Solo Motorcycle Road Trip through OKLAHOMA! Route 66, OKC, and Tulsa!

Solo Motorcycle Road Trip through OKLAHOMA! Route 66, OKC, and Tulsa!

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welcome to Oklahoma today I'm taking youall with me on a two-day road trip through the sooner state where I'll be showing youall some of my favorite stops near Oklahoma City and spending an entire day exploring the iconic Route 66 also known as the mother Road Route 66 is a historic Highway that originally stretched from Chicago Illinois to Santa Monica California nearly 100 years later it's still a popular cross country road trip in the United States especially on a motorcycle and while there are many roadside attractions along the 2400 Mi of the Mother Road I'll be showing you all just how much there is to see eat and do in just 100 Mil through Oklahoma this video was made possible by Dairyland motorcycle insurance Dairyland has offered competitive rates and quality coverage for motorcycle insurance for nearly 60 years they also offer educational resources Financial flexibility and personalized options to get you on the road [Music] quickly good afternoon I was like is it still morning it's definitely not morning it is about 3:00 in the afternoon here in Davis Oklahoma I have already done about 300 miles today I've got about another 100 150 left for the afternoon I'm going be staying in Oklahoma City tonight and riding Route 66 to tolsa tomorrow now that's only 100 miles between Oklahoma City and Tulsa but there's so much to do and I'm just so excited to make this video that I want to spend the whole day doing it and showing you all a bunch of stuff I used to live and spend a lot of time in Oklahoma and I just love this area I love this state I think it is very underrated and there's a lot to see here so I also feel like this video is just very overdue because I spent all my time here before I ever had a YouTube channel so very excited to make this video my first stop of the day is Turner Falls here I'm actually at the Overlook it is free to stop at the Overlook here you can pay to go in and actually go swimming and that was my original plan but last I had heard a couple days ago the park was closed due to flooding I mean like crazy flooding there's no way you were getting in there but it looks like the water levels have kind of gone back to normal which is great it is $20 as of 2024 to go swimming here and enter the park grounds it is on private property so that is something to be aware of you can also Camp here but you do have to go over a water crossing and on a motorcycle depending on the water levels that might be a little difficult so just something to keep in mind but uh it is just gorgeous it's one of the largest waterfalls in Oklahoma and anytime I'm in this area I always stop to at least see it if not stop and swim but with that being said we're going to go ahead and make our way my way whenever I say hours by the way I'm talking about y'all cuz y'all are along for the ride with me and I always get asked in the comments but anyway we are going to make our way down the hill here on 77 it's a nice twisty couple of miles down to the Arbuckle fried pie store the original fried pie store and I love this place and I can't wait to stop and show it to youall so let's go I am so excited to be here I haven't been here in like 7 years so this is this is going to be a good time [Music] the very first snack of the trip is going to be the Arbuckle Mountain Fried pie shop here in Davis Oklahoma like I said it's just a couple of miles down the hill from the Turner Falls Overlook so this is all very doable to see and do and everything probably from 30 minutes to an hour assuming you're not filming like I am you may hear a bunch of cars in the background as well I am actually at a gas station so this fried pie shop is connected to a gas station right here off of Interstate 35 it always has been here and this place actually has been here for like over 30 years this is like an absolute staple when you're traveling down I35 through Oklahoma but for me a staple is always getting one of their sweet Fried Pies and then I also got one of their chicken and vegetable Fried Pies I'm going to guess this is kind of like a chicken pot pie I've never actually had one of their Savory ones I always just get the sweet ones so we're in for a true treat today so a fried pie is exactly what you think it would be it is a little pie that's fried they make three different styles of Fried Pies here they make sweet Savory and then creamy as well so those ones just kind of have like a cream filling so the Savory ones they actually like deep fry right in front of you so it takes like 7 or eight extra minutes to get it's nice and warm ooh and it is like a chicken pop pie in the inside look at it I'm very excited about this here goes nothing wow this is so good what have I been doing with my life I'm like I'm not even kidding I would come back here just to get Savory ones and I'm just like what have I been doing not getting the Savory ones all these years it is like perfectly creamy like the pastry crust isn't too greasy M this is incredible wow I'm so happy I still have a whole other fried pie I'm not kidding you when I say this is like some of the best like chicken P pie I've ever had and it's in the form of a fried pie it's delicious I almost didn't order this because I was like oh I don't need two Fried Pies but I really want a sweet one but I want to try Savory one for the internet so you guys are a great influence cuz y'all are the reason I got this and it has been incredible so think [Music] so I'd like to say that I saved the best for last but I don't know if that chicken and vegetable one can be beat it was so good but this is the the fried pie that I typically get when I come here and it is one of their sweet ones this is actually a cherry flavored fried pie so here you can kind of see the filling on a one of the sweet ones I think I typically get a Blackberry one I'm not entirely sure but this Cherry one's great I feel like I'm going to get Cherry filling all in my hair here is it messy yes do I care no luckily I didn't stuff myself to the rafters cuz we're only 80 mi from Oklahoma City and there is more good food there honestly Oklahoma City is kind of like a hidden gym Foody town I feel like there's a lot of really good food there and it's a very like underrated place to think of when you think of like a foodie destination but it's really great and it's grown so much since I used to spend a lot of time in the city so I'm excited to go back and there's definitely a couple spots there that I'd like to take youall to I don't know if we'll get to both of them but there's definitely one more sweet treat that I'm getting on this trip because I have been dreaming of it forever so I will make a game time decision once we get to town [Music] [Music] now I had to make some adult decisions on the way here because I realized that there was no way I was going to be able to eat a real dinner and have another treat and honestly I've waited 7 years to have a treat so I decided to do the adult thing and have another slice of pie here at pie junkie in Oklahoma City I used to come here all the time whenever I lived here they've been voted like the best dessert in Oklahoma like this place is incredible they serve their pies like they Source them to restaurants in the area so sometimes you'll see pies on the dessert menus and they'll actually be pie junkie pies which is really cool I went ahead and enjoyed my peanut butter chocolate pie inside it's a very small little like pie shop and it is packed I mean people are just going in and out in and out constantly but when I say it is the best peanut butter chocolate pie I've ever had I'm not kidding it is so so good but I'm going to go ahead and go meet up with one of my friends for the night and I will see y'all in the morning for actual food I will eat more than just sweet treats tomorrow I've got some meat treats on the menu so I'll see you tomorrow for Route 66 good morning from Oklahoma City I am in Edmond it's actually just north of Oklahoma City and this is where I'm going to be starting my ride from Oklahoma City to Tulsa today so this part of Route 66 is only about 100 miles but there is a ton to see eat in do between here and Tulsa there's no way I can cover all of it in one video but before I even get going I wanted to grab a coffee so I stopped here in Edmund um Edmund is part of Route 66 it's kind of like the Northern end before it starts to Head East towards Tulsa um and their downtown area is very historic lots of little old buildings and lots of eateries I saw this coffee shop online called evoke so I wanted to stop here and get my day going with a latte their food menu looks incredible I'm not going to be eating here though I just need to save room for lunch because as I said yesterday I had sweet treats yesterday and I want meat treats today so I'm going to say breakfast here for another time but our next stop is actually going to be gas cuz I need it and there's no better stop to get gas at than pops [Music] all righty y'all so the first stop of the day is pops this is a gas station slash Diner SL just in general very popular stop along Route 66 especially right outside of Oklahoma City I used to come here all of the time this is a very common motorcycle Meetup spot in the area there's actually like eight different motorcycles outside right now there's people just hanging out in the parking lot talking to each other they do have some motorcycle parking right up by the building so that's how you know you know this is a popular spot for bikes but they have hundreds of flavors of sodas they also have breakfast here they also have like burgers and all kinds of other food and I have eaten here a few times and it is nice to stop here and eat but I wanted to stop and eat a little further up the road but I couldn't not stop and break my ranch dressing Cherry with y'all I have pranked people with these and brought them here and made them drink these and I have actually never had one so we're going to go ahead and knock this out together now this soda is not refrigerated it is found on the disgusting aisle here at pops which tells me everything I need to know about this and I'm not going to lie I'm kind of terrified to try it but let's go there's actually like something floating in it already I'm mildly terrified but Bottoms Up I'm normally not very scared of eating things or drinking things but I'm I'm scaled that's um that's enough um I'll I'll have one last little like sip just for y'all [Music] you should try it for yourself it's great now that I got my literal two droplets out of that we're going to go ahead and throw it away and head over to lunch just up the road I'm not going to have time to stop and show you all the Arcadia Round Barn but I did want to mention it because it is something that's so cool to see and experience if you have the time you can go inside the Round Barn and it is really really cool I've been in it before but we just don't have time on this trip because I don't want to stand in line all day this barbecue joint nor do I want them to sell out of everything so let's go ahead and head up the road and I'll see you all there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] What a Beautiful Day y'all it is just perfectly sunny it's like in the 70s it is just such a good day there's so many bikes out riding I mean I've seen dozens of bikes just in the last 15 miles of me going front Pops to my next destination which is here at the butcher barbecue stand in Wellston Oklahoma this place has been on my bucket list for a while they are known for their pork ribs I typically do not get pork ribs as yall know I am a big fan of beef-based barbecue not pork based but they are known for their ribs so I figured I'd take one for the team today and try some and let y'all know how it goes I did get their two meat combo so I did get some of their brisket totally forgot to ask for moist so I got lean which is totally fine uh and then of course I got mac and cheese and some of their apple pie barbecue beans which I'm pretty excited to try because it sounds really interesting so think I might need some of these napkins for this let's go ahead and dig in on one of these ribs [Music] here okay well there's that if yall notice all the pork fell off the bone I think that just right there shows you how tender these are oh my gosh you kind of see how tender the meat is there those are incredible I might be a believer now as all of youall know I'm not a big fan of Saucy barbecue cuz I hate when my hands get all sticky and these ribs are coated in like a saucy sauce so it's hard to keep my hands dry here but let's go ahead and try some of this brisket for lean brisket this is incredibly tender and it's not dry which makes me so [Music] happy awesome time to dig in to the mac and cheese here and check it out I'm already getting full and I still have like half the food on the tray nice and creamy they're playing Charlie Crockett right now and I love that I don't know if y'all can hear it hopefully you can't cuz it's copyrighted music but one last thing to try here and it is going to be the apple pie barbecue beans and there are little pieces of Apple in here I can see it with all like the seasonings and stuff which is really cool so let's give these a whirl that is a very unique flavor I've never had apple pie flavored beans and I like them they're different it literally tastes like if a can of beans fell into an apple pie it's the best way to describe it very unique this place has been on my bucket list for at least 8 years now so I'm so stoked that I finally got to visit highly would recommend coming here is definitely a motorcycle destination or just a destination in General on the stretch of Route 66 um I believe it is like the barbecue joint on Route 66 so definitely something you have to do if this is going to be a ride that you're going to do down the Mother Road so to speak so but now that I've got some food I think it's time to head to our next destination which is actually like 3 miles up the road I'll see you there one of the top motorcycle destinations along Route 66 is the siba motorcycle museum in Warwick Oklahoma the museum is housed in the former siba filling station which was built in 1921 and is now listed on the national register of historic places the siba motorcycle museum is filled with over 100 vintage motorcycles from 1908 to present and features every type of motorcycle you can imagine from movie props to board track racers to Cannonball bikes pretty much everything is here the museum is free to enter But donations are appreciated I'm so glad I finally got to check this out because it has been on my bucket list to do forever and I guess every time I've stopped by it's been a Wednesday cuz it's the one day a week that they're closed but this place is cool I would definitely plan to spend at least 20 minutes here maybe 2 hours or more depending on how into vintage bikes you are and even memorabilia I mean there's all kinds of stuff in here there's a evil conal game over here there's dirt bikes there's everything here now if you visit the siba station definitely come over here to the side of the building because there is this old rock structure and it actually used to be the original bathrooms to this little gas station and it was one of the only gas stations of its time that had real Plumbing back in the day cuz in the 1920s I wasn't really a thing so oh you can go inside it let's let's go on the other side really quick random motorcycle parts well there isn't much left in here you can see the old toilets but that's pretty cool that this is still here that's uh very [Music] rare Believe It or Not we've only made it about 30 Mi up Route 66 from Oklahoma City and the next stop of the day is Tulsa you might not guess it from Tulsa's Skyline today but it was once the heart of a booming oil industry earning at the nickname the oil capital of the world crossing the Arkansas River into Tulsa you'll find the Cyrus Avery Centennial Plaza and Memorial Bridge named after Cyrus Avery the father of Route 66 the nearby original 11th Street Bridge built in 1916 connected Tulsa with oil fields and later became part of Route 66 sculptures at the plaza depict the Avery family and a Model T Ford meeting an oil filled Wagon on Route 66 symbolizing Avery's dream of a highway from Chicago to Los Angeles passing through Tulsa I officially arrived in Tulsa Oklahoma the last 60 miles from the siba Station museum to here was so bumpy I kind of forgot how bumpy that road is like I said I've ridden it before but I just wanted to make sure and say something about it because in other videos I've made where the road quality wasn't very great people always leave comments after doing the ride like I wish you would have warned me about how bumpy it was so here I am it's definitely an old bumpy road but it's the Mother Road it's a classic it's just you know you got to do it you got to suck it up and just ride through the bumps it is humid here and I think I need some air conditioning so at least at least something I need to I need to get moving again because it's getting a little too muggy for my liking so let's hop back on the bike and figure out where we're going to end up next 28 M of Route 66 travel through the Tulsa area and there is plenty to see eat and do without detouring from the main route after a brief stop at the iconic metal gold neon sign I decided to stop at the Mother Road Market which has been voted as one of the best food courts in the country and since I was there at 6:00 p.m. on a Saturday it was packed with people so I decided to grab a scoop of ice cream and enjoy it in the parking lot before heading to my hotel to check in and cool off from the hot summer humidity and to choose a new spot for dinner and just like that the sun is down and I have a lot to update y'all on because I've officially gone to dinner gotten some snacks as well as checked into my hotel room since I saw yall last riding down Route 66 so I went ahead and checked into my hotel a little bit early because the humidity was just pretty brutal and I was just ready to like be off the bike for a minute and drink some water and get hydrated um I'm staying at a Best Western Best Western Plus actually I've recently become pretty fond of Best Westerns because they do let you park your bike like right up front by the door 99% of the time I've only stayed at one ever that told me I couldn't do it but that hasn't been recently that was over a year ago so we're not even going to bring that up right now but anyway this one is right next to Route 66 Harley-Davidson at like a block that way or something anyway this is where I'm staying it's actually a really nice hotel I would definitely so far recommend it um just from my initial thoughts of checking in and seeing my room as far as food goes it was a tough choice picking somewhere to eat this evening a few days ago I actually had asked y'all about food recommendations in Tulsa on Facebook so if y'all don't follow me on Facebook be sure to go over on Facebook and do that I do communicate on there a lot if y'all have Facebook anyway but but I asked y for food recommendations in Tulsa and y'all gave me a lot of really good ones some of them were already on my radar some of them were not so now they are on my radar for next time I Tred to go to Mother Road Market it's supposed to be a very good like indoor food court it's like won awards and stuff and it definitely lives up to its hype because I got there at about 6:00 p.m. and it was absolutely packed it was so overwhelming that I just decided to grab a little scoop of ice cream support a small business and leave because it was just so busy I decided to go with the alternate option which was The Sputter someone recommended this to me saying that it had a lot of oil history and Tulsa used to be the oil capital of the world there's a lot of oil fill history out here and so I was like yeah this is right up my alley so I definitely want to check this out and that place did not disappoint I got a 9 o fillet and it came with a baked potato baked potato soup and a house salad uh it is a little steep as far as price goes it was about $50 for all of that before tip but it was really good I would totally go back there and eat again and I was talking with a couple locals while I was in there and they even said it was one of the best steak houses in Tulsa so I love when locals like reassure me that I made a good choice um and the guy who owns it apparently sat me at the table so I also like to see like people working and like being a part of their restaurant so that was also really cool um but I would definitely go back there in the future and there's just so much food out here and I just can't eat it all I could but that's not healthy but I'll see y'all in the morning because there's one more thing that I want to do that I didn't get to today so I'll see youall then today is my final day here in the sooner state I have a 650 M ride to my next destination but there is one more thing that I haven't seen in this area of Tulsa and I wanted to make sure it included in this video I was going to go yesterday but I just ran out of time so I figured I'd hit it on the way out of town today and that is the blue [Music] whale the blue whale was originally built by Hugh Davis a zoologist and family man who envisioned the blue will as a special place where his grandchildren could play and swim in the nearby Pond his sketches of the mammal grew until they reached 20 ft tall and 80 ft long with the help of a friend Davis spent 2 years welding the metal framework and applying handm mixed cement one 5 Gall bucket at a time the blue will was completed in 1972 and attracted visitors from all over and became a place where people swam fished and picnicked along Route 66 although swimming is no longer allowed the blue whale of katusa is one of the most iconic and most photographed attractions along all 2400 miles of the Mother Road well I'm glad that I finally got to check the blue whale off of my bucket list it's pretty crazy to think that like people used to swim here and now there's just a bunch of turtles and some people fishing um I definitely wouldn't want to swim in this water as it is today but I'm sure back in the day it was lovely I'm glad I finally got to stop here and I feel like this is the perfect way to end this little two now 2 and 1/2 day Excursion through Oklahoma uh special thank you to Dairyland motorcycle insurance again for sponsoring this video and allowing me to show youall so many things to see eat and do around the sooner state I love Oklahoma I feel like this state is so underrated and there's just no way to show everything there is to do here in 2 and 1/2 days I mean I didn't even scratch the surface but it's time for me to hit the road I have 650 Mi to do today so until the next one I'll see you on the road later y'all

2024-07-27 19:29

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