SSL577 ~ we DID IT..!!

SSL577 ~ we DID IT..!!

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I know a bunch of you have been asking  for some tiki time and this morning she was quite talkative as the sun was coming  up, so we caught a little bit here for you and not to mention at the same time outside it was a beautiful sunrise, the kind you just  can't help, but pick up your camera how are you welcome home Tiki Tiki yep you guessed it, it's raining, hey Tiki even Tiki's doing the rain  dance she likes to have a shower she starts dancing around in her water dish oh boy, never stops sometimes it was sunny for a couple hours this  morning, I guess that's about all we get we got our buddy Mayo here he's been  helping cleaning the sides of the boat and maybe do the underside,  careful you're gonna get wet man yeah Tiki she doing the dance  she's doing the rain dance hey Tiki shower time hey pretty girl, woohoo we don't have our buckets up because  we're already full we don't need any more plants are all happy, these guys  getting a fresh shower there, new basil but it looks like it's gonna rain for a while (we're gonna make the dinghy ride really  fun) yeah our dinghy excursion, I think just got put on hold for a few minutes  at least (but what about our reservation) (it's very nice) yeah you ready? it's time to go on  our dinghy ride (oh look better than these I don't need to wet my clothes and not) oh you're  already wet, so it don't matter now I told mayo you better get out  of the water you get wet (yeah I think so our lunch) oh the video's finished  so it's just finished uploading now the water's coming off our solar panels, dripping  into his canoe as fast as he's pumping it out just before we get back to today's video we just  wanted to take a minute to thank all of you who have helped us achieve our goal for trying to  replace our main engine on Sophisticated Lady I'm happy to say we've not only reached the  goal, but surpassed it thanks to you guys and as you can see Maddie and Megan had their hands  full trying to list all the names on one flag and there it is the finished and I can't believe  we got all the names on we didn't expect to have so many names, but every single person is on the  flag, I think we've got what almost 300 names now (yeah) but you guys helped us not only reach  our goal, but surpass our goal, so we can't thank you enough, thank you so much, and we have  been successful in our quest in trying to find a new heart for Sophisticated Lady, so we are in  negotiations with several engine manufacturers now and I think I should have an update with something  more concrete probably within a week or so so that is what we're working on now and  we'll keep you in touch with that as we go but we just wanted to interrupt the video a little  bit just to say hi and say thank you and to show you that we've got the flag completed now it's  probably going to be a few episodes before we actually get it hoisted on the boat because the  episodes you're watching now are not quite real time they're a little bit behind, but only by two  to three weeks, so a few more episodes and you'll see the flag up and then I think when we get to  San Andres we're going to pull it down and start picking names, so stick around for that, so thanks  very much again guys I'm going to take you back to the video now, so enjoy, have a great day (and thank  you and again) thank you so much again, cheers guys now there's way too many names to try and  show in the middle of the video, but we want all of you to be able to pick out  your name on the flag, so stick around till the end and we'll have a close-up  of the whole thing for you, cheers guys and look at that, wait one hour and we have  sunshine again, crew is in the dinghy, guess what we have lunch plans, we're going over with our  friends they're just going back to their boat for a second, but Jose and Magnolia have invited us  to go along with them to a restaurant which is down the coast there somewhere we don't know  but it's a dinghy ride, so we're gonna go check that out apparently it has good thai food which we  haven't had in a long time, so that sounds great, I think Madeleina is just about ready I just need my  shoes, you guys are all good I guess? (oh yeah) ready to go? okay (got our appetites and everything) you want to fire up the motor yeah watch those elbows okay good good, all right how are we doing  mom? (oh I i find something...) nice smile trying to scare everybody (funny I try to find something then I stay  inside yeah) you find something you stay inside? (yeah because this is with belly) all this we found the umbrella good time (very funny umbrella in the dingy) I know we didn't get the bimini installed yet, so we need something just as just in case okay, I'm sure you'll thank me  later if it does piss down ring on the way home (okay) (casting off) ciao Tiki back soon way up on top thats the lookout tower right? they can see the ship's coming from the ocean side have you been up top? (no there's  a great spot to go up to) yeah you can see all the cannons still there  that's their stations, the two lookouts there's a third lookout up there, higher up  but something's still up there I guess as well interesting yeah (this is the place to  anchor if you're going to attack the city) uh huh watch out that looks like quite  a speed bump right ahead of us old wreck or is it concrete? yeah we can  definitely try anchoring over here sometime (we are very close to what's happening  in the kitchen the smell is so good) (they need to work) (she's a start to cook thai two years  ago, and she learned from a thai chef) (this is vegetarian) you guys get the first  one? (yeah) veggie pad thai (look at those peanuts). and of course they're just  serving lunch and it's raining remember, Panama (it's very nice) sorry guys, but I think you know  what that means, lunch time gotta go now that is a full moon rising, beautiful,,  over Portobello (so romantic) that's a pretty nice way to end the day (oh yeah) that was a  great day actually a nice thai restaurant really enjoyed that (no rain anymore) no not since the  restaurant yeah we were lucky yeah (we have a very romantic night I think so) yeah I think so, that  looks like a very nice moon rise, let's have a look see if we can get it any more focused look at that though right over  Portabello that's beautiful (yeah) wow what do we got if we zoom in close oh a very bright ball, I think if we  bring the exposure down a little bit ([ __ ] chair) oh yeah there we go can almost see the man on the moon very cool much darker exposure, so we switch back to normal boom, there is Portobello, and our chair  (yes) that's a very nice shot though wow very nice moi bien, and the way you know when  it's the full moon is when the moon comes up on one side just at the same time as the sun's  going down on the other they cross horizons at almost the identical time, and as you can see it is  sunset, so we have a beautiful sunset on one side and a beautiful moon rise on the other,  that's a nice way to end the day in fact oh I think that calls for  a cheers, well not for you (ha ha) sorry, thank you, sunset kiss, moonrise kiss, salute so tonight we take it easy, enjoy a peaceful  night (tomorrow sailing) tomorrow manana we are sailing first thing in the morning, so we'll be up early  it's gonna be a light wind, but at least it's more of a favorable direction for the next three four  days it turns against us, coming from the direction of shelter bay, so we're going to make a run for  it tomorrow and get down there, so we can start uh resuming our next round of projects, hopefully  tomorrow or next day we're going to retrieve the new dinghy engine the electronic the electric  propulsion system, so fingers crossed on that we've been dealing with logistics for over  a week already, so hopefully they're ready to release it back to us, we're hoping, but that's  maniana on it, so tonight we chill, hey who are you stowaways hanging out here (uh you see nothing nothing) you're right you're kind of a shadow mysterious (mysterious) here's you filming me almost (here's you having a very much clearer image  than I do) no it's a very cool sunset though yeah (yeah) and the sunrise on the other side, or  moon rise on the other side, it's a beauty (I love it on the water) (oh everybody filming) how can you not, and it's Portobello that's the kicker it's like holy cow we  haven't seen weather this nice in so long we really lucked out today, it did hit us with a  few showers, but this makes up for it so, you guys enjoy your night and we will enjoy ours  and we will see you manana (have a good night) ciao switch it back to auto then you get that  eerie glow with the clouds around it kind of a nice haze also but imagine being able to shoot that  close free hand on a moving boat salute but imagine being able to shoot  that close free hand on a moving boat I've always been impressed with this camera that's why this is like my fourth or fifth  one of them (so it's a sony what?) yeah sony ax53 full optical with an actual fluid  stabilized gimbal inside, carl zeiss lens beautiful (what iso are you right now?) right now  it's on automatic, so I don't know (damn that that's barely grainy)  it's not bad eh the same even if I zoom in  on the boat (yeah I'm at 6400 and I'm seeing like you know hail  storm grain) see there's no light behind the boat but look at the sparkles on the water (yeah) it's very cool full moon over Portobello ciao

2021-09-18 07:35

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