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south africa from the majestic lands of the kruger national park to the tourist mecca that is table mountains visitors often forget it's hidden in the site like Angie's g-spot for example and for over landing seeking remotes and hard to access places I do not put South Africa high on any list when compared to most other African countries it's comparatively well-developed but for adventure travelers it surely is one of the best I lived in South Africa for 42 years and during that time there were few parts of the country that I didn't visit in a three-part series I will now take you to some of those places with unseen footage and untold stories I'm Andrew st. Pierre White join me as I share my passion rollin all-wheel drive trucks traveling to the remotest parts there are a few things that I enjoy more than being out on the open road fantastic tickly if you are in a vehicle to toy driving and perfect day for the road blue sky will take us home we'll take it easy we'll take it slow time goes so fast you is the ones you love but I won't worry today unit time flies away this here is nature's answer to modern technology this is nature's iPod it's a pot I well I have a broken one here and inside the seeds these dark M&E seeds are used as eyes in sculpture done by that's one of people so I pod in fact I'll now show you podcast in my search for South Africa's loneliest Road I've taken a road north of Cape Town for three hours I'm now heading inland is to add northeast woods to be precise I'm climbing up the fun rains pass a long and lonely guitar path to what I believe will be one of South Africa's most remote areas on our 27 Colvin iya is that way west southwest north of me about 50 kilometres it's brand Flay if you look at the map of South Africa this area of the northern cape at the southern end of the northern cape it's very very remote this particular road runs through Bear Carew it's been a bit of a disappointment really because while the scenery is fantastic and some of the parcels have been amazing quite a bit of traffic I expected a long and lonely road maybe I won't find one so my quest continues as a rule wild camping in South Africa is unsafe not from animals so much as from people and I would not advise it the northern cape is one possible exception and I have gone to great pains to find a place well away from the road in a spot where it's very unlikely that I will be seen there are few places in South Africa where the geology changes shut such a short distance and it's so noticeable as here in the northern cape run fillet that way about 60 kilometers south 10 hot that way about 50 kilometers frankly is unmistakable Carew scrubland it's unmistakable but soon after as you travel north you start seeing that grass starts changing its color the sand starts changing it starts becoming look it looks like Kalahari but now here in between I find it that is unmistakably now now maybe a savanna the rocks even the plot it's extraordinary because in front of us I'm walking now on the campsite of the hobbies that Falls National Park fantastic wind blowing I say fantastic because when I arrived here two hours ago it was 44 degrees unbearably hot curvy unpleasant said a short prayer for rain and look at it it's dropped about eight to ten degrees since I write it's hurt so I'm able to walk now have a look at the Falls located on the Orange River the ahadees Falls is South Africa's largest waterfall its canyon is 240 metres at its deepest with the waterfall averaging 60 meters the times of flood like now it easily exceeds this the best times to visit are February and March standing in looking over the waterfall I feel as if I'm on the edge of a large skyscraper looking down I get the sense of vertigo the movement of the rush of the energy underneath it's actually quite freaky two weeks ago the water can you believe it would have been around my ankles and in fact there were people standing over there which has now been destroyed standing on it 20 meters below where I am now standing look around me I can see the water has started ripping up this as the other reason behind of this trip however was to make a film for a client who builds caravans and since I loathe caravans you can imagine how much of fun it was find myself this morning in slightly unfamiliar surroundings I'm in a very very busy campsite we arrived last night Twittersphere in the southern end of kellicotti transient frontier park and it's a it's a packed campsite even though it's our school holidays it's absolutely packed has a bit disappointed in our eyes but the reason why I'm here is to test some new characters yes that's another thing I'm doing that it's not that familiar to me I'm caravanning well I am trying to be sincere in 2012 I planned to drive from Cape Agulhas of southern tip of Africa to John O'Groats the northernmost tip of the United Kingdom mainland in aid of rhino conservation I was going to do the trip with my good mate Paul Marsh but at the last hour the backers pulled out and we never did the trip but we did film on day one this is cape aguilas lighthouse I am standing less than a hundred metres from the southernmost tip of Africa so in fact now if I look this way I had the entire continent of Africa spread out before me and that's where I'm going my plan is to drive from this point to the northernmost tip of Great Britain its place called John O'Groats it'll take me six months amazing amazing after how many years actually going actually I I recognize him hey are you going hey Scotland Scotland yeah oh really and whereabouts in Scotland John O'Groats joke right say now sorry hmm I just go to the shops there's gonna be another vehicle that was a really will kit a big THANK YOU story John O'Groats yeah stupid person actually he could be useful he could make me my dinner yeah between 2009 and 2013 I owned this little beauty is a mango motive liner I made several cross country and hundreds of soaring flights I've held a lifelong passion for flying and my goal is to do similar in Australia about three years actually traveling all the way from Cape Town to Johannesburg I'm going to be stopping tonight and a place called Perry Perry is a world-famous gliding area still a probably had an hour to go I've had a good tailwind all day estimated that my speed would be $110 I think my average speed is probably because 250 not so I just I look at rubella see you can hear me and when the head looks good but I think the Weatherhead is also going to be a little bit too turbulent clouds and I'm feeling the attempt of feeling the effect of thermal so see you and I'm on the ground Springbok boss now that I live in England well you had to take advantage of this is so good not too fatty we've traveled further east now and are in the beautiful clean cool our early morning on the Breda River this particular River is one of the major inland waterways of the Eastern Cape tidal were about 25 kilometres upstream and not long ago they tagged a four and a half meters and BZ shocked that was actually further inland than where I'm standing now amazing right in November 2018 it's hard to believe that this entire area was under water in fact the balcony I'm sitting on now never endure the stuff was actually under water by about one centimeter so the house wasn't damaged but this entire flight plan was underwater apparently this is one of only three working fonts in all of southern Africa that always came out not actually very far from here and the other one at assembling stuff from the northern cape into Namibia and read our font zoom is hot Kenickie that's Steve so he's here to lend a hand and to make jokes the first time I've seen manpower still horsepower pulling the quant across the river good and UK no another quarter was part of this effort and quarter you been generous you can put on their rival you have our last night shush told you not to talk about that thank you have a good day enjoy your wax in this part of the Western Cape there are several spectacular mountain passes this is the Trudeau Palace and links the town of Barrie Dale with the coaster the coy Sun people first discovered the route Trudeau meaning the way of the woman not sure how that connects with a very twisty winding and unforgiving pass it's one of 13 horses in the subtle cable built upon master Road engineer Thomas Baines before the 20th century was built largely by convict laborers opening in 1873 it was tarde in 1973 you can see Pistorius was yaaaas cur Oscar's left his mark and it's actually quite interesting there four holes here the same as the toilet door it's a trademark trademark figure this is a marvelous example of marketing genius this is Ronnie's shop it was this Ronnie's shop and people popped in and in a border coke and some packet of chips Ronnie's sex shop and you can see it's been added afterwards this is now a national treasure tour buses come here people come from all over the country just because they've added that three-letter word it's crazy you must have had a reputation to everything was was two of his friends as a joke there went in the head at the 6-under wall stayed like that oaken holding for seven years that's where it got its name and then seven years went by trains came back with the mr. Damon I'm gonna ball if it works fine if it doesn't work Edoardo pop yeah right back yeah just that then you start doing the more than you started eating yeah you start seeing enough more than what's actually you really going under the fattest coming from the Oppenheimer said I do to those who call out under the rocks what is the most popular thing you son you drink was brilliant and like most places where brandy and Coke is popular there are tire marks on the tarmac and so we say goodbye to the Two Ronnies and head further east we are on what is it it's Wednesday at LaRue's B&B in at CERN very good be comfortable very nice and very wet pouring the whole night or in pouring pouring and today you were supposed to be going to we're supposed to be getting the farm today I thought that was you coming out of the shower a very funny we're gonna eat breakfast oh what a very very nice break for status now it's off to the local is Susan dealer where I've organised to meet a vessel a local farmer and we're going to spend the morning on his farm not sure doing what I suppose we'll see I'm with Jim General Motors since I was since I start farming and that's about 50 52 or 53 years but I'm a mo a farmer okay I produce mowie right I'm not the goat farmer my way gross on coats but I produce my way I produce the hair oh so not a goat farmer it's splitting hairs isn't it it should be a fun day if the rain just hold up but I think I just have that we arrived as his farm workers ready themselves to go and rescue some lost goats threatened by the unusual cold weather then he leads us into the shed but the first thing I see is not a goat but a car it's a Chevrolet my guess from the early 60s it's a bit like the family grandfather pink isn't it except it doesn't go tick in long time that we don't run it so the the petrol will went down and then he still had to pump it up yeah this car was bought by my dad's brother in 58 57 actually it's a 57 model and I've got it in 79 that state discard got thirty thousand miles it's now 30 40 years later and I think it's got 60,000 miles on Jenny and Jenny and mouth we've got a lot Anya that that you can look at when it is slow always need a car need some petrol because you don't know it will reach the next town Xavier petrol having yet to see a goat I ask to be taken to see them and what do I see an Argentinean alpaca an alpaca in Africa an ostrich maybe I actually expected to see lots of ostriches today Argentinean Oh Papa why have you got an alpaca here it's out chasing away the paratus like Jacqueline beans yeah and also people people are also scared of them but I can spit on you yeah and the arity and if you tell them ok I'm lucky the guys that work with the guts know that it is not it doesn't harm but for for people that want to come and steal God say Oh God the lifetime is about eight fifteen years ok enough about hair and teeth what about the farm so vessel takes us out his farm is big it would take half a day just to drive around it I'm in the eastern part of the Western Cape on my way to natal my traveling companion is so well known cameraman and joke teller so many of these mountain passes built in the 19th century were in fact built by convicts labour and the fact that it's wet coldest nice just Morland to me this is what four drives actually all about it's the fact that you can take a drive like this on a road like this and not worry just be able to go it to me it's the difference between owning a for driving a tool drive actually they said I'm not worried about that the roads gonna get really really difficult and really really sticky whereas I think if I was in a tool drive I might have this slight apprehension that you know I was going to get too bad and I might have to turn back partnering with Ronnie's a6 shop is Angie's the g-spot unfortunately Angie wasn't in but I'm sure she would have said please come again for overlanders seeking remote and hard to access places I do not regard South Africa as being high on the list when compared with other African countries it's comparatively well developed but for adventure travelers it surely is one of the best I lived in South Africa for 42 years and during that time there were few parts of the country that I didn't visit this is part 2 as I take you to see some of these places with unseen footage early 2010 I went to natal to retrace the very first four-wheel-drive track that I ever drove in my own vehicle that was back in 1983 marine sanctuaries in the area which includes some Lucia right up to cozy bay on the Mozambique border this is the Indian Ocean as usual it's like warm what are the most rewarding part of my job isn't the travel it's this toy this was my very first underwater camera housing later that same year I was introduced to a GoPro I'm in the far eastern part of South Africa in a province called kwazulu-natal right up against the Mozambique border I'm here retracing my steps you see in 1982 I bought my very first 4x4 it was a Range Rover and it was here that I took my very first self-drive expedition I was 22 years old this little bit of the trip has significance for me when I started doing this four-wheel-drive thing I got my firm I owned my first vehicle of my own in 1982 it was a Range Rover 10 year old ten year old model I decided to come to cozy Bay and in fact I recorded as my very first expedition in my own vehicle and I am now returning thirty five years later to relive that moment when I first came here I didn't have the luxury of about it I also didn't have a luxury of a guide to show us around cozy Bay and that's not good enough these were the very first pictures I took of it which I guess led me to a career in taking pictures of four by fours and not unlike today Here I am spending my weekend working on it here laying some carpet and soundproofing if I think about it absolutely nothing has changed I chose this part of Natal for my first expedition because I could reach it in less than two days and it was still remote and unspoiled my task now is to find out if that is still the case 27 years later descending now after 11 hours non-stop drama descending the final descent to the sea at Cape vital and the campsite every now and again somebody develops something in the camping and four-wheel-drive markets that gets me very very excited and here's another one reason why I'm excited is that every so often I buy a new Ford Revere couldn't spend lots of time equipping it I've actually had eight this particular piece of equipment is getting me thinking about doing another one the essence of simplicity I had no I don't actually I'm killing this is surely must be the simplest system tinting now the thing is the whole idea behind this is for two people and two people driving in the vehicle that is completely and utterly equipped now the way this works is underneath the mattress is where you put all your clothes and the side here and then once they're in packed properly was this will be flash today no idea gas tank inside there and a little stove with a little windbreak the idea behind this is that it is a self-contained Safari vehicle fully equipped for two people this piece in the back actually six bolts that out it comes and what you're left with is normally pick up put it in and it's a safari view this is the prototype and I'm testing it and I found a few miggles so far but they're little I think the concept African Outback products has since gone out of business this very promising idea never took off so I'm now going to show you what we're doing here and where we're going to be going last night we spent at Cape Vidal it's right here we actually returned this morning to the town of Seleucia and in the boat traveled about eight kilometres up this river here later on today we actually have to head back to the main road because we're heading west east we're gonna end up about here sodwana bay so dawn is a very very touristy area I was there five or six years ago didn't like it one bit left only because it was there were just too many people and a lot of the people there were diving there was a lot of also a lot of irresponsible for drivers mucking up the beach I understand that they've sorted that out we're going to be spending some time at sadhana and then heading further east rock tail Bay is where we're going to be spending some time never been there don't know anything about it I understand it's stunning this area here we'll be ending our trip at Cosi Bay this is significant for me in 1982 I got my first 4-wheel Drive and the first expedition I put together was to cozy bay and I remember it with fond memories and this is the first time since then that I've been back but before we head off I have two places I want to visit I'd like to take a boat trip of the river and I also want to see the crocodile enclosure the boat leaves come quite close understand Lucia town goes up the river about eight kilometers doesn't go into the main body of the lake because that's actually far too far but this is the river section that actually feeds the lagoon from the sea and as you can see I've got a wildlife crocodile sanctuary is really beautiful it's set right in the coastal forest so the tree canopy is absolutely beautiful they've done it nicely too there's a cycad forest there are areas with little crocodiles so you can get very very close to them in their little enclosures but like a zoo but the big guys are in settings that feel and look very natural this is part of the vast cozy bay tidal lake system we're going to look for the freshwater parts that are not unlike the Okavango Delta in Botswana so I'm told it's a half hour boat ride that men do ask directions as a last resort of course it is indeed like the Okavango that is a huge surprise for me that sound is a black racket it's like a channel in the Okavango and now I gotta meet you he's coming after us these are traditional fish catchers grass netting erected in a maze so that fish can find their way in but not not it's like these line the shores of the cozy Lakes and feed hundreds of families living in the area this is Catalina Bay named after a wreck witch's number kilometres that way but is a wreck of a ship or a record of aircraft see Catalina flying words the large twin engines like tugboats wings and I am suggesting that it's named after these flying boats that used to operate from the waters of Lake st. Lucia and not only that that these wooden structures were built to berth them was actually made for the flying boats I figured gonna sit in here they're going to want to tighter to stop it going like that so they have to tie it at the back in the front but how do they do that with an airplane with such long wings that pontoon and that pontoon is not too much wider and certainly not narrower than the wingspan of a cattle flying bird in my theory holes as it turns out I was both right and wrong completely wrong about the Catalina and these structures the span being 31 meters and the length been 19 meters bear no resemblance to the structure but I wasn't wrong about Catalina Bay being named after the Catalina flying boats that once operated on Santa Lucia there were two known fatal crashes on the lake one of them at Catalina Bay this is sad wanna campsite it's the kind of campsite that makes me want to give up camping we arrived late at night the officials at the gate were officious unfriendly rude but let's put that aside the campsite itself there's nothing wrong with it it's very very big its ablutions no reason to be good but the trouble is with it even on a day like today in the middle of the week it's reasonably busy but before you've woken up in the morning tractors are whizzing by people are walking by it's a very very commercial environment so said Juana is the kind of place that I remember to be when I first came here I stayed one night and I got the hell out of here and that's exactly what I'm doing today that is after of course I've had a little look around we'll drive but this is sad wanna how I remember it it's not a beach at all it's a car park and in the weekends it's a very big car park but let's gonna have a walk around anyway check it out when I first came here would have been about 1985 I was disgusted by the place there were literally a hundred vehicles on this beach and this Lagoon over here was flowing out to the sea there was a Hilux with a man in the front seat driving seat holding a bottle of cane spirits and not more than two meters from his wheels was a little girl with a bucket and spade I was horrified I asked one of the local ski boat operators what's the deal here with all of the boats and cars this Beach itself as a working beach classified as a working visa operators Beach so there's 100 vehicles allowed with boats on the beach as such in this particular area on the north beach itself they also allowed a hundred recreational vehicles there's other every family goes to come down for their families and have a picnic on the beach it has to be a reason why someone is right here is it the reef a lot of it is because of the diverse reef ecology that we got Dania with a diverse fish population and stuff and we've got over a thousand species of fish it's always clean water no real reverse glass by warm clean water you see a lot of the whales come past dolphins manta rays whale sharks all the nice kind of stuff for families to see and do no sooner had we started filming in the surf that some officials arrived and told us that we couldn't film the professional-looking equipment was the problem beach driving in South Africa is not permitted on any beach unless it's a specifically designated beach so the wrong vehicle on the wrong Beach can be confiscated now for all the bureaucracy one has to put up with coming in and out of these areas a moment you come you know you pass through the gate to show them your forms you realize why it's necessary suddenly now the bush is absolutely beautiful pristine untouched so it's times like these that I kind of forgive them for this mad bureaucracy I suppose it's there to protect it and it's boy isn't worth protecting what we're doing out sadhana is now behind us and we're taking a back route difficult to navigate it supposed to be very very sandy so we're gonna have fun with the trail app this highlight I don't have my own equipment with me here normally use an ARB ez deflator which is quick easy simple accurate even when empty that 2.2 litre Horlicks struggles and thus and while the three-litre makes the climb without difficulty tension really between the two is that you have the power to just drag you out the top of instant essentially in sand cozumel parka welfare that narrow gap is the entrance to this vast Lake system with the tide coming in fast people who have been enjoying themselves on one of the many islands must make their way back to the mainland before they're cut off rocked out a beach camp is well renowned for a fad as a family destination and I ask them why this was the case our facilities in the camp are very nice very nice for children all etc but there's something else that children particularly I love we're gonna go and find out what that is right now snorkeling rock tail Bay boasts some of the best snorkeling in all of South Africa for overlanders seeking remote and hard to access places I do not regard South Africa as being high on the list when compared with other African countries it's comparatively well developed but for adventure travelers it surely is one of the best I lived in South Africa for 42 years and during that time there were few parts of the country that I didn't visit this is the third and final in this series as I take you to see some of these places with unseen footage and untold stories all over the country particularly in this part between Johannesburg and Durban as winter approaches cosmos blooms actually not an endemic flower comes from South America I understand but the the big ones are girls and the white ones boys and the red ones are undecided a couple of months before leaving South Africa for good I returned to one of my favorite places as I walk in one of the nicest parts of all of South Africa think about my trip ahead it's a it's a funny feeling that I'm not coming back perfect day for the room I might come back to visit blue sky will take us home but I'm not coming back to live we'll take it easy we'll take it slow this is what are the places I'll miss the most golden gate national partners Eastern pre-state because my in-laws lived here I spent so much time here I have such warm feelings about the place that if I think about South Africa if I had to retire here this is where I would like to end up on that same trip I went into the zoo to to remind myself how nice it is and to add to a lassoo to travelers guided EVD that was about to be released welcome to the suitable the DVD you have in your machine right now the DVD was released in 2013 and was only sold in South Africa it is no longer available the trip took us past a marvel of modern engineering the cutsy dam the suit sells water to its neighbours and this is the largest reservoir in the project there is only one Lodge in the area this is cutsie Lodge good name for it really the road that hits East from Syria the Blue Mountain pass that God helped me pass which is pass right here tarah it's you do not need a forward drive to get a really good look atlas you too if you have a four-wheel drive yeah it's better you can go further so I've moved off the road found a flat spot so it's a good idea in the zoo too if you just go into bush camp wild camp is to do it early don't wait to the last minute don't wait for the Sun to go down because most of the co2 is very very lumpy to find a flat spot can be quite difficult well it's early morning we chose a beautiful spot last night to build a fly camp a little flat area not too far from the road well on the road between Sabbath Becca and Monsieur and the the pass here has these lovely having descriptive names like Blue Mountain Pass God helped me pass pass of the Jackals beautiful beautiful country Tara this is dirt but most of it is is tar that's been again and I now go on and on about this well I I do my TV shows and things nostalgic really because one of my very first of all Drive trips was actually up on this pass but it was snowing I was driving a Range Rover and I remember I had I had the worst feel consumption ever it's never been exceeded since then it would have been in 1984 45 and a half liters per hundred kilometers in a Range Rover with that old 3.5 v8 petrol engine I was in low range second and third of the whole day in the snow trying to keep up with the Mercedes GLE under fog and I wanted to keep up with him because I was really battling to find the road to see the road ahead and I was a 24-hour non-stop drive get home the suit is a safe place of traveling it really is a lovely place people are generally very very friendly Security's good you have to look out for the obvious things you know pickpocketing pilfering around the campsite you know they're obvious things in Africa but generally it's a safe place to travel this is remains this is published some time ago info map lassoo to map remains one of the very best maps of the city you can get and I'm going to read well not so much read but just talk about some of the information found on this map about traveling in the suti if you want to read it again get the map and then read it okay Lesotho has the highest lowest point of any country on earth so traveling here be prepared for lots and lots of twisty mountain roads which means in winter and if it's snowing it becomes quite dangerous and you're going to need snow tires it snows every winter and sometimes very very thick snow clothes you know the roads are closed to ordinary traffic in summer it's the opposite in that there is so much rainfall that in the valleys it's sometimes difficult to get across some of the rivers and almost every summer some of the bridges are washed away or if they're not washed away the water is covering them so they're so high you have to then you know if you're unlucky to encounter one you have to turn back so when traveling unless you to carry lots and not woken up to a bright lovely sunny morning after yesterday one of the scariest drives of my entire life the entire day in pouring rain on the n2 with maniacs everywhere it was it was truly a scary Drive while traveling through the country now the entire country virtually is under a blanket of water enormous amounts of rain falling the morning Steve's taken over now driving up north floors and as she received now how she getting the worst of it very very heavy rain and morons on people driving with no headlamps overtaking on blind bends solid white lines in pouring rain with water washing like rivers across the road just amazing on how unbeliev I can't think of another word people huh hitting north-northeast the area we were going to will be both particular interest to historians both South African and English we're going to some areas where the Boer War was fought and we're going to chat to a chap who takes people on guided tours and learn a bit more about it and the place that we're going to rocks drift is the site of the bloodiest and most famous battle of the Anglo Zulu War January 1879 the battle brookster took place immediately after the battle Santa wanna most positions unaware that these two great battles took place on the same afternoon and what happened here is simply Hercule 139 British soldiers 35 of whom were sick as patients in this very building held up all night against four and a half thousand zoos in a battle that lasted for around 10 hours they saw the award of live in Victoria Crosses and five distinguished Conduct medals and is immortalized by their grandeur Classic Movies ooh they've launched Michael Caine's career this man is live tenant gun ville Bromhead who unfortunately was quite death and standing in for an officer who'd been injured by the accidental discharge from one of his soldiers and what is interesting about Bromhead is that the poor man was quite deaf and he was called Gunny Brahma the deaf duffer which i think is rather unfair he held from Philby Hall in Lincolnshire he was 34 years of age at the time of this battle if tenant in rank and he was in charge half B company of the 2nd battalion 24th regiment of foot who were really a group of kids average age 23 the bulk of whom had not been in a battle before and he earned one of the famous 11 Victoria Crosses awarded for this action the man directly behind me is Lieutenant John chard he was privet captain and ranked a wedding promotion to captain and he was the senior officer on the night of the fight a Royal Engineer but the man who really stands out for me in this entire story and defense is the man kneeling that's Lieutenant James Langley Dalton acting commissariat officer a man and usually became a hero 46 years of age retired sergeant major from the 84th regiment and he was the man who said if we run the suitors are gonna overwhelm us and kill us we are going to stand and fight and it was really that remarkable man who in my opinion led the spot and has never been fully acknowledged for his remarkable part in the successful defense role shift well that is a familiar sight for me last time he was here five years ago I spent a lot of time with John Rich the owner as a Stoney Ridge near winnin in Natal and John runs the 4x4 off-road Academy yeah with him a lot doing my recovery and driving DVDs it's great to see him last night we arrived after dark early morning now lovely Drive yesterday bright sunshine all day of course the fantastic visits to Rorke's drift and now rain threatening again I just hope it stays away because today we're going to go playing seriously with the decision completely blind might as well have my eyes closed double cab pickups even single cabs because of the long wheelbase they are limited over very steep undulating terrain and it's a clearance issue and they all share it know that half of the people watching this program will want to shoot me because I'm not wearing my seatbelt the fact is that with a seatbelt I can't see where I'm going and the beeping will drive me crazy so I've turned it off and generally you should always wear your seatbelt but then I can't do this and if I can't do that I can't see a thing so what's better wearing a seatbelt not seeing where I'm going or wear a seatbelt not where I see both and actually see where I'm going the vehicle is unfamiliar to me so I'm going to be very very careful I don't want a damages let's try no try climb let's try climb man here's to smoothest possible the foot or need one didn't decided to try it see what I could do without furs a diff lock is kind of cheat but it's not cheating but you don't know what the vehicle is capable of when the locker is in lot is engaged without the locker it's you know you can you can test the vehicle properly did well did Rover and these three liter turbo diesel motors actually so well suited to these pickups because on the open road they just fly and in low range slow speed like this they chug beautifully does it go to a reasonable amount of displacement so they produce reasonable powered very very low rpm very very easy to drive John and I wanted to test any air jack and the job was given to me to get this Suzu good and stuck I would like you to go downstream more than if you got for that tougher on the other side well it would be nice to demonstrate the jack but who will see if see if I can get through there yeah and as it wants to lift itself there and then shoot it across so if you do it well they will have to come back and do it badly the intention here is to get the Isuzu well and truly stuck but on natural instincts kick in and it's actually my job to try and not there you go job not accomplished so now I'm gonna now get it stuck I'm gonna purposely get it stuck they go a bit of full lock steering that should do it and I straighten them up again and the vehicle a table through this means I'm gonna have to get mean anything else but now the result of this test is linked about with a bit more packing of material underneath the wheels it's time to see if it's worked well I think we've bit off just a little bit more than we could chew but chew it we did and that was a great greater and genuine example of how to use an airlift Jack Jack to get a car out of a horrible sticky mess yes I know look Rick so nice bush captain I come to the end of my expedition it's been absolutely brilliant ending Estonia original my favorite places the places that I've come to so very often seems fitting the Isuzu is exemplary off-road yesterday Wow yeah it's got clearance issues as to all of them look the the double cabs per man the engine power at low low rpm fantastic and it seems fitting that I should end here in senors and so until the next time thank you for watching

2021-05-04 23:51

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