Solo touring jakarta - dieng dengan vespa sprint s 2023 ternyata kuat juga

Solo touring jakarta - dieng dengan vespa sprint s 2023 ternyata kuat juga

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Hello assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh see you again on the traventure ID channel Okay friends, so today I want to go on another trip, friends from South Jakarta to go to Dieng . so let 's go beautiful , I'll prepare everything, okay ? My friends, I'm leaving on purpose, but at dawn so that I can get there, it's not too late or not too late, I don't know how long it will take because this is the first time I've traveled from Jakarta to Dieng, so I usually stop at home first, this time I'll via this route, friends, what's the name of Pantura, take the Pantura route, so this is straight, the route is normal, yes, Pantura continues to head towards Pemalang Pekalongan, ok stem. From this stem, I plan to turn right towards Bawang, on the onion route, friends Actually, there are several alternative routes to Dieng, but I chose the lower route because I wanted to experience the ramp of viral delinquency, right? I hope the motorbike is strong, OK, Bismillah . To Bawang, I've never been there, let's go and have a look at the map. Oh yeah. Maybe I'll be in Wonosobo, maybe a week or up to two weeks or maybe a month, friends ? in Jakarta, the air police are not good anymore. I just want a day where the air is nice and cool, right? Well, I think it's suitable for the Dieng or Wonosobo areas. It just so happens that now it's already WFA, so it's on purpose. Wafa so that it works optimally, not optimally . It's Jakarta that isn't healthy right now, maybe a week or a month there, OK? I hope the trip goes well, okay? We'll continue there later, okay? Chatting so we don't get sleepy, friends Oh, yeah, I forgot. So before the trip, I usually want a recipe. this is the kilometer of

the trip, so let's find out later how many km , right ? let's stop here for a moment OK, let's press mode here, let's continue mode, so there will be a total of Odo trip A and trip B, so let's click on trip A, OK, I'll hold on to this trip until 0, OK, now it's zero kilometers from Jakarta, I guess -About how many kilos to go to Dieng Okay, continue, friends, I filled up my own gas last night, guys . It's 80,000, 80,000 from Jakarta, I hope it won't be too wasteful, OK? Later, here we turn right from the direction of Pancoran. So, let's continue here, friends. Let's turn right, right, towards Cawang , so we're going to Cawang at here early in the morning it's still empty, the best is like this, if the child's motorbike is quiet and cool, it's just that at this hour there isn't much pollution, okay? in Jakarta So you can breathe fresh air later there Okay, hopefully later you will feel at home there and it will be delicious, in the Cawang area we will turn right, friends, in the direction of Kalimalang to Bekasi City , it was already yellow, I'll go forward. OK, let's go to Kalimalang, OK, friends? It's about half an hour, OK? 15 minutes, 15 minutes to half an hour to Bekasi City, we'll connect again later right in Bekasi City, friends, Kalimalang is more or less like this, OK? this morning it's quite quiet friends in Kali Malang it's still very quiet, yes it's really good when you're speeding at this time For me, it's normal, friends, if the speed is maximum, at least it can't be more than that. Now , I've arrived in Bekasi City , OK, friends. it's still quiet here

, it's only 5:30 a.m. here, it's really fast, from Jakarta to here, now it's already 5:20 a.m., we've arrived in Cikarang, my friends are in the Pasar area, it's really crowded. here in the morning it's crowded here, right? There's no one in the afternoon, so the night market is only for vegetables, right? It's next to the mall, is it red, but keep going, right ? I passed as usual via the ring road in Karawang. You can see it's a bit bright, but it's really exciting. If the trip starts in the morning, it's fresh like that. It's

still fresh. It's already polluted everywhere, right? Friends, you have really big skin, right? For friends who want to go to Bandung, Purwakarta, you can turn right, so go right, we'll go straight there, we'll just go straight towards Central Java to Pantura, it's good, so I'll just go through 21 minutes , this should be Subang, the main thing is that it's in the throat of the road, friends, then Wow, it's too difficult if the asphalt is cloudy like this, I'm afraid to fall, okay, friends . I know which area my friends are in. I should have been in Subang, but I don't know, I'll check later. Let's take a break first, okay? -Friends, the last way I passed here was yesterday when I was going home, right when I was going home for Eid, friends. I just saw this one on this side. Was the road like this yesterday, during Lebaran? friends, I have to go now. It's already 07.29, so I want to take a break, friends. I'm

really sleepy. I ask for coffee first, let's just drink coffee at Alfamart, OK ? yes , if we don't have Pemanukan, friends, let's see later on the map, okay, friends, still in the Subang area, this is called a national heritage. I'm having a cup of coffee first so I don't get sleepy. here OK, friends, let's continue our journey. Now it's already 7.46 OK. Bismillah, let's continue, friends. Now it's

already 7.47. it's only at this time Yes, it's likely that it will arrive in Dieng , so maybe it's 3 o'clock. It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon or 4 o'clock in the afternoon, that's how far it is, the problem is there are still 300 kilos left, if I'm not mistaken, I'll give this total later, I'll give it on the total screen trip I'll explain everything later, so my friends know the estimate. How many kilometers from Jakarta and can the wind require an estimate of how much gasoline according to the motorbike, right? According to the cc, you know how many kilometers per liter, right ? this is the 30's if I'm not mistaken 28 to 30 km . I just had coffee and bread for breakfast. I didn't dare to eat something full before I was afraid of getting sleepy, because I was quite sleepy, so just drink coffee first. If you're full, you'll end up fell asleep, my friends, I just traveled 136 km and ran out of gas, maybe between 3 bottles, maybe how many, maybe half, maybe between 40 thousand, yes, 40 thousand friends, yes, from Jakarta here, I'm not sure exactly, I don't know how many liters are in the tank, but according to the specifications that I read on Google are 7 liters, for example, one liter is 12,000 how much, right? Forgot 12,500 or 600 or so Anyway, that's all, friends, the total for traffic here is not in Kelurahan either, thank God, it's smooth, friends, the way is also good for friends, maybe those who want to travel to Pantura, maybe what's the name of the road, it's already good, friends, it's not like it used to be In the past, there were some road damages that made things stagnate now, it's the best, yes, compared to how many years ago, the point is, even 2 years ago, it's still like this, when I'm going home, I use that expression, it's a reflection, it's still the process of working on it is now going well and in the end, yes, one of these years, I can only tour again, my friends, it's a bit far, right, usually it's only to Bandung, yes, to Bogor, only this time I'll try to go far, Father, so he's friends, my plan is For example, the color will match later, OK? This is the famous one, right? Those who use brooms in the Subang area, it turns out that there are still a lot of them. It's the traditions of the people here, friends. So if you have cheaper money,

they will pay for it using a broom I 've been prepared for it , it's hard for me to wear gloves, if you want to give me, I don't know exactly what the story was, at the beginning, I just heard about it, it seems like there's history, friends, I just don't know what it's called, I don't really understand it before, like what is it like so that it becomes a tradition like that as long as it doesn't interfere with excessive travel We have to respect people, so it's a tradition here, it doesn't necessarily exist in other areas. if I don't feel comfortable, maybe I'll move to another place , maybe like going to Jogja or maybe if I want to go to Bali, Surabaya or Bali, that's what I've been thinking about like that since yesterday, for example, I don't like it or there are two choices if I don't go home Yes, continue where else to go so that it's just fun, friends, it's a shame, for example, the air is cool in the mountains. Then I want to find places that are a bit highlander, right? So, if there's too much pollution, maybe there's also pollution there, but not as much as in the capital because there are also many factors from around Jakarta So yesterday I saw on the news that it was really bad, indeed the air was dark. If you look at it from

an airplane, you haven't proven it yourself. Maybe I don't know if you see it from a drone, if you see it from a drone, it's only 500 km it's just that I don't dare because there is a ban in Jakarta, there is a ban, right, because where I live, it's the airport area of ​​friends, so it's limited. The problem is that there is a plane passing by, so it keeps disturbing, right ? I'm afraid it will disturb the Radar or radio between the planes. I

do n't know what that means . So maybe just a little story so I don't get sleepy, friends, because I'm silent, I'm going to be sleepy, so I'll try to just tell stories later, so I'll just talk, OK, friends, more info here, so there's road dredging, OK? On this side, it means that there will be road repairs, friends who understand that there will be casting, uh, paving, maybe in the near future, right? It's August, probably not yet September or near . walking like this I once fell because the rocking happened right near Pekanbaru, the fall that fell, he said, was a bit traumatized. Eh, there were times when my friends scraped the length of two kilos. Yes, it's good, the road will get better . Yes, we'll continue later. again, yes, we are heading to the Patrol area city, Indramayu, but we turn right towards Cirebon, right ? if you pass the stroke to Indramayu city, we'll turn right towards Cirebon. Now

it's already heading to Cirebon at 08.45 so usually that's my favorite route, yes, strong speeding gas can, but this time I didn't go any further than before like that. friends 60 70 60 are rarely over 70 so I'm a little sleepy, but it's okay, just enjoy going to Indramayu city, I've never been, make sure you always go through here, turn right towards Jatibarang , arrive in Cirebon at 10's, OK? It's already time 200 _ _ _ _ _ KM, for example, the average is 30 km per liter, so the calculation is 30 times 7. Make it 210,

now what is on the speedometer that has been covered is 189 KM, there are still two bars, which means it is accurate, it is accurate, 180 9, there are still 2 bars meaning it's more economical, maybe between 31-32 km per liter. Now it's 189 KM and there are still two left. What's the target, friends? 1921 km, the rest of this gasoline is 21 km again. for this one tank to Cirebon Yes , it's possible that you can come here while Cirebon, okay ? queue for another 20 km to use up this gas, but if there is something that can mean more economical, yes, it could be 31 or 32 or maybe even 35 KM from Jakarta to Cirebon.

We have joined the partisans . Welcome to Cirebon. OK, it's already 205 km, let's take a photo first, OK, Cirebon, OK, friends, let's continue, okay, let's continue with our photos, it turns out that Cirebon is still far away. I saw the sign, it's still 40 km . to this city, I think it's still far, okay, let's continue again, friends, we're going to Cirebon, we're in Cirebon, we're going to Brebes, okay, now we're 205 km targeting one tank, right? maybe it touches 220 km then maybe the problem is half a liter is really long Okay friends update again now the fuel is only one strip this is already 218 KM After this I want to fill it first ok friends So the point is for one tank it can be up to 220 KM So, here I fill it up for the first time, I stop first, I'm tired too, right here, friends, so that's 218.4 KM, yes, there's still one strip, so actually I can still only fill 5 instead of going around the road later. I want to fill in 60,000 first, where do we go? Let's queue first, the queue is long, OK, friends, let's continue, OK? So I filled in 60,000. 220,

right, it's just that it hasn't arrived yet, 220 is just 218, but it's still there, that means if you continue it, maybe it can be more, friends, because when I filled it with 60,000, it was just right when the contents were really full, meaning there was still 1 liter more in the tank yes, but with a note that maybe the speed isn't too fast, maybe it's like 60-70 to 75, at most it's stuck at 80, maybe if it's above that, I think it'll be wasteful, friends. going to Cirebon, the city is at least a little more here until Palimanan is already included in the Cirebon regency area, my friends are coming in, but yeah, let's just say that this hasn't arrived yet, don't turn left, if you go left, enter the toll road, we'll go up this one when we've arrived it 's close to friends and Palimanan, usually here it looks really like Mount Ciremai, but it's just cloudy, so it's not visible for the cover, yeah, the shadow looks a bit OK. Now it's 9.54, friends. We left in Cirebon just after dawn. How many hours is it? Well, from here we turn left. It's already 9.57. Arrive at Palimanan, friends. If you want to go right, go to Bandung. this friend, let's go left towards Cirebon City at 9.57

So here, don't go left, don't go right, turn right, turn back later to the west . usually it's jammed there Okay friends so now I've arrived in Cirebon City now at 10.05 what am I doing drinking first so what do you want with your left hand ? It's less than 25 minutes. We appear again when we arrived in Cirebon before in Cirebon. It's always jammed.

How else? I also don't know which way to go other than through here . Friends , do you know that there is no other way besides the city center, that's what makes it hot, friends. So, for example, if you want to go to Cirebon, the city goes straight, but we are heading to Tegal, turn right, friends, you can go through the city too. later there will be bad traffic jams, friends, so we will just pass here. There is a roundabout here, turn right, don't go straight, then head for the city center. Now, we turn right towards Brebes towards Tegal . turn right, turn around and turn back towards Jakarta again friends, now there is also another touring from Jakarta too, husband and wife friends Farewell from Cirebon City . Losari So that's it in front of the border of West Java and Central Java. Finally we arrived in Central Java , arrived in Central Java. friends,

just go straight, follow this until Semarang, friends, don't make any turns. There are a few turns, but anyway, just follow along. Basically, there are steps, there are signs for Semarang.

friends, but friends, you have to turn back there first, because it's closed. So it's not anymore. That way, friends, but friends, you have to go back there first. going home Okay friends, so right now I'm in this area stuck. Why ? Now it's already 12 o'clock . I want to get ready, let's continue, right? He said it was either a carnival or there was an accident. So it was a traffic jam, it was quite long. We'll see what happened there.

The traffic jam was really bad . because this is a repair of the bridge, friends, it was quite long, yes. There are times 5 kilometers. So here we have an alternative, friends. Turn left. If you go straight , go to Tegal to Brebes. You can say that it's translucent

now, I think it's already crowded here. The first time I passed here, it was still quiet, now it's crowded, friends. If it's like this, it's good, what's the name? It 's a bit hot. guys, here.

Now we're on the map . in Tegal Eko area , I want to have a drink first, I already ate, okay, just a snack it's half past two friends, it's half past two, we'll continue later, okay, after this, I hope there's enough time and I'll hurry and I'll eat first, that's really cool, but actually, okay, we

2023-08-29 17:59

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