SSL521 ~ Guess I shouldn't have said that...

SSL521 ~ Guess I shouldn't have said that...

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(morning) (you welcome on board) (this is the is the dark is more the  dark) the joy of wedding planning (this is the most dark) girls having  fun (and you?) I'm just here man my job is to show up not naked (yeah) some moments I don't want to record I have to do, the people need  this support in the life the capital moment wow welcome to the club so yes, I had a bit of a shock the other day when one of the armada defenders showed up at the boat calling my name and saying that they had a package for me, well as it turns out one of you sent a package to kamen dante cerna at the armada  station here, and it took a little while to get here but here it is and this is from a Mr.  Vern Holmes in Colorado, and Vern this was such a nice gesture I hope you don't mind but  I would like to read your letter so here we go to armada national commando attention commander  El Cerna, dear commander Cerna, I saw the video of you with captain Rick Moore it is obvious  that you both have tremendous respect for one another and those who go out on the water  it was a great gesture to recognize a fellow mariner with an armada hat, and yes it was  thank you again very much commandante Cerna because I too have tremendous respect for  the work you do for mariners everywhere I have enclosed two US coast guard patches, I  want you to have one and I would appreciate it if you could get one of your personnel to deliver  captain Moore's patch when they are out on patrol near captain Moore, I have included a copy  of this letter for him thank you again for what you do I wish you your family and staff merry  Christmas, obviously it was sent a little while ago and a happy new year, may 2021 be hurricane  free for you and all your islanders, hallelujah fair winds and following seas sincerely Vern  Holmes, Vern that is such a nice letter and I can't thank you enough for that, that was something  very unexpected and we will remember the moment forever and thank you again for the patch, you sent  the same one to commandante Cerna and you see it says "Elvis if you're out there we'll find you"  US coast guard search and rescue very cool amigo muchas gracias. and with that behind us we  get back to our jobs and today is day three tres dia, and we're just about to turn on the AC  unit again you can see it's 12:30 a little bit later but we had some things to do this morning  and we didn't really need it yet but it's starting to get hot now, it's about 29 to 30 degrees celsius  outside, so I'm going to turn it on and you can see on my battery status that we are at 81% so we're  in relatively good shape again even for being day three, that's excellent, uh it's cloudy right now  but you can see we're still getting 500 watts on the solar charger and AC loads are 175. so I'm  gonna boot up the app again here and turn it on got it set for 24 from yesterday and now you  can hear it just turned on there now, so it is spooling up it's in normal mode, automatic, so we'll  let that warm up and start closing up windows basically the goal is just to  keep as much heat out as possible and keep the cool in, so that's the day 12:30 day  three, and we'll check in later and see how we fare even on a semi-cloudy day, it's mostly sunny but  we get some cloudy periods so let's see how we do go see my dress (hello) we gonna make my dress and sundress of my lady, and I arrived  he's irene and melby they call me (very pretty) oh this is dress (it's  the first time we saw) wow it's a top secret so (I'm coming, wow wow spectacular) I think you remember I showed you that we got a  new wireless remote control system that's similar to the one that's on the dinghy davit that works  amazing, so we're going to install the control box right here inside the control box for the windlass  and this will be a duplicate or backup system for the handle that keeps giving me a hard time  that I hate, this will be great you know just to have a wireless control and I can use it from the  cockpit if I want so if I'm running short-handed i can still do it even while I'm at the wheel,  here's what we're looking at we need to make some space here but then yeah we're just gonna  open up this box take that handle off and we'll have a look inside and then we'll see what we're  gonna do, and basically yeah we're just going to take this box out and put the new one in in  its place that's going to be remote control and then find a place on the outside of the box  maybe on the bottom of the box someplace where we can just reach the switches that will  be mechanical on and off the backup system and with backups on our backups that's the way i  like to have it that way if something fails we got something to just fall back on right away without  having to dig out the tools and figure out what the problem is so very important when it comes to  anchoring I've been stuck a few times when even the first time we arrived here in the dark the  friggin anchor remote gave out and would not work and we were in 20 knots of wind coming in here in  the dark and couldn't tell where we were couldn't put the anchor down and that was back when I had  Alcino on board and we immediately took our backup anchor and chucked it over the side manually and  just got ourselves stabilized, but yeah I prefer to stay out of those types of situations so that's  why we're doing this work now before we get back underway so I will turn it over to Sebastian  and he will walk you through what we're doing okay now we got our  switches installing the panel and do you see this big net of wire  here, I have to guess what wire is what and what got the electric installation that's  the next step, okay see you in a few minutes okay we're ready now we got turn on turn off off that the old pump out of your  cabin (yeah) the washer pump yeah yeah oh that looks a little better now  (yeah that just now don't got a lot solid) yeah because it still works it's  just not great for a toilet pump yeah we kind of used that one for a toilet pump  well a long time ago because it still worked and it did the job but it was never great at it it  doesn't pump a whole lot of water for a toilet flush but he's just cleaning that one up we'll  wrap that all up in plastic wrap again and put it in storage with all the other spare parts, we're  developing quite quite a collection of spare parts and motors and pumps and all kinds of stuff which  is all good because in the middle of the Pacific you can't buy stuff that you need like that  so... (that's what you say enjoy and be ready for to replace everything) yeah exactly  number one lesson in boating yeah somebody looking way too relaxed down here just another day at the office right (yeah). but yes I just heard from Sebastian also that

he has finished the electric windlass upgrade  so we're gonna go up and test those momentarily cool, okay ready? (ready) all right let's roll okay so the old remote still works the same (yes  it works) it hasn't changed, hasn't changed at all (let me show you) it's there (yeah but now for  for make work this control you have to turn on the interrupter here you can  see the light is on, off on, off if I try to use this control without  this that interrupter don't work) okay perfect (and now...) same thing turn the switch on  first (yeah exactly, turn on the control you can see the little red light maybe  in this dark place you can see there it's up, down, and up, turn off, this one on work) okay (and we got the manual switch,  the manual control if if we want it if it's the backup of the backup, push in, push out) up  and down perfecto, and if you switch off the switch? (if I switch off the switch anything working)  perfect so no accidents (no accidents) you have to physically turn the switch on first  before any of the three systems will work (exactly) okay awesome (yep I got a good teacher) so now my friends we have backups on our backups so that's just the way I like it too one  system goes down pick up the next one next one fails pick up the next one, but we've only  ever had one system for 15 well 16 years I've been living on the boat so believe me this  is a big upgrade, gives us options and now we can stand up here, is the switch on right  now? (yes of course) switch is on right now? there okay now the light is  on so we send it send it out now the question is will  this work from back at the helm station as well that's what I'm  anxious to test, and try it from back here working? wow... okay down? up? good? perfect? (perfect) awesome that my friends is a cool upgrade, gotta like  that and you know what these things are like 25$ for the whole set it's amazingly  inexpensive but that's why I say don't trust them for a long time and  don't trust them to accidents that's why we put a safety switch on it so that nothing can  accidentally trigger while we're sailing because you don't want to see your anchor just go in  the ocean when you're sailing just because one of these shorted out and send a stupid  signal so that's why we have possible to disconnect all signals and just switch it  on before you know you're going to want to use it but now you can take the remote and  use it from up there from back here wherever you want so, that's beautiful, I really like  that enough today so thank you very much sir so thank you very much sir (yeah) good job Daniel-san and off perfect. as you can see it is after  five o'clock, so we are cleaned up shut down ready to go we were just about to shut  down the air conditioning but we have guests sir Danny has arrived and brought us a new friend  to me I think some of you guys might be familiar this with Danny's good friend Hota who we just got to meet nice to meet you sir (nice to meet you) and Hota  is the one he's famous on this island he makes all the paintings around here including the one  that you've seen on the little island where we fade out our our logo in the introduction  that we've been using for the last season that's all Hauta's work he's an amazing  artist and he just brought us a gift right here hand painted by him it's a traditional  house in Providencia with the San Andreas flag and their national lizard the blue lizard you see on  the other side the eagle rays but the detail in the hands and everything is amazing I mean Hota  does some amazing amazing work, very talented artist and we thank you very much sir, much  appreciated on mucho gusto (okay nice to meet you) would look really nice up here replace one of  my old paintings that's been there for 15 years (Danny please) what do you think? I  think it would go up there nice yeah look at that I think  that's going to be its new home what do you think? (very nice) it  looks nice no? (yeah I like a lot yeah) a very very nice keepsake from San Andres and Providencia but for now we're going to leave the air  conditioning running so I'm going to have to take that report later, but it is end  of day and you can see we are still at 83% so we are doing very very well, it's  still drying 600 watts we're only getting 3-400 watts from the solar panels but  yes as you can see we are remaining at 83% and I mean that's at the end of day three so  believe me when I say I am more than impressed I. never thought it was possible to run something  like an air conditioner on the boat strictly off of lithium power recharged by solar power, so I think we'll continue the experiment, tomorrow's going to be day four because we still got tons  of energy and I thought we'd be running the generator by tomorrow for sure but I think that  uh we'll just keep going and see what happens so magnanimone, happiest man  on the boat is right there Danny loves air conditioning (yes I'm  very happy) the first time he's seen air conditioning on Sophisticated Lady, first  time he gets here every time he turns that fan on full blast, but today how does it feel  Danny? ( good very cool this is my condition) is it working good? you're happy with the  performance? (working good, good performance, you see this title?) but it's nice being in the air  conditioning inside isn't it? (yes my friend very good) (thank you, thank you for that) does this mean you'll come back? I'm a little nervous this night the lady organized a nice party for me on the lady or my  friend I don't know how many they are but I think so they make me a nice surprise, I think this  is a very long night thank you girl for staying with me, for organize  is a beautiful party, for say goodbye yeah thank you so much for stay  close to me and now this time welcome to Danny world

2021-03-14 07:50

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