Stealth Camping on Abandoned Sea Fort

Stealth Camping on Abandoned Sea Fort

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righten folks so we're uh yeah we're on the way  to the camping location actually it's going to   be out the sea this time so we've got Wolfie we  got Jake we got Kiren and we're actually going   to pick up Chris and Jazz so yeah full hour  tonight folks um yeah the Tide's going to be   out soon if not already so we got plenty of time  we got a few hours before it's going to be coming   back just so uh fingers crossed folks let's go  and pick Chris up and Jazz and uh see you then   right how we doing folks right so Chris and  Jazz have turned up they're in the back there   it's like there's quite a few I four in the  back yeah wow got a few in there folks it's   a bit dark so you can't see but they they're  there and um yeah we're about halfway there AR   we roundabout so yeah folks everyone's positive  I'm holding on for Day Life yeah holding the roof   rank down cuz that was a challenge getting  the gear in that all fun stuff it would be   quite funny to turn up there they have turned it  into a hotel yeah yeah you safe for the mic for free wow here we go folks need this is the  is of grain you can see the uh it's still   a power station there isn't it I think so  cuz they did have the chimney the chimney   they pulled brilliant yeah we're hoping folks  there's no one on this Tower we're hoping it's   still there and we're hoping the Tide's not come  in cuz we only got Welles that obviously to a point right at the moment folks we're  trying to find the uh the little car   part thing that's uh next to  uh where we need to start the hike wow least got the new tires a fol nice all right then folks we got a lot of just in this  street all the the cups everything   in the dirty bag with the you excited  mate I think they're mine they look   like your you'll see in good time the  same size want some B out that yes I do just all set folk my knees are  actually buckling from under me   all right we all set j's got  these hands fingers it's very strange all right we're going  to get going folks let's go right then we're going down the track folks  it seems saw loads of people a minute ago what what's this middle of nowhere folks there's the tower you got be care SE com  inone get picture should we keep making a   move yeah why didn't we just get a dingy start  on the way back we CL you want a hand over the   wall cward you say a hand but if I go kind  R oh it's just going to hold the top of the   bag like you do with like a child [Music]  you right folks so yes indeed we are we   are here the Tide's out and um yeah let's  make our way along hopefully we don't get stranded these really don't do much what yeah on off just yeah but this is  slippery yeah it's very slippery this is green slippy see Sur went this hard last time I mean all the times we've been out here  there been thing in the sky and the a lot of a   body on our back I'm afraid I don't like this  when you get down there I don't have no grip   it's just here and it yeah like Chris says it's  once we get down it's all right let's go folks whoa there it is that's they work very well afterwards they a  desert when he's on woof they've got hole in they   hav't yes they do my toe is wet you got SP socks  don't you yeah and then this well we might lose   Jake in a minute folks when he goes down at least  notep is he doing the usual send in oh Jesus I'm stuck you not I say you're not  on the yeah you're not look ah   head we just follow the foot Prince  which is not woring at all I think it's you are mate yeah oh oh wow no I just stuck  keep going keep going that's it wow I don't   know if you can see me folks but um yeah never  done this at night before I mean uh this is an   experience got to stay to the middle of this we're  all in the line we got to stay on the what's left   of the path because obviously the most sabled part  all around us is all mud so that it's very sticky [Music] folks right oh I've gone off yeah wow there less of a path than there was years ago yeah that's how I came it was a path  with like you can see the bricks yeah you near there yet this see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang where  they're sitting in the car it's going to be by   the time we've been walking here the Tide's  come in and now we completely cut off oh Jesus so this is what we're looking at  you see it's marshy it's all Sandy muddy   there we're heading to the tower which is in the  distance folks look at that looks quite um minent indeed wow yeah keep walking look at that that's mad is it what are we doing are we mental actually last weekend yeah that would  have been uh yeah dangerous right folks look   at that Tower whoa menacing Tower this  is what we're going up to camping for   the night that's great isn't it what are your  thoughts on tonight there morie should be a   good night yeah it's going to be good oh  Coast Guard there we go trying to torch over see right yes mate thank you  that that slowed down over there look all right let's get over  there folks what's it looking like yeah and there it is  who we we made it we're up say I don't to be it's fine that is just be  careful maybe take your bag off and we use   the ropes to get them up well we just say I  mean he he's done it so I was going to try you right so the only way into this uh site folks  is the actual ladder it's been there years and years yeah you going be all all right car I don't car's up folks yes indeed J is going up folks we're going to need the Rope  anyway for these bags AR we that I'm I'm going to go down  halfway come up I've got two bags the L twists change CH up okay there's all sorts here  nice folks using that the bend on that lad   down there away it crumbled under me right  here we are it's a pigeon a pigeon sorry   it to got dark we kind of C off the end done right  that's that done folks there's a hole there that's   not a great way to go that way why you going that  way it's very windy see that's the one yeah that   bit there I used my Prof me stood out in there  oh stood in the middle of it so everyone has   to have torches when the walking around cuz this  is dangerous now there's me in the dark without one no we've got 18 55 on the wall there folks come here all right so that's where  we walk from folks right over there you   can see the path actually in the center  there look it's not too bad but uh yeah   we're on a tower looks like there's no  one here at the moment so uh yeah there   go and see where we might be camping  upstairs folks in the 1855 mtel Tower W indeed shouldn't been down that close  to heav on my back gust at the back and Y yeah we come grab your bags and that  take in way I was up on the top Bridge   can you come can you just come down pleas you  scared yes them scares are amazing AR buck in the   midle you start going up to that Tower and you see  how much it's just missing it's still there Acro props right let's step in see the ti coming in out here as Christ notice you can see through  the brick work there where the mortars   obviously from yeah that helps  mortar from the uh from the sea   the salt is just uh around this is  second world war this part isn't it yeah I think it's just the way the tode comes  around doesn't it right there yeah there probably   loads of different paths I just think it's crazy  like is weird that's see on camera yeah look look   you can walk around that you got it pin brick  it's quite weird it goes perfectly all the way   around there glamping it turns to glamping I  just think about chairs and it just this like   youve seen we had to ratet strap the the roof box  sh you it would have been like trailer Point by   that point but having to use a trailer we could  have put we could have brought The Rustic transit   or just bundled in the back right so we're up on  the gun pit on top of the uh Tower folks Tide's   nearly touch the side of the wall but yeah it's  already under I think it is yeah you can see it there wow see how dark it gets from that point  that's the end of the uh of sh a sheppy and it   just goes out into the sea I think the I  think if you look I think the line keeps   going straight yeah go it looks like maybe a  little bit of water but it does go straight   over thing is it's cuz here so flat actually  you probably only need a couple of feet of   water and you're in there wen't you yeah  using the low shut speed cuz see better   folks want to be able to see but there you  go there the beach down there of a beach is it last time yeah I think that's there there  a video on it there's not is there no all right then folks so got a time lapse  going here of the uh tide coming in never been   on there when we've been engulfed it's certainly  interesting you say high time was midnight M uh 10 midnight they're in the top [Music] [Applause] [Music]   all right so I'm going to finish up this  timeline folks uh time lapse folks and uh   I'm going to head back in and I'm guessing  I'm going to find somewhere to uh set up   the old bed for the night and then uh yeah  take from there right then folks so uh yeah   we're in um one of the rooms wire on the  floor Wolfie and Jake got some te Knocked   Up should biscuits actually in that bag  over there CL we have biscuits there it is I like itly unlucky put the milk last no  no wrong right then folks what's going on   up here copyrighted right so this is party I  guess but I'm going to be sleeping around in   people think I'm mad but I don't want don't  want to stay in The Damp Donalds to be honest but you got the gear so we're  all right folks your bed what's that   down behind you there your bed yeah going  there folks nice bed for the night here we are everyone's saying it's a bit too  windy up here but I think I think it's   going to be great I think it's going  to be windy and I think it'd be really   funny if it rains in the middle of the  night to Dr the pillow is trying to blow away yeah I walk into work just not not after  that I'm leaving for school 10 minutes after that and right so I've got a bivy bag look and we got   the Arctic sleeping bag folks I think  I'm going to be pretty cushy up here folks all right then folks we are on the G pit  of the grain Tower slow shutter cuz we need the   obviously we need the um need the light folks  that's how Garrison point for in the distance there and uh yeah Shear this right we got concern folks that's right we'll  let we'll let it's sa well that's it excuse me there's a boat coming over a tug boat can't really see it folks can you I suppose it can see the light in the  tower which is there there's a flashing   light but we'll see what happens I mean  we're just about to go live and uh this is happening crazy folks oh I see going to see what you can see very nice right oh yeah it's definitely no getting off of v no  that's deep that's a that's a swim back for sure look that's still coming up  that's a that's a swim back to   the shore that's looking at sha folks  that's where my Camp bed is at the top there that pretty crazy yes indeed a getting to  sure now folks the water is high Tor off mate that light there was signal signal done  something switch this light off and then   back on again there you go well they don't  I don't know unless they're moving around   so I do it with my one no don't don't  interact with them they might think   we're trying to signal for help we doing  the Coast Guard out here we did it earlier   me J start doing the same mov I'd rather  not do it mate just in case whoa easy on folks yeah should be fine mate should be fine got the old uh chains there [Applause] T of T yeah [Applause] right are there folks welcome to my bed for the night up on the top case mate on the  gun case mate at um grain Tower it's   open this is semi uh covered open pit  this side this is a expense magazine um   but yeah we to get some uh get some noodles on  folks why not it's like a jet burner what they   call it like a jet burner thing put the water  in that it's all camouflage got handle on it   and it's what on Amazon Black Friday sale  folks and we got the gas extreme it's not   that extreme tonight but got some noodles and  hot chocolate I'm going to whack it on Forks some more in this cooking away folks a look the chocolate hot chocolate  in there folks look at these new on actually nice so we waiting for the water PES to boil  get this camera going big old camera that all right w turn it off folks hey out fol got me old noodles on in you recorded yeah   what is it about your noodles that's very good  hot chocolate how did you cook them huh how did   you cook them magic oh you got little yeah is  crazy wow I've seen them before they good yeah   just about to go to bed folks going to die n  that's great up here made yourself a cup tea as   well yes it's gotot chocolate I hot chocolate you  can say that right there folks here's the noodles   absolutely smashing yeah does smell banging you  want your don't you lovely jly folks I'm trying   to go to bed these these guys are harassing and  come over the D you're ready for bed JZ go to bed   no s rescue we come to rescue you sir I'm not  excited to go bed you are are you excited not   very excited no I'm not excited to go to bed  you got B yeah go him downstairs bring up if   you I'll do H I'll do it if you want warm warm up  the cat there before huh was that post what post huh boy yeah was that before yeah noticed stand it no the breeze I can see it right  folks I'm going to get into my sleeping   bag and uh go to bed it's been uh  interesting few hours so see you tomorrow morning morning morning  folks this is morning at Green   see the Tide's completely gone out again  so we're back to square one there's the   tower didn't go up there the youngsters did I'm  caring in that jazz and Jake I went to bed folks made it a bit soupy because um it's like nice  to drink as well isn't it goes well with hot chocolate it's 605 in the morning  and the um the tide is fully out now don't know if the others  are set alarms or was it just me it's got a fair kick to it really has morning kids how we feeling how was your sleep not too bad it was very windy when it was loud  wind they are it's like everyone's got   hangovers oh dear I said crack how was  see sleeping bag K was it all right   feels like concrete concrete warm though  that's 1950s one that is that's that's Madness cracked ined it Jesus  you right Jake coming up mate 10:00 the hours of fun last night  folks that's what that's what happens [Applause] wow so the tide is completely out now early  morning 7:00 in the morning folks around about I mean that water was really high when it look wow so that's it then isn't it we we have  achieved camping on grain Tower it's been in the   works for a long time folks and we've finally done  it unfortunately it was dark coming here but it's done and there Comes the Sun how you feeling folk tired tired they  were up till 4 in the morning it's   seven now so yeah youngsters eh the  energy I don't know where you get it from pigeons folks whoa wow that is um yeah is it what a  uh transformation haven't se daylight so long see the deep deep water over there  see where the boys are Garrison point4 the distance here wow that's uh I not yet there it is green Tower  folks was good the whole ladder   this side of the ladder is no longer like  connected it's all bearing out it look at that we Chris kick the bottom and the tops  come out there oh just like this it's not   F when you come up here and then you each  step it goes rading down more I just made a   step on that Chris kicks it that bottom three  isn't actually attached I'm trying to improve   it but I don't think it's really helpful are  you finished kicking it yeah I've got a ring   out she isn't attached there's a bit of lad down  there yeah wonder how many ladders is had in the   past well there used to be a double section  I reckon that's the one that's upstairs now   there's a bit L there as well the oh yeah that's  a bit off the ladder up is it yeah I'm sure when   we did this last time this was like a double  extension later well we took this lat We Were Us not sure right who's next right I will get down w oh this was underwater oh wow all right let's get the gear back and get   back to the car folks let's go job  well done folks rain Tower T dust so here's the path you can see on the time  lapse uh totally submerged wouldn't it   absolutely crazy would be dangerous  whole game climb across this back [Music] what Journey you see we you can can  you yeah that track their folks for a bit but but we made it that's it trip  over folks great tower really not straight off and back clouds  look a little bit suspect R today see the path we walked hey  this see the path we walk yeah [Music]

2025-01-24 21:42

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