Solo Touring purwokerto - pangandaran dengan jalur yang menakjubkan

Solo Touring purwokerto - pangandaran dengan jalur yang menakjubkan

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Hello assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh see you again on the traventure ID channel Okay friends so this is now I'm in Purwokerto so I'm here for two days yes this is a hotel in the Purwokerto area Today's plan I will travel from Purwokerto to Pangandaran friends for sure this is really exciting, this horse motorbike is ready, now I'm bringing a spare helmet for the streets of this city, a helmet with a camera for use on the road, so we're getting ready to go to Pangandaran, actually friends. I hope your trip will be smooth and safe until we reach our destination. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim go friends go to Jakarta for the first tutorial we want to go to Pangandaran, friends, I hope to get there, the estimate from here is three centuries. Yes, it's already half past 10 o'clock at 9.35

. there are no problems whatsoever with the motorbike and the road Okay , let's say bismillah, what time is the gas again ? -Take a quick photo, friends, when it's over, we'll just go straight to Jakarta. Actually, earlier for Jakarta, we went straight, we just took it to the left first. So, here we take it to the right, the friends are heading from Jakarta to Tegal, but is it okay here or not? go to the right Oh it's not okay to turn left Okay, let's go around like this, friends, we're going in the same direction. So , let's go here . to Jakarta towards Ajibarang towards Tegal Cilacap go straight, now to the right here for Purwokerto, maybe I'll just take a moment, my friends, and here I'll pass Purwokerto square. Yes, for the atmosphere during the day like this, it's quiet, but at night it's really crowded, friends. Along this road, there are lots of people selling, lots of people visiting, for example, after sunset, okay, our friends want to leave Purwokerto, this is before our Purwokerto. pass the

underpass , OK ? Trans Banyumas, right above, if I'm not mistaken, the train line, OK, Purwokerto friends, I left this hour at half past 10, OK, to get my own petrol. I have two bars, I'll fill them up in a moment. If I'm not mistaken, at least 25,000, let's start 25,000 or so here. This is the first time, we just go straight to

the southern route because we don't go through the Pantura, so we will go there later at Wangon Banjar Ciamis. Let's see, more or less for the southern route to Jakarta, how much is 400 kilos, if I'm not mistaken, if I'm not mistaken one way. Maybe until the evening, 10.00 at night, Ciamis and then Bandung . the ransom is for going to Baturaden at this crossroad friends Please Pizza to the right, so this is a very famous tour in Banyumas, follow Banyumas with this district, go right to the battery, calm down, we are still going straight towards Ajibarang, from the Ajibarang area, we will go to Wangon later, friends -Friends, turn left later, I'll forget about that, but we'll see. Is there an indirect link to Wangon, like that? We have to fill up the gas first, OK ? Come on, let's fill it up in front , there's a gas station, we'll fill it up with 60,000 . Okay, let's continue, friends, I filled in 60,000, yes, it's completely different, about 60,000, where will this go? We'll see, OK? Now, let's enter the Ajibarang area. It's called Ajibarang Wetan. I'll explain later there. So I used to practice automotive engineering mechanics here, friends, right when I was still in high school. Well,

work on it here, what's wrong, anyway, Bintang Bintang motorbike, now there are still Bintang Putra's friends , the motorbike is heading to Tegal Cirebon Jakarta, yes, on the Pantura line. Now we will go left via the southern route via the southern route. This is the atmosphere of Ajibarang, right? It's like this. In this area, we often rent music, right? High school friends, the name is Studio 48. We will continue to go down towards Wangon, if not one. 15 It's a minute from here. Now it's good to be here. There's already

Trans Banyumas, friends. So this is followed by Banyumas Banyumas Regency, the price is really cheap here . if you are a local person , actually the L300 just doesn't know, isn't it, isn't it the cabbage that carries it, so to reduce this microbus, go right to Ajibarang market or you can also go directly to Tegal, Cirebon, you can go this way , so we'll get off keep going straight towards Wangon this is the Jogja route uh later I'll show you the Yogyakarta route where this is called the Pancasan area in this area yes and the wood is also firewood Well the next name is this later for this to burn roof tiles that are still wet Okay, let's continue towards Kota Bangun, friends. Okay, friends, continue again. So earlier, I met up with a friend, stopped by first, let's talk for 20 minutes. Let's go to the right, we will go to the southern route, go straight to Cilacap, if the Ferry goes to Jogjakarta or which one do we take to the right ? That's an alternative route. Wait for me on the main route, about 1 kilo from there. If you go straight, there's another intersection, Wangon friends. go to the right towards Tasikmalaya

Banjar Negara but Banjar, yes Ciamis, the bando will be Jakarta, here is the copy. So this is the main route, friends. Okay, now we are already on the long route along the South coast, not the Pantura, yes. The North Beach is more like this way on the Pantura, OK? Guaranteed it's fun, friends, isn't it a big plug, but it's fun, friends. On the right, there are pine trees

in a cold area, but this is an area that can be said to be close to the beach, 20 kilometers from here, still not in the mountains, that's good, right ? the rice fields are exciting too, the track Well if during the day you can see the track at that time, what time is it already at night ? It's 7 o'clock It's late here. it's more than here one hour 22 minutes 1 hour and a half, so there will be a turn to the left, right? I don't know which area this is. We've never been there before, so so we don't get lost or don't get confused, I put Google Maps in front so there's rather than going too far, it won't even go to Pangandaran, right? We 'll see there, if we want to go camping, want to stay or want to go straight home, right? to Pangandaran, just wait for the next descent, the possibility of a big tour, yes, a long tour, namely 360 Java, maybe to Banyuwangi, but if you have time to come back, this is just a plan, right ? the video is finally ok , if you focus on making a video yesterday, you really can't focus . 300 meters later, turn left so you don't go through the main route anymore I've tried it for the first time. What do you think the road will be like, then go there, it's too much. Well, this way, according to Google Map, I hope that I hope the road is good, friends, the important thing is gasoline. I've filled it full, so it's safe, God willing, I

don't know, it's not bad it's an hour and a half, yes, one hour and 17 minutes, here's what it says. The problem is that the road isn't too big either. I think the alternative route for friends isn't the main route. If you go to Pangandaran, if you're in Jakarta, yes, it's in Banjar, in Banjar City, or Ciamis. That's if it's from Jakarta, maybe because it's from Purwokerto so I'm a bit confused. If from there, there's a picture of the countryside, as long as the road is good, where's the problem, we'll just have fun . I'm afraid there will be goats crossing Wow, here is a road that isn't very good, guys.

After this, there's an incline again . the main one is OK, let's continue. So here there is a T-junction, if we go to the left, go to Cilacap, let's go right towards Pangandaran, we will stop at this first, friends, buy something to drink, first take a break, OK, friends, let's drink pickled vegetables first . I have fresh water, so the water runs out. We've shared it for at least 15 minutes. It's still in the Cilacap area, friends, Cirebon Regency, so it's still in Central Java, I'm done with it. the last minute went beyond expectations, it turned out to be too long, I saw it using the car's Google Map, so it's always directed to the big route, I set it earlier, the problem is using a motorbike, the path is straight, if you use a motorbike like that, for example, it's good to continue using a car 45 minutes, but if you use a motorbike, it's 25 minutes on the ground, more or less, for example, on an hour, yes, the weather is really nice, guys, the sky is really blue, but if you think you need to walk, the route is really good, you have to.

Okay, friends, from here we will take the winding path -The track is really cool, the track is really cool, so remember this, the route that goes to Ciletuh, okay, brush it off. Let's just go slowly, okay ? it's a walk, wow, young coconut ice is really good, if you drink young coconut ice, it becomes weak. Yes, I don't know, I was told by my parents long ago, if you drink young coconut water, you become weak, but for the truth, maybe it's also true, why does it become so ? According to Google Maps, it says, let's have a look at this. I don't know how much. I never saw the entry, so I don't know, and I also didn't look for info. It's another

4 minutes to Pangandaran. As for that, where do you pay ? here , 20 friends still enter Rp . _ _ the first time I came here, friends, okay, let's see, it 's only arrived here, friends, it's not too hot at this beach, because there are lots of trees here, so what do you think, it's just I don't think I can swim in front of the sand, it looks like it's hot It's really that right at the end of it we're walking again guys Oh, it's strong like that we ordered coconut first, guys, so we have to discuss it, it's getting weak. Is it true that this is only Rp. the wind is really big , it's forbidden to swim, okay , it's made of coconuts. Let's drink it, it's great . It's more like that,

take a motorbike, take a look. The important thing is to see the beach scenery, what are the artists, mostly Waru trees okay ? In my opinion, it's quite exciting to be in Pengandaran . Some don't swim, so there are certain places, okay, that's all, friends. In this video, for the next video, we will travel from Pangandaran to Bandung. Then continue to Jakarta.

Ok, thank you for watching. That's all from me Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

2023-09-10 16:57

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