Stealth camping on London's supercar street!

Stealth camping on London's supercar street!

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I suppose this is a good time to do the intro now  because we're pretty much um at our destination. We've decided to come to central London Simply because we haven't been to London in ages and   well we want to spend some time here. I know of a street where we can park for free.

We're just about to go onto the  street and find a sort of suitable spot I guess So we've arrived at our park-up,  we're on the very famous Sloane street   very rich part of London commonly known  for uh designer outlet stores and supercars   and Harrods as well just around the corner  uh is a single yellow line so we can legally   park here from half past six saturday  all the way until monday morning 8 a.m So first thing we're going to do is just put  the curtain on just for that privacy in the back so no-one can see it's a camper we are  trying to be um as stealth as possible   so this is the first step and we're  gonna have to take that fan off Can you move my seat? I can oh yeah okay push it go okay Okay stealth step one done So this is our camp spot we're  just going to have a wonder around    check out the bikes santander  bikes and yeah check the local area So this is an awesome way to get around London two pounds for 24 hours, as long as  you keep the rides under 30 minutes   then that is the charge if you ride longer than 30 minutes it's an extra two pounds um but if you just  do a little bit of planning park up the bike  you have a a bike for 24 hours for two pounds   I can't remember I said two pounds too many times um yeah we're gonna have a little ride back so a good thing about camping in london is you  can use the toilet pretty much anywhere there's   so many places you can use the toilet we've just  been to McDonald's it's about two minutes maybe   not two minutes um a couple of minutes away  from where we parked so really not a big deal   um there's also a bunch of public toilets in Hyde Park and uh yeah so we're gonna head back towards   the van it's getting quite dark now we're both  hungry and we're gonna make something for dinner After you madam We're in We are in okay let's get some lights on we've got all the blinds on now We do usually use blinds on the front  but we're going for stealth mode so we're   just leaving the front looking like a normal car  and we do have a small gap with the curtain but   it has to be a really a really weird angle to  see any light leaking through it so um yeah   pretty weird feeling being in the back of this in  the middle of uh central london but we're gonna   cook something for dinner now. So we've managed to set up the  bed without getting out the van   we've cleaned up from our dinner had a lovely  dinner and well we're gonna we're watching some   something on Netflix and gonna try and get  some sleep it's quite noisy still and it's   probably not gonna get much quieter but we'll  keep you uh i'll give you an update in the morning. Good morning we're just waking up pretty much I  did wake up a little bit earlier about half past six but fell asleep again um how did you sleep? Good, it was a little bit noisy but it was okay   yeah it was a bit noisy um a lot of cars  a lot of noisy bikes a lot of noisy people   uh it was a lot of music but eventually it did uh  sort of go quiet and we managed to get some sleep   um so yeah we're gonna get up have some  breakfast and go have a wander around.

lights off let's go let's go uh so we've had a little walk into hyde park we're  currently in Rose Gardens and it is absolutely   beautiful weather's not great  at the moment but that's fine   we're still close to the van and uh  we're probably going to go back and   put our jackets on soon but we're just enjoying  this at the moment it's very empty and quiet. We honestly don't care that the weather's  not that great um it just means there's less   people here and well it's just it's beautiful it  doesn't matter if it's raining, we're really enjoying it So we just had a lovely morning in Rose Garden in  Hyde Park just heading back to the van we're gonna   have some lunch and get ready for a  little bike ride adventure Let's go to the queen, for cuppa tea! Cuppa tea! We're back in the van because it's dinner time and we're  starving um pretty tired we did a lot of walking a   lot of cycling um so we're gonna have some dinner  now and then figure out what the next step is. We just finished our lovely dinner we decided  that we're not going to stay here again tonight   we could stay because the parking is is still  free until monday uh 8 a.m and it's sunday night   but instead we're gonna move on because it was a little bit noisy and we would prefer um quieter   spot to park up um I don't know how the background noise is but it's getting quite lively here and   yeah I want a nice sleep tonight i'm pretty  tired after last night and uh after all of our activity today yeah yeah so we're gonna pop to  McDonald's use the toilet before we start driving   um so see you out there we're gonna take off the blinds now as well because well we don't need   we don't need the blinds on. dog The car behind us is starting So this pretty much summarizes our 24 hours  in London camping on Sloane Street one of the   richest streets in London um would recommend  definitely um I would definitely recommend   earplugs we do wish we had earplugs with us  yeah um actually we thought about that but forgot it   yeah we did we did that was in the plan to bring  in plugs but we managed to forget them somehow   um would have slept much better with earplugs  but it's also you know obviously it's not ideal   you're on a super busy street um full of cars loud  cars especially because it is really known for  supercars and expensive cars we did London  in 24 hours we saw a lot we did a lot and  it barely cost us anything a couple of quid  on the bikes a little bit of money for dinner,  lunch, brekkie but you know it's everything you got already in the van something I forgot to mention is is we don't have to pay any congestion charge  or ultra low emission zone charge because we   simply didn't drive into them and um yeah I mean  it was cool it was uh something I wanted to do   it was a weird idea in my head because I knew  about Sloane Street before I've been here before   So I just thought it would be cool to  come and spend the night here and it was   I can say I've done it and yeah. Would I  do it again? Maybe maybe with earplugs Yeah maybe somewhere else Maybe on Christmas day when there's nothing  going on um but yeah cool it is cool   so yeah thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed  this video and we are just almost at the van again   it is just there and we're gonna drive to the next  spot so thank you for watching see you next time and bye! Bye!

2021-06-29 19:52

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