SOUTH PORTUGAL in 14 Days - VAN Life Upgrade

SOUTH PORTUGAL in 14 Days - VAN Life Upgrade

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After spending two weeks in Lisbon, we decided to take the search for our place to the next level. So come with us to see if South Portugal is the place to be. Coming up. Obrigado (thank you) Now I'm picking up the van that we are going to use for these next two weeks.

Well, it'd be nice to see it with Natalie, but Natalie now stayed in the city center of Lisbon so she can use some of the time that would be wasted here just to be with me and pick up the van. And so she can buy some things that she needs. I guess it's one of these ones. Oh, wow.

Yeah. There's many vans, actually. [inaudible conversation] Oh, that's a big one. Oh, my Lord.

Can't wait to see Natalie's face with this one. Oh, wow. I don't know if I'm excited or extremely sad.. You have a camping gas here inside with the gas bottle and the storage all over here as well.

Perfect. On this side is where you charge the van. There's a table on the top. Put it over there. Turn the seats and create a living room. Make sure everything is closed while driving.

Okay. This gap. Yeah. You just open it and it will come out from here. Okay.

Thank you. Thanks. All right, then. Picture time now. And taking pictures on the inside. It's important as well because it's part of the van.

And in Palma, we had an experience that was that wasn't the greatest for the interior, because they're trying to scam us. In that way, let's say.. let's just learned from experience. Smooth. Yeah.

Perfect. Fabio, thank you and nice to meet you. Let's see how these two weeks are going to go. hey amore! What do you say.. where do we go? Not easy to move around in the center with this one.

I think often the good parking is actually fitting just right Apparently.. Yeah, it's a great parking paid now hopefully with the card. Okay. Until tomorrow morning.. perfect

Amazing. Perfect. Now I'm going to reach Natalie finally. And we have the house there. I can't wait to see her face again.

Let's see where she's. Are you satisfying your shopping needs? -Yeah Is this one. -Wow.. really? Yeah. How do you feel? This is our house for two weeks.

I don't know if I'm excited or extremely sad.. No. Let's hit the road. GREEN Burger King, what it's happening.. Because I saw before on the train station, there's a big cartel, the tit says, like vegan Burger King. And I was like, whoa, okay.

Let us explain. I just we just saw it. These it's a green Burger King. It's double cheese vegan, my lord. Wow. That's a cheat meal. Let me see yours Those were really good..Amazing.

This is really good to have as an option, you know? Not that we promote it in any way, but lately we've been eating a bit, a bit more un-regular. Oh, my God. We've been here before. Do you remember? Yeah. Wow. Almost three years ago, right? Yeah.

Almost 3 years ago Yeah. Three years ago. Yeah. We came here, as we've said, that we've been here before. We took a one week vacation and we came here and we were talking for starting to work as real estate agents at this place because we were planning already, like, we don't want to fly. We already knew that we wanted to do something else with.. like had it in mind. Yeah. So we came here to check that out. Yeah.

And we were inside of that very place and we also knew that we both were interested in filming and we were like, what if in the future we start to vlog or something? February 2020 then COVID happened and everything kind of changed, you know. And then one year later, April 2021, we started our YouTube channel. So yeah, so then we actually started vlogging from here that we're going to go sleep. Yeah, yeah.

Shoes off, huh? Oh, that's so nice that you can walk here and you can stand up putting away the clothes in our new house. It's actually quite practical. Some cereals, some chips, have some nuts, some chocolate and some licorice from Sweden. Oh, good.

We got some lentils so we can do that. Four pack of milk. We're talking peppers, berries, bananas and salad & is going to be good. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Hopefully.. hehe Good morning. everybody.

Including you. So far we have been working. Yesterday we published our video. So now it's a new day. We have been finishing some of the required work. So we have time now to go see the cities, because right now we are close to Cascais, where there's a camping place, which was one of the few that are around Lisbon that has electricity that we can plug in into the van so that we could work from here.

Because the first night we stayed in Starbucks until late to get the work done. So this is much more convenient. We'll see how is around because this area looks very interesting, is promising. It's close to the beach and there's still Lisbon that is a beautiful city, as you have seen. 25 minutes in car from Lisbon.

Yeah, let's get going. boom. Thank you. Thank you very much. Oh nice, nice and clean, nice in Cascais.

we imagine summer here. It can be really nice, actually. Let's go and see where you could actually live. Close to the beach. Cause that's what we want.

That's all we want. This seems more to be the center, right? I think so. Yeah. Markets. Yeah, markets. People selling their stuff.

Lisbon. It's a bit more local than.. this is super touristic, but it's more space. More area. Yeah. So, yeah, even though it's beautiful here, it's really nice. It's not for us to stay on the list.

So we tick off Cascais on our list and we go to the car and we move to the next location. But it's a bit cheaper, almost full for all the way down to the south. Really nice. It's just.

Yeah, like everything's basically.. the city's on the beach on the coast, but there's not so much space to enjoy actually, the beach. When you wake up in the morning, you have many, many cars passing But it's beautiful. Yeah, it is. so yeah.

Let's go to the next one. Look at the price. 34 euro. Are you kidding me? Oh, my Lord. Wow, that would pay on our dinner.

Some grocery now. We arrived in Lagos now. Yep. And it's already 5:30, so it's getting dark. So we're going to buy some things to eat and some necessities like papers and stuff. Yes.

So that we can just chill and relax for today, do some work and tomorrow morning explore actually what's around here because they took almost 3 hours from this Lisbon to come here. Looks a bit burnt though.. just a little bit. They have a lot of food, vegan lasagna! {On the way to Albufeira} Is coming the rain. This is cool stuff, actually.

They did it nice. Faro is the biggest city here, so it has his own airport. Yeah. Wow. I've seen it has the airport. Okay, let's go to the center. Actually, this direction. Okay. Okay.

Train station, which is really good to have.. a nice creperie. It reminds me of Paris. Welcome to Faro city. So we're going to just stop by some cafe, some place where they sit down and work and do the video.. work. Finally there's some things open because yeah, because we were reading actually that I mean we knew that this was a low season.

Yeah. We just didn't know that it was going to be that close. Like very close. So, Algarve is beautiful, but it is also more seasonal.. But yeah, what we are looking for, for the purpose of why we are here, is not to stop in a place that it's so seasonal.

Yeah, there's seasons but that don't close completely for a certain period of time. Yes. Okay. And now time for dinner after some laptop work, some pasta with an olive oil.

It's actually surprisingly comfy to cook, even with this small space. Yeah. Yeah, cozy.. the space, it's nice. Don't mind the bag there, but.. Good morning.

So how is it so far? Living in a van? Let's see what we do here in a normal day. I am doing the dishes, and actually it's not too bad with the space. Stefano is working in the background. It's good that we have this little space to. To work in. So we got changed. Welcome to our van. yeep!

Here we have the driver's seat. We have a little working station right here. Of course, this one follows us wherever we go. Here is the kitchen. I mean, here. No. In the bedroom yet.

And we have our cereals and everything we eat here. Also our very convenient fridge with a lot of stuff. And here is the bedroom. It's actually more comfortable than it looks. Promise.

And here we use this to just put our bags. But actually, in reality, this is another bed. So you fold down this part and it's another bed.

So actually, four people could be here. And the closet we have our amenities, clothes and the toilet, which is the most fun part. Here is the shower and our lovely, lovely toilet, which works like this, let me actually show you. Because I had no idea. Eww.. you open this one so it becomes a little hole. So it goes right in.

You do your business, and this is the flush. Look how amazing this is. Like nothing ever happened.

Yeah. So now, actually, let's go to empty now and also refill water because we actually can do the dishes here. Have you seen anything more fancy? That's where we're living for now. And couldn't be happier. Almost remembering to take off the electricity before leaving.. and

Stefano is going now to do the services that the car like and filling up with water emptying the toilets. And here was the organized camping space that we found close to the airport in Faro. So this is okay, it should be leaking. Yeah. You empty the water. That is the water from the shower and the sink. Wow, smart.

And it goes here. And then you refill with new. We have worked a lot on the laptop, a lot. So it is well deserved for us to go out and actually do a tour today.

And we're going to beautiful caves that I've been wanting to see for like five years. Yeah. And let's see, they say that there are dolphins as well. We're going to see.

We found this tour on Get Your Guide. I'm sure many of you have heard of them is an amazing platform. They have so much stuff. They have more than 60,000 experiences in over 3600 places worldwide. So that's crazy. So we were looking everywhere and I have a huge bucket list for us now, but we're going to tick off one today and that is hopefully see some dolphins and these amazing Algarve caves.

So let's go. Faster exit. Perfect. We're just arriving on time.

Just on the spot. Secret tours. Just leave your name and nationality, okay? We're going to be the last on the boat. Can I speak in English with everybody? Welcome aboard. My name is Christian. I'm going to be your guide. Okay.

Cold already. Gotta hold yourself now.. ourselves They said they found a spot with dolphins.

Living there on top of the cliff. Is not too bad, actually. On your own. Maybe.

Why not? What do you think of the house there? Cool yeah? That's beautiful. Marinha Beach in Portuguese means Navy. So it's Navy Beach. This is one of the most famous beach in Portugal. Like ten, 15 years ago, it was considered one of the best looking beach in Europe, one of the top ten.

In this cliff here, you can see a shape of an animal, big animal drinking water. An elephant works better after a glass of wine. Beautiful. Yeah, I wanted to stay with the dolphins.

So much. What an amazing tour. And like the guide, some really good. Really nice. Find me knowledgeable, very professional. -true. We're so happy we did this too, because we have been seeing so many nice places along the coast.

Right. Really good to know, because now we want to drive there and see them. Yeah, the booking experience was very easy, actually.

We booked it directly from the application, the tickets as well we didn't need to print anything. It was easy to have it on the phone. We just arrived there.

Even offline if you don't have a connection, just in case. And it's easy if you change your mind on anything. They have up to 24 hours free cancellation.

They have 24/7 support if anything happens. So we're at the van now and we recommend Get Your Guide for your next tour in the location that you're going to go to. Going to eat something now. Yes. Oh, and it got a bit chilly now. Because is late. It's almost 6 p.m.

Yeah, I'm going to an Indian restaurant now. Yes. Now we are going to Lisbon because we want to be there tomorrow morning. Because it's our last day in Portugal. Uhhh, at least for me. Cliffhanger. We are already spoiling it out? More about this later.

So nice. Oh, my gosh. Such a beautiful morning. Yeah. This is amazing. Can I say after have done, like, the whole round of Portugal..

I mean, a whole round.. We didn't go to the north, but like south and everything. Like where we stop now. The end before leaving. It's like, huh? I really like this place.

True. Beautiful summer vibes. Can't believe it's Christmas soon it really feels like a spring summer day. Okay, maybe the summer, which I really, really, really like this.

Oh, yeah, me too, actually. And this close to Lisbon. It's really beautiful and got some good pictures, I think, because we need to go to another place before we leave the van. So weird that we're going to leave the van actually, even though I didn't like it in the beginning.

Now, I got used to it. Gotta move on. Wow. What a monument. It always fascinates me so much how talented people are like how could they have done this with their bare hands? We must run now.. -we have everything? Yeah, we have everything.

We must run because we are already 3 minutes late for the drop off of the car for free 3 minutes later. And we still need to just fix their backs. They say.. You should have the backs already fixed.

Yeah, of course. Yeah. It's weird to leave everything now, right? Is like.. what? Portugal has been in our minds for a long time, and with this period spent here, we realize that Lisbon is an amazing place and suitable for us Iif we all want to go for a city life. where South Portugal, even though it has beautiful sceneries, will not be our place to settle down since it is very seasonal.

So the time has come to continue our search. But first we'll make a stop definitely worth seeing. I see you there! To the airport? Airport. Yes. Bye my love! So make sure you hit the subscribe button and notification bell so you will not miss out. Take care. Stay blessed and we'll see you in the next one.

The journey begins!

2023-01-01 18:31

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