SSL581 ~ Ships that had a VERY BAD DAY..!!

SSL581 ~ Ships that had a VERY BAD DAY..!!

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catch us we're adrift no power, lots of power (lots of power) just can't hear it (potential power) yeah we went and drove around for over an hour  and we started at 97% and now we're at 89% (wow) (and you're not even charging with your little...) no nothing charging right now (my  lady sit down) easy (I want the dolly coming for if you want drive) (no I need to take some sunshine) ciao Tiki back soon yeah he was over our boat yesterday  asking advice about coming to San Blas, he's going there for  a few days and then coming back just on a quick charter I think but that is one big ass boat maybe we can drive under it let's try (that's right) (right under there we'll grab on to it  and then we'll save some more energy) okay, so we're burning 1300 watts keeping up to his  same speed, I wonder how many watts he's burning hey buddy get out the way (now you've dropped your range to five nautical  miles with 53) 12 nautical miles, I know right? looks so yeah, yeah you can see we're pumping 3500 watts now to try and pass them, that  drops our range to 12 nautical miles but as soon as I bring that back... (you don't  need to go this speed yeah) no I don't need to go that speed if I drop it back to 1800  our nautical range goes up to 20 miles so it makes a big difference just in  how much power you're pushing (basically) but we got four people in the dinghy now too (yeah) oh look the sailing guys are out, cool yeah that's sailing school got all the kids out learning to sail (yeah there you go pull it more) that's why they call it sailing school yeah if it's here, probably something it wasn't supposed to yeah this is the ship graveyard, look at  all the plants growing up on the upper deck and in the lifeboat you see them? (wow) it's got its own forest growing, look  at all those nice ropes on those lines they haven't taken the ropes off or anything still good cargo on those boats this guy didn't have a good day (just  dragging this one in as quick as it could but...)

or this guy was trying to pull him off who knows it's strange to have the ropes  still (that's the weird thing) I guess they put the towels on the  crane so nobody would scratch themselves good thing they also got their anchor lines down oh Discovery yeah he discovered  the water's too shallow (a little bit lower but...) a little overloaded with cargo this one keep going, but really slow really slow (that's what I'm doing, okay I'm just gonna  follow you) keep going (I'm gonna go sideways) a little bit faster (more this side you're gonna go over here) well we can't really switch sides at this  point, keep going, he's looking (I don't want him down here) (why is making this sound) (no I just waited he he actually went down) yeah yeah he's gone (no no no but...) (you make a scare to him) (no no he's not going down  he's coming back he has to breathe, you know) (yeah) (no that's not a small one, I was not  a small crocodile) maybe three feet and (three feet?) one meter maybe (no Rick the mouth is this big is only gonna be two meters and a half at least) no  (yeah I saw the big crocodile the only one yes (well we're gonna fight uh no fight I'm sorry  we're gonna...) but keep the... don't change the speed of the engine, just get it going at  a slow speed (it just went down) (very slowly) (I'm gonna keep the beer on the side, so I have two  hands, before I only had one hand) (come here Rick) yeah get us drifting (go  forward) I can't I'm tied to the boat (untie yourself) well I have one  hand (slow) (it's not that small) (I think that's a two meter one at least okay go a little faster and then cut it  back, so get us up to speed and then drift sorry he's gonna come back up, but get up  in here now a little bit, so steer us up in here and that way the sun will be behind  us the next time he comes up hopefully yeah I don't think they're like turtles I don't think they hold their breath that long (no no no and they don't need to, why would they) he knows we're stalking him now he's hiding (yeah) (I don't think it's just a a  meter it said two meters or more) (I love this  thingy because with the engine because you can make something with another  engine you can do it) no he just hears you but you got to see one, a little bit (yeah) (now we  believe there are crocodiles here I didn't think so) (don't go swimming) (huh?) yeah don't go swimming (oh no I'm gonna pay better for cleaning my bottom) (okay, so how are we going to be able to tell  which is which and are there three different ones or is it two of the same and one different?) well there's I've got four props, so there's two short pitch, two long pitch (oh okay) but yeah we  have an issue, Houston we have a problem after I did the first test our friends at ePropulsion  saw the first test result, the video and immediately told me that there's something  got to be wrong because that should be going faster, so yeah they're saying that we should  be getting about you know 30 percent more speed, but they figure that we probably put  the wrong propeller on, now they didn't tell me or I was not aware that these are different  propeller sizes, for all intensive purposes they look identical and there's no physical markings  on the propeller to tell you anything different but what I just figured out is that if you hold  them up like this and look across you can see that this one is a little bit shorter  diameter, so it's not quite as wide tip to tip and it also has a little bit heavier  pitch, the other way to tell that I've noticed since is you can see this one the pitch ends at  that part of the hub leaving about a half an inch this one ends at the end of the hub leaving  about a quarter inch, so this is the longer pitch so we have one of these on the boat apparently  right now and that's the short pitch propeller and that's why of course it's high torque but  we're not getting a lot of speed, so they told me to change over to one of these pitches and try  again, so that is what we're going to do, we're going to try and do it right here at the back of  the boat I'm just going to pull the outboard up turn it around at the sugar scoop here and see if  we can get enough access to it just to swap it out and then take it for a spin again and  see if anything different, so that is next okay where's the wrench? (the wrench is here) of course we don't have  much leverage, oh that's good just gonna watch we don't drop the wrench in the  water (yeah that would not be good) leatherman don't leave home without it okay, now tricky part is I think it's wedged on  under tension does that mean we need a gear puller? oh there we go, lucky okay get the washers, where's the prop?  okay that's the long pitch prop with the shorter hub (we heard them on the radio earlier) okay, all right, well for better  for worse we have long pitch prop now we go try it and see if we get any better  speed improvement (test time) do a test shot very quiet (super quiet) just like a fan (yeah) so if you just want to  let me go I'll just whip out here for a second once I figure out what works  best then we'll come back and video test (wow) (they'll seem to be getting more power  at a lower speed or lower setting) (wow can't even hear him) (what did he say that speed difference  was supposed to be?) (about 30%) (wow I wonder how much of a difference we'll find  it to be) (the manufacturers say you should be getting about 10-11 knots when we  were getting I think 6-7) (it's great you can see him coming  before you hear him, the thing is so quiet) yep they were right it was a big difference (really?) 50% increase in speed (50?) yeah it went from 6.5kts to 10.2kts so yeah we're definitely getting 11 and a half  to 12 miles per hour with just me and the boat and I tried re-trimming it, so on the bottom notch  it's still got the 10 knots, but the bow is a lot lower in the water, so if we have passengers it's  going to be a lot heavier in the water, so I raise it to the first notch and it shoots up out of  the water faster to get on plane, so that was good but it's a little bit light in the bow so  the first thing we need to do I can tell is move this forward, so the battery needs to come  forward a little bit just to counteract some of the light bow and all the weight is you know  from midships to transom, because you got the battery here me there engine there, so we need  to shift this forward a little bit I don't know if it's good to forward all the way here because  when we have passengers that will level out also but for now I think if we shift this forward  even eight inches, so that you know the back of the battery is here and it comes up to about  here and we try it again and see what we get because yeah other than that it was planing  perfectly in calm water and even when I got into a little bit of chop it was too light in the bow  so it was doing bouncing on the waves a little bit but I think compensation in the bow will change  that (yeah wait from the wood or from the the...) no we need  to well the rubber will probably move with the wood if we just raise it just enough to  take some of the weight and then slide it we're not going to be able to like dead  lift it, so we just want to slide it this way with the wood, ready? there we go, and hold on (all right you're ready to cast off?) cast off, si good to go and I need my key put that in, okay we're at 82 percent and  we'll give it a little bit to get going 200 watts back soon Tiki, you can see at 200  watts we take off with a pretty good bring it up to 500 watts 600 okay that's bringing us up to  four knots, with three people and still at just under 600 watts I definitely feel like we're  moving faster with less power yeah we're getting 3.8-3.9 at just under  600 watts, oops gotta watch where I'm going

I'll bring it up to a 1000 watts and that should put us at a four and a  half knot range and we're still getting four and a half max speed and 34 mile range so in these conditions at this  speed we could go 34 miles on 82% battery but yeah I don't think we're going to get up  the planing speed with three people, but we'll see (give it the old college try) if we're at four and a half knots now I'm  estimating maybe a top speed of 7kts but we'll see okay let's give her full throttle 6000 watts, she's got a good punch throwing a little bit more wake now and yeah we're doing 7.8, no 5.9 sorry no what is it I can't see 6.9, see how we're getting  7kts with an eight mile range so with three people we can get it  almost up on plane doing seven knots but with the other prop this  was my top speed with just me so now we've added what? 300 pounds  between the two of you, approximately man yeah still seven knots, and a range  of eight knots, at six thousand watts spin it around (refreshing) you get splashed? (yeah just a little bit) better watch out that reef right there and we're still doing seven  knots going the other direction but that is certainly an improvement because yesterday the top speed  was 6.5 with a range of six with just me and the dinghy, now we're doing 7.4  and a range... no we're doing 7 and a range of 7.5

(and what's the predictive... predicted  maximum range at full speed?) this is full speed with three  people in, so predicted range is eight miles, well eight nautical miles, so what's  that about nine? and just almost nine and a half okay, so that's cut down to two thousand two... thousand watts now and still doing over five knots yeah it's definitely increased the  speed in the lower ranges as well okay bringing her back to  a thousand watts, 800 watts and I still got us going at 4.4 so this is the most efficient speed here, just  under a thousand that still gives us a range even now after that little run we still have a range  of 34 nautical miles, at 4.4kts with three people

but, so far not so bad, I'm impressed I didn't  realize we had the wrong prop on I mean I was happy you know pretty happy with the six and a  half seven, so so I mean I knew it was going to be less if we ran into rough weather or anything  but now we just change the prop and we gain pretty much 50% increase, so that's cool, now imagine if  we put twin engines on the back, yeah, we have two we have two because I brought another one just  for such experiments you know experiments on the boat and experiments in the dinghy but  if we double up the horsepower that would be twin eight horsepowers on the back, so that  would be 16 horsepower, but of course then 12000 watts, yeah I'm not sure if we can  support that with the battery hookup the way it is I'd have to check with the factory, you  might have to upgrade the wiring or something I'm not sure, but hey anything's possible so  it might be fun to try get it up to 15 knots okay, so just me on board now, and I've  got about a thousand watts we're doing 20 no we're doing 4.2-4.3, so pretty  much almost the same speed I'm surprised so with this torque it doesn't seem  to matter if there's extra people in the boat when the water is flat  it just goes the same speed anyway we're at 76% right now, 1000 watts and that's giving me a 27 mile range 28 mile range which is interesting it's a little  bit lower range than what we had when the two guys were in here I wonder if that's because they  were weighing the bow down changing the balance point of the boat, so making it a little bit  more efficient in the long range, hard to say but we'll give it a push-up to full  throttle, just clearing the dock here and full throttle you see she takes off with a pretty  good kick, and she got some kick now we're heading out of here pretty good  the bow's a little bit high still yeah we're doing exactly 10 knots so 11 and a half miles per hour I'm not sure if I change the balance point  by moving my weight forward a little bit just over 10 knots but definitely a big improvement  that is a 50% increase in speed from the first test, in the same  conditions although now I'm coming out I have a headwind you can see the little  ripple on the water, it was flat calm before but we're still getting 9.9 to 10 knots and back to 850 watts who we got? (start with maria bell) (hola soy  maria belli soy de panama) (nicolas) nicholas? (yeah) (I try to be fancy) (from where?) (from new york) new york nice (hola alessandra de panama) (hola lydia de panama) (it's a very nice big family) three panamanians, and one american (what american) cool, yeah welcome aboard guys (gracias) like I said we're just in living mode  right now, so nothing's cleaned up or tidied or anything get used to it (yeah they are a fan of  the channel too, especially the lady and nikolas uh he worked a  lot in...) (I'm ready to start cooking) I forgot the chef is on board (he loves  cooking too and he worked a lot in a USA navy in a submarine, correct?) (that's right 20 years  the submarine) submarines, 20 years underwater, wow, that's an experience (if you have kids you know if you tell them to  I want you to be an astronaut, don't don't tell them to be a submariner that's something that you  don't do) there you go, lessons in life don't be a be a submariner (be a sailor) be a sailer yes, it's more fun

2021-10-04 04:06

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