SOLO TOURING DAN CAMPING. Mandalawangi Camping Ground. #soloride

SOLO TOURING DAN CAMPING. Mandalawangi Camping Ground. #soloride

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Hello , good morning , everyone, come back with me, Bang Andreu . - Tidy this equipment Bro But follow me Bro on this trip where are I going this time Okay, that's it, bro Okay Bro After finishing packing up the equipment, I immediately went to the Puncak Bogor area Bro, my trip as usual, I started from the Serpong area, bro with the Summarecon Bogor route, Bro, so in the video this time I will only take a short picture, Bro. If you want to see the complete video of the route via Summarecon Bogor, just look at my previous video, Bro. I have made a complete video about traveling via the Summarecon route, Bro. Bogor Bro

Okay to shorten the time Come follow me bro to Puncak Bogor area Let's go Bro after traveling for about 1.5 hours now I have entered the Puncak area Bro what a coincidence the traffic in the Puncak area is not too congested Bro even though it's Sunday OK, bro, I want to find a place to rest first. At the same time, look for breakfast, bro, and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the Puncak area, maybe in the morning, now I have arrived at the top of Mount Mas, bro, this is a tourist area, bro, now Mount Mas is the peak. the place is already good Bro here Bro Puncak Bogor here there are usually a lot of traders too bro Here on the side of the road but I don't plan to be here Bro maybe it's a bit above again ok for this break bro okay Bro Here after Gunung Mas I'll look for it later Have breakfast first, Bro, let's just pull over here, bro, I think it's delicious, this is cool, this view, bro, let's see What's on the menu, bro ? the food menu choices but I chose to eat Puncak chicken noodles Bro while enjoying the view Okay, we'll continue later Bro After I finished breakfast, it turns out that in the Puncak area there are also many people who are in Sanmoria, bro, we are alone Bro, the motorbikes are horrified, Bro , Bro. Finally, I have reached the top right, bro. It's more or less a 2 hour trip according to Puncak Pass, because I'm going through the Summarecon Bogor route, bro, so it's enough to shorten the travel time, bro, if we go through the Summarecon Bogor route, from here I'll take it straight to this camping spot, bro. follow along bro, my trip today, bro, where are you going, soon you will know where you are, bro, and what's there, before you continue your journey to get to your destination, bro, I want to fill up fuel first, bro, fuel up It's running low Bro, so let's go home tomorrow, right away, no need to fill up fuel again.

Okay, let's fill up for a while here, Bro, after filling up my fuel, I turn back, Bro, come back, bro, so go to Cibodas, go to Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, Cibodas Bro well, here I'm taking it to the left, bro. So if you guys are from the top right, it's on the right, bro, because I've already passed it to fill up with fuel, so I turn around again and take it to the left, bro, I'm immediately faced with a quite uphill road, bro. get to this place bro Okay Bro keep following me bro soon we will arrive at Mandalawangi Bro so the Mandalawangi camping ground Bro which is under the foot of Mount Gede Pangrango what exactly is it like we will see together in the video this time OK Bro yes for the price of the ticket Bro, my entrance fee is charged Rp. 15,000 for one motorbike and one person, bro, yes, maybe one motorbike is 12,000 and 3,000 people, bro or 2,000 people and 13,000 motorbikes, bro, I forgot the details Bro, OK, from here I'll stay a little longer to get to our place Bro Follow me on this trip bro we camp at the Mandalawangi camping ground along the way before entering the parking area there are lots of them Bro selling souvenirs Bro So if you come here later when you come home, you can buy souvenirs, bro, for those at home, bro, now I have reached the parking lot, bro, right at the resort hiking trail of Mount Gede Pangrango National Park via Cibodas, bro, the parking situation is like this, bro, and for the parking fee, here that's 15,000 per night Bro for motorized vehicles Yes Bro yes two wheels bro okay bro I will park the vehicle first bro later we will continue again Bro Ok Bro Let's go inside Bro let's go inside Mandalawangi Bro what's it like inside Bro But follow me here Bro yes and this the location plan, bro, so the cost of the entry ticket is bro, 29,000 bro per person per night, bro, if you stay overnight, okay, let's go straight into the Mandalawangi camp at the foot of Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, I'll start entering the dinosaurs, OK, bro, when we arrive this and already made the tents everyone is relaxed I think it's good bro Let's enjoy coffee let's make coffee first Bro Yes that's a different meaning [Applause] Hello bro Oh It turns out that there is also an interesting place here Bro there is a free waterfall Bro If we visit here, bro, try it. I want to know,

bro, what kind of waterfall is this for free ? it's too far Bro, the waterfall, even though the waterfall isn't too fast and big, Bro, the scenery is quite beautiful. Bro I swear this is a great place. In my opinion, it's cool to be here, bro, after coming home from the waterfall, don't forget, bro, I bought some snacks, bro, who are here, bro, there are so many traders too, bro, we can't be afraid to report here it's great, bro, the taste after returning from the waterfall jos tastes and today's trip is over, bro, it's closed with the dinner menu, Indomie and grilled meat, bro, this is great, this is the menu tonight, but when I'm Bro, tomorrow morning I'm going to Curug Cibeureum waterfall. Bro, what is the place like, follow my journey, bro

2023-07-18 13:53

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