South Goa | Benaulim Beach - Villa | Food | Bike Rental | Pubs | Party | Goa Vlog | Goa 2023 |

South Goa | Benaulim Beach - Villa | Food | Bike Rental | Pubs | Party | Goa Vlog | Goa 2023 |

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[Music] let's move [Music] hey guys welcome to my channel in today's video we are here in the south of Goa at the beautiful benallem area we are going to be doing a tour for you guys showing you guys basically our holiday that we are on so this is my beautiful wife Sharon and yeah so we are going to be showing you guys a tour of our Villa we are going to show you a tour of basically everything that we do here in benalium we are going to go to the beach we are going to have lunch we are going to go to like a party in the evening we are going to show you like everything possible so let's go and check out this incredible place here in South Goa okay guys so we are starting off our Vlog from this area here so as you can see we are staying at this area with this beautiful Portuguese kind of Villas they are not really Portuguese but they are inspired by Portuguese like they have the windows that look like the Portuguese kind of uh Villas and if you see here this is uh so beautiful view that we have around here so if you see there's all the Buffaloes and everything so this is in the it's like two minutes from the beach of course I'll put the name of this place so if you see there there's like all Buffalos and stuff coming out of the water right now so this is so beautiful typical you know local Goa this is what you know everybody comes for so we are staying in room two here so let's go in Sharon's inside already so hello let's get a room tour guys so Sharon's back in the Vlogs and we're actually going to give us a room tour this is the quickest tour so right at the entrance of the Villa we have a full frame mirror here you can check your OOTD this right here is a nice lounging area I think um yes lounging area and then we have our dining table here you got a fridge right here and the best part about this then we have a kitchen we have your own mini kitchen you can make your coffee you can even make a toast because there is a toaster here and then you can cook your small meals right here and this is the washroom I know you don't want to see the washroom you have a clothing rack here you can put your bags here and a nice queen size bed and of course you can also iron your clothes here you know OOTD is so important yes in three two well we have a washing machine Sharon should be so happy so yes this is the view of the garden this is the it has its own garden so this is the Villa that we are in super nice here and those are matching yeah and if you see around these are the other Villas that are here and of course there is like a pool in the other side okay guys so just before we go for lunch I'm just showing you guys the pool that is here so our room is literally there but we came around just we are going to walk to the beach and have some lunch but this is the pool area so beautiful right and you have all these beautiful houses all around so yeah let's go to the beach and have some lunch now yeah it's a pond fish frogs mosquitoes but mosquitoes are they in there this is like such a beautiful area and that's like the road to the beach but I just wanted to show you guys I mean the Villas are colorful yeah so is not actually a word is it I don't think so anyway so yeah Instagram so if you see why I was saying the Portuguese thing is because of these um murals or whatever they have here and that's the little gate going towards the beach so we didn't want to go like super far so we are going to go to Southern deck uh which is a friend of us restaurant which you saw in my previous Vlog before I think you have to pull the gate in okay guys so we are back at the southern deck I know I showed you guys like a full tour of the property before but yeah we are just so hungry we're having uh lunch here so we are going to go and sit at one of the tables here so we're probably going to sit I don't know where we're going to sit I have you so yeah uh we are sitting somewhere but let me just show you like around but if you want to see like the full tour of the property you can check like my previous Vlog okay we'll sit here so yeah eight is a good number so it here that's like the bar area there and there's like a lot of people here so Sharon's hungry as well so I'm not hungry okay so anyway let's sit down relax uh get us some drinks and then we'll get food and show you guys the whole experience of what we get and then we are going to go to the beach as well so yeah let's get our drinks first okay now I have my my lemon soda without any I look so exhausted I am so exhausted it's pretty hot today so I'm completely like fully drenched with sweat so cheers guys we got a nice chilled Corona beer here cheers so you know holidays starting off well I just like I called up somebody to rent a bike and our bike's going to come in like a few minutes so just before that we are going to of course I'm not going to drink and ride I'm just going to keep the bike here at the room I'm already so tired so cheers again and let's enjoy our holiday here there's nothing better than a chilled beer on a nice warm day here in Goa you know guys this is so cute it's made of banana leaves wow yes and then what did you order lemon soup no for food I want my grass so Shannon's dieting for some reason so she's getting like a salad so I'm getting a steak chicken steak because I just wanted something heavy I didn't want starters or anything so we're going to show you guys the food and then yeah we'll show you the rest of the day is it nice delicious so nice so my my lunch is not come yet so I'm super hungry but yeah let's just show you guys like a close-up of the dish here it looks good does it have Walnut also no what is that some nuts oh gets casual nuts okay so that's like the local like specialty which is here they have the flowers also which is cool so yeah I'm waiting for my lunch then yeah I'm so hungry I'm so jealous okay give me to taste any little taste what you got yeah because it was crunchy it's delicious I'm really enjoying it the mango takes it to another level is that mango yeah it's mango it's mango cheese pomegranate wow very nice so if you see around here there's like a lot of people that have come in now and just over there is the beach so you can just like cross the restaurant and you reach the beach outside uh once I finish lunch I'm gonna take you guys outside and show you guys the beach area this is the main benaolin Beach and yeah so let's get my lunch now okay guys so my food has just arrived and just to show you guys look at that so I got myself a nice chicken steak uh with mushroom sauce so let me just give you guys a nice look Sharon still having her salad here just to show you I like our chicken once you get married guys life is over all you have to do is share everything so I'm such a kind person I always sharing is caring and guys if you get married remember number one rule when you are married never argue if she says half of the steak is mine give it because you'll have a beautiful day ahead otherwise you'll have a very bad day so the Rules of Marriage okay so this is my steak which I'm having nice grilled steak here uh these are the mushrooms around this is mashed potato that is more mushroom sauce so yeah let's get uh into trying the food so first of all let me try so yeah Sharon's cleaning my fox so I get a nice clean fog okay so first of all let's try the chicken it looks juicy it's nice and grilled so this is made on the uh yeah this is chicken breast of course but it looks super nice it's like the meat is like tender juicy moist uh guys none of these videos are sponsored but yeah so everything is always authentic reviews so you get to know the real deal from here in Goa oh man that is so delicious oh so there's a lot of Rosemary in the sauce with the mushroom so that Rosemary taste with the mushroom and the burnt like it has this nice burnt pepper flavor so so good the mushroom is so good I'm sorry stealing my food here so as I said don't argue yeah so it looks good the food is tastier I forgot to make a photo of my food but yeah let's uh click a random photo so all my Instagram followers are jealous guys if you're not following me on Instagram definitely follow me on Instagram and yeah so so tasty [Music] yeah so yeah this restaurant is like very close to the beach it's like literally opposite the beach and we like to come here because it's so peaceful and relaxing and it's just next to the beach and the staff are so polite and you know that makes a lot in the difference of a restaurant when you feel the what is that Hospitality right yeah yeah so yeah can you guys yeah he's probably he always eating but I'm sure you guys have no complaints because you feel nice watching us eat from here in Goa ASMR yeah so every time there's more and more people coming into the restaurant if you see around here there's so many people coming into the restaurant there they have swings which is so nice because a lot of kids like to come here and you know swing around here there's a bar there the main bar area and they have like a pub kind of party place over here which you can party in the night we are probably going to come here in the night again and show you guys what happens here in the evening but anyway let's now finish our lunch and then go on to the beach okay guys so I just rented a bike just now I got the bike fascino which is like I'm in the parking lot of the restaurant but yeah so he just came and delivered the bike to me and yeah we're going to take the bike today and we're going to roam around and that's basically where we are staying so we got a bike we got lunch but yeah we are Sharon still waiting for me in the restaurant but we'll go to the beach now and show you guys the beautiful benaulim beach here okay guys so we are done with lunch and we are going out of the restaurant now so here's Sharon and an update I'm taking over the Vlog this is me yes and Moses we are going to the beach we're done with lunch Moses told me to take the angle higher so that you know I am a 411 girl so it's so short we have to use it like this because we want to get the nice angle of the beach so Sharon's uh here on the beach after a long time right yes I think it was last yeah you prefer south or north because oh guys look at this how can you not love this so South Goa is super beautiful and yeah so do you know which beach we are and which side is cold walk okay you know before this steak Moses gave me an orientation so that side of the beach guys and the next Beach is it starts with letter satin Beach and the beach after that is called the beach yeah so it will take you about 15 to 20 minutes and walk to reach Smallville beach from here yeah so that side is the beach it's very very beautiful this is like a fishing Village so there's a lot of fishing boats that are here and uh yeah so let's go on to the beach let's walk into the water it is so nice and relaxing today beautiful see uncle is fishing there catch a fish with him he'll go with Uncle and fish so guys uh this place benalim Beach is like a famous fishing Village the sand here has little shells shells so this is like living it's not actually cold it's quite warm so yeah there's little shells in the beach hahaha so uncles like doing his uh fishing here so there's probably a lot of fish in this area here because otherwise these are like the local fishermen here uncle's a local from here so yeah there's like all the fishing boats here so if you see a lot of our Goa fish comes from this area because this is like a rich feeding spot for fish and that is the main Beach area there's a lot of people on that side of the beach and of course that side is colwa so we had a really nice lunch it was super uh we had a good time so now we also got our bike so we want to go to the market area and show you guys the market area as well so let's go look so nice to see this rice fields it's almost there the rice the grains it smells so nice because of the you know you can smell the you know fresh crops and yeah so this is like the inside of the village the road that is a little uh away from the main Beach area but this is where we are staying so we're gonna put control guys yes see I'm proud of this now I can turn the camera anytime I want yeah so this is exactly where we are staying and we're just putting petrol which is a shop right on the road and after putting petrol wedges going to go back uh to the room but I'll show you guys a little bit of the market area there while we are putting petrol so yeah so we're just here I have to put my helmet now because we are going on to the main road this was the inside road so let me just get my helmet out and then let's go further on guys okay guys so we are just going down the street here this is the main market area of benolium of course the main Market was like a little behind there but just to show you guys see there's like some Grand Royal Suites this side and like there's a lot of these small restaurants and shops on this area there is also like bike range details and car rentals that you can get on this road so there's this liquid whoa look at this shop see that shop there guys that is so cool so there's like a full Hookah shop like they have like supermarkets oh there's a supermarket here should we go to the supermarket okay so we're going to go to the supermarket and yeah get some stuff for the room because uh we're staying here for a couple of days so we'll just go inside and get some water and things like that so this is a supermarket here but yeah after Supermarket we'll go further and show you guys okay guys so we got some chips and um uh water to take to the room uh you know we drink a lot of water we hydrated Sharon and me we like to drink water all the time so I have to put my helmet on now so Sharon is going to take my cap and take over the camera so we are on the main road now which is the road which is going towards the beach where we are staying and yeah so this is the cute little chapel here and just to show you guys a few of the places here on the left there's good Fellas this is like a good place for pizzas so they have like this Italian menu which is really nice and this is Philly felly is like this little bar which is very very chilled out so we are going to probably come there in the evening for a drink or two to felly and yeah so if you see here there's quite a few nice places on this street so there's a cinnamon this is a nice place for breakfast which is uh cinnamon they have of course they have a big menu for all things possible but yeah so we are almost back to our room there there's wine store here if you want to go get some alcohol uh and yeah so this is the Pavilion Pavilion is very good for breakfast as well here so they have a big breakfast menu if you are looking for like a English breakfast The Pavilion is good and wow they have tuk-tuk here tuktuk is like a little shop that has all these souvenirs for you know if you're on holiday here you want to buy souvenirs and things like that it's really nice and of course there's just a last few shops here selling clothing and a few of the other items guys so yeah that's it from the market area let's show you something else now okay guys so we made it back to Southern deck it was super rainy and we didn't want to get like wet so we came back here because we are like right next to the hotel and yeah so we're gonna have a couple of drinks here still at the bar but just to show you guys the vibe right now there's like so many people that place is completely packed at the moment like there's like lots of people here as well so anyway let's get ourselves a couple of drinks I'm still at the bar here so Sharon yeah so this is like the early place that was uh I mean uh available right now so anyway let me get a couple of links and then we'll show you the drinks and we'll get something to eat and show you what we eat also it started raining like crazy so we couldn't go down to the uh the Barbie was supposed to check a couple of other bars so anyway let's get some drinks okay guys so he's going to make us a cocktail over here he's making us a special cocktail made with strawberry and he said there's milk in this I can't believe there's milk in this but there's milk in this this is a gin based cocktail so it's like super cool and you know I wanted to try something new he's the main bar man here so he's he just said okay I'm going to make you something special so I was like okay go ahead make something special for us and if we saw in the afternoon we had like these straws this is like super cool so he's going to put some wow that's like a lime slice here okay so Sharon's going to get hers next and as you can hear there's a lot of music going on in the background we are going to shape tables there cheers thank you so much yeah so this is a cocktail here with Sharon just hold this for a second uh so I can try it out let me just try it out wow wow I did not expect that that is completely different I mean it is so good I don't know what the name is I'll just put the name down here when I figure it out I'll ask him what the name is wow so it has like strawberry kind of uh like my mouth is literally watering after tasting that guys and look at that that is Sharon's drink that just came over here wow look at that how cool is that so what is it what is the name of this drink mermaid tonic and this one oh okay Ginger wow wow so this is ginger Chiller with uh something something and Tequila okay so let Sharon try hers out now sorry guys I put the huh so Sharon's trying out first here which is the how is it okay Sharon takes a little lower yes I like Sharon she processes the whole thing before this me my my brain it goes straight away I like it so so it's very refreshing according to Sharon so this is hot drink anyway now let's get something else okay guys so we made it to the top bar now and we're going to be trying some more cocktails the owner he just met me he said you want to try something else I was like yeah why not so we're trying some more cocktails where are this really nice part of the bar this is on top so just to show you guys around this is like the on top area here he's the most chilled out guy ever so we are trying out some more cocktails I don't know today is like a cocktail day for some reason so it's getting so they have like some bar takeover and like two of the brands have like different alcohols like Grand moranji and Belvedere so we are trying both of the cocktails from them I'm eating at the same time as talking you know he just gave me this something to eat so anyway we'll show you cocktails we'll show you some more food and everything guys thank you so much so guys we just got some of the cocktails now so which one is which oh this is the clearly it was okay thank you so much so we got the two cocktails here here this is Sharon's third cocktail already I'm not even high but I don't know which ones who's now which was you are supposed to be okay so this one's mine okay so yeah so cheers to another cocktail this is like our third cocktail now yeah so cheers guys let's try this out search yes yes this is your favorite yeah what was that this is the Cosmopolitan oh man that is so good this is like a glen orange base cocktail super nice super nice I could have it in like one one gulp but it's like super nice I really like it yeah so guys you don't drink cotton gulp so anyway yeah because it has to last for a long period of time not for us guys like today everybody is giving us different different Cocktails so we are trying out all the different Cocktails so anyway we are going to order I've been trying to order for a long time but every time we try to order somebody else comes and says okay try this cocktail or try that cocktail so anyway I hope you don't get knocked out but to a good night here so the place is awesome we're having a good time the band's about to start playing so we have to go and get our food before that so let's go okay right so we got uh garlic bread here this is like one of their Specialties definitely be something you have to try out with when you come here sorry for the lot of noise around it so salad bread delicious let's try it out [Music] what pizza is this is absolutely enjoying our time this is a pepper honey pizza so look at that guys how cool is that looks good let's try it out [Music] yeah okay guys so today is the next day after last night we had an absolutely incredible night last night we had way way too many cocktails and it was absolutely amazing they also have a nightclub there and from 11 o'clock onwards it turns into a nightclub kind of thing and it was awesome the crowd was like so many people it was superb so today morning I got up and I went to the supermarket uh there are like two three big supermarkets here and uh something that I was surprised is like these supermarkets have so much of stuff in them like uh there's because they cater to a lot of international tourists here they have like a lot of international Brands as well as like all these chocolates foreign chocolates and lot of really nice things so I bought us breakfast I mean I bought eggs and things because in our room as you guys saw we have like all of the equipment to has breakfast so we are going to make ourselves breakfast now and yeah so I hope you enjoyed this Vlog Sharon's cooking right now but yeah I hope you enjoyed this Vlog please do like and subscribe and I'll be bringing you guys lots of other videos from here in Goa bye guys

2023-10-08 07:08

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