SSL531 ~ What will happen NEXT..?!?

SSL531 ~ What will happen NEXT..?!?

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the date Saturday April 3rd 7 a.m our good  buddy Danny has a job filming a music video for an up and rising singer here on  the island, our destination Aquario key and if ever there was a perfect way to  start a day my friends, this would be it (good morning capitan) almost (this is the capitan Rick Moore  in aquarius, in our own islands) (I want you and Maddy walking on the sand, walking along) stop whining (I joke) women doesn't matter what they wear they  always complain about it "I'm not ready" (I don't think that somebody  recording, I never use it you know) she comes here with Daniel Pera at 7:30 in the  morning and doesn't think anybody's recording really? now to familiarize you guys with my starting point  with the Raymarine project I want to show you what my helm stations look like now and this is going  to serve as our before and hopefully we'll have some new pictures after and so we'll show you  before and after as we go through the transitions of course you're going to see all the processes  and steps in between but I want to have these so that we can come back and look at and compare to  what we started with and where we finish so right now you can see that this station is a little less  than polished I mean it's got some years on it this is the two existing Raymarine systems, you can  see this one is not functioning at all it's it's been intermittent sometimes it worked give us a  depth sounder at least but the wind instruments been completely gone so we don't know what's  happened there if it's the problem at the masthead or the wire coming down through or the  transducer adapter between the two units the autopilot still functions it's got a few  hiccups nothing major but it's still working you look at our compasses these have been toast  for a while, I mean I've had them fixed over the years a few times but they're just getting beyond  that and this one's been pointing north for about a year now it just doesn't move but these we're  going to take all of this off and refinish we're going to refinish these mounts we have all new  gauges to put here and make everything matching we're going to take this off because this  is very old and I fixed it a couple times as well but you can see it's deteriorating  rapidly so we have a new one of these and we have new compasses which you can see one of  right here, I just picked up two of these these are the Richie sport compasses so we got one for this  pedestal as you see here and one for the other pedestal because if you look at this compass you  can see it's in pretty rough shape also, not much difference there these compasses are a little  bit smaller than the pedestal ones that are on the boat that have been here for... what, 26 years,  but they will do the job just fine and we're just going to make a new template for mounting them  but I'm going to do a new... you know we're going to refinish all the pedestal mounts and everything  for them and put all this together we're going to start with our wheels because we want to color  coordinate everything now that we've got the new salon done we want to enhance our living space and  of course you know now it's Madalena's full-time home also she's been here for a year she's the  lady of the house so we're making new changes that are just for us to make our house you know  you can't just change the house and you don't want to rebuild everything but sometimes you can  just change cushions and things like that so we're gonna do some things with the wheels here you'll  see all that coming up in the next week or so the compasses, the pedestals, this I'm gonna need  some help with this a mechanic or somebody to help me get this apart I've tackled it before when  Alcino was on board it's a pain in the butt trust me, but all the rest of it the electrical work I  can do all that no problem, we're just going to do some cosmetics in the meantime while we've got  the wheels off because we're going to start with getting the wheels reupholstered in a similar  fabric and color to what we have downstairs we're also thinking that we'll get our outdoor  cushions done they were done about three years ago so the sunbrella is still in okay shape but they  get dirty so fast it just becomes very frustrating and Madalena's is not very happy with that because  she can't keep them clean but of course the cushions on the seats everybody walks on them and  you just can't really expect any different so that's all stuff we're going to be working on,  but that's enough for those projects right now we'll come back to that shortly (oh my  friend!) and here comes Danny (wait indeed) oh you want the old cushions? they're all yours if you want them (remember a Maddy waiting day get out okay) you're supposed to grab the boat first (capitan  say if you waited a man to the sofa remember) bye it's nice to see you guys, wow  nice water clarity look at that, finally getting our nice clear San Andres water  back, sun's not it right now but that's very clear, oh yeah I know, okay  you ready clip this time? slow down touchdown, why you got your mask on  (oh sorry) okay now that Danny's here we have a little surprise for him because  I was telling you guys about what we were doing downstairs we replaced that um the air  conditioner with the larger unit this is the box with the 8000 btu here so it's packaged up  just like new and you guys have been so good to us and you help us with everything and make  this all possible and that's how we afford to buy this stuff anyway just even as experiments  to make stuff interesting to film for you guys but we have the 12000 BTU hooked up there now and  Danny has a friend that he said he would like to help out who helps everybody else and never asks  for anything and we want to do something with Danny also because Danny has done more for us than  you guys could ever imagine, never ask for anything except quesadillas sometimes yeah that's that's  his soft spot, but Danny we were going to give this to you this is your gift from us to do  whatever you want if you want to give to your friend or keep for yourself or whatever (oh my god  my friend you serious?) serious (oh my friend thank you) we love you (oh I love you too) you've been a great friend  and we appreciate everything you've done for us oh thank you my friend it's really the least we  can do just you know we don't need it we were gonna just sell it but then Danny's like oh  I would like to buy that you know and I was like no we can't sell that to Danny it's... it's  yours my friend (thank you thank you) (for explain to you guys uh Danny explain to me now then  the man that he want to give you this gift he is a man the help a lot of all the people  they need and they have some deficient like yes some poor people, some they have  a health problem, some child then, um have some handicap) (she's a physiotherapist, and really she never asked anything to  anybody anyone for she, and yes Danny these I think so he appreciated if you...) so there you have it, somebody who does good deeds  for other people you guys have done good deeds for us, Danny does good deeds, we do good deeds  for Danny and it's all thanks to you guys so thank you to you guys for all of your help and  support we all thank you (without you guys the capitan continue to work on the 35 degrees  inside the office) yeah now I'll actually be able to edit on hot days so that's good too,  anyways guys that's it cheers over and out end of the day just after six o'clock  and as you can see by the sun on my face it is sunset time so that's our happy hour and  we just had some new friends arrived look at this new friends from the channel that came from Bogota  and this is Josh and his son Benjamin correct? and not only that Madelena is very happy because  they just brought us a whole new assortment of our favorite multi-colored chili  peppers (they are wonderful guys they're wonderful, look at the colour there) yeah look  at those, those are beautiful, is somebody happy? what do you say Madelena? (thank you so much) [you're welcome] yes thank you very much guys [no problem] very much appreciated, yeah what can we get you guys? it's happy hour! [I'll have a beer anytime] (what do you want coca-cola, lemon, water) [nothing] (you sure? okay) I'll start with the cerveza what would you like? [so so this is this  is for Rick this is a sombrero, I brought you a few things from different parts of the  country] no kidding [I haven't been everywhere yet but so this is from Cordova which is um a  department around the Caribbean coast on the Cartagena in that area] yeah [and it's  a typical hat from this area] (it is beautiful wow look at the dome) nice [so you can kind  of...] and you can almost fold it up and put it in your pocket

[and then you can wrap that if you want and  get your adjustment] (nice, capitan please please, be careful have things to  wrap if you want, capitan please oh now yes and now you are Colombian side) well remember I needed something to keep my ears out of the sun, you guys remember that  problem right? which is doing awesome by the way but yeah having something to keep the sun off is moi bieno (yeah you have all the heads and the donkova yeah) (thank you so much) thank you [and most of this is for Maddy, some dark chocolate a few different  types of chocolate] did you say dark chocolate? (oh thank you so much, this is that's a from  a recycled paper but I have Tiki's on there so if you want to take some notes or you know...]  (Tiki wow for this you tell me all the morning) you know whose notepad just ran out right? (yeah) [and  then the most important thing] uh-oh (and you know the morning you met in Tiki are  friend now I understand what wow) [they're really good they're  one of my favorites here] [this is uh this is a brewery from boyaka and  um there's there's a couple locations one is in Bogota and a guy that I met up there  it's amazing beer anyway] so this is uh it's a Colombian beer? [yes it is] with lime?  [that one is it's a lime here from from Columbia it's very sweet so it's a really nice refreshing  beer, it doesn't have a lot of alcohol that one] looks yummy (but you see the draw?) oh yeah I know  that's very nice, intricate woodworking (it's beautiful oh thanks, thank you so much) [so obviously most of the time it's pretty hot around here but maybe one day when it's really  rainy and cool when you're out there somewhere there's some dark uh stout and a chocolate stone, and they're pretty strong too] (okay you don't  know Josh but before then start to travel around the world I had a brewery and I make a beer  I sell eight different kind of beer artisanal) and she had a brewery just in case you missed that  word (yeah brewery sorry my pronunciation is not.... repeat?) brewery (brewery) yeah, I know what you said, I just wasn't sure Josh got it [I have a few different coffee's, this is the cheapest one but I had to get it.. okay so you're drinking that oh] that's the one we use

all the time yeah it's good [I don't know what you  have here in San Andres so] (and in Panama too, yeah we bought these in Panama, we buy these...) yeah they're  the best the best coffee in Panama even of course is Colombian [well there's a couple others here  again I don't know what they have] (we know this, this never I know but I think so, it's so good) thank you so much  guys [no problem!]. so Josh and Benjamin were only going to be on island for a few days just kind of taking a short  mental holiday from Bogota, so next day I finished up my video around lunchtime and told them to meet  us down at Bengae's and we'd show them around a little bit, plus it always makes for a nice ride  and I love to chill out after finishing a video (where's my beer?) thank you (where's  my beer?) hey how's it going man? salut (very nice guy) yeah he came on board last night (uh how you feel capitan then, very nice?) moi bien very nice I've never seen so many motorcycles  here one time it's like wow I think Jen is getting too big for us (look I brought them to you Josh) (hi I'm Janet) [nice  to meet you] (and Benjamin) they visiting from Bogota (okay welcome to San Andres welcome to  greg's place, this is rokiki beach) (nice beach) our favorite hangout. okay so it's wednesday  it's 2:30 and we just had a really nice lunch

with Josh and his son Benjamin as you know they've  been here hanging out on San Andres for a few days visiting from Bogota on mainland, and I just  noticed that Josh is wearing a Delos shirt I didn't even notice until now after lunch  but that's cool, so I have something that's a little special surprise I'm gonna share with Josh  right now, and I'm gonna show you guys what it is first we need to go in the  freezer okay we got our ice cubes if you guys don't remember these let's see. two glasses pirate ice cubes this is something... sorry this is something I  was just gonna share because it's very limited quantity but it's something even Brian  doesn't know I'm sure that I still have but you see Josh still wearing  Brian's t-shirt, the Delos shirt Brian do you remember giving  me this back in Grenada? you guys see this? I'm sure you can see the  logo there, I'm quite sure this is probably the oldest bottle of Brian's homemade whiskey on the  planet right now (yeah you see the the salty?) yeah and we just found this in our storage maybe a  month ago so yeah it's well encrypted... well... and well what? it's well aged pirate style let's just  say that, but yeah this has been in the bilge for quite a while and I have no idea if it's good, bad,  or ugly, I'm sure it's somewhere in between but I'm just gonna have a little taste of it a little shot  with Josh and Brian this one's for you because I'm sure anything that you had on board has been long  since gone, and this one since Grenada bud (lucky I don't know if is good or that he's a very bad  drink but the gift is important) look at this crust [oh wow] can  I open it? I'll sacrifice one of my t-shirts [that's what makes it  good] (wow it's strong) there you go (wow is strong) that's the salt of the dog  (strong smell, wow) just to have a taste because one day Brian might  be back on board and I have to share one of these with him too you never know, stranger things have  happened and I know you're coming this way at some point (Brian, the smell is so strong, really it's  very strong) well aged me amigo, well aged Josh, I'll share mine with Maddy (I  think so it's so good it's like um black about 30-25 years old) well almost because this  stuff was never designed to last more than five minutes really, I'm sure as soon  as you guys always had it out of the the the still it was pretty much on its  way to being consumed been a pleasure to meet you and Benjamin,  Benjamin I don't know if you want to taste I suspected so but yeah special occasions, special  treats, cheers you guys (thank you Brian) cheers Brian and thank you to all you guys bottoms  up, well no not bottoms up that would be insane I think we'll test it a little bit (yeah) you want  first test? (me?) yeah we'll make sure she lives (like a mouse you know in the laboratory mouse) [this is  really smooth actually] is it good? [I really like it] (wow) wow what (is that whisky or is it rum?) whisky, Brians a whiskey man (is very delicious) okay let's see Capitan's  challenge [I like this] (I like a lot) not bad (yeah?) oh yeah, what  is Brian says... I like it, I like it a lot cheers bro, hope all is well in your world and  we're enjoying a bit of your world right now so here's to you (it's very very good)  and [thank you Brian really good, this is delicious] for lucky if live don't work oh yeah they're on their way to the  airport next so this helps calm the nerves it's warm on the way down I'll give it that very nice (I think that they offer the same for  us) I think so yeah well we still have a work list to do but oh well, stranger things  have happened, before whiskey after this this is my best, yeah) that means  you did good Brian good job with the still and we'll look forward to next batch maybe we see  in person with it. wow it's a very spectacular sky very nice end of day and the sun just going down beautiful, yeah the day flew fast and it just  came out to relax and I just fell through this chair too (yeah you touched the bottom) it's it's  ripped everywhere so yeah (give me the wine and you sit here) we have no chairs left, it's a very sad moment, I love my  bow chairs, this is not cool, not cool at all they're dead, oh (very dead) oh yeah when you  fall that deep into him it's hard to climb up [ __ ] and the back ripped too (yeah it's gone  it's gon,e like I don't know how many times) oh yeah I see another helicopter coming okay, right there  not sure if I can focus on him though (come back) he might be coming back, just doing an  evening tour around the island looks like (yeah and these are in this time  the island is full of people all the beach closed five o'clock in the  afternoon for all days a week for limited damage to the happy party in the island on  Columbian land yeah there's a lot of people have a guys night they're being so in  the boat we have more than four guards change of the guard (yeah  there's not a four inside) I can hear the helicopter, now he's  coming in, he's coming our way one last pass as the sun goes down last breath of light for the night, and  so ends another night in paradise guys salute, hope you guys had a great night also  and for us this ends the Easter weekend so we wish you guys a happy Easter  and we'll talk to you next time, salut (I need a recipe, I need a recipe  I don't know what is inside the licorice, cinnamon, I don't know where the spices is)  oh yeah you see what's in the bottom of the bottle I thought the lid was back on sorry this is easy for the napkin hey don't wipe that off that's treasured stuff you're supposed to lick that stuff  off (you don't know you don't kno) okay let's try this again must  be strong stuff you got me no I was just trying to say there's stuff in  the bottom it's all full of different spices and I don't know wood chips or whatever  it is but it's been there for a while apparently it works well (we  are normal people) we cut there, ciao

2021-04-08 20:08

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