Someshwara Temple Dudda Village Mandya ancient Temples of Karnataka Tourism Mandya tourism Shiva

Someshwara Temple Dudda Village Mandya ancient Temples of Karnataka Tourism Mandya tourism Shiva

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we are in a village named dudda here is a special temple this village also has a lot of history to it this temple this village and all this let us just a minute this temple the speciality of this village everything, come let us see the person who invited me here is the native of this Village Mr Kiran Kiran emailed me the details and invited me to come here i had made a video titled how to travel with me in that video there were a lot of conditions after understanding and as per the conditions Kiran sent me a email when you email me please mention all the details such as what is there, what kind of history or inscription or documentary evidence if any of the place also its photos all that he sent to me in detail thereafter i contacted Kiran the reasons for having so many conditions is since i am going to an unknown place with people unknown to me so in order to get to know who and what kind of person i will be going with, to know that i have put these conditions hence if you email me accordingly if you email me the way kiran did then then definitely i will come to that place now along with Kiran let us see the speciality of the village how did you get inspired to do this? you had done a video on the Ganjam Shiva temple thereafter based on the cleanliness work done there, to what glory that temple has been restored to now when we saw that video on youtube we felt in our village to there is one such abandoned temple we too can take up its cleaning we made this decision then our village youth all joined together and 2 to 3 months back prior to that people were afraid to even step inside the temple that snakes and other animals would be in the over growth a place where people where afraid to go such a place people have joined together and cleaned it and now it has come up to the standard that everyone can come and sit here and rest here to this extent the cleanliness work has been completed Me: was this cleaning done on just that one day or is it being done continuously? for the last two months every sunday around 20 to 30 youth join here clean the place Me: your name? Raghupathi this is a temple built during Hoysala period here was someshwara temple in the ancient times it is said this temple is located in the eshayana(North East) corner of this village in the ancient times in this there was a linga and pan battlu or the base of linga both were there saying that there was treasure in olden days some people tried stealing it in one corner the ganesha temple or ganesha idol was there on that side there was a chowdeshwari idol they damaged all that saying that treasure is there, in the process they destroyed the ganapathi idol they even destroyed the dwarapalakas which were there on either side of the door the linga which was here, the olden people used to say that the linga has fallen into the hole in front of the temple my maternal grandfather, his name was Lakshminaryayanaiaha this place in front is known as the Jakapur katte when the kings of Basaralu and dudda developed enmity they made an inscription about it and have installed it there from the water in that pond they used to do abisheka in the temple the lake on the left side that was known as thirthasnana the shadow of Melukote mountain falls here into the lake this is considered as a purified sacred water this water is used by the temple for doing abhisheka this is located on the Ishayani or north east corner of the village for what ever reason if the temple located on the North eastern side of the village gets damaged that village will not develop, this my grandfather used to say from long time i had this wish that this temple is unduly getting ruined now what has happened is the ganesha idol which was there that was installed here when kept here and when abhisheka was done then the water was flowing out towards northern direction similarly in here if linga is installed here then from the tip of this outlet the water will flow out, from here the utsava idols are kept here and they used to circumambulate it in the inner area itself, such provision was there in the ancient times that they destroyed, that one is gone on the day of sankranthi festival even if we close from all sides from where the light enters this we are not able to ascertain means the linga which is there, from its bottom to its top there will be light on it the light will fall on Eshwara Linga that we will not be able to see to see that occurrence we need to observe it full time since the ancient temple was in a very dilapidated condition the youth of our village all joined together in order to do a good work hence due to their operation good work has been done here this is a good temple if something is done here the procession idols should be taken around the temple as much area which is here, so much area on that side has been wasted if that place is done up then the procession idols can be taken in procession here and later in the outer area the circumambulation can be done till date if this linga is installed and placed on its pedestal this village will become very famous, renouned and developed to do this all the village well wishers have done this, may god bless them all my wish is that it will do good for all in front of the temple, facing the eastern direction there was a 15 feet tall inscription over there there was deepa stamba above that four moulds were made to light four lamps above it, they had made it such to go from here to places above there used to be a lamp shade kept since they could not climbed up to light it, so they used to light the lamp using a long stick but now that inscription is also not there that deepa stamba is also not there Me: have you seen that pillar? we have seen it in our younger days My grandfather Naganappa was there during that time even now the square or rectangular area infornt of the temple if that is measured and done the chariot can be circumambulated even if the deepa stamba is installed it will be placed at a particular distance that calculation is there if that is done it will bring glory and respect to the village similarly inside come in can you see this platform here, in it notice this hole on this was the sapthamatrikes that was installed here from above if water was poured on it from here that water would directly fall on to that linga thereafter look at this piece above the roof the lotus bud, if the copper jug is placed there when water is poured on to the linga in the shape of L the water from there used to fall on the linga the saptamatrikes, the water which used to fall on them that too used to fall here can you see that out let there the water should always flow towards the North there is a rule as such notice here, there was a door in this place there are three doors to this temple first is that one, that outer one second is this one third is this from this door on only the poojari is permitted to enter inside those doing the announcement will remain here rest of the people will be there here were two doors and in front of it here too notice the holes for the doors two doors were there for temples there will always be two doors, there should not be a single door the suns rays directly enters and shines on the shiva linga even now if we can do that i keep telling them all on mahashivarathri day, come what may whatever is there or not we have a wish to continue the pooje here we are waiting for all this to get ready there after in a simple manner come what may on the 11th at least the pooje needs to be done if we start now then annually for every shivarathri no one needs to go to some other place, it is there in our village let us do it here, that is my wish notice the stack of bricks over there, there is a gauri gudi a little ahead of the brick stack in the place of the overgrowth there is a square shaped place there is a stone slab there i clearly remember that loads of treasure has been buried at that place nobody should go to explore it even today if it is excavated the bronze chariot has good buried in it, this my grandfather used to say if we were to go there to play, then they used to scold us you are stepping on the chariot, get down they would scream at us hence the olden days significance is still there it has not been able possible to explore it, neither will we do it this is located on the southern side of the temple here inscriptions in the form of stone slab is 14 feet long even today if this is excavated, under here a bronze statue has got submerged here on for 7 pots of money is there under it nobody should open this till date whatever work needs to be done, this places is cleaned the water from the lake is got if homa is done in the temple the temple will develop if we clean this place as quickly as possible it will do good for all of us my maternal grandfather during our childhood days used to get us here and used to tell us then we did not have much knowledge we as kids wanted to climb up and play around this place but they would not let us climb up this place the object below is in the form of a temple, do not stand above it they would say so and would not permit us to enter inside this area even now if it is opened it is on the southern side of the temple Me: have you formed any society or organisation ? yes we have formed one recently Me: what is the name of it? Sri someshwara Bhaktha Mandali what is your effort in this? this temple was in a form of neglect and dilapidated condition a temple of past glory at present it had come to the state where people would not even look this way for that we have made a organisation for the restoration of this temple it is known as Someshwara Bhaktha mandali trust, we have even registered it in the future we need to restore this temple with everybody's help like ancient days this temple pooje should happen on every day basis here people should come see this temple this kind of abandoned temples, we should work towards restoring it just like the way we were inspired by the Ganjam temple restoration by seeing this temple more people should get inspired and take up restoration work of the abandoned temple in their village this is all of our wish this in the future days along with the help of the government or the villagers the temple restoration should be done with everyones help again this temple should be restored to its past glory before we started with the cleanliness work of this temple we did not have much information about this temple we cleaned it with an foresight that since it is in a state of neglect, let us clean it only after we started the temple work did we later get to know that this temple has a history of 500 to 600 yrs Me: how did you get to know? from archaeological department and survey of India office when we went there to collect information about it then we got to know that this temple was built in 1518 Me: is there any documentary evidence? yes we have got evidence which is there in PDF form, we will send you that Jakkappa Nayaka got this temple built During that time this Dudda village was known as Nagaruru, mentioned in the document was built in 1518 as per the document we got, 0.8 acres of land belongs to this temple for the anointment of shiva linga they used to traditionally extract Sesame oil here itself locally Sesame was grown in abundance those days so the locally grown Sesame seeds were collected and oil was extracted here itself and that oil was used for anointment this had to be cleaned with the help of machineries, but our group is so strong that if you see this side, mud was filled till here we removed all that along with the shrubs with our hands even inside mud was there till here also climbers were grown here. We removed all that along with mud even inside. This was used to tie goats here even waste was lying here we got all that removed and cleaned it in such a way that people are asking whether the temple was in such a condition here one stone inscription is there there is historical evidence on this stone but most of it got erased. Few lines are visible now in survey of India there is record of this what ever is available all that has been mentioned by archaeological survey of India that information is in PDF format the Archaeological survey of India PDF they have given a copy of it to us the extract of it we are showing it to you here, see it his name is chethan, secretary of the Someshwara bhaktha mandali trust the grave of this villages ruler Jakkappa Nayaka is also present here temple is there, next to it is Jakkappa nayaka katte both of it we can come here and see, the temple is there a little distance from the temple is this katte(pond) and his grave first let us see his grave Me; how do we go kiran? all this all thorn bushes isnt it this was also built in the same period if we come here such four pillars there must have been a roof above it now only the pillars are visible some pillars have fallen down there must have been a roof above it this is jakkappas grave a person who ruled this place earlier, is now in this condition at present, we need to clean and maintain it the temple and the historical related places which is there in our village we will clean all of it, after the temple next we will do this that is our plan, after that if we find any more then we will clean that here was a Banni tree during Dasara, lakshni narasimha swamy temple festival was going on two days before the elder would tell to get a rabbit which is alive after getting a live rabbit they would ties a golden tali or mangalsutra to it the festival would be celebrated, that tali tied to the rabbit and it would be let free they would live it they would go and leave it in the morning that rabbit has gone to so and so place they have tied the golden tali to its neck thereafter that rabbit is caught again that tali is removed and given to the temple this is jakkappa nayakas grave this was told to me by my mother gadagappa was the name of my mothers fatter he had told my mother and my mother told it to me the pond which you can see now is related to the temple now this pond is quite deep it will take a lot of time too , inorder to clean it now we have planned to clean it one by one along with the help of our villagers and all of your help we will soon clean it Me: the inscription near the temple , that was here right? near that wet land was the inscription from here it has been shifted to this place in Dudda village here is a place called karikal here the villagers are telling about a very significant thing about Karikal let us get to know about it this is the main entrance to the duda village of ancient times before dudda hobli was made ,this Karikallu was in basaralu when coming from basaralu, the rulers of dudda got his karikalu here they installed this karikallu for dudda for us and for Basaralu there is still enmity what ever we get from there here it will not be successful that is why this karikallu has been installed here the kings wife's head is buried here the lady came here as the ruler of our village arrested and got her husband here after knowing that her husband was under arrest at this village she came here to find out the reason then she was beheaded and her head has been buried here in olden time this is known as the karikallu the head of the Kings wife is buried here underneath this stone there after they got this constructed this stone was brought from basaralu Me: please tell your name Thimm shetty, purshotam ganapathi for our village dudda and for Basaralu no kind of exchange is maintained such as getting a bride or giving our daughter is not practised even we do not exchange cattle also with them this stone was brought from basaralu by jakkappa nayaka the then ruler jakkappa nayaka got it installed it here this has been done with regard to an issue of a woman here at the narasimha swamy temple arcahkaru goes to do pooje to hanumatha temple he goes by this route and then he puts some water on that stone till date that is being followed me: your name D R Janardan Me: let us go and see another Mahadwara of Dudda this main entrance was installed by our village ruler now a days we do not use it for any significant event during the festival or special occasions this is used also during ugadi festival this is used or if there is a death then on special days this is crossed and moved on even now it is followed Me: do they install the gods idol? after installing a gods idol here and pooje is offered to it, only on special occasions other than that during Udagadi there is still a ritual of tying a coconut and hitting it, that is done even now that is celebrated very well in our village Me: here appears to be inscription see here there must have been a door here please repeat here they tie the coconut then they stand at a distance and throw stone at it ME: they throw stone to break the coconut is it? that is done during the ugadi festival here the goddess is placed the goddess is left in the forest and then lunch is had Me: why is she left in the forest that is the procedure, the goddess is left in the forest Me: where is the goddess seated? here Me: what is there here? head is there Me: who's head? human heads they cut the ladies head and buried it here Me: have they buried it here? but they said it is buried over there? here it is if you excavate you will find the like of a ladies head here they say the stone is visible so we checking a stone is visible there if some one has a leg related problem, then in this place coconut is broken and pooje is done the knee is to be touched thrice to the ground Me: even now do they do it? yes they do it even now is this is one? even i had not seen this till now all this is cleared and then pooje is done people come from various places to do pooje here any time pooje can be done, if they have knee pain Me: is there any other speciality here? tell your name chikkamma found our subscribers here as well, come let us talk to them namaskara my name is Raghavendra i am working as a teacher in Muthegere i have been watching Sudeesh's Youtube channel since long he makes very good videos he always gives viewers good information by chance we saw sudeesh when we were on the way we felt we need to come back talk to him and encourage him he too is exploring the temple, may he too join hands with the villagers i request that our tradition should be saved as you can see this is basavana kallu this basavana kallu is related to the someshwara temple but none of us know how it reached here? why it has been placed here this is at present kept here now let us see the lake in dudda this lake was constructed by the then ruler jakkappa nayaka the speciality of this lake is on Rathasapthami day the shadow of the melukote yoga narasimha swamy temple falls on this lake if you see the stones there you will find proofs to history of our village. come let us go there and see

this stone has slightly got covered, if we remove it completely and observe it in it we can see a lot of thing related to our village in the form of carvings and script when Jakkappa Nayaka was ruling this place he got this lake constructed + Same time this stone was places here with details.. All details available with ASI there are plenty of such stones in our village the more we excavate, we get more information about our village Dudda village of Mandya district here one special Chowdeshwari temple is there all the youngsters of this village are trying to renovate this temple as well inside this temple Eight handed Chowdeshwari statue come let us see all these along with these youngsters we are going to see an ancient chowdeshwari temple which is 600 to 700 years old during those days, this would have been a temple of all glories, bit it is in such a condition that we will have to search for the temple come let us and see the condition if the temple this temple is also in Dudda village On Mandya to Melukete road, half kilometre before Dudda, inside a farm land this temple is there earlier this temple had road and land, but now all those are gone As per ASI documents, this place around the temple was know as Byrapura we need to find out how much land belongs to this temple that was a peacock which flew away Now this is thye Ashtabhuja chowdeshwari temple ( eight hands) very special statue is there inside even this temple was constructed by Jakkappa Nayaka even this temple has at least 500 to 600 years of history the main speciality is the statue. Come let us go and see the statue you can see the dilapidated condition of the temple we must proceed with care you can see an amazing statue inside I'm very happy that my village has 500 years of history our current generation will have to protect all these all the historic temples and monuments has to be protected for our next generation for that we need the support of the related departments and leaders with their support we will protect these for our next generation we will lead by example to next generation we all can join our hands to this good deed for that you can contact Someshwara Bhakthamandali trust I will include their contact details in the description Kiran is also active on social media His Instagram profile link i available in the description he also planning to start a YouTube channel once started, i will include his channel's link in the description That is one is Kaledevara Betta (hill) that hill is also related to this village and lake Next we shall go there

2021-03-25 08:54

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