STRESSED out in Salou: Motorhome Adventures in Spain

STRESSED out in Salou: Motorhome Adventures in Spain

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how you feeling now you got out of there feel  a lot better it's just the um obviously I've   got it in there um so I know I was getting it out  ah they they're saying if you went into that one   and come in oh right for them put the wood on there  Good Morning hello everyone good morning so that's   us done here at this site in I think it's Clara  camping and Bungalows yes um so we've just been   and paid for this and we didn't say it properly  on the last Vlog but it cost me £78 for well   cost us £78 for the two nights which is not  too bad is it it's not too bad, no you know   you're right on the beach here which is great  and that's um the benefit of this location I   think so now we've got the tasking before we  head off to our next destination which we're   going to Salou aren't we we're going to Salou yes  to a campsite called La Siesta which we're going for   7 nights um I'm we going to show you around  Salou and what you can do there um it's a bit   more of a tourist spot um but we wanted to go  and check it out yes definitely um so we're   going to go there but first of all we have got  a challenge um and the owner is coming back   to give us a hand but it's to get off here so  um as you can see we've got the tree at the   front there and we've got this one at the back  so it doesn't leave Lee much space to reverse   there at all if any so it's going to have to  lock it hard right as he said um and get it out   from where this is here and just pull it round  through here so um yeah so we'll see how that   goes well I'm here these are the little bungalows  that you can hire out actually they look pretty   good um they've got like a little balcony area  on the front and then you get all this Garden   space as well which is quite good um and there's  some more of them just behind where we've been   parked so it's quite a variety of different  accommodations and plots you can have on here it's the wing mirror ooh it's close that tree we're  well away from that one oh well done that's very good now it's clear up there look just going to reverse him  up a bit Loads of room loads of room yeah perfect you want me in  let's go that was Bloody good he   did Bloody well how you feeling now you  got out of there feel a lot better   it's it's just the um obviously I got it in  there um so I know I was getting it out but   yeah it's just a bit of the nerves making sure  you don't um knock the van I suppose but um now   I'm out I'm all right yeah that man's used to  it he was well I'll show you the video back   later you'll be impressed [Music] we've had to rely on Google Maps  cuz the coordinates took us past it and   we are in some tight streets cuz of Google  Maps but it's just a left here there we go   La Siesta Salou Resort and camping it's  quite open now darling who watch that lady yep so it does look a bit of a tight squeeze  to get in but you can do it in our size motorhome   behind that one over there darling I think right  there was only a couple of tight roads but it's   like a city isn't it driving around when you yeah  basically what happened was we got the coordinates   in and we just drove past it and there was no  signage or it just said it was there um and then   when I put the Google maps onto the actual place  name obviously then it's just think sure a car   so we ended up going down some narrow streets  but I think that is the only way you can get   in looking at it it probably is the only way you  can get in you know it's not so bad you got cars   parked either side it's just when you get  the cars that don't park properly and their   sticking their nose out um but we got through  if I was in a Bailey autograph or something like   that I probably wouldn't have got through it would  have been a bit tight you would have had to put your   wing mirrors in I think yeah definitely but  there's a gentleman security guy uh he just   takes your name just tells you to wait here in  this queue and then someone's going to take us   there we're at 221 and there's a lady on  a bike that just went up there just up there darling um you sure your destination is on the left  where has she gone she's gone she definitely went up   here we're 221 she said got to do it on my own  I can't get on that, not with the ramps well she   says keep going no that's it I can't how  you get on there ramp bit there um hello   yeah get it's just this bit we're woring about  he needs more angle doesn't he needs forward   more I think there's a tree here you've got  a big tree behind you it needs to be forward   more you you your angle needs to okay um you  can't go you're going to hit the tree if you   keep going backwards like that ah Le they're  saying if you went into that one and come in   oh right them so put the wood on there and  you yeah that'd be better wouldn't it yeah okay I'm going to go forward we're still trying  to get on this pitch I think he's going to come up yes he's going to put the wood in the hole yes yeah you all right there darling we're just having to move that and then oh look some  people are very friendly thank you uh I think you are right there jump out and  have a look I'm I'm filming myself and not you   I think I've been filming myself that whole time  I'm sweating right we're eventually in we've   got the wood there come in this angle and has  eventually got in out of one tight pitch into   another awkward one but I'll tell you what I prefer the  other one I'm honest I seem to trust the guy more   he knew how to get people in and off the pitch on  this one it weren't so much the pitch you see I'm   sweating with stress but um it weren't so much  the pitch it was the irrigation ditch they've got   just in front of the pitch now without the wood I  would have definitely taken off the fresh water   so yeah to be fair you had a lot of people helping  though yes a lot of people help trying to help which   is really nice now I need a cerveza definitely  here's a beer daring for your hard work getting off   one pitch onto another yeah they can get tight it's them  bloody trees quite a big site this one um we are   on Pitch 221 which is here so the reception is  just here so we come in off that tight Road here   into here um and then we've just driven up here  and part 221 um there's like a little alleye that   goes up to the toilets it's got all your disposal  um washing machines shower blocks Etc and it looks   like all the water parks are up here so we're  going to have a little look around later and these   are all the chalets or bungalows that um I think is the  main sort of accommodation people book here cuz   you can have half board full board as well so next  morning and so we arrived yesterday so just after   lunchtime ish um cuz you can't arrive here till  12:00 on this site um it's called if I haven't   always said it's called La Siesta um I think it's  camping and Bungalows again or something like that   I can't fully remember I'll put it we'll put it  on here um yeah it's quite it's not a bad sight   actually and it's quite shaded where we are and  the heat came down a little bit last night so we   finally got a good night's sleep we went out for  food um we found a restaurant in Salou went for   something to eat it's only a 5 minute walk to  anything really and there's a supermarket on here   but it's only a smallish one um we found another  Supermarket just outside of the campsite really   went there and got some bits um yeah so so far  we're enjoying it so we've got seven nights here   um we are going to be doing a couple of days out  which will'll take you with us and show you what   we're doing we're not 100% decided what and when  yeah but we will be um here's Lee morning everyone   what we doing today going to the beach yeah so the  beach then a cooked breakfast I don't know if Jodie's   mentioned that but I want a English breakfast  it's been a week now and that's uh that's all   that's on my mind well Salou is a place where you  can do that it is so I'm looking forward to that   um it's nice to have all the Spanish food and  stuff like that but sometimes it's nice to just   go back to your roots and have an English  breakfast there's a couple of tents there   um another motorhome and if I show you out the  front that's cuz we have got to park sideways on here the only thing I would say about this site is cuz it's  very green um you do get a lot of flies and   um mosquitoes and stuff like that it's more the  little midges the little ones the annoying ones   at least the big ones you can see and they pack  A- punch when they bite but it's the little ones   you don't really notice until you get a bite so  the reason one of the reasons we going to the   beach as well and not using the pool is a pools  get very busy so there is five pools but they're   they were packed weren't they yesterday so we're going to go to the beach instead get a lounger and just stay there   for a few hours just a quick one while we're empty  the waste does anyone else have this problem so   it says 100 there's no way we could have 100% in  the waste Lee's been emptying it out a little bit   um he's just through here and down there is where  you can attach a hose our hose doesn't reach   so he's having to use a bucket um but every time  he's emptied it a few times already but it's still   saying 100 how you getting on yeah getting eaten  alive you're getting eaten alive yeah you've got   my spray on now haven't you yeah so um yeah just  round near them bushes I think all over there so   have you managed to empty some of it out yeah I  have all of it but still showing 100% all of it   you've done all of it wow hopefully that'll change  in a minute then well that's what I'm saying I've   used that um tank Buster thing um which is like  a chemical you can put in it's meant to sort out   sensors obviously it's made them worse I think  anyone else have this problem and how have you   fixed it if you managed to fix it right we're  now on what day are we on today Tuesday Tuesday   yes Tuesday we got here on Sunday  and we're leaving next Sunday morning yeah um so   on Tuesday we had some really really hot days  um we did have a beach day like I mentioned   yesterday um and then we went out for something  to eat in the evening didn't we we did not much to   film for you we are finding it very difficult to  film on this site cuz it's so busy so we're having   to find either a really quiet time that's going  to be first thing in the morning which they don't   seem to be a quiet time um quiet time here is 12:  midnight till 7:00 um but it is more of a party   site there is plenty of families on here don't get  me wrong and people that stay here for a long time   but it's quite an active site swimming pools are  always busy um yeah so it's a busy site hard to   film we will try to throughout the Vlog if we  can if we can't then that is why um but   we've just been I mean it's like it's 3:00 now in  the afternoon um it's been raining all morning so   we're only just getting chance now to go out aren  we yes we are yeah the rain stopped now um give me   a chance to wipe down the van a bit anyway cuz  that's been getting Dusty and yeah we're going   to go go out and explore a little bit more of Salou  trust him when it starts raining he washes the van   well free water is it easy now so I'm going to um  well we're going to we're going to go out now into Salou you can see in there where it's  been puddles where it's been running you can see it's very green sort of area and  we are parked just down that lane there um   up there is the pools and the entertainment  and everything and this is the way we came   in and the reception area yeah that's the  reception just in the distance there this   is the entrance just here um and all we have  to do to get onto the main Beach is just cross over down the little paths the little windy  roads should I say um straight down these   roads um and this just takes ya all the way  down onto the beach there is this restaurant   just down from the campsite which the campsite  recommend but we've not tried it yet looks like   it does have some things we would like in it  but it's it's primarily fish food fish food   Seafood um but it looks really nice  and this is where it opens up onto the seafront so we're just going to take  you bit further near the beach and   along a walk along the seafront area  it's quite busy on the main walkway it's quite pretty quite a pretty seafront  promenade this is a lovely Beach they've got   loungers just up there where you can see and  yesterday we was on loungers over there it's a   very different sight to yesterday when we were down  isn't it it is yeah so yesterday this beach was   absolutely packed rammed it was it was good um sun  was out so you can imagine we got a big inflatable   thing there and from the center bit here they rent out all the paddle boats and the jet skis   and everything like that so you can get all that  from the center every one of these that has the um   lilos and um stuff that you can rent out they're  actually €25 each which is quite expensive um for   two that's a two-pack with a parasol and they all  have a bar as well um so yeah you can use the bar   obviously you're paying for what you have but uh  and they're dotted along all this Coastline um but   it's really good um when you're getting in the  water that's really warm as well and there's no   shells or nothing on your bottom of your feet it's  just pure soft sand lovely so one benefit from it   been raining I've been able to come down and film  the beach for you so this was heaving yesterday   and it would have been a bit more difficult that's  the name of the beach up there yeah    you got all the information you need there  don't walk in them puddles in your flip-flops [Music] they do have parking on the seafront however I don't think you get a motor home on here but there is  a camper van just pulled up over there   actually that was a motorhome that's got  in there but it looks like a 6 M yeah it's   a small one yeah so you can get your motorhomes  in there yeah don't know how much it costs   though no if it costs at all not sure  couldn't see any signs for it [Music] um all the shops and everything are just up that   way um on the the side of  this Fountain over here big Fountain I haven't seen it lit up though I  thought it was meant to light up it does on   the night time been down here of an evening I  didn't see it then maybe I was just not looking   and blind I'm sure it was  little up when I come down with you so just see this next to the Fountain  actually um it's got a game of pumps it   says water pumped um but illuminates and does a  light show with music and stuff like that that's   quite good must be similar to one in Barcelona  then yeah possibly so different events just do   different light shows with it there are  210 different combinations of Water and   Light nice police bikes there is um there is  plenty of police presence down here and it does   feel quite safe unlike some other areas you  can go to it's quite built up but here does   feel more family-orientated in Salou and it does   say when you Google it doesn't it that the   council and the police work quite well together  in this area yeah yeah so this is another part of the strip this part here is on the actual seafront and   you have got people swimming again  now the rain clouds have started to disappear [Music] let's go and check what that is you got  a few of the hotels in this area they're not just   here there's a lot dotted around all over Salou but there's quite a few clustered here and you got   a lot of restaurants along this bit and bars there  tends to be more restaurants though around here not as   many bars and such but people do go in for just a  drink it's like a mini peer thing or something is   it yeah Lee huh looks like a mini Pier or something  yeah I think it's a walkway that goes around right   okay it's just in Spanish it is but I'm looking  at it as if it's if it's a certain walk so you can   probably walk around the coast there I reckon what  an hour and 47 what for El Raco that says and then   there's another one Baran decent pay and that's 35  minutes would you say yeah I'm wondering if it's   cycling though it looks quite far okay I don't  know it might I might be wrong some viewing points   oh and you got the Salou sign just over here so  Lee's going in for the photograph see if we can get in do you want to take one of me  you can hold the camera can you do   both yeah oh I'll do it I'll do it from this shot so I'll just be what you want me on  here right that's the photograph's   done yeah very busy around that  sign difficult to get a picture in we follow this path and does the path this  path take us all the way around then well I   think so you have to come back up ah right okay  around a bit more and then you can go back down   on this half thing put on the edge we got some King we'll have to find out who he is and if we do   we'll drop it down on the side for you and then  uh down here we've got are yeah I'm not too sure   either looks like they're just playing with  the boats in the Rocks maybe the rock pools   it's quite a nice touch them isn't it it is yeah  again so you can see this walkway going all the   way around there so wherever there's no footpath  they've created one I think it goes all the way up   over that point yeah how still the water is  here though considering we just had Thunder   probably a few hours ago now and now look at it  as calm as anything yeah this is a little cove   bit yeah we see some people fishing here yesterday  cuz you can't fish around the corner so they all   fishing here The Rock's very interesting isn't  it we can see the different layers of over time   yeah there's some steps there and I think that  might go up to one the hotels maybe up there got   another coved type of coved area i' say mainly rocks  there's an anchor with a plaque on it does that   feel safe enough for you Lee yeah right he says  gripping on well I'm just trying to see if there's any fish it's quite clear so if there  was I did see some earlier down   but you can't really see anything yes  it does bring you out to another Beach so I'm quite happy to go and have  a look at you yeah we should probably   get to the town by here yeah you can  I think I know which one it is looks   like this has been held on by rocks doesn't  it it do it is look got the different stone   in there clay stone all sorts I've  been in their years is saring away like a sand Stone stuff definitely  no fishing not with hooks anyway so we believe we can just come out of here  at some point and head up the town there is some   steps up there yeah which might be the way up yeah  just over there in the distance there's some steps   we'll try them so this must be the second Beach I  think there's three dotted around this Coastline   for this area anyway so we found this street  to walk up instead cuz we think the steps take   us into a an area we don't want to be in so this  leads up to the hotels we got loads of these types   of shops started around I think this is the way  back down now to the main area so what I wanted   to do is I come here and about 1998 with my dad  um and we stayed at one of the hotels up here and   I'm just seeing if I can find the hotel and also  if I remember the area around there cuz there was   some nice restaurants and bars and stuff right  so if we can't we can't but I'm giving it a go   so this one here this one of them over there was  Where I Stood very good memory l right down here   then I know definite so as you can see behind  us you got all these Works getting done at the   moment so let's runs down that whole main strip in  Salo and so the center's pretty much out of bounds   and you got the foot paths left and right of that  um so it can get quite busy on that squashed in   but yeah you still got all the bars uh to the both  sides of it and they're all still open and running   I think this used to be an a road going through  years and years ago like I said I'm not sure um   and now they're making it into a Precinct are I  think yeah it carries on going all the way down   there back down to the uh seafront so we got  wild sweets XL here size of these look at that relish big [Music] skulls kids dreaming there  look at the goob Stoppers size a cricket ball   that macarons oh yeah but yeah if you like  sweets they've always got plenty of these what   the strawberries one of me five a day right there  so I can have two of them three bananas and I'm goodar that's it's quite a Posh Restaurant is  it um we're on the hunt for some towel   I'll explain why later long road now back down  to the seafront gets quite busy this area and   that bar over there called kiss used to be a  bar that I used to drink in I think it's more   of a nightclub now CU back in 1998 it was  a fun Pub like karaoke Pub all sorts seems   to be more night club than now it's like  it's an Adventure Park further up 100 m all the things you like doing yeah  hanging jumping playing golf getting   on one KNE it's like a big Park area oh  god I've never seen kids so excited to go   to the [Music] gym they're off to work out  that's mint you come out the other side of   the park that's when you see it so it's just  there which is the Bosque Adventurer in paint barin zip lining I think that is archery  um trampolining I think that's what's in   there mini golf as well it's we love  to have a look at that one day fancier   mini golf yeah can be I think I've  seen a couple of mini golf horses   around this is is going on to the  seafront we got lots of shops two places and bars well the cup restaurants more  than bars managed to get some towels big beach   towels but with the proper material not that lsy  stuff yeah they did F fiber which good which I   don't mind but you know I prefer the poer power  material ones they don't dry you properly do they   I don't feel like they do now so we're going to  we're going this way yeah come on then let's go so   we're going to go back now and catch you back at  the van so if you're wanting to get your bearings   and knowing where to get to the campsite how to  get to the campsite from on the seafront you just   walk past the McDonald's and Burger King first up  where the central games is next to the cafeteria   there um and we're just up again on the main drag  back to the campsite yes that's right well that's   us back at the van now so we've had a nice walk  around Salo it's been a lot quieter than most   days when the Sun's shining it gets very busy  however it's still very busy of an area um and   if you are walking around you to expect that  there's loads of restaurants and that that   you've seen and bars and stuff like that and the  little sort of shops that you can buy all your   little I suppose souvenir things from but yeah so  Jody uh we got some towels and she explain why we   needed them the reason were looking for towels or  out and about is because I only brought half of   towels with us we've got the beach towels um but  they're not the greatest material for for us for   dry ourselves so we've got some big ones now that  pop a towel in so at least we've got something we   couldn't find the proper ones in the shops but  we got some decent ones so that'll be all right   so that's why we were looking so I forgot them  um but it's been good this cuz I've had a look   around uh memory Lan from where 1998 things have  changed massively um but it's good to have a look   around and show you where I've been before when  I've been here yeah um so we're going to take it   to Barcelona uh which would have been nice but  we've both been before anyway and it's going   to be really hard to Vlog as it's busy enough  out there as it is now and quite difficult um   so the amount of stuff Barcelona has to offer  won't be able to get around it in the time we   have so we're going to leave that this time  uh maybe in the future we'll have some more   time around that area and do it justice but we  won't do it justice in that small time yeah so   whatever we decide to do we'll take with us and  on that note then thank you for everyone that   subscribed and supports the channel and we will  catch you on the next one so until then bye adios [Music]

2024-10-04 14:49

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