comfortable um and we need fuel for the van because it's been  raining and we haven't been getting a lot of solar   and we need to run the air conditioner because  he's fighting a little bit of a fever while he's   fighting the infection so we're about to roll  out of this camp the roads are a muddy mess   it's been a great camp it was wonderful   if you ever come here you need to come to boca  del drago it's a great little beach community but we're headed back towards town there's  a lot of colors i don't know where to go   see a lot of colors only feeling  blue there's a lot of colors   lost within a haze don't rely on  others to get you through the maze the dreams are not the same for me standing by the shore anymore there are a lot of voices drowning in the sea  there's too many voices talking back at me   all right so we just had us a little authentic  lunch out here on the island kurt still feeling   pretty bad but he is improving which means the  antibiotics are working so we just got to give   him a little bit longer to rest up and then we're  going to try to have one more adventure on this island foreign so we were in lake atlanta in guatemala i guess  it's been about what six months ago give or take   and we went to this restaurant to serve curry food  which neither snow or i had any experience or knew   what to order but you guys gave us a hint or told  us what we should order and guess what that's what   we're ordering tonight so snow you're what are  you getting butter chicken so snow's gonna get   the butter chicken and i'm getting the piscato  vindaloo which is the spicy uh i guess fish so   we'll see how it goes but we're down here in bocos  del toro on the water and we're about to have some   authentic indian at a place that has been here  for 19 years 19 years with a beautiful view   butter chicken oh wow that is really really good guys  perfect recommendation all right here   goes kurt the vindaloo i've definitely  had the vindaloo before okay and i like it   and it is spicy and it is good especially  with the fish i think the fish is mahi mahi   but i cheated and got a piece of this  butter chicken gonna try it go ahead definitely more your speed yes they did good  didn't they all right guys we're going to enjoy   our dinner and then we'll see y'all in the  morning but kurt is definitely on the mint me hmm all right guys i'm pretty stoked we've  been hanging out in bocos del toros now   for a few days you guys probably already know  i got an ear infection so we've been laid up   and this zero breeze air conditioner is  something that we have been wanting to try   we were in the cold mountain country so we didn't  need it but i've been banged up we've been hearing   the heat and trying to use it but i haven't been  able to set it up and honestly i don't have it set   up properly right now but i just wanted to give it  a whirl it's blowing about 65 degree cool weather   right now i haven't vented out the window which  was actually probably took me about 10 minutes to   do not ideal but it does need to vent outdoors and  so you can kind of see it it's already down to 64.   but let's see how this cools off the van i'm  optimistic that it's going to be a nice supplement   with the sun beating on us the air is coming out  now at about 61 degrees so it's still getting   cooler it's got this adjustable vent right here  i could tell you sitting in front of that thing   it is nice and cool i am super excited  about this little air conditioner right here what started off as paradise  here in bocos del toro   turned into a little different situation first i  got an ear infection and went down and actually   got really sick for two or three days it's  happened before it actually happened in mexico   we were swimming with the seals and the whale  sharks and pre in my previous life it's happened   a few times so i'm definitely susceptible to those  but anyway i kind of put a damper on top of things   then it started to rain and rain for two or three  days we were running out of water and based on   situ the situation here on the island water is  just not easily accessible a lot of these little   island villages or what have you rely mostly on  rain water so filling our tanks really wasn't an   option we were running out of food so we headed  back to town and basically stayed in the van   street parking in the major part of town there for  two or three days and so just really missed out on   a lot of the stuff that we would have liked to  see in here i kind of feel really sorry for snow   because this right here is in her wheelhouse  and a place she would have loved to explore   unfortunately it didn't work out that way we  even thought about staying a couple extra days   but today was another rainy day so we decided to  go ahead and scrap it we're going to be going to   the beaches soon in the pacific anyway and so it  seemed like the smart thing to do but while i was   here in town i was able to meet a couple of locals  and really cool i got some of the local stories   i ate at this restaurant it's been in the family  for 30 years met the beautiful people had the   authentic food right there with the locals  i met giovanni and he kind of explained the   water situation on the island and some of the  kind of the other behind the scenes and i know   you guys are thinking well we're traveling to this  amazing beautiful you know beach island with all   these other islands why are you worried about the  water and the infrastructure kurt and that is kind   of part of our journey it's part of our background  so i'm always curious about hearing about that   but in any event they do have a lake on the  island they pump the water down to the city   they have a cesterno system which basically means  it's not potable and not a super efficient way   and so in the town they struggle with water  but on the outskirts they definitely struggle   and there was a lot of other things that we  had questions about as we explored the island   that we were able to get answers to  which really kind of made it more of an   authentic real experience for us other than  just kind of coming in completely as tourists   and sitting on the beach so i enjoyed  that aspect but it was kind of a bum   bum or the last few days there but i can't  complain we're kind of living the life so we got quite a bit of driving today it's  a little bit of a drive just to get here   from sort of the rest of civilized panama  so we're going to be going up through the   mountains you're supposed to be some  beautiful vistas and then on the other   side there's a cool canyon river to explore  so hopefully we can make it there today we're   not sure that we have a place to stay tonight  so that's going to add to the adventure today   we'll have to see you'll figure it out  just like we do so stick around let's go   we've gotten off the ferry we've left the island  we're on our drive towards our camp we got hungry   a little street food it's not very good looking  it's kind of looking greasy and fatty but we're   hungry and it's a move-in day and a long  drive today so so let's see how it goes   on the way out of here i'll show you  our glamorous restaurant location lunch wasn't as bad as we thought it was  going to be the ham was actually pretty tasty   it was quick it's a bus stop is what it is so a  lot of in and out nothing fancy but we're back on   the road headed to our camp you guys have already  seen this road so we're not really sharing it with   you unless of course something interesting pops up  other than that we'll see when we get to our camp   so we made it over the big mountain pass we  are coming down hard and fast on the other   side it was very steep but it looks like we are  about six minutes from where we hope to camp   good morning guys if i'm being perfectly  honest we've had a few struggles in panama   you know we've already kind of discussed  that we've been struggling a little bit   to find fresh water it's certainly around but it's  after being from costa rica probably more spoiled   than anything but we came up over the mountain  pass last night and there really wasn't any places   to park for about two hours up over the mountains  where it was nice and cool so we came back over   town and ended up at this sort of old place  where it looks like they used to have rodeos   maybe an old rodeo arena or what have you  and parked here in amongst the horses and   the boys came out last night and trained them  and broke them so that was actually pretty cool   uh we ate at the restaurant last night had some  good food the people were real nice the owner   there bought us a beer and so that was cool but  we're back in the heat again and so there's that   and honestly we got to figure out  what what our strategy is going to be   for panama but enough complaining we've left  our camp we've picked up a few groceries   we are headed to the local swimming hole  which we think is in a little mini slot canyon   we're gonna see what it's like when we get  there all right curt walks down and scoped   it out this calls for floaties so it must  be awesome down there this place is going   to be really nice and relaxing this is the  kind of place we need on a day like today   it's hot it's humid and the water is cool and  refreshing so let's go let's go all right got   a few stairs but they don't look too bad oh just  as i say that they start to get a little steeper   i'm gonna put the camera away to finish the  walk down guys but look at this fun place don't listen to what everyone else says take your  time you're not their mess yeah you might not be   at your best but it's fine i don't mind telling  truths when you need to hear them and be kind when   that's what you prefer how about when you can't  see our way out help you fight and let you know   feel the sun on your face and chill out on sundays  don't take this the wrong way i'm on your side   through the worst days i just have to say  i miss my best friend seeing her smile how about when you can't you will get this somedays stop just hold on a minute this part is  nearly finished you'll get a fresh start take a deep breath this is the only way you'll ever find out that it won't  always be this way you will get there on someday on sunday so this river's been pretty amazing the water's  nice and clear and cool we've been just floating   down the river but now it's time for me to hike  up there a little bit and see what's going on   y'all didn't think y'all didn't think kirk could  stay within a small little area like this well i   got my new hiking or i got my uh open-toed hiking  shoes on i had to wear these in the water in case   i got some river crosses and i'm gonna bring my  floatie in case i need to flip it out all right   kurt's going exploring i'm gonna chill out here a  little bit longer i'll probably work my way up to   the van check on the kitties and wait on kurt to  get back but this has been a super relaxing day oh oh to describe i'm in between i'm good and  it's fine but i'm tired of the grind   then i come alive in the night to realize  i'm in the middle of the time of my life i'm   never so packed for the stack never light  on the back from the way that i write it to be real good to see me making movies but enough is oh oh our previous spot did not work out we came to  david hoping we had a spot and we ended up at   the tarpaul probably pronouncing that wrong gas  station you can see it's raining there's a va   and vin here which is for those of you familiar  with wawa back in the u.s anyway it's kind of   like a restaurant style convenience store um  then actually they have some tasty videos for   a convenience store they also have bathrooms and  it's open 24 hours there's that but it is kind of   by the main road it's not ideal but it's gonna  work for the night we're gonna hunker down and   get ready for some big plans tomorrow thanks as  always for watching guys we appreciate you coming   along the journey please please go over to our  instagram channel and give us a follow over there   and we will see you in a few days cheers you like  this video be sure to subscribe to our channel   and hit that notification bell so you guys know  when we put out new videos and don't forget you   can always follow us over on instagram to see  what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2021-08-29 07:30

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