SpaceX Starship and Super Heavy Development Continues, SXM8 Launch, Terran R Reveal

SpaceX Starship and Super Heavy Development Continues, SXM8 Launch, Terran R Reveal

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This video is sponsored by Skillshare! Hey  hey marcus house with you here. SpaceX at   Boca Chica is screaming forward with loads  of updates preparing the site for the most   powerful rocket ever created to lift off for the  first time so much to cover there just this week   SpaceX also successfully launched the sxm8 digital  radio satellite which is the sister satellite to   the ill-fated sxm7 some surprise announcements as  well from relativity space unveiling the Terran R   fully reusable launch vehicle design Jeff Bezos is  going to be among the first to fly on New Shepard   next month that's a gutsy move right there, and  although we've seen a delay in the scheduled   united launch alliance's STP-3 mission there are  some interesting reasons why that has occurred. So there is a very good reason that each week  we typically start off running over the latest   updates on spacex's starship and super heavy  rocket but why does the space community follow   this so closely it's because of the unusual nature  of the development itself most space agencies keep   their development process under cover and stick  with the standard disposable systems built on   platforms using decades of existing technology it  is expensive and slow for these agencies to change   direction well the speed and production by spacex  is something that almost seems alien in comparison   they currently at least allow us enthusiasts  to peer inside and diagnose what is going on   each week spacex is developing the most powerful  rocket ever created the sheer size of the super   heavy is absolutely monstrous but not only that  it will have an incredible engine thrust which is   estimated at more than 7500 metric tons as the  design evolves to have 32 engines in the near   future that is enough by the way to lift just over  two fully loaded saturn v rockets the saturn 5   weighed in at around 2.8 million kilograms so yeah  two of those just let that sink in for a minute   the big question of course is can spacex get this  baby to lift off and stay intact it sure is going   to be exciting to find out of course every step  of the way towards achieving this accomplishment   involves a great deal of design iteration and in  the case of spacex rapid prototyping with exciting   and sometimes destructive tests along the way if  the development of this starship and super heavy   vehicle is successful and spacex so far have a  very good track record at achieving the impossible   this new rocket will change the world quite  literally no longer will the cost of launching   payloads be out of reach from all but the largest  of companies and governments this will allow   humans to shoot over 100 metric tons of payload  into orbit at a time for a very low cost compared   to what we currently see now as soon as that cost  is lowered considerably commercial options for   space tourism exploration and even asteroid mining  missions will become much more feasible then the   ultimate longer-term goal of course being the  colonisation of the moon and mars because of all   this it is not hard to see why this amazing story  has amassed the following that it has you and many   others like you have changed our world here tuning  in every saturday subscribing liking and sharing   these videos and also helping us run this channel  in a variety of ways thank you so much for your   support we are thrilled to explore these topics  with you each and every week spacex is currently   targeting this first orbital starship launch this  summer utilizing booster number 2 and starship 20   or as we typically refer to them bn2 and sn20 bn2  is currently being stacked in the high bay and is   now 20 rings high over half of its full 70 meter  height this here that we see is bn2's downcomer   which will feed all of the liquid methane down  through the liquid oxygen tank and into the   manifold that divides the fuel into the 29 raptor  engines this huge downcomer was transported to the   high bay where it was then lifted and presumably  placed through its common dome and through the   liquid oxygen tank this is an absolute monster and  we can at least roughly tell a few things about   it just from the imagery that we can see here  spacex 3d creation eccentric has roughly measured   and built this 3d model to give us a better  perspective you've just got to appreciate the   massive volume of liquid methane that will flow  from the top tank in only a few minutes of flight   i've had many people ask me over the last week  why there are these circular joints all the way up   these i believe are stiffeners to aid in support  from the top to the bottom and also help limit   vibration as the pressures at the bottom of the  tank are going to be greater you can see that the   spacing between the stiffeners gets closer as we  head downward these bulkier joints here we imagine   are going to connect to the outer walls of the  tank via some sort of support structure that is so   far unseen as the tank empties out there is going  to be a big pressure change around this downcomer   as it transitions from liquid to gas these  here are daily 3d updates available so make   sure you're following oh there on twitter  and youtube the links are in the description   so while we are at the high bay here we observed  some tests of the high bay disco bar lights via   lab padres sentinel camera as we can see here they  cycled through a few colors with the tests lasting   about five minutes so as we've learned over  the last few weeks bn2 is expected to have   a set of 29 raptor engines installed for its  flight in order to test this brand new engine   configuration without risking a complete booster  spacex built bn 2.1 which is a six ring tall test   tank containing the aft dome with this super heavy  engine mount and an ordinary forward dome here we   see it mounted on a stand already equipped with  nine thrust rams to simulate the forces of the   inner engines against that new mount this test  tank was rolled down to the launch site ahead of   its first test on tuesday this week where the tank  was filled and pressurized with liquid nitrogen   all seemed to go well however it is unknown  at this stage at least whether or not the   thrust ramps were utilized in this test sn20 the  starship that will fly the first orbital flight   is also progressing well its after dome has  also been spotted sporting three mounts for   vacuum raptors indicating that sn20 may be the  first starship to fly with both sea level and   vacuum optimized engines the orbital launch site  is once again going full speed ahead the launch   tower which currently has the three steel sections  is going to get much higher shortly tuesday the   fourth section was rolled to the launch site then  a fifth was rolled down on friday so both of these   now needing stacking and at the sanchez gas site  another section is already under construction in   order to prepare to stack all of these the giant  crane that has already been used for the first few   sections has had extensions added right beside  that the orbital launch mount has now got its   six extensions installed the launch table is going  to sit right on top of these extensions which is   currently being prepared at the production site  the ground support equipment tanks and cryo tank   shells are also progressing quickly with a  new tank being rolled to the pad on tuesday   and another section is undergoing stacking at the  sanchez site bokeh chicago with nasa spaceflight   as always out there recording history confirmed  that this particular shell rolling down this week   was in fact the 12 meter wide water tank we can  see this thanks to a label which also includes   a diagram of the future external piping that it  is going to receive so yes to sum up the build   progress for the week here is the latest starship  production diagram thanks to brandon lewis   progress with sn20 and bn2 is coming along very  nicely as spacex looks to get orbital as quickly   as possible a brand new mst radar was spotted  this week at starbase as well which is a new wind   raider that will help spacex measure and predict  upper-level winds for future launch attempts we   also saw here eric ralph posting a couple of  interesting tweets related to starship job   postings the first here says that spacex is hiring  a starship medical engineer to design integrate   and implement a medical system for the future  starship as well as providing medical support   during flight operations as he also says here that  sounds like future crew starships are going to   have their own dedicated medical facilities it's  hard for many of us sci-fi molded minds to not   read between the lines of this post and see it as  spacex attempting to develop a real-life starship   medbay now we are going to take a step away from  spacex's starbase to take a look at the mcgregor   test facility also in texas this location handles  all of the engine and falcon 9 booster testing   it's especially notable for the five stands that  are now online for the raptor engine we'll talk   more about that in just a moment but first a big  thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video   if you are like me you'll love learning new tricks  that increase the appeal of your content along   with the productivity of what you do skillshare  offers a massive online learning experience that   also allows you to connect with a community of  thousands of other people with similar goals to   yourself i've found so much value in areas that i  didn't even know that i wanted to know more about   only weeks ago i was running over content  and spotted this great course that shares   the process that marquez brownlee has gone through  to 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metric tons of thrust all while keeping the exact   same engine nozzle exit as the normal production  sea level engines if that's the case this would be   truly game changing when it comes to the overall  thrust of super heavy elon once again reiterated   the massive ambitions of the 7 500 tons of thrust  for the booster just a few weeks ago as well   with all that in mind our boost is a necessity to  the overall thrust of super heavy so it's going to   make sense that we begin to see these very first  prototypes appearing right now keeping track of   all these engines isn't an easy feat but artsias  here has been doing that for a few months now   here we can see most of the known engines which  have appeared in mcgregor and at starbase these   engines will soon be piling up for the very first  orbital booster so be sure to keep an eye there on   these diagrams to know when these engines show  up and where they are so in some other news an   interesting rocket designed by relativity space  the terran r was announced this week which would   make quite an astounding launch vehicle once  created the design they presented just the   other day features a fully reusable 3d printed  rocket which they hope will be a vessel taking   the stand by 2024. that is an unbelievable target  considering that they are yet to have their first  

launch of the terran one which is currently in  development and is a much much smaller and fully   expendable vehicle the terran one of course aims  to place around 1.25 metric tons into orbit at a   time and last i heard that was planning the first  launch late this year or early in 2022 so this   terran r design aims to be able to place 20 metric  tons into low earth orbit while fully reusing both   the first and second stage the falcon 9 i believe  can play somewhere between 15 and 16 metric   tons into low earth orbit while also landing the  booster on a drone ship so this suggests a further   five tonnes or so on top of that that is quite the  claim the tank width of a falcon 9 is 3.7 meters   and the terran r is 5 proportionately it looks  a little stockier so i suspect it will be just   a little shorter than the falcon 9 but still a  lot more massive due to the increased diameter   now as this news was announced immediate comments  to me were that this is very close looking   to the earlier starship design which was at the  time named bfr and i can see where they're coming   from here certainly a lot of inspiration  here it's also going to use liquid oxygen   and liquid methane just like starship of course at  the moment it is just a design concept there is a   monstrous number of steps for relativity space to  take this design and turn it into the real vehicle   and i certainly do wish them all the best with  that we typically see a lot of designs come and   go without ever seeing the light of day but if  relativity space can have huge success with the   terran one over the next few years while this  is in development that gives them a good start   currently the website here is lacking a lot of  detail about the vessel but hopefully we're going   to learn a little more soon about the intended  recovery process what do you think about the   terran r concept let me know your thoughts in the  comments below now we only just had the june 3rd   launch of spacex's crs 22 cargo resupply mission  to the space station but then just three days   later on june 6th another flight proven falcon 9  booster lifted off this time from slick 40 at cape   canaveral space force station this mission was  to launch the sxm8 digital radio satellite for   its u.s audio entertainment customer sirius xm  yet another flawless liftoff for falcon 9 as it  

hurtled its way out of the atmosphere we saw there  the main engine cut off soon after followed by   fairing separation and then the booster continued  on to make a safe landing on the drone ship just   read the instructions around the same time the  second stage was placed into a parking orbit   and from there it was a short coast phase before  a second engine restart pushed the payload   into the desired orbit prior to its deployment  now you may recall back in december 2020   spacex successfully launched from the same pad  and deployed the sirius xm sister satellite   sxm7 unfortunately for the satellite manufacturer  maxar the payload itself had some failures   and attempts to fix the situation were not  successful they do plan i believe to replace   that lost satellite at some point in the future  now another interesting story this week was jeff   bezos announcing that both he and his brother are  actually going to be flying on the new shepard in   late july which is of course the vehicle  designed and flown by blue origin although   it wasn't surprising seeing the announcement of  the passengers that would be aboard it did take   us a little by surprise that jeff himself would be  on the very first flight mission with human life   on board that is a gutsy move and it certainly  shows the trust that jeff bezos already has   in their own technology that flight is going  to occur just a little over two weeks after he   steps down as chief executive of amazon now the  new shepard for those of you that are unfamiliar   has already performed 15 suborbital flights which  have all been successful with the exception of   the first flights booster not touching down due to  some sort of hydraulic system issue on the descent   all of the capsules have survived the trip quite  fine and that first flight was actually way back   in 2015. at the time of course this was  super exciting as the flight almost crept up   out of nowhere fast forward six years and we are  still patiently waiting for the very first flight   with humans on board now it's worth noting of  course that this vessel just heads straight   up past 100 kilometers in altitude and then falls  back down that means that any crew in this vessel   will only have a few minutes to experience that  weightlessness that comes along with this flight   it is going to be very nice to see some imagery  of the passengers floating in the capsule   after all this time years ago we had thought  that this would be occurring very frequently by   now and that new glenn would be sending payloads  into low earth orbit very frequently and beyond   but you know it seems to have taken blue origin  quite some time to get to this stage regardless   we love seeing progress on tourist-based vehicles  to spread the enthusiasm for the industry around   for the moment though it seems to be limited  to just the super wealthy but hey we've got to   start somewhere now the united launch alliance  atlas 5 stp 3 mission originally set to launch   on june 23rd has been postponed which was a little  disappointing for us keen to watch this flight   what was interesting was the reason for the delay  though ceo tori bruno announced the reason was   related to observations of the centaur upper stage  rl10 engine on may the 18th launch looking at the   video feed here you can clearly see the engine  nozzle essentially ringing torrey said here on   twitter that those watching the live feed may  have observed some ringing of rl10's brand new   carbon nozzle extension while it did its job well  by boosting the eye watering performance higher   we wanted to make sure we fully understand the  behavior before flying this configuration again   so yes even though that has caused a delay there's  not going to be any implications for the boeing   starliner orbital flight test 2 as the upper  stage will not have the same rl10 configuration   in fact the style lineup was meant to be the next  launch in line after the stp-3 launch so perhaps   it could now be moved up to take center stage time  is going to tell meanwhile the new launch date for   stp-3 and its varied payloads will be advised very  soon now with that mission we have nasa's laser   communication relay demonstration experiment  essentially this is a method of optical space   communications this new generation of hardware  looks set to dramatically improve bandwidth   security and reliability of transmissions as well  as involving less mass and power requirements   that has some serious applications for earth  orbits lunar and deep space missions hopefully   we get to cover that topic a little bit more when  we get to see the future flight so yes it sure   has been yet another interesting week of updates  remember as well that we are huge supporters of   the transition to electric vehicles here on the  channel and our partner ev offers the ability to   hire an electric vehicle in australia perhaps  you have wanted to take an extended 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2021-06-18 18:48

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